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Which current wrestler is most similar to Shawn Michaels?


I don't necessarily mean by the looks, just by the in-ring ability the mic skills and the charisma. Now, if you've ever seen me post, you know my favorite wrestler is Shawn Michaels. In fact, when he retired, I was so upset I took a near 2 year hiatus from watching wrestling and only tuned back in (now I watch every Raw again) at Raw 1000 to see the DX reunion. SOOOOO, which current WWE superstar is most similar to him? I ask this because I struggle in finding a new favorite wrestler right now. Back in 2003, I liked Kevin Nash, HBK, SCSA, The Rock, Kane, The Undertaker, the Big Show... Now, I know many of these guys still compete but I was never a HUGE fan of any of these guys except the giants. I like them still, but not as much. Currently I am split between Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. So, if I could figure out who would be most similar to HBK, that would be greaaaaat (to make an Office Space reference). Obviously, your choices are not limited to Punk and Bryan, these are just my 2 favs. So, which WWE superstar is most similar to Shawn Michaels?
John Morrison the Guru of Greatness the Shaman of Sexy now he was as close to HBK as anyone, in terms of his gimmick and what not, WWE should bring back Morrison to fill that void and Morrison was over with the fans too, so with him back in the WWE he can fill Shawn's role quite nicely
Dolph Ziggler. I swear he took lessons in how to sell a move from Shawn Michaels. Their gimmicks are kind of similar, with Shawn being the Show Stopper and Dolph being the Show Off. I've even seen Ziggler go for Sweet Chin Music a few times.
Ziggler is like a cross between Shawn Michaels and the late great Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig but also has traces of The Nature Boy Ric Flair too, and yes Ziggler has gone for the Superkick in his matches but he rarely uses it
No one is similar to Shawn Micheals. Shawn Michaels was one of the best in ring wrestlers of all time. Besides that, he was excellent on the mic and innovative in the way he developed his character and angles. No one in WWE is doing what Shawn Michaels did. IMO the nearest guy to Shawn was Jericho and they were very different as well.
Dolph Ziggler reminds me of the HBK from around 1992 to 1994. Both guys have that same cocky, arrogant, self-loving, show-off, pretty boy heel attitude, Shawn was managed by Sherri and Dolph is by Vickie, both of whom are very effective female heel managers, and do I even need to mention how they both sell like their balls are on fire? Both guys could also carry a match and make their opponents look good, and they put over the people that need it. Their mic work are far different from each other- while Shawn was way better, Dolph is slowly improving and learning how to handle himself on the stick.
John Morrison the Guru of Greatness the Shaman of Sexy now he was as close to HBK as anyone, in terms of his gimmick and what not, WWE should bring back Morrison to fill that void and Morrison was over with the fans too, so with him back in the WWE he can fill Shawn's role quite nicely
They both could pull out some nice spots here and there, but other than that I would say Morrison isn't anything like HBK. Shawn could tell awesome stories in his matches that would really help get you in to what you were watching. Morrison has some fancy looking moves and some cool reversals, but really that's all he's got. When it comes to charisma and mic work, HBK was amongst the best and Morrison is amongst the worst. Personally, I would say Ziggler resembles HBK the most. He's cocky as hell and can back it up, usually being able to put on a good match with anyone. I know a lot of people don't like him, but I do!
After watching this year's Survivor Series, I'd have to say Dolph Ziggler. I never made that comparison before until he finished off Orton with 'Sweet-chin-Music', making him the sole survivor. I now see him as that pretty-boy-turned-toughguy that Michaels exuded early in his singles career.
Dolph Ziggler's mannerisms are just like Shawn Michaels circa 1992/1993. He also sells like him and is a good athlete.
The most similar wrestler today to Shawn Michaels is Christopher Daniels in TNA bar none. Just watch his entrance...he does the whole HBK sleazy dancing thing...I've never been a big fan of Daniels but in recent months he has impressed me with his wit & charisma.

