Which Feud Entices You Most: Punk Vs. Cena || Edge Vs. del Rio

Which feud seems more interesting to you?

  • John Cena Vs. CM Punk.

  • Edge Vs. Alberto del Rio.

  • Undecided.

  • I hate professional wrestling.

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Brilliant Idiot
Both feuds seem like they could be bubbling currently. del Rio was confronted by Edge right before their math at TLC. Rey seems banged up and his feud with del Rio seems like it could be finishing up. Kane and Edge are pretty much done. del Rio seems to have the goods to get this feud going with Smackdown's top guy.

Cen and Punk have had a few little run ins, Punk secretly called Cena out and then just recently attacked him.

What feud has peaked your interest most, when it comes to these two options?

Personally, I'm a huge fan of both del Rio and Punk. I like Edge and Cena, for that matter. So, it's a tough one. However, I think the Punk feud seems like it will get it's proper shine, so I'm interested in seeing what they do with it.

What about you guys?
Have to go with Punk vs. Cena. Edge's feuds are more interesting when he plays the heel role, but him vs. Del Rio would be great. Reason I pick Punk vs. Cena is because Punk is great to watch, very interesting character no matter what he does and him coming back from an injury heightens the feud even more so. I think that Punk will pay a little visit to SD today, to see to it that Ziggy wins his match.
CM Punk Vs. John Cena

It is a feud I have wanted since I actually knew about their characters and their individual strengths and weaknesses. I would have preferred it if CM Punk still had his SES and long hair. Then it could have been CM Punk trying to make the 'face of WWE' part of his SES. However, this feud seems to tie in with what Punk said last week about a person who has wronged him. Hopefully though, it will have 'straight edge vs. face of WWE' undertones.

Both of these Superstars can put on great matches, no question about it. But their real strengths lie in the ability to work the mic like no other. Should this go ahead, the thing I'm looking forward to the most are the promos.
I've got to go with Punk vs. Cena. Punk has been a delight since he's been doing commentary on Raw and he's shown that he can be entertaining on the mic while no longer being the "Straight Edge Messiah". While Cena can be irritating when he's in his super goofy mode, the man can talk on the mic so the promos between these two should be fun.

The few matches they've had together in the past have, primarily, involved Punk being sacrificed to Cena within the span of a few minutes. That's not going to happen this time and we all know how good Punk is inside the ring, so I'm expecting some fun and competitive matches out of this. Anything that keeps John Cena out of the WWE Championship picture I like because Cena's been CONSTANTLY in the main event picture for over 5 years.

Edge vs. Del Rio has potential, I like Del Rio a lot but I'm just not sure he's ready to be in the top feud just now. He's definitely not ready to be World Heavyweight Champion in my view. The feud could be interesting, but it could also be a sleeper as well. It just doesn't have quite the same buzz of excitement as Punk vs. Cena does at this time.
I'm pretty undecided. I really love ADR, and I think he can do absolutely amazing things with Edge, someone who has a history of making any storyline great, regardless of how it's written or booked. With Punk and Cena, we got two guys who are absolute gold on the mic, and very good in the ring, and it's sure to be a main event to remember come Wrestlemania.

I think we're going to have to extremely well done storylines in the coming weeks. I can't decide which one is going to be more exciting for me until I see them.
Well at the moment its Punk v Cena for me, mostly because I want to see where they go with explaining Punk's promo at the slammys and explain how Cena has wronged him. I do think Edg v Del Rio has a lot of potential though, could be just as good to be fair.
I chose Punk vs. Cena

Alberto Del Rio is a a great up-and-coming heel and though his potential feud with Edge will most likely determine who the World Heavyweight champion is, there seems to be little basis and reason behind their feud passed that. They don't hate eachother, they just both want to be champion.

Meanwhile, Punk obviously hold resenment towards Cena. Why? No one knows yet, which is why this feud is so exciting. Punk is a self made superstar who is adored by the IWC, and Cena is a WWE made superstar who is constantly under criticism from smarks; this feud is gonna get people talking.

At the same time, you just have to look
I was looking forward to Punk vs Bryan. Punk vs Cena is too predictable. They MIGHT have a match where Punk looks decent against Cena but all Cena feuds end the same. Cena will win the feud. I hate it when things are so predictable.

