Which film involving a wrestler was your favourite?

Another film that deserves to be mentioned has to be Warrior King with Tony Jaa that features Nathan Jones (G'day!) as a heavy for some tranny Elephant kidnapper. Yep, you read that right.

Jaa shot to fame off the back of Ong Bak and Warrior King was more of the same kinda stuff. There's a brilliant 4 minute sequence where he kicks the shit out of folk in one long continuous shot. Shortly after that, he goes a bit mental and starts snapping limbs as habitually as people crack their knuckles.

One thing I never thought I'd see post-Dumbo was seeing an elephant fly, but it happened here, as Jones gets upstaged by one of his bulky brethren...
The Waterboy is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Not too fond of Adam Sandler's body of work considering people find him to be some comedic genius despite the fact half his jokes make literally no sense, or featuring him speaking in a high pitched tone, which isn't funny of all, but something about The Waterboy has always appealed to me since I was young. Some of the lines in the film are great.

"Mama said the reason Crocodiles are angry is cause they got all them big teeth but no toothbrush to brush 'em," "And I like Vicky and she likes me too, an she showed me her boobies and I like them too!" Funnier when I was younger, but it's more sentimental than anything else. And just in case anybody forgets, The Big Show featured as Captain Insano.
Longest Yard was the best crew of wrestlers in a movie. It was so hilarious that I actually went to theatres twice to see it. And then bought the dvd. It was a better remake as I hated the original[too damn slow].

I used to love "No Holds Barred" until I got older and noticed how corny it actually was. Although I'll always treasure the end of the movie where the villian guy calls Hogan a "jock ass" and then gets the electrocution from hell. Brother!

I also think the Condemned was the best a WWE star did with a leading role since The Rock did Walking Tall. Austin:Stay down big man or we'll have a problem. Nathan Jones rises Austin:We have a big fuckin' problem!. And now everytime I think about the Condemned, I'm remembering Santino singing that Amy Winehouse parody song about Austin in the Condemned. :lol:
Even though it certainly was not the best film a wrestler has been in...I would like to throw a shoutout to "bending the rules" with Edge...I enjoyed the Film and thought it was a relatively unfunny version of Ace Ventura Pet detective...the first movie.
I also think I liked LEGEND and Thats What I Am...a little more than I should have.

Tripple H did his part well in Blade Trinity
Big show was better than expected in Nucklehead, and he had a small part in Jingle all the way which was a great film so was The Water Boy (before Sandlers movies were ALL garbage)
The longest yard was a good film and was the first time I ever saw the Great Khali...Goldberg & Kevin Nash were GOLD!
Nash's size in the punisher was dominant! + Super shredder BABY!
Man on the Moon was brilliant, featuring The King's famous SLAP

However as far as GREAT films go its between Fast5 and the Condemned. These were both great films which I enjoyed Beggining to End....

Kane was a fantastic Villain in See no Evil.

I really enjoyed Walking tall, and The Rundown. The Expendables was good but way overhyped...and Rocky3 was Rocky3 for god sakes lol.

John Cena can't act for shit, but his supporting characters have assisted his movies to be watchable. Nostalgia always got me through Hogan's films and the only film I can think of that I found almost unwatchable is MacGruber.....it was utter shite on every level ever.

Final Vote: Condemned/FAST5

[EDIT: Please someone comment on this, but if any of you have seen Batista in "house of the rising sun" tell me what you think....because I FUCKING LOVED IT!]
I watched Ed Wood last night, which features George "The Animal" Steele as a wrestler who can't act but gets hired as an actor simply because the director needs a big guy.
For me it's Ready to Rumble. I pretty much enjoyed the whole movie, and the movie was made for wrestling fans. I also enjoyed The Longest Yard as well. I think the movie was made before Khali made it into the WWE. Cena movies are terrible except for the first Marine. That movie was somewhat decent.
I'm surprised no one has pointed out Kurt Angle in Warrior.

Good shout. I was too hypnotised by Tom Hardy massive shoulders and Nick Nolte's grumblings to recall Koba.

Man on the Moon is one that I'm kicking myself about forgetting as it is one of Jim Carrey's best films from his 'serious' phase. Jerry Lawler had a more prominent role than I thought he would and Jim Ross getting his commen-hatin' on was fun to watch. What was good about MOTM was the casting of people Andy Kaufman had actually interacted with popping up throughout the film.

Side note - more of today's heels could probably learn a few things from Kaufman's techniques to get heat.
Well, if we want to get technical, one of my favorite movies of all time was "The Ten Commandments," made in 1956. Performing a bit role in the film was Woody Strode, who spent many years as a pro wrestler in between acting roles, having held the Pacific Coast Negro Heavyweight Wresting Championship in 1962. (Obviously, things have changed in the past 50 years, huh? I'm trying to imagine the outcry if Christian was billed as The Intercontinental Caucasian Champion.)

Woody Strode didn't even have a speaking role in the "Commandments" film, but he was there.
I'm not sure if quick cameos count, and her role had nothing to do with why the movie is awesome, but WCW's Kimberly was in the 40-Year-Old Virgin. In other cameo news, "Macho Man" Randy Savage in Spider-Man is another classic.

Not sure if these two count, but Beyond the Mat and the Wrestler are also very, very good.

Princess Bride has already been said, so as not to sound terribly redundant I'll just add that it is by far the best wrestler-featured film out there. And if you're not with that, we've got just four words for ya...Anybody want a peanut?

I'm a big fan of Fast Five. I was incredibly surprised at how solid the film was. Of course it was full of all the usual half-naked not chicks, car chases, explosions and...well...Vin Diesel, but I really liked it. One of the Rock's better performances.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Super Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. COMBAT COLD CUTS!
They Live.

Terrific acting from The Hot Rod, the action & fight scenes were awesome and we got one of the best catchphrases ever heard, "I've come to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum"

Predator is second favourite for me.

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