Which film involving a wrestler was your favourite?


Getting Noticed By Management
Over the years we have seen Wrestlers appear or star in Films. It's pretty obvious that The Rock is the most successful Wrestler to become an Actor. I'm guessing a film involving The Rock will be most peoples pick.

Please choose a Film that a Wrestler past or present has been in. they can have a Staring role in the film or just a short scene, as long as they were part of the cast.

Here are some examples for people who can't decide :-

Any of the Rock's from Walking Tall, Fast 5, Journey 2, The Rundown, Tooth Fairy etc etc.

Any of Hulk Hogan's from No Holds Barred, Mr Nanny, Rocky 3, Suburban Commando etc etc

Any of Steve Austin's from The Condemed, The Longest Yard, The Expendables, Damage, Recoil etc etc

John Cena - The Marine, or others


I'm going to Pick the Condemed with Steve Austin and Vinny Jones. I have watched this film about 5 times because i enjoyed the many action scenes. Vinny Jones acting was great, and the storyline was pretty good. Austin isn't a great actor by any means but i thought he and Vinny gelled great together in this one.

So what was your Fave and why?
It's a tough call for me between No Holds Barred and Rocky 3. I was about 8 or so when my dad took me to the theater to see No Holds Barred, and later watched that PPV No Holds Barred the match the movie and had a recorded vhs copy for years then lost it. Who else remembers that ppv by the way? When I lost my VHS copy of that I was hoping it would come out on DVD, and finally it just did. Rocky 3 is just well Rocky Freakin 3. It speaks for it self. Rocky is one of my favorite movie series ever. Hogan obviously had a bigger part in No Holds Barred, but his part in Rocky 3 helped make him a star. Both movies are very much part of my childhood and would be my two favorite movies ever featuring a wrestler.
gotta go with terry funk in my fave film roadhouse. not the biggest role but big enough to know about.

im not 100% sure but i im sure he was in over the top starring stallone about arm wrestling.

yep there my fave two films starring wrestlers, 80's classics
The Condemned

Great storyline, great acting and was a pretty badass movie.

No Holds Barred starring Hulk Hogan was also a good movie. I liked it buy my favorite movie about wrestling starring wrestlers (DDP,Sting, Goldberg, Randy Savage, etc) is Ready To Rumble - It was great movie in my opinion.
I'd take Rocky III. In most cases, I feel that wrestlers make better supporting actors than leading men. For instance, in the case of Triple H appearing in that "Blade" movie with Wesley Snipes, Trips was fine as a subordinate performer; as a star, he wouldn't have had the screen presence to carry the movie.

This is what made Hulk Hogan's role in Rocky III so memorable. He wasn't the leading man; Sylvester Stallone was. But, playing off Stallone, Hogan pulled off a performance that was legendary. Even people who didn't follow pro wrestling and had never heard of Hogan still remember his role as Thunderlips. It was a perfect part for Hogan to play; the exaggerated, overbearing presence of a heel wrestler......who shows a human side in the end. No, it wasn't great acting, but it was an effective a performance as I've seen from a pro athlete.

By the same token, I feel that Hogan was never meant to function in a starring movie role; he just doesn't possess a strong enough presence to impress as the star.
I'd have to say Walking Tall with The Rock.

It was great because it was based off a true story and was basically the perfect role for The Rock as he was transitioing from a 'big bad' pro wrestler to a 'big bad' action movie star.

It was a good story, your basic "I'm not gonna take anymore of this!" and take things into your own hands story with some humor and lots of good butt kicking moments.

I also liked The Longest Yard a comedy and it had a lot of wrestlers in it.

Also Get Smart was good... it had The Great Khali in it and The Rock. :p
The Longest Yard by far. It had not one,. but three wrestlers in it: Kevin Nash, The Great Khali and Steve Austin.