Edge and ADR at least will result in a few matches where where ADR will look strong and relevant. This one will not be lop sided and like much of anything Cena is in. I've grown so bored of Cena's in ring work and his whole superman (aka complete burial of opponents) it's insane. ADR and Edge are great in ring and cut excellent promos. It's the best of both worlds here with this feud.
For me its Cena vs Punk it just has more gravitas - two real big wwe stars- on a side note id really prefer del rio to feud with jack swagger first as no 1 contenders for edges title as for edge well i dont think he should have won at tlc id have stuck with kane as champion a little longer
Of course Punk v Cena. This has been brewing for a while. It also involves my favorite group, the Nexus, more importantly, Wade Barrett. I've always been wondering who Punk was addressing in the cryptic remarks he kept making, then Slammys, he made those direct remarks. Then come last night, it was amazing to see. I CANNOT wait for this. Granted, we all THINK this could be Punk and Barrett v Cena. But WWE loves to throw curveballs. My friend even made a comments "Each commentator on Raw kinda has their own wrestler they back. Lawler has Cena/Orton. Cole has Miz/Riley. Punk now has Barrett." Which does seem to be a true thing. But whatever pans out, I know this will be one for the ages.
Punk v Cena for sure. I've been waiting for this for a while now. Ever since those weird remarks he'd been making the last few weeks, then come Slammys, he had those pointed remarks while accepting his speech, no one really knew who it was he was talking to. Then last night he made some comments as Cena was talking about his TLC match with Wade, and people were going....:scratchchin: and that got people thinking. Then after the Ziggler/Cena match, it all made sense!! :wtf: I for one was amazed, and :worship: my straight edge savior. I am a Nexus fan, but am not going to jump to conclusions just yet. We all should be aware that WWE likes to throw curveballs. My friend made a remark that "Each RAW commentator has their own wrestler they back. Lawler has Orton/Cena, Cole has Miz/A.Riley, and now Punk has Barrett." So whatever happens, I'm just ready to see what becomes of this.
Honestly neither, but if I had to choose, and if it were built up properly from start to finish and not just pushed down our throats in a hurry to create some buy rates, I would have to say Cena vs. C.M. Punk. I say that because John Cena seemed to annoy Punk at Raw but it was in a subtle way. C.M. Punk being an announcer now also would add something because technically Cena isn't supposed to attack "announcers". If they built it up where week after week John Cena would do something to get under Punk's skin or to make him go back to the Straight Edge Society persona, it would really get both men over in the feud.

It would give Cena a reason to tease a heel turn and give Punk a reason to react the way he would normally if he were actually wrestling. Also, this could be built for a few months, perhaps ending in a WrestleMania match between the two (I would dread the mental angiush of having to see John Cena once again wrestle for either the WWE or World Title once again at Mania. Give someone else a chance for a change).

Finally, I would love to see John Cena just continue to piss Punk off with Punk trying to hold his composure and finally boil over at The Royal Rumble with Cena being one of the final men and get eliminated by Punk or cost his shot at main eventing WrestleMania due to Punk's interference. This could be a red hot feud if done correctly. Hope it's done. It may actually create some interest in John Cena from myself.
I'm undecided, I'm looking forward to both feuds, Punk/Cena will have probably the best promos in a feud in years, Where ADR is probably the best new heel since the bad guy.
im gonna go with the edge and del rio fued. im still upset that wwe went with cena for punk to fued with because i really want to see a cm punk vs daniel bryan fued. also its just going to end up like every other cena fued. cena is gonna come out on top which is a shame because punk is such an amazing athelete and entertainer. in my opnion he is way better the cena in every aspect. edge and del rio is a fued that can go either way. i really like the dirction that del rio is going and he is such great talent for the wwe. edge and del rio is just more appealing to me.
Punk and Cena easily.

Punk has become one of my favorite guys in the WWE. His mic work is incredible and his in ring work is nearly just as good. Cena on the other hand, is still the best in the company on the mic and having these two go at it on the mic could give us some of the best promos in a while. Not to mention, this could be the feud that solidifies Punk as one of the top guys in the company.

