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Which former Nexus star has the brightest future in the WWE?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Two years ago we saw the debut of the faction known as the Nexus on RAW when they beat down John Cena and everybody else who stood in there way. That debut night in Bridgeport, Connecticut they were just known as the "NXT8". So that would leave out Daniel Bryan who was apart of the NXT8/Nexus for just that one night before getting kicked out by the NXT8/Nexus. Plus DB is a former WWE world champion so...

The NXT7:

-Wade Barrett

-David Otunga

-Justin Gabriel

-Heath Staler

-Skip Sheffield/Ryback

-Michael Tarver

-Darren Young

And later Joe Henning aka Michael Mugilacutty & Husky Harris joined the faction. But in your own opinion. Which former Nexus star has the brightest future in the WWE?
Well since Tarver is out, I'd have to say Ryback.

While I like Wade and Slater, Ryback is bigger and more over than all of the other NXT guys combined (DB not counting).

For awhile it looked like it was going to be Wade, but during his rise Ryback was injured. Now during Rybacks rise it was Wade that was injured. I see huge things with these two.
The only 2 who are really going to amount to anything are Ryback and Barrett and I give Ryback the edge right now. Wade Barrett has been lingering for a couple of years now and still just doesn't seem to click with the crowd. Ryback's only been at it for a short time and he's already more over than Barrett. Both will probably be champions at some point, but I think Ryback will be more successful.
Not counting DB...

My guess is that it's going to Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris). Good in the ring, and an insanely good gimmick. Joe Hennig is also developing really well on NXT, but I'm not sure he can make the leap yet, when folks like Ziggler does his gimmick better than he does.

Barrett is pretty good, but he suffers from doing the same schtick over and over again.

Ryback is a one trick pony, his ringwork is painfully sloppy and he still gets the Goldberg chant. He's got a lot to prove to me at this point.
The thing that stopped Barrett was the injury, you notice now his style is somewhat different, he is using the forearm so I have a feeling they'll be giving him the "bionic" story that Lex Luger had from that injury that was pretty close to ending his career... and yes I blame Ziggler 100% for it. Barrett is like a Mark Henry or an Edge, it will take longer to build them to the top but they will get there.

Ryback is simply embarrassing in my eyes, another one who seems intent on hurting half the roster before he gets over, but Vince is determined so we're stuck with it. When talent like McIntyre, DiBiase and Swagger are not getting pushes in favor of this guy it really makes me wonder.

Bray Wyatt is definitely an up and comer, one part Raven, one part Waylon Mercy and the rest a Rotunda... the only problem I forsee is they will use him as more a manager/Piper type than a serious wrestler.

For me the one with the most upside at the moment is Otunga, he's regularly on TV, yes as a non-wrestler more often but when he does wrestle the improvement can be seen each successive time. He has a unique gimmick, perhaps the best body of the "natural" guys in WWE and that his missus is famous will never harm him in Vince's eyes and will lead to opportunities.

Darren Young is improving, but I see Titus as the breakout star of that team, once it's over, Young is back to being no-one.

The enigma is Joe Hennig, not quite sure what WWE is playing at with him, he is clearly better than he is getting and by now they really should be playing more on his father's legacy. I can only really think he's pissed someone off backstage and is "paying the price".
As soon as I read the OP one name came to mind (DB aside obviously) and thats Wade Barrett, he was in line for a major push but unfortunately he got injured before it could get fully under way. Since his return he has shown a change to his in-ring move set and they are v much putting an emphasis on his bare knuckle background (I know they mentioned it before but it seems to have become central to his character now) so it will be interesting to see how this gets over with fans. He is solid on the mic too, which always helps. I predict a good run with a major title for Wade at some point in the next 12-18 months. Im still v unsure about Ryback, he needs to put into some kind of angle that means something and then we will have a better idea if he has the skills needed to move on to the next level (I get the feeling he hasnt, but Im willing to have my mind changed). I like Darren Young, but as someone else has already said, to me Titus is the standout of the two in PTP and while Im sure they will hold tag team gold and have a good heel team run, when they eventually go their separate ways (whenever that is) im not sure he has enough to make it to the top as a single competitor.
An honourable mention should go to Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt I think his new character has a boat load of potential and really is something interesting and different, sadly, like Barrett, hes been slowed by injury but once he's back and fit if he can build some momentum he could go on to do good things too.
If we are going to exclude the obvious choice in Daniel Bryan, the next former Nexus guy with the brightest future in WWE is undoubtedly Ryback. I think this guy is in line for a monster push, yet they seem to be taking their time to build him up properly. I see him getting a run with a mid card belt in the forseeable future, and then proceeding on to the main event subsequent to that. Assuming he doesn't screw things up, such as by failing a Wellness Policy test, injuring a fellow wrestler, or turning into a complete asshole behind the scenes, he seems to have a bright future in the WWE.

