Triple H's Film

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
- To update you on WWE Films next release, Jornada del muerto (Day of the Dead), the film is still set to release sometime in 2009 although some close to the writers of the film say January of 2008. No word on when filming of the movie will begin.

Back in February, a few WWE superstars such as Batista, Lashley, Triple H, Undertaker and HBK were listed as cast members but now the only one remaining is Triple H who will star as Jonah Hawk. One source close to Dave Batista says that Batista has heard about the movie, but hasn't seen a script for the movie or been approached about being in the movie. Hollywood heavyweights Robert DeNiro and Jim Carrey are rumored to be a part of the movie, but nothing is confirmed.

The movie is written by Alan McElroy of Spawn fame and John Milius who was instrumental in the creation of the UFC and the one who came up with fights being held inside the Octagon. Milius also is directing the film while Vince McMahon is the film's executive producer. The story is based around a modern day Western where "gangs, drugs and disorder" rule the land. Again, Triple H stars as Jonah Hawk.

In a related note, WWE Films is also one of the production companies for Bratz: The Movie which is a film based on the popular Bratz Dollz toys for girls. That film, which Vince McMahon also produces, finished shooting in March of this year and opens in August of this year.

Jim Carrey & Robert DeNiro? Yeah right. Please. For one Carrey doesn't take supporting roles. And he certainly wouldn't take a supporting role to a lowly wrestler. This film has been in developement for years. I remember when it was announced in something like 2002. WWE films are popcorn shit. I dont see why they just cant get the thing started. And casting people like Batista & Lashley will do the film no good. Neither can cut a decent promo, what makes WWE think they can act.
WWE Films are low-budget. There's no way they'd even be able to afford DeNiro or Carrey. They usually command what the budget of this film probably will be.

It's probably not a good idea to post "news" found from Wikipedia or IMDB. Anyone can edit info on those. When all of those wrestlers were rumored to be in this movie, I'm sure it was someone just updating with that for the hell of it.

And can anything be substantiated from Vince producing a film based on dolls? Why would he have any involvement with something like that?
And can anything be substantiated from Vince producing a film based on dolls? Why would he have any involvement with something like that?

It's the tween market. It'll probably make more than the last few WWE movies released combined as long as it's advertised. For whatever reason, kids love those creepy little dolls. But do they freak anyone else out? My cousins have them and I can't even look at them for too long.
does anyone saw the movie "Harsh Times"?? i guess Its gonna be something like that, but Triple H being a "face" badass... i heard the Undertaker was originally schedulled for this movie, wow!, imagine an anti drug cop like the undertaker!! :D
I wonder if its going to surpass "the condemned" box office numbers..LOL!
I was expecting to see this thread either on the spam zone or the TV and movies one, but i guess its more entertaining than talking about Cena or Lashley.
I don't believe that WWE produces only low-buget movies. I understand that The Marine cost quite a bit to make. But I do agree, I don't think Jim Carrey will go for a supporting role... And Robert DeNiro is a long shot. "...where gangs, drugs and disorder rule the land..." Doesn't this sound like an updated version of Mad Max?!?! I was also under the impression that WWE are going to be focusing less on Rated R films (Or at least that was what was posted here on Wrestlezone), and to me, that sounds Rated R.

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