As for Edge and Del Rio, I havent been too interested in Edge recently. A little more than usual, but still not too much. Del Rio is still pretty new and may not be entirely ready to be in singles title match. Also, we are not completely sure that Del Rio is next in line to go after the title. So Punk and Cena definitely have me more interested.
Jon Cena vs CM Punk most definitely! There feud could be epic if handled correctly, I would love to see it culminate at WM27

I want Edge and Christian to now begin a feud for the World Title on Smackdown!
The choice for me is obviously Punk vs Cena.

Cena is my favorite wrestler, and any feud he has with someone he's had few run-ins with is appealing to me. This feud seems personal to Punk, and will become so to Cena as well after being on the receiving end of two well placed chair shots by Punk last night. I believe Punk is angered at all of the post-match attacks by Cena on other wrestlers(JBL, Batista, Barrett), and feels he is serving as a poor role model as the "face" of the company. Punk will be able to sell this "hypocrisy" easily with his mic work, and Cena will be to get the subsequent emotions across that are needed to counter Punk. If their past matches on Raw were any indication, an upcoming feud and subsequent longer match should be excellent.

Im a huge fan of ADR's, as hes brilliant on the mic and slowly developing his in-ring style to the WWE pacing. Edge is entering his first run as WHC as a face, and it should be an interesting dynamic between he and Del Rio if their brief interaction at TLC is any indication. But this feud will be much more about the title then it is personal, and I prefer a feud that is personal over a straight up title feud. Thats why Punk vs Cena, for the title or not, is the preferable feud.
First off, lol at the two people who voted I hate professional wrestling.

I voted for Punk vs Cena.

First, it sounds more...exciting than Del Rio vs Edge. The few matches between Punk and Cena have been good, and I want to see more of them. And Punk vs Cena is mostly a fresh fued, and Del Rio vs Edge is too, but they've been interaction for the past few months and have also had a few matches between them.

So yeah, I'll go with Punk vs Cena.
I've been enjoying Mysterio VS Del Rio, but I'm going to have to pick CM Punk VS Cena. This feud has the potential to be huge. Punk doesn't fit into the mold of WWE's top guys. He doesn't have they typical bodybuilder look and tan, and his persona is something unique and fresh. I imagine WWE will base this feud on Punk hating Cena for being the goody-two-shoe poster boy. Punk was obliviously upset about Cena getting a free pass for destroying Barrett at TLC. Punk is Straightedge, but he is hated by the fans for doing the right thing and living a clean lifestyle. Cena attacks someone in a violent way and he is cheered for it. It'll be interesting to see how WWE will build this feud. I wouldn't mind if WWE saved this match for Wrestlemania. I am very excited for this upcoming feud, and I hope WWE does this one right.

Punk VS Mysterio hasn't been bad, but I don't think Del Rio is ready for the main event scene just yet. Del Rio is getting a test run, but Punk and Cena are two guys who are capable of holding World Titles right now. Watching WWE's #1 guy go up against a man who is capable of being the top heel in the entire company is far more enticing.
Easy pick with Cena vs Punk.

I have to say that I am very thrilled that they have given Cena a brand new angle leading upto 'Mania. However this could be a throw-off feud, which takes our minds away from an impending Cena vs Orton match at WM. Which to be honest would be the bigger attraction. Yes, even if it is done for the umpteenth time, it still will be NO DOUBT!

But I would like to see Punk and Cena have 3 months to build a titanic feud leading up to 'Mania. The mic-work (if given some freedom into reality like Cena's feud last year with Batista) alone will be godly!
John Cena vs CM Punk hands down. These are two very very interesting superstars that have been able to create gold in the past when they squared off in minor feuds. They've never been given quite the time to work a program, nor a match for that same.

And CM Punk has always come out looking weaker than John. He most likely will in this feud as well, but I doubt it will be some sort of return feud for the sake of burying CM Punk on the spot.

Edge vs Alberto? Sure, could be good. But Edge as of late has lost a lot, and I mean a lot of my interest. He's been pretty dull with his Kane feud, and I do not see it changing with Alberto sadly. Alberto will be helping this feud shine a bit though.

There's also the problem that these have actually faced, and gotten the time to work a match together. They did pretty well at it, but Edge vs Alberto's matches doesn't have half the potential to be great that CM Punk vs John Cena will have, especially if John vs Punk gets at least 15 minutes to work a match.