I think most of the other guys will stick around for a while, but I don't see anything particularly significant on their radar. Tag team activity, maybe some mid card success, but I don't see any of the other guys getting anywhere near the main event. Which is fine, you can have a successful, lengthy WWE career and never be a main eventer, no shame in that. But if anyone is going to rise above, I think it will be Ryback.

One guy who will probably experience the least success, but will have great job security, is Heath Slater. Sure, he'll be a career jobber, being fed to current WWE wrestlers as well as legends, but he has carved himself a nice little niche in the company. Assuming he's OK with losing pretty much every week, often in an embarrassing fashion, at least I don't see him getting FE'd anytime soon.
Wade Barrett
The obvious choice. He led the original Nexus as well as The Corre. Then he feuded with both Cena and Orton in his first year. A rookie feuding with the two top guys for his first angle(s) upon debuting on the main roster is rather uncommon. WWE clearly had big plans for him and that was before he started the Barrett Barrage or Fight Club gimmicks. Barrett will be a multi time WWE or World Heavyweight Champion.

David Otunga
He has a lot of potential with the lawyer gimmick as a heel manager or GM figure. As for in the ring? Not so much. Otunga needs quite a bit of work still if he ever wants to be more than US Championship material. If only his in-ring quality could catch up to his promo skills....

Justin Gabriel
He's already won the Tag Team Championship a few times with Slater. I don't think he will accomplish much else. Gabriel will likely end up more like how Kofi is now, a midcard face who can excite the crowd but does not quite make it further,

Heath Slater
Tough call. He has massive potential but as I have stated before he needs a more serious heel gimmick. Right now he's a bit of a joke but WWE do seem to have plans for him. Jobbing to all of the legends gave him some exposure and he won the Tag Team Championship a few times with Gabriel. Midcard heel under this gimmick, but he can possibly go further.

Skip Sheffield
It depends on how well the Ryback character does. If they get lucky and he becomes a big star with the undefeated streak then he could become a top face that destroys everyone in his path. Ryback has the potential to become the second biggest star of the group losing only to Barrett in the potential category at the moment.

Michael Tarver
In last place currently out of the originals due to getting released. He could do ok over in TNA if he makes the jump. He'd make an ok Television Champion and could work his way up the card a little. If he went back to WWE I doubt he would do much beyond job, he's good on the mic but does not have as much potential with the heel promos as someone like Otunga and isn't much better in the ring than him.

Darren Young
The Prime Time Players will have a Tag Team Championship run. If that team ever splits up, I'm unsure. Titus would likely get further than Darren. They could always restart the storyline where Cena made fun of their similar appearance and have him be like an evil version of Cena, it's worth trying. He'd at least make it further than Tarver.

Everyone else
I am grouping the rest together. Husky and McGillicutty may see success if they return under different gimmicks. We need to see them return under the Bray Wyatt gimmick for Husky and McGillicutty could try a tribute to his father or at least be allowed to use his real name like Dibiase does. Mason Ryan is just an awful attempt at a Batista clone, he makes Otunga look like Kurt Angle in the ring which is an absolutely horrible issue that would hold him back in the future. Then we have John Cena, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan who I really do not count. Bryan was only in Nexus for a day while Punk's version of the faction I count as a completely different group and Cena was leaps and bounds ahead of the group before he ever got forced in.