The original version was pretty good too but I liked this version better because it had more raw humor in it. For example, Khali agreeing to play so he could beat the crap out "Papa John" (Sandler: I'm sure he didn't mean to *looks at Khali* Khali: *smiles wide, nods* Sandler: Okay, maybe he did). Nash being slipped the hormones in place of the steriods (Nash: I don't know why but my tits are on fire!). And of course, Steve Austin's tackle (everyone: I think he broke his freaking neck!) It was a good overall movie, a nice remake of the classic. The wrestlers in it had great acting performances and they did well in entertaining and for the oldies being love-to-hate bad guys
I love Mr.Nanny, that is a funny movie. I loved when the kids were pranking Sean Armstrong (Hulk Hogan) like electrocution him in the shower or when he opens the door a bowling ball hits him in the head. Great movie.

I also liked Ready To Rumble, i thought it was good. I also loved when Randy Savage was in the first Spider Man as Bonesaw McGraw.
Easily John Carpenter's 'They Live'. Piper's fight scene is still the greatest raw fight scene of all time.

But God bless the poster that mentioned Funk in Road House. He was so well cast and did a great job as a stupid redneck bouncer.

I am surprised no one has mentioned The Wrestler. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth about the industry but it really is a fine film.

Some other films that people may want to check out are All The Marbles, My Breakfast with Freddie, Body Slam and Blood Circus (although good luck finding it, I still have never heard from anyone that has ever seen this movie).
Some other films that people may want to check out are All The Marbles, My Breakfast with Freddie, Body Slam and Blood Circus (although good luck finding it, I still have never heard from anyone that has ever seen this movie).

Body Slam is kinda a guilty pleasure of mine. Not a classic by any means but a decent watch if you're a fan of Piper and Capt. Lou. Sort of like a bootleg Rock N Wrestling.
"The Princess Bride" with Andre The Giant....loved it back in the day and just sat and watched it with my son and he really enjoyed it.

Must admit that, sad to say, I've enjoyed pretty much all the WWE films (except the one with Edge and the one with Orton in them)

Rocky 3 is awesome too but, still second to Princess Bride!

I also liked andre the giant in the princess bride. I liked that film as a kid and still watch it whenever it comes on telly.

Gotta mention macho man in spiderman just for the hell of it.

Oh and while im here can i throw in 2 really bad films that starred the same wrestler and were piss poor as far as im concerned.........universal soldier the return and i think it was called satan claus???? both "starring" bill goldberg :( terrible
"The Princess Bride"

Fucking FINALLY someone mentions it! If I had read more replies mentioning a POS film like Condemned and none for The Princess Bride I would have thrown a bitch-tastic hissy fit.

One of the finest family/fantasy/comedy films ever made by Rob Reiner when he was on a hot streak. The whole cast was brilliant, from Cary Elwes as Wesley to Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya to Billy Crystal as Miracle Max, and really seemed to have a lot of fun.

André was in a fair bit of discomfort during filming and several tricks were employed for even simple things like him carrying Robin Wright Penn. Loved his rhyming efforts on the boat to the distress of Vizzini.
Additional to my earlier post where I just mentioned small bit parts, my favourite with a wrestler in a lead role by a country mile would have to be The Rock in Doom.

It's a fact of the film industry that video game adaptions generally suck, but in an incredibly, ludicrously enjoyable way that makes them guilty pleasures so to speak. Dwayne Johnson's over-the-top performance as Sarge is just an absurd joy to watch throughout the film from the point of view of a wrestling fan, since his character almost seems like an hyped-up, aggrandised version of his heel Rock persona.

The longest yard for me some people have said it has 3 wrestlers in it but if you look it has 5 it had stone cold kevin nash the great khali the 3 mentioned it also had goldberg and a cameo for 30 seconds by shad I can't think of another movie with more wrestlers in it and most of them actually have acting talent
Thanks for all the replies, seems like Rocky 3 with Hogan is the most popular. Just thought ,, this film also had Mr T in, he was Hogan's Tag Team Partner at Wrestlemania 1, so you could argue this one had 2 former wrestlers in it, although i think Mr T was more of a Celeb at Mania 1.