On one side you got the most charismatic and one of the best faces on the microphone in the entire company, vs one of the most charismatic and the arguably best heels on the microphone in the company. And on the other side you got a fairly decent wrestler who mostly thrives as a heel (If you ask me) vs a new up and coming upper mid-carder who's pretty decent in the ring and on the microphone but isn't half even in the top 3 of the best heel mic-workers.

I think it's pretty obvious which feud will be better.
It is of no surprise that the numbers show Punk vs. Cena is the more enticing of these two feuds, and for good reason.

Punk has evolved from being called a "paper champion" on screen by the likes of JBL to being one of WWE's hottest commodities. The dude can put on a very good match, is fantastic on the mic, and has carved himself out a unique character that fans seem to either love or hate.

John Cena has managed to recapture much of the WWE's love. He has had a FANTASTIC year, which includes a terrific feud over the title with Batista, an unforgettable war with Nexus, the twist of the year when he was forced to join Nexus, and many fantastic matches. Monday night he came out to thunderous cheers, and you can tell he was having the time of his life.

The feud has been brewing since John Cena vs. CM Punk on the night Nexus first reared it's ugly head. If I remember correctly, it was actually a pretty decent match before Nexus attacked, with Cena firmly in control when the rookies came out. CM Punk has not had a kind word to say about Cena ever since, constantly ripping him on commentary. John Cena appeared to be never the wiser to CM Punk's harsh words for him, even being kind enough to save Punk's diet soda from certain spillage. However, reality hit Cena hard on Monday when Punk hit him with a steel chair.

This feud will bring us lots of great things. The promos will be great. Nobody has as much energy or excitement as Cena, and Punk is extremely clever and crafty with his words, and also has a great sense of humor. The wrestling will be great. Cena is one of the very best in the WWE and makes every match he's in at least moderately exciting. Punk's style may not be for everyone, but I know I like it, and I think his dissecting style of wrestling will mesh up very well with Cena's dominating style. The mic work in the ring will be fantastic, and I look forward to the two superstar's verbal sparring almost as much as I look forward to the physical aspects of the feud.

I don't know if we'll be seeing this feud until after Wrestlemania, but when we finally do get it, it could very well be the feud of the year.
This is very nearly a loaded question, given how much the iwc loves CM Punk. Everyone can talk about it not being cohesive as a single entity all they want, but this show evidence to the contrary. Especially against Cena, it's SO loaded for this demographic. Anyone with good amounts of credibility against Cena is always fun. I just want Edge to lose the belt and be done with it, personally.
Definitely going with the majority here. Punk and Cena are two of my favorite current wrestlers and I have been patiently waiting for a feud since late last year, particularly after their stupendous TV match around Thanksgiving. When Punk vowed revenge against someone who "wronged" him, I had hopes it would be Cena. There is no doubt in my mind that these two are going to have great matches and cut compelling promos. I already can't wait to hear what Punk has to say about the whole thing and how Cena responds.

As for Edge and Del Rio, eh, it could be okay. I like Del Rio and feel he's got a lot of potential, but I think he's better off working with Rey for now, as that feud pretty much writes itself. I've been an Edge fan since his debut, but he's not what he used to be and I haven't found him particularly interesting since his return from injury - I think he lost quite a bit of steam after his Achilles tear and his ring work as suffered has a result. His promos have been kind of lazy too and I doubt that working with Del Rio will give him any extra energy.

This Cena/Punk feud is going to be hotter than hell. Cena's been as good as he's ever been in 2010 and I can definitely see him getting Punk over into the realms of consistent main event status. I'm expecting these two to bring out the very best in each other.
Its Punk vs Cena and its not even close. A CM Punk feud on a main event level is always something to watch out for. Already we have a brilliant storyline in place with Punk making Cena look like somewhat of a bully and questioning Cena's morals. I'm interested to see how Cena would respond to these allegations as it is the first time someone has questioned his principles.

As for Edge vs Del Rio we don't really know if this feud will happen or not. Judging by this week's episode of smackdown, I think WWE are going to continue the Edge/ Kane feud for a while. Del Rio's feud with Mysterio is not over as yet and so there is no reason why he should move on to a new feud. Also I cannot imagine WWE doing an intriguing storyline here even if the feud happens. It will be most likely Edge holding the title and Del Rio chasing it. So the lack of an actual storyline might hurt this feud as compared to Cena vs Punk which has a good storyline behind it.

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