My rankings for the order I predict they will be the most successful from furthest to least out of the orignal 7:

I didnt even know skip sheffield is ryback LOL. Skip, young and tarver were easily the worst out of all of them. Im shocked he's ryback because i didnt remember what he looked like. :lmao: Young and tarver are complete failures and wont amount to anything.

Heath/gabiel will be solid mid carders for along time. Havnt heard much from gabiel on the mic, but i know he can put on a solid match. Heath is decent on the mic so hes got that much. Sure, hes jobbing now but i can easily see a mid card title reign in his future.

That leaves otunga. Again, solid on the mic, decent lawyer gimmick, but horrible in the ring. He needs to stay backstage and keep talking in promos while the rest of the week he should go train/wrestle at NXT/OVW/FCW or whatever they call it now.

Barret has a good chance of getting a world title reign.

TLDR: Future world champs: Barret/Ryback
Mid card: Heath/Gabiel......and someday Otunga/migillicutty with more training
Failures: Tarver/young/husky harris
Heath Slater!

I know Wade and Ryback are getting monster pushes right now, however, I think Heath is going to be the true star in the long run. I see him following the Miz's path to stardom. He just seems like he has the it factor that the Miz has.
If it was not for the injury then I think there is a good chance he would have been World champion by now. It took him some time but he had started to win some of the fans over before his injury and was looking pretty good in the ring. Now though it looks as if he will be starting from scratch and it will take some time to get back to where he was. The only real problem I have with Barrett is that his finisher still sucks. He Started out using Wasteland which in my opinion had to be one of the worst finishers in history and the one he is using now is just as bad. But once he gets a half decent finisher then i'm sure Barrett will get a shot at the title.

I think Wade Barrett will be the biggest. The company obviously wants it and we've seen what happens when management is determined to push a guy as hard as possible, a la Dolph Ziggler. They're going to put Wade in front of us so much he'll have to rise or fall on how well he can connect with the fans. As it is, he has the personality of a natural leader and seems to have the ability to make people despise him (as a character), which will only help his cause. Now, he finally has a distinctive program, whereas before he was simply obnoxious....... a trait that carries a performer only so far.

Ryback is an interesting case. Yes, he was injured for quite a while, but the company still took it's sweet time coming up with something for him, no? I'm mildly interested in his character, yet it doesn't seem like a persona that will last a long time, at least without modifications. Already, they've kept him in one spot too long. After all, who cares if he can beat up Jinder Mahal? His character is going to have to add some dimension, but I just can't imagine what Creative will come up with. He might be a one-trick pony......albeit one who needs to be fed a lot.

David Otunga is "succeeding" strictly on his personality; it has nothing to do with his wrestling ability. He's playing the lawyer game on TV (when he isn't off WWE programming, doing something else outside WWE). He's strictly a second-banana; a supporting character. I can't see him as a feature attraction.

Have to say, out of a group of rookies thrown together to make a planned program, most of the guys have gotten some decent individual notice, excluding McGillicutty, Tarver and, until just recently, Darren Young. Face it, everyone can't make it big, but that three of this group seems destined for some acclaim is noteworthy. Even Heath Slater has found a niche, although it's hardly going to send him into title matches, unless Doink the Clown suddenly joins him at the top.
I would be quite interested to see Wade Barrett attacking all the former members of the Nexus. It could fit in quite well with his current character who talks about going back to his roots in order to build himself back up again.

Exorcising the demons of his past with Nexus could actually give him an extended programme, something that he really has not had since being removed as Nexus' leader. It could also give him an in to any number of feuds with former members like Ryback, Daniel Bryan, John Cena and CM Punk.

The problem with that is that most of the former members of Nexus are still heels.
It should go Barrett and Ryback. That's about it.