I think Rocky 3 might of been a reason why Wrestling (and Hulk Hogan) became massive during the mid 80s to early 90s. The Rocky series was massive around the world from late 70s through the 80s.

I remember Rocky saying to his Trainer "What do you think he eats?" he replied "about 202lbs" then the ring announcer announced Rocky's weight as 202lbs .. classic!

The Predator with Jesse the Body! The fact that the Body carries that chain gun

WOW i totally forgot about that film! That Chain/Gattling gun he carried was the buisness!

Jesse the Body was also in another Arnie film The Running Man :)
Gonna get some heat for this but Im gonna go with Fred ... Not Fred 2 that was crap.

But the first Fred with Cena was so hilariously bad that I found it enjoyable to make fun of. The Best parts of the movie were Cena's lines which sucked because he only appeared 4 times.

If I had to pick a movie that I enjoyed from a movie stand point it would have to be McGruber or The Longest Yard. Longest Yard mainly because of Chris Rock though.
I'd have to go with The Longest Yard, it was funny as hell and it had so many wrestlers I love like Stone Cold, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, and Khali. I really enjoyed it because aside from Austin we got to see the goofy sides of the other three and that was great, especially Kevin Nash during the final game after being slipped estrogen pills for the previous weeks.

The best performance by a wrestler in a serious movie though I would give to The Rock in Walking Tall. Excellent action movie with alot of action scenes to display Rock's badass skills but at the same time we got to see him do some serious acting which balanced it out nicely.

Lastly Santa's Slay with Goldberg, if you haven't seen this you're missing out. The most ridiculous christmas horror film I've ever seen but it is hilarious.
For me its the "Rundown" with the rock, he fit the roll perfectly and it had a good blend of comedy and action. He also did a good job acting in it. Second is the "Princess Bride" its a great , funny movie that was a perfect movie for Andre who stoled the show. My Third favorite was "Ready to Rumble" it was packed with wreslters, paid homage to the wrestling industry while also poking fun at it.
I'm going to have to go with RVD's and Bautista's movie "Wrong Side of Town". It was really wicked, kinda like a Keither Sutherland movie, only without the same tired storylines seen in EVERY season of 24. RVD did a great job in this movie, and there were a lot of great hilarity moments to count for it. Bautista did a great job in his parts as well, and the addition of Ja Rule made it even better. King Mable did a great job as well in the movie as the hinchman.

Also, Longest Yard was a great movie that starred a couple of great wrestlers. I loved Khali's lines in the movie, and Goldberg added an entirely different level of hilarity as well. Stone Cold was a straight bad ass and played the part well, and Kevin Nash made an excellent comedy character. All in all, it's one of Sandler's best put films and that's a huge credit to the undercast more so than Sandler.
-Kane's SEE NO EVIL was good.
-The Rock movies besides tooth fairy and the scorpion king were good. I too thought when he was in Be Cool he was great. Even though review wise Doom didn’t do well I liked it. Then again I am a gamer.
-Austin in Condemned was a great movie as well. For you to say the longest yard you would have to include a lot more wrestlers. Goldberg had a much bigger role them him and Nash as well.
Surprised no one mention "The Other Guys" which did feature The Rock, even though it was only briefly. If that qualifies, it's on my list for sure.

I'm also surprised no one mentioned Terry Funk in "Over The Top" as Mr. Cutlers bodyguard/henchman. Small subtle role, but you got the idea he was a legit badass.

Just thinking of obscure movies, Hogan has one called McCinsey's Island that's worth a watch if you just want to see Hogan kick ass and stuff. I actually have this pile of shit on VHS.

Steve Austin was badass in The Condemned, The Rock was badass in both Walking Tall and The Rundown, See No Evil was shit but had it's moments.

For me No Holds Barred is way up there. Zeus was scarier than the Loch Ness Monster and Jason Vorhees combined, and as a kid it was cool to see Hulk Hogan in a movie period.

Speaking of Hulk Hogan in a movie, no one should ever forget Hogan's cameo in Gremlins 2, great scene.

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