Which Feud Entices You Most: Punk Vs. Cena || Edge Vs. del Rio

Which feud seems more interesting to you?

  • John Cena Vs. CM Punk.

  • Edge Vs. Alberto del Rio.

  • Undecided.

  • I hate professional wrestling.

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Cena/Punk, easily. You have the top face in the company and someone who can arguably be seen as the top heel in the company, even though he's been out for awhile. Aside from a few matches here and there, they really haven't done much together. Both are great on the mic and have the ability to produce a big match when it counts. Sounds like the makings of an excellent feud.

On the other side, you have Edge who's been pretty mediocre for awhile and Del Rio, who I don't really have an opinion on yet. I mean, he's decent enough, but he's far from the best riding-his-car-to-the-ring-being-from-the-south-and-having-an-accent heel we've seen in wrestling. I guess it could be decent, but nothing to get especially exited about.

Also, I chose the I hate wrestling option for the lulz.

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