Now as far as Gabriel, I see him and Kidd becoming the next Hardy Boys(minus the drugs)They just have the same similarities

Everyone else is Blah at best.
The two obvious choices are Barrett and Ryback. I feel that Barrett will be put into the main event quite soon again. Barrett seems like a great choice to put up against Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship, could be great matches. And Ryback is getting an actual fued now against the Miz. Personally, I love the choice. Ryback does need a title to get him over more, and why not the Miz, the Miz being a former WWE Champ and current IC champ makes a victory for Ryback look great, plus that would let the Miz slip back into the main event title picture which would be great.
I will go with Ryback. He is getting over. The Feed me more chants have caught on. As long as he doesn't hurt somebody in the ring his future is looking good.

Barrett is kind of in the same boat as Del Rio. Their guys WWE think can be stars, but their not really over. Barrett career went downhill after Nexus. It took the program with Orton to finally get his career back on track. Unfortunately, he got hurt shortly after that. Now he just returned and it is trying to reestablish himself again.
Theres really only one debate here. Who will WWE push farther? Ryback or Wade Barret

Im going to use my brother as an example here. My brother watches wrestling every once in a while. He knows who everyone is and he has his opinions on each. I'd say he's a casual fan.

My brother had never been a fan of Ryback. Why? Because he wasn't doing anything. He was amazed (just like everyone else) at how strong and dominant he was, but he was facing guys that my brother thought he could beat.

That was until 2 days ago. When Ryback came out and destroyed the Miz's set my brother (who has a STRONG hate for the Miz) my brother immediately said "I'm gonna make sure I watch every week just to see that guy". Thats a pretty big statement from a casual fan.

The point is Ryback is clearly over with the crowd. A Goldberg chant isn't a bad thing by any means and his "Feed Me More" chant is getting a big fan response. I think the WWE could absolutely push this guy to the moon.

Wade Barret could be a great foil for Ryback. But in terms of brightest future, if Ryback can figure out how to be safer in the ring he could be big money guy
Good thing we aren't having D-Bry in this because if we are he wins in a land slide lol unless something happens to him and becomes horrible (which I don't see). But out of the list of guys you mentioned it has to come down to Ryback and Wade Barrett right now because they have shown the most promise. Wade Barrett has already been in the main event for awhile now, and should soon be back when they decide to have him face Sheamus. Ryback I'm sure will have a good run in the WWE, we have yet to see what he is like a feud though. Heath Slater has been a huge surprise for me though, out of everyone from Nexus I expected him to be one of the first released and as of lately he has been getting a fair bit of TV time on Raw. I like Justin Gabriel, but I think he will be stuck in the mid-card or tag-team division because he just doesn't have that main eventer feel to him. My pick overall though is Barrett, he is the most solid performer out of all of them and definitely has a bright future ahead of him.
Wade Barrett has the brightest future in Wwe than all of the other, he Main Events Big Events like Summerslam and Survivor Series several months after debuting and then in late 2010 he was on his way to the Main Event picture again before getting hurt.
Not Including Daniel Bryan, I think you simply have to look at their achievments outside of The Nexus as a group & the single headling match at Summerslam 2010.

-Wade Barrett: 2-time & Current I.C. Champion, Main Event feuds with Randy Orton & John Cena while the leader of the Nexus, led a Survior Series Team in 2011, was one of the Final Four in the 2011 Royal Rumble & led The Corre in a match at Wrestlemania 27.

-David Otunga: Former Tag Team Champion with John Cena & Michael McGillicutty, was the personal assistant to Johnny Ace, replaced Cody Rhodes in the 2012 Survivor Series tag team match & was apart of the winning Team Johnny at Wrestlemania 28.

-Justin Gabriel: 3-time Tag Team Champion with Heath Slater, was apart of the match involving The Corre at Wrestlemania 27, received a U.S. title shot at Elimination Chamber 2012 & was apart of the Wrestlemania 28 Pre-Show match.

-Heath Slater: 3-time Tag Team Champion with Justin Gabriel, was apart of the match involving The Corre at Wrestlemania 27, the leader of 3MB & participated in several matches with WWE Legend's leading into RAW 1000 where he faced Lita.

