Wrestlers In Movies

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I was watching Highlander the other day and I noticed The Freebirds were in it. Wrestles seem to appear in a lot of films only usually ther brief roles. I was just wondering what films people could remember with wrestlers in. Not including The Rocks movies or Ready To Rumble.

Hulk Hogan:- Rocky 3, Suburban Commando, Mr. Nanny, No Holds Barred, Gremlins 2
Jesse Ventura:- Batman & Robin, Predator, Running Man, Repossessed
Roddy Piper:- They Live
Andre The Giant:- The Pricess Bride
Bill Goldberg:- Universal Soldier: The Return, The Longest Yard
Steve Austin:- The Longest Yard
Bob Sapp:- The Longest Yard, Elektra
Kevin Nash:- The Longest Yard, The Punisher, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Randy Savage:- Spider-Man
George ''The Animal'' Steele:- Ed Wood
Big Show:- The Waterboy, Jingle All The Way
Shane McMahon:- Rollerball
Paul Heyman:- Rollerball
Kimberley Page:- The 40 Year Old Virgin

I'm sure there's more but thats all that comes to mind.
They Live is good but it looks so 80's, I cringe when I see Piper in that tweed jacket, it looks like he stole it off Dr.Death.
yeah...but that movie was ahead of its time...its funny now...but the basic plot has almost become real life with all the surveillence and the way the world has become...
Matt Morgan was in superman returns
Stacy Keibler was in BubbleBoy
Torrie wilson was in Big mommas house
and Hulk Hogan was in that movie with the karate kids or something i forget
Candice was in Dodgeball.

Austin, Nash, Great Kali and Goldberg were in The Longest Yard.

Christy is going to be in a flick called Fallen Angles.
Jeff Jarrett in mask wrestles Jerry Lawler in the Michael J Fox Film "Life With Mikey"...betcha didn't see that one coming.

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