WWE Film's

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What's everyone's opinion on them? Are they a waste of money? Just pointless genre film's?

So far WWE has produced:-

No Hold's Barred (Hulk Hogan 1989)
See No Evil (Kane 2006)
The Marine (John Cena 2006)

He's also produced a few of The Rock's film's. But they had nothing really to do with WWE.


The Condemned (Steve Austin 2007)
Jornada del muerto (Triple H 2007)

I've heard The Condemned is the best WWE produced film to date. But that's not saying much because all the other's have absolutley sucked. I liked No Hold's Barred when I first saw it. But I was 5 at the time. And I was blinded by Hulkamania.

See No Evil was ok and Kane made a convincing bad guy. But it was possibly the least original film I've ever seen. I did'nt need to see him *********ing either. But it's very hard for horror film's to be original these day's so it can be forgiven.

The Marine is truly awful. Cena is a worse actor than he is wrestler. You can tell by the cast that it's just a cheap action film. Robert Patrick, while he may do the occasional good film. The majority have been utter shite. And I only remember that woman because she got her tit's out in Starship Trooper's 2.



At least Austin look's like a decent action star. Vinnie Jones suck's though.

Has anyone else seen these film's? And what's you're opinion.
Now hang on there a minute Y 2 Jake. I'm a bit of a Vinnie Jones mark and I would like to hop that his part in Austin's forthcoming movie would be pretty good.

I do however agree that See No Evil and The Marine sucked something awful. But I will give Cena props as he did his own stunts, so you gotta give him a little credit. I do hope that The Condemned will be a better movie as it is starring my favourite wrestler of all time. But I guess only time will tell.
I liked See No Evil, and The Marine. I knew going in that they wouldn't be oscar contenders, but good popcorn movies. And that's exactly what they were. Heard they were planning a See No Evil 2. I hope so!

As far as The Condemnend, if it gets Austin back on WWE tv then I like it already!
I think that both See No Evil and The Marine should've been straight to DVD movies, they wern't good enough for the big screen and if you ask me Cena and Kane arn't exactly the type of people that are going to draw from the main stream audiences, Stone Cold however may have that drawing power.

they should definetly avoid doing big theatrical releases though, and just send them straight to DVD, I hope they never put Batista in a movie that would just be plain bad, and as for See Know Evil 2 I also heard they were going to make it but I don't see how they could with the way the first one ended
I loved See No Evil. Im a big fan of horror flicks. I havent seen No Holds Barred in forever and I wasnt a big fan when I did. Havent seen the Marine yet either.
they should do one with orton running from the law after killing someone oh yeah i could see that
see no evil was ok
havent seen marine yet
i wanna watch the condemmed coz a bit was made in australia
I'm a big fan of horror movies and I enjoyed See no Evil. I agree with the statement someone made about horror films and how it is difficult to find originality among new horror films. Most new horror movies are either sci fi horror or slasher films. However, horror movies can get creative in how the overall plot flows throughout the movie. Especially kills scenes. For me I like to focus on storyline and character relations. For example, One of my favorite horror movie series, the Saw series, IMO is a slasher flick series w/ psychology aspects thrown in, but what makes Saw stand out is all the twists and turns thrown into the movie, the movie makes you guess what is happening and you as a viewer couldn't be more wrong and when the movie is over you applaud and marvel at the geniusness surrounding the movie. Although See No Evil wasn’t the wonder that is the Saw series, it did have creative aspects that did set it apart from contemporaries like Jason Voorhees and Michael Meyers. Such as the youth being criminals and serving prison time. To some people, having them killed by Goodnight would almost be like their just rewards for all the crimes they caused. To my knowledge, there is only one other movie were criminals are killed off by an unseeingly unstoppable force, House of Blood, a B movie that came out after See no evil was in theaters but wasn’t has good as see no evil, IMO. Also See no Evil was very unique on some of the kills, such as the chick being choked to death by a cell phone, and the chick that was dropped out of a window and was later devoured by dogs. Though See no evil borrows from Texas chainsaw massacre and Friday the 13th, it can still call itself unique and a breath of fresh air among contemporary slasher flicks competing against psychological horror flicks such as wolf creek, saw, the grudge and others who may not be up to the challenge of entertaining the most diehard of horror fans. Aside form Kane being the lead actor and my favorite wrestler, I was able to piece together and see what the movie was trying to accomplish and I was able to love it despite Kane being my favorite wrestler. And to be honest, I probably would have loved see no evil even if it sucked because that’s how much I enjoy watching Kane perform. Fans of Cena probably felt the same about the marine, even if they weren’t able to see the strengths and weakness of the Marine and what made it the movie that it is.
W/ WWE Films up and running, I wonder why Vince doesn't try and sign The Rock to a three-picture deal along the lines of Stone Cold. It would be a good move imo, b/c it would allow the Rock to return to the WWE and Raw. Maybe even a return to the ring as well.

I know some will say the Rock wouldn't do it. But why not? It's not like the movies he's making now are doing all that well. His best movie to date, where he headlined, is The Scorpion King.

I hope Vince does this. I would love to see WWE and the Rock working together again, on film and in the ring!

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