Dolph Ziggler? give me a break.
I would have to Ziggler too. In the ring yes, he is a great performer, sells well (very well) and can have entertaining matches. Promo wise no but he has time to learn. #heel
Dare I say it, given another five-ten years of experience, Dolph Ziggler could become better than Shawn Michaels. There is something to be said about tenure and becoming a veteran. It doesn't matter how good you are, there's a certain level of respect people won't offer you until you've been around the water cooler for quite some time. But Dolph Ziggler does remind me of a young HBK. With more time in the main event, and more feuds that involve mic time, he will undoubtedly continue to rise as a performer in every way. He's already one of the best in-ring workers in the company. I prefer his matches to most of Punk's actually, and that is saying something. His mic skills aren't as legendary as many people like to make them out, but he's still young. He hasn't cut that many promos, and he hasn't had the cream of the crop to work with.

Shawn got to work with Bret, Nash, Hall, Triple H, Hennig, and eventually guys like Angle and Cena. Give him ten years in the WWE and maybe they'll have built him some good stars to work with. Problem is right now there's just not many guys on a high level performing with any degree of consistency.

But yeah, if you're looking for a "new HBK" to fall in love with, it has to be Dolph Ziggler. Whoever said John Morrison clearly hasn't heard him attempt to speak. Ziggler has the sexy boy gimmick down, and he is equal to if not better than Shawn was in his first few years when it comes to in-ring ability. I've been saying it for about a year now, but I still think Zigglesworth has a larger future ahead of him than CM Punk. The current WWE Champion has talked about retiring early and not being in the game forever. If that's the case, do we really see PUnk around in five, six years? He may have very well peaked, and if that's the case I still think Dolph Ziggler has a longer, more impactful career going forward.
Good that someone mentioned TNA. Completely forgot about them for a sec and I'm a bit of a TNA-fanboy.

Although I see Ziggler as the next HBK (him being fully discussed in this thread), what aboutt Austin Aries? He's a smallish, cocky guy with some great moves and intensity. Give him a look. Not going with the same ''sexy boy'' gimmick, but very flashy.

Otherwise, have you checked out Seth Rollins? HBK also had a certain element of rockstar about him - Seth goes for heavy metal. He's a firm fan favourite and from the little I've seen from him, I thought he was very good in the ring.

Michaels was one of a kind, but I suspect you may just like the same qualities in these three guys that you liked in HBK.
Dolph Ziggler. I swear he took lessons in how to sell a move from Shawn Michaels. Their gimmicks are kind of similar, with Shawn being the Show Stopper and Dolph being the Show Off. I've even seen Ziggler go for Sweet Chin Music a few times.

I have a hard time NOT agreeing with you here. Ziggler is VERY impressive with how he sells moves. I haven't seen him set up for the SCM though lol

Now for the OP. If you are a huge Michaels mark than I am sure you seen his initial heel turn from the Rockers? That was when Michaels was at his cockiest and thats what Ziggler reminds me of most now. Even Vicki reminds me of Sherri a bit. Albeit Sherri was much prettier in her own ugly way.

Now just incase this thread was a question for us to whom we thought was more Michaels like, Punk or Bryan?

I have to go with Punk because he is the cockier of the two right now. Bryan is almst relegated to comedy relief at the moment which kinda sucks. Its funny but he is too good for that. Therefore Punk is the pick for me. Michaels was much more charismatic during his heel prime than I think Punk will ever be(and I am a HUGE Punk fan) and I would even argue that Michaels in his prime was a MUCH better wrestler than Chick Magnet Punk.

So to conclude with my answers to your question:

If its between just Punk and Bryan, I have to go Punk.

If its any current wrestler on the roster, I have to go Ziggler.
None of them. Shawn's in-ring style was very smooth. None of these guys are even close to that level. They're all either choppy or sloppy.

And give the Ziggler comparison a rest. He's not Shawn Michaels. He's not Curt Hennig. He's just not that good, at anything. He couldn't lace their boots, is what I'm really trying to say.

Shawn made it look easy, and it definitely wasn't.
Dare I say it, given another five-ten years of experience, Dolph Ziggler could become better than Shawn Michaels.

I lost a big chunk of respect for your knowledge on wrestling Killam. Still love you for the ROH stuff though, but this is still a grotesque assumption.

Like Nick said, nobody who still performs on a regular basis is as smooth and diverse as Shawn Michaels was in his prime, before it or after.

