Where to now for the Miz?


Dark Match Winner
Miz lost the WWE Championship to John Cena at Extreme Rules and well, I'm not quite sure what he's going to do after he has his rematch with Cena. Does he go back in to the mid card or have a high profiled feud? Perhaps he may reform Show-Miz? I hope not :p.
So I'm curious as to where you guys think the Miz goes from here, thoughts? :)
I think The 'Awesome' Miz will drop down to the upper mid card for a while then go bk up to the main event.Maybe fueding with swagger in high profile fued.This could occour by Miz thinking that Cole favours Swagger over him and cole starts hating on miz when can then turn miz to a face and have a fued with swagger.Thoughts?
I think The 'Awesome' Miz will drop down to the upper mid card for a while then go bk up to the main event.Maybe fueding with swagger in high profile fued.This could occour by Miz thinking that Cole favours Swagger over him and cole starts hating on miz when can then turn miz to a face and have a fued with swagger.Thoughts?

Hm yeah I like that haha, probably the best way to turn Miz face, hell probably the only really effective way of turning him face.
I think The 'Awesome' Miz will drop down to the upper mid card for a while then go bk up to the main event.Maybe fueding with swagger in high profile fued.This could occour by Miz thinking that Cole favours Swagger over him and cole starts hating on miz when can then turn miz to a face and have a feud with swagger.Thoughts?

I don't agree i think he should regain the WWE Championship from cena because of interference from Alberto Del Rio
I think that he will go to the upper mid card area but because Vince likes him he will certainly not be irrelevant and will return to the main event. I want him to turn face within the next year, in all his interview's and appearances on shows outside of WWE he seems like a genuinely likeable guy. The Miz as a face certainly would help Raw which is stacked with heels all capable of breaking out and appearing in the main event (McIntyre, Swagger, Ziggler).
Honestly I hope The Miz takes some time off of T.V. Other than Christian winning the World title, seeing Miz lose to ANYBODY was the best part of the night. Miz's run with the belt was extremely stale. It was so stale it managed to make John Cena winning the belt seem freash and new.

But if he comes back tonight on RAW he might feud with the Big Show. The smile that would come across everyones face when Show chops Miz with his big old football sized hands could fill a stadium, oh wait, it will fill the stadium.
I have to admit. I sort of like the idea of him face turning after dealing with Cole and Swagger. Or have it the other way around and Swagger turns. Either way works for me as long as it's not rushed. Of course he gets his rematch first, but for reasons stated in other posts, I just don't see the point of Miz winning the title back any time soon. Following his failed rematch, a possible Rey/Miz minifued (no pun intended) could go on until they decide what to do with all of the new Heels on Raw. Honestly, I don't see all of them remaining Heel, but that's another topic. One last possible solution could be a returning Face Jericho ripping into Miz for attempting to replace him as Big Show's partner. Just a thought, but I would love to see those two go back and forth on the mic, and Jericho is great at getting/keeping guys over so tha Miz doesn't fall too far from grace...
He should be fired. Like he should have been a LONG time ago. Anybody who's smart enough to understand what they read, should realise the only reason Miz was ever given a Title run was because he took the same backstage path that John Cena did, which is suck up to the boss.

I'm not going to deny that he doesn't have charisma, but he has little to no skill in the ring, his mic skills are the exact same thing every time he's on tv, in a bad way, and any appearance he makes, just ruins most of the segments on tv. Especially the one that should've been epic between Rock and Cena.

But where to now for him? He'll probably begin a feud with someone else, as always, but due to being Vince's bitch, he'll probably stay higher up in the card.
i can see a few things happening...
1. hes gonna feud the next month with cena most likely and lose the rematch
2 then i hope he turns face and do the swagger cole deal that a few of u are saying OR
3. they take cole away from announcing and manage swagger and the miz in a mini stable.

either way i see Miz still doing something big bc hes to good on the mic n pretty good in the ring not to be a main focus in the wwe, i see him getting the US title within the next few months seeing there pushing del rio to be next champion
He will get his rematch next month against John Cena then I am hoping he moves on to Triple H or Mysterio perhaps. A Triple H vs Miz match for Summerslam would be a nice sub main event. If Triple H plays it right he can have a hand in making him legit.
As much as people like the Miz i don't think he was a very good champion. This was the 1st match he had for the title without A-Ri and he lost, which can't be to good a sign. Yes he went on the late night shows, yes hes a hard worker but that doesn't mean squat when all of your time on the mic sounds the same and you can barely pull a match without help. I see him still being in the main event, just not the title picture. Hes had it long enough and now its time for somebody else to receive a monster push just like he did last year
The Miz was an amazing champion, it was nice and fresh. For the first time in a long time we finally got a "young punk champion". He looked like a Champion in my eyes especially his entrance in WM27.

