Which ECW original would you like to see beat Vince's Ass?

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I would love to see any of them go old-school on Vince, but I would have to give the honors to the Sandman. The combination of vodka, beer and whatever illegal drug happens to be available at the time would make for one great caning of the man I hate the most. Who's jobbing out who now, Vince?
id love to see any ecw original kick his ass, i would like to see a 3 on 1 handicap match with rvd, sabu, and sandman. that would be sick
I think it would only be fitting for Paul Heyman to land a haymaker right on Vince's jaw. Then, Paul would beat him to a bloody pulp with a frying pan, kitchen sink and/or a barbed wire baseball.
id love to see any ecw original kick his ass, i would like to see a 3 on 1 handicap match with rvd, sabu, and sandman. that would be sick

fuck that make it a 4 on 1 handicap match, and add Dreamer to the mix, then after they're done and Vince is lying unconcuss in a puddle of his own piss, blood , and shit, have Heyman come out and pull down his pants and then have Vince inducted to the "Paul Heyman Eat My Shit Club", I think you know where I'm going with this
then have heyman teabag him, if that happened i would eat my own shit

LMAO, that is the funniest shit I've read all day, my god, if that happened it would be fuckin hilariuos, I would eat my shit then shit and eat the at shit wich would be made out of the shit tha I previosly shat out, to see that

Is this a childrens fantasy, never in a million years, gonna happen forum?


chill out we're just fucking around dude, not every thread has to be serious
Tommy Dreamer should bust McMahon's ass. He has given everything to this new ECW only to be jobbed against Khali!!!!! The whole ECW locker room should just barge into McMAhon's locker room and have everyone hit their finisher. If their finisher sucks they should get two turns. Now that would be awesome.
Tommy Dreamer should bust McMahon's ass. He has given everything to this new ECW only to be jobbed against Khali!!!!! The whole ECW locker room should just barge into McMAhon's locker room and have everyone hit their finisher. If their finisher sucks they should get two turns. Now that would be awesome.

I totally agree! Tommy is 100% dedicated to ECW and Vince treats him like shit. I was at a house show where Tommy took the mic and asked the fans to hang in there while guys like him fight to bring ECW back to what it should be. Tommy gets first dibs, and then its on. Love the idea that sucky finishers get two tries to get it right. Right on!!
I would have Terry Funk come in a put a nice ole Double Crossed Ranch ass-whipping to him... Nothing but the Funker beating him with a barbwire bat. Then I'd have him break out the branding iron and brand his ass with the ECW logo.
Well I guess you could, but I think that all that's already been said should happen. Sandman will cane the hell out of him, the rest of the originals will beat the crap out of him, then he'll get teabagged by Heyman, then have the ECW logo branded on his ass, and then fans can continue to kick him while he lays there and cries. LOL
i love this thread cause i hate vince mcmahon so much its ridiculous. to add to that even though he isnt an original i would have angle give him the ankle lock, with 10 fans taking a shit on his face at the same time
I would give Goldbergfan23 a chance to take on McMahon just because he hates him so much. I'd love to see a true fan and McMahon hater get the chance to beat the shit out of that a**hole. That would make for one hell of a pay-per-view. Let's book it!!
I hate Vince McMahon. I'm sick of his f****** Bulls***, His screwing ECW and RAW UP! Im sick of it, I say WAR on TNA, But How long can the ECW originals honestly stay for Vince, They all cant stand him!
My personal brand of justice wouldn't actually see the ECW originals do anything to Vince. I'd instead like to see him locked inside the Bingo Hall in Philly with all the real ECW fans. Besides, I think it'd be pretty sweet to see "Straw Hat Guy" kick him in the junk.
That is a great idea! "Hat Guy", "Faith No More Guy" and "Isaac Bruce Jersey Guy" should all kick the shit out of Vince!
You could always put him in the ring with New Jack, he'd probably end vinces life, no problem, hell he'd probably enjoy it

or put him in a taipei death match(broken glass glued to their fists) with Ian & Axl Rotten, I can already smell Vince shitting his pants
You know what I think would be the perfect old school hardcore justice that should be dished out for McMahon pissing all over the ECW legacy? A match between him and New Jack, where anything goes. He's a notorious rough worker and pretty much impervious to pain, so you could only imagine what he would do to Vince if they ever met up. On top of that, the match should take place at the ECW Arena / New Alhambra Arena in South Philly, territory where Vinnie is apparently afraid of bringing ECW back to. And by the way - "Bring Your Own Weapons Night" would be in full effect!
Yeah I agree with New Jack. It would be like the New Jack/Vic Grimes scaffold incident. New Jack and Vince would go crashing down to the floor but through a stack of flaming tables covered in thumbtacks and barbed wire instead of hitting the concrete.
New Jack would kill Vince McMahon right in the middle of the ring for pissing on ECW. He would then go to court and end up with "justified homicide #8".
You all know what should be done

Get Joey Styles to kick his steroid shrunken nuts
considering vince is the only reason ecw is back i wouldnt want anyone to beat his ass.
considering vince is the only reason ecw is back i wouldnt want anyone to beat his ass.

Don't you get it? This is ECW IN NAME ONLY! This has nothing in common with the promotion run by Paul Heyman (and before that, by Tod Gordon) other than a name and a few wrestlers. ECW is now a WWE Brand, with WWE-style wrestling (including Disqualifications, something ECW never had!), WWE-style wrestlers (Lashley, Test, Rene Dupree, Kevin Thorn, etc.), WWE-style storylines and talentless WWE-approved tarts like Kelly Kelly. For getting the ECW fans' hopes up only to bring them back down with arguably the single worst display of professional wrestling in history is inexcusable. Vinnie Mac only did this because he has money to blow and wanted to kick sand in his fallen competitor's face one last time before he buried it - that's all there is to it. Do you think he's that stupid to think that he can make money off of this crap? He's done many dumb things in the past, but I doubt it. He pissed all over the legacy of ECW and the only true justice would be for him to get an old school beatdown, New Jack style!

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