Definitely not Dolph Ziggler whose sole comparable trait to Shawn is being able to oversell just about any move for no explainable reason. Not Austin Aries, not DBD, not John "I can do stuff you like but can't speak for shit" Morrison, not even CM Punk. Nobody is similar to Shawn Michaels.
Dare I say it, given another five-ten years of experience, Dolph Ziggler could become better than Shawn Michaels.

I understand what you mean, but I have to disagree with you. What really added to the Shawn Michaels legend is how he revolutionized wrestling: Ladder matches, Hell in a Cell, the Iron Man Match, the original DX, The Elimination Chamber...he just did it all and I don't know if/how Dolph Ziggler could ever get that chance. I'm not sure there are many new match types able to be created out there. Everything he does would just be a "Shawn Michaels Knockoff" kind of. I don't see their styles being similar either. Shawn was a high flyer until his back injury and then he became more of a brawler. Ziggler reminds me more of Curt Henning. I'm with someone else on here, I think Austin Aries is the closest to HBK that I've seen.
I lost a big chunk of respect for your knowledge on wrestling Killam. Still love you for the ROH stuff though, but this is still a grotesque assumption.

Sorry but that is just ridiculous. Shawn Michaels is one of the best there ever was, but thats not to say Ziggler couldnt be as good! Ziggler is already considered one of the best in the company, and still has a long career ahead of him. At Zigglers age, Shawn was only just joining DX, which you could argue was the pivotal point in cementing his status as a legend. Given the right stories, and the right backing, Ziggler in my mind could easily become as good as Michaels, if not better.

Sure is hell ain't Ziggler. He can have good matches with guys like Cena, Orton, and Punk. That's because he works with guys like Cena, Orton, and Punk. Against everybody else, he's average. People like him because he sells a lot. That's all I ever see from him. I don't see the charisma that HBK had nor do I see the mic skills that HBK had. Sorry, Dolph. You're not in HBK's league and probably will never be.
Sorry but that is just ridiculous. Shawn Michaels is one of the best there ever was, but thats not to say Ziggler couldnt be as good! Ziggler is already considered one of the best in the company, and still has a long career ahead of him. At Zigglers age, Shawn was only just joining DX, which you could argue was the pivotal point in cementing his status as a legend. Given the right stories, and the right backing, Ziggler in my mind could easily become as good as Michaels, if not better.

Yeah, but before joining D-Generation X, Shawn Michaels had several things going for him Dolph Ziggler does not. Dolph Ziggler is inconsistent, especially as an on-screen character, you can put that on booking, creative or whatever you like, but for the past two to three months, Dolph has been floating from meaningless feud to meaningless feud. You think there'll be a payoff from feuding with Cena? Hes being used because there's nobody else to use.

Shawn was a former multiple time WWE Champion, Dolph is credited as a former World Heavyweight Champion for less than two hours. Shawn wasn't just known for overselling every offensive move his opponent threw, but known for being a good all round in-ring performer, if it wasn't for his overselling Dolph Ziggler would still be hanging round the midca... wait, that's right, he still is.

He's a Money In The Bank briefcase holder and still WWE are having difficulties getting people to care about him. Personally I can't wait for him to cash it in and probably win the World Heavyweight Championship, cause unless he produces a brand new charismatic personality all of a sudden during his title reign, after it there is nowhere but down for Mr. Ziggles.

He's nothing like and will never be anything like Shawn Michaels. Unless you count overselling.
I lost a big chunk of respect for your knowledge on wrestling Killam. Still love you for the ROH stuff though, but this is still a grotesque assumption.

Like Nick said, nobody who still performs on a regular basis is as smooth and diverse as Shawn Michaels was in his prime, before it or after.

Definitely not Dolph Ziggler whose sole comparable trait to Shawn is being able to oversell just about any move for no explainable reason. Not Austin Aries, not DBD, not John "I can do stuff you like but can't speak for shit" Morrison, not even CM Punk. Nobody is similar to Shawn Michaels.