As for what's next for him, I think he will be feuding with Cena just a bit longer maybe one or two more PPV's. After that I see Alberto Del Rio in the title hunt probably after the MITB PPV.

As for The Miz, I can't see him out of the picture for a long time. I see three possible rivalries he can be in before being champion again. The Big Show or Rey Mysterio, both are established stars and I can see The Miz having a feud with Big Show as a way for Miz to establish himself further (of course provided Miz wins the feud) and same goes for Mysterio. Another possibility is Jericho returning and feuding with The Miz.
I think the decision to have cena win was bad, because miz needs gold to be relevant, cena doesn't. Alberto Del Rio needs to be around gold to be relevant as well, so the landscape is crowded and someone will get lost in the shuffle this way. I'm afraid it'll be Miz, unless something drastic happens like he goes to Smackdown to fued with Christian. The Miz needs gold to even be gis character. If he is cocky and arrogant, with no belt, no one will care. Unless this is there way to turn him face and have him go after del rio, who will eventually win the title from cena, who will go on to face rock as mania. It might work, but I honestly don't think Miz would make a good face.
Thank God Miz lost the title!!!! He was one of the worst champion in the history of the WWE. His mic work was boring forced and whe you have to try as hard as he did to look mean and be bad it doesnt work. The Miz is a comedy wrestler like Santino thats where he should be. His title reign took value away from the WWE title it didnt add to it. He has a weak moveset is a subpar worker and needed alex reiley 99% of the time just to win a match. He was a pathetic champion. Cena isn't great but he is better than the Miz. Idealy they should put the title on someone like R truth anyone that actually knows how to work a match.
Miz is still going to be in the Main event picture for the next 2-3 PPVs....Probably a 1on1 rematch against Cena at Over the Limit in a match with some stipulation, then probably be in a Triple threat or fatal 4 way where the Rock will cost Cena the title. I don't think The Miz will slip into obscurity just yet, though I was hoping it was Morrison getting pinned and not Miz.

I see him being WWE champ again before the summer is over, whether its just for 1 PPV or another lengthy reign. Truth and morrison feuding, while Cena/DelRio/Miz will be feuding in the main event
Miz will probably complain to the GM and he get's his rematch tonight on Raw. The Miz vs. John Cena. R-Truth comes out during the match and then John Morrison comes out and stops R-Truth from interfeiring. The 2 fight outside the ring, and eventually get The Miz a DQ. The next couple of weeks he will fued with John Morrison and R-Truth for costing him his rematch.
saying the Miz sounds the same on the Mic is like saying every episode of Real World is the same (pun intended). Its WRESTLING - they are characters and they speak the same way and use the same lines. Does Cena not seem stale, I'm sure you hate the fact that the Rock is on raw tonight.

anyway. keep Miz around the title picture. Otherwise, who is Cena going to feud with on Raw that is already an established main eventer to make his title reign interesting, in less the Rock comes back on a weekly basis.
Now that's it's over, I don't think Miz's first reign was all that bad..but it just felt uneventful. The only match I'm going to remember from his first run was the Raw match against John Morrison, but even then I'll remember it more as one of those times JoMo got close. I still think JoMo will win a title and become a star, at some point, so I think in the end we'll remember that moment more because it was when we first started to see that he might do it.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it's because of Money in the Bank that Miz's run felt weak. It's a weaselly way to win a title, and I for one felt like it was forced because they were trying to hurry him along. Maybe if they had played it traditionally like, let Miz beat Randy Orton or someone in a, "winner gets a title shot," match and then have him beat Cena in a one on one match later, then he would have felt like a more legitimate champion, which was obviously a big complaint among a lot of fans. It seems as though MitB violates a key Wrestling 101 rule: when trying to create stars, put them over other stars. With MitB, nobody is really getting put over; it's just a forced title change. I hate to complain about MitB (which is apparently my new favorite acronym,) because it's usually a pretty good match, but I feel like the shine has worn off and it's been revealed as not a great way to build a star.

The only person to use it to propel them to stardom, in my opinion, has been Edge, but he had been around for what seemed like forever and people really wanted to see him just hold the belt. It was also really good timing because of the Cena-exhaustion people were feeling at the time, but I also give Edge all the credit in the world for taking the ball and running with it. Punk also did well to win it twice and cash in, but I feel like he's just now starting to come on as a top talent for WWE and I don't remember much from Punk's reigns except for his Undertaker feud.