-Ryback(Skip Sheffield): Was undefeated following his re-debut, was in a Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship, Challenged for the WWE Championship again at Survivor Series & in a TLC match on RAW, was the last eliminated from the 2013 Royal Rumble & had the match of the year IMO with The Shield at TLC 2012 in a feud that will continue to atleast Elimination Chamber 2013 in a high profile 6-man tag team match.

-Michael Tarver: Wore a funny scarf thing & got Fired.

-Darren Young: Participated in NXT Redemption & one half of PTP who challenged for the Tag Titles at Summerslam 2012.

-[New Nexus]Micahel McGillicutty(Joe Hennig): Former Tag Team Champion with David Otunga, particpated in the 2011 Royal Rumble & a training partner of The Rock's.

-[New Nexus]Bray Wyatt(Husky Harris): Particpated in 2011 Roya Rumble & has been making a name for himself on NXT.

So obviously some have many more accomplishments than others. & I think some talents like Bray Wyatt & Michael McGillicutty still have alot of oppritunites but I have to go with Ryback. Most of the other guys besides Wyatt & McGillicutty seem to have already hit their peak and/or have accomplished most of what they will in the WWE. Ryback looks like the only one out of the group WWE truly believes in as a World Champ & a draw. He just seems like the logical horse to bet your dollar on at this point.
We have already seen d bryan and ryback and barrett have pushes so I would like to see mcgillicutty next he has a lot of potential I could see a nice mid card title run and if they are lucky maybe prop him around about the world title scene for a while and see how he does and then husky harris he could potentially be a bid name mid carder aswell not sure why the put him down to fcw now nxt for so long but mcgillicutty is my choice hands down I just love the guy from when he was in nexus to when he was on the old nxt feuding with tyson kidd good promo work mic skills and ringwork on the guy
only 3 Daniel Bryan, Ryback and Wade Barrett.
Prime Time Players will have success as a tag team and maybe 2nd tier singles gold down the line but not on the same level as the above 3 and the rest will be forever midcarders at best.

and to date the only one that has gone through that glass ceiling all the way to the gold is Daniel Bryan but i don't know if i see a bright future as good as his initial push, he's too small really but as a character he far surpasses Ryback and Barrett IMO so it's a tough call.

Ryback will be more marketable in the immediate short term.

and Wade Barrett will carry the 2nd tier division for some time to come and will hopefully some day win one of the world titles, which if i remember rightly wasn't he meant to get a title shot at a PPV of his choice for winning NXT and did he ever get that? i forget to be honest.

I would think of those 3 Daniel Bryan has the best chance given he's American, he speaks American, he can wrestle and can entertain. The other 2 aren't as good in all those areas combined. But thats my personal opinion.
To me, Wade Barrett has the look and swagger of a future stud, but Ryback has the physique Vince loves and can talk. Slater can actually wrestle, which is good.

I like David Otunga........not really sure why.
I like David Otunga........not really sure why.

Well, it's simple. He is one of the rare wrestlers of today who have a character and same if he is faaaaar from being a great wrestler, he is entertaining

And for the thread.
If you mean right now, I'm going with Skip Sheffield and Daniel Bryan. There are really over with the crowd, some of the people you think about if you have to talk about the WWE.

If you mean in the future, I'm going with Skip Sheffield because he will be really really big and Wade Barrett because the WWE seems to like him and he has everything to be a major player in the future
Well, it's simple. He is one of the rare wrestlers of today who have a character and same if he is faaaaar from being a great wrestler, he is entertaining

And for the thread.
If you mean right now, I'm going with Skip Sheffield and Daniel Bryan. There are really over with the crowd, some of the people you think about if you have to talk about the WWE.

If you mean in the future, I'm going with Skip Sheffield because he will be really really big and Wade Barrett because the WWE seems to like him and he has everything to be a major player in the future

Very true......I'd like him better as NOT a jobber......I want his lawyer gimmick to work and screw someone over and win.

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