COULD BE. The key point in my statement was COULD BE. Not WILL BE. Not IS. I did not say DOlph Ziggler is on track to becoming the greatest of all time. What I said simply implied that he has the potential to be. That if WWE creates the stars for him to work with, and if in the next ten years he gets the same exposure as HBK did, there is a possibility he could surpass the great Shawn Michaels. It's a very small window of opportunity, but he has "it". He's not a carbon copy of HBK. He's not going to be "the next Shawn Michaels". He's going to be the next Dolph Ziggler. What I said was simply HE COULD be better.
Who's closest to the mythical figure that Shawn Michaels is built up to be? Daniel Bryan. A complete wrestler who always performs whether he's laying down for Cody Rhodes or giving Sheamus the fight of his life. Versatile and smooth.

Who's closest to Shawn Michaels in reality? Dolph Ziggler. A pity Dolph doesn't have the same political clout.

That's right, I went there. Look how far my chest is puffed out! Pretty fucking far.
COULD BE. The key point in my statement was COULD BE. Not WILL BE. Not IS. I did not say DOlph Ziggler is on track to becoming the greatest of all time. What I said simply implied that he has the potential to be. That if WWE creates the stars for him to work with, and if in the next ten years he gets the same exposure as HBK did, there is a possibility he could surpass the great Shawn Michaels. It's a very small window of opportunity, but he has "it". He's not a carbon copy of HBK. He's not going to be "the next Shawn Michaels". He's going to be the next Dolph Ziggler. What I said was simply HE COULD be better.

Indeed, I can read, no need to reiterate, but its still a horrendous assumption which COULD happen, but will most definitely not, because y'know. Dolph Ziggler is Dolph Ziggler and Shawn Michaels was Shawn Michaels, and even now Shawn Michaels is probably still a helluva lot better than Dolph Ziggler. Shawn can still get asses in and jumping out of the seats.
Indeed, I can read, no need to reiterate, but its still a horrendous assumption which COULD happen, but will most definitely not, because y'know. Dolph Ziggler is Dolph Ziggler and Shawn Michaels was Shawn Michaels, and even now Shawn Michaels is probably still a helluva lot better than Dolph Ziggler. Shawn can still get asses in and jumping out of the seats.

And after four years in the WWF, Shawn Michaels grew from fun, high flying tag team partner, to a serious mid-card contender. If you don't count The Spirit Squad, Dolph Ziggler is just surpassing four years in the WWE. Just under five if you do. If you compare their careers, it would be right about now that HBK was having a failed WWF title run against "Macho Man" Randy Savage. After which he went back down to the midcard and had rivalries against Bret Hart and Bulldog, among many others for the IC title.

There were many people in 1992 that thought "this kid HBK has what it takes to become a great star". I don't know that any of them were saying "he has what it takes to become the greatest of all time". And he aged like fine wine. He had some of the best matches of his career at both 25 years old, and 43 years old. So you just NEVER KNOW.

All I'm saying is you have to give a guy like Dolph Ziggler, who has the total package in professional wrestling and clearly has the drive to be more, a chance. More of a chance than "definitely not going to happen".

Who's closest to the mythical figure that Shawn Michaels is built up to be? Daniel Bryan.
Oh man, I totally forgot about Daniel Bryan. Yeah, he's definitely up there. Sometimes his promos are pretty rough, but the fans LOVE him (or LOVE to hate him, which is just as good) and he's one of the best damn in-ring performers in the WWE today. Maybe the best. I'd argue that I enjoy Dolph Ziggler matches on a more consistent basis, but that's only because Bryan has to share ring time with Kane these days.
The most similar wrestler today to Shawn Michaels is Christopher Daniels in TNA bar none. Just watch his entrance...he does the whole HBK sleazy dancing thing...I've never been a big fan of Daniels but in recent months he has impressed me with his wit & charisma.

Dolph Ziggler? give me a break.

I couldn't agree more about the Daniels thing (kind of annoyed somebody else actually beat me to it lol). Ziggler is like Michaels in the ring and in gimmick. However he doesn't seem to have a strong enough personality and at times it seems he's trying too hard when he's speaking (though I still like him). When I think of Michaels I always remember him being relaxed and confident, and that just reminds me of Daniels in TNA now. The dancing, the humping of the ropes, he just seems to go out and have fun and it's so HBK-esque.

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