I think Miz just needs to get involved with a guy like Rey or Big Show, work on his fundamentals a little more, and come back a little better. A lot of guys first reigns weren't their best reigns, so Miz shouldn't feel bad at all about it. If he works to make his character a little more edgy, maybe cut some promos that aren't identical to all his other promos (had to throw that little jab in there), and get back in the picture. Miz will come back and do it again, there's no doubt about that, but I just want to see him get a little more personality. He has the potential to be a great star, and I think he will be, but he's got some more growing left to do. Personally, I also think a feud with Jericho would be very good for Miz.
Honestly I hope The Miz takes some time off of T.V. Other than Christian winning the World title, seeing Miz lose to ANYBODY was the best part of the night. Miz's run with the belt was extremely stale. It was so stale it managed to make John Cena winning the belt seem freash and new.

But if he comes back tonight on RAW he might feud with the Big Show. The smile that would come across everyones face when Show chops Miz with his big old football sized hands could fill a stadium, oh wait, it will fill the stadium.

Christian winning the World Tittle was good i give you that.
But did you really think that "The Miz reign" was stale?? You must be the only one, because as far as I see, it was one of the best reigns in 3 years at least...

Second part, a feud with Big Show already happened, so I sincerely doubt that and it would make The Miz a mid-card again!

I think that The Miz will be once again WWE Champion by the end of the night, due to interference by The Rock!!

Wouldnt you dig that?? :D LMFAO
Miz needed that win, honestly. Sending Riley to SD put Miz in a position of having to rely on himself to win matches, and now he can't do that. You can still pull off a fluke win in a cage match while simultaneously having it appear legit due to the stipulation. They made him look incredibly weak going into the match by having him constantly state that there was no way he could win, and acting like Cena finally had the ultimate opportunity to get the title. From a booking standpoint, Miz needed to defy the odds, even if it meant he'd drop it for sure at the next PPV.

As I said in another thread, WWE has fuck all to gain from Cena being champion. Miz has no one to feud with now, and no direction in which to go. Mysterio won't let anyone go over him, Big Show is in the tag division, and Morrison is stuck with Truth. That basically leaves Cena, Kofi and Evan Bourne. The only reasonable plan is to have Miz get a rematch tonight and have Rock cost Cena the title, forcing him to have to start the chase all over again. It adds heat to the Cena/Rock feud, albeit at the expense of The Miz last night, and I think that their primary focus for the next year is building that. If Miz pins Cena, especially with help from The Rock, the crowd is going to explode and probably get behind Miz even more than they already have in the past few months. IMO, it's very short-sighted.
Hopefully he goes back to FCW to train more i mean seriously his match with Cena tonight showed how awful he is in the ring. Not too mention the general audience doesn't give a damn about him. If he's not on the mic attacking legends or the city they are currently in getting cheap heat. Nobody cares for him it was so obvious tonight. His goofy faces didn't help and seriously is that corner clothesline the only move he knows how to do?

Every match he does that move around 100 times[not literally] followed by the stare into the crowd. As if they are going to cheer him for such a weak move. Here's to hoping he becomes a jobber goes back to FCW comes back a wrestler or gets fired all together.:rolleyes:

Thank God Miz lost the title!!!! He was one of the worst champion in the history of the WWE. His mic work was boring forced and whe you have to try as hard as he did to look mean and be bad it doesnt work. The Miz is a comedy wrestler like Santino thats where he should be. His title reign took value away from the WWE title it didnt add to it. He has a weak moveset is a subpar worker and needed alex reiley 99% of the time just to win a match. He was a pathetic champion. Cena isn't great but he is better than the Miz. Idealy they should put the title on someone like R truth anyone that actually knows how to work a match.

^^^ I agree Miz was just all around a horrible champion with no wrestling skills,mediocre mic skills. A goofy look and just plain up awful at least Cena can work a decent match. Miz made the WWE title look like shit i hope he becomes a jobber never to compete for another title. He's not even worthy of the US title.
I see Miz heading into a feud with Alex Riley. I know he just got drafted to Smackdown! but if you watch Elimination Chamber and last nights Raw, you'll see Miz and Riley haven't been seeing eye to eye and Miz is getting frustrated with him.

Think it could be a good way for Miz to drop out of the title picture and it could be an interesting 1 or 2 month feud.

Also, for those of you saying Miz sucks in the ring. Last night's WWE Championship match against Cena was GREAT. That should have been the Mania Main Event. He performed awesome (excuse the pun) - c'mon, you may hate him but you have to give credit to someone when they do put on a good show.
I am hoping for a face turn maybe. He could start up a feud with Michael Cole, anyone who attacks him would be marked out for, people hat him so much. He could say he did not help him in the match at extreme rules because he has been hanging with swagger the whole time. Enter swagger and BOOM you have a feud that ends up with the miz turning face.
This was bound to happen, so it's not like now Miz has lost the championship after 5 or so months means he'll drop down to jobbing or anything like that. There has been too much work put into his character to simply ditch it. But one thing I have started to notice is that Miz really is weak in the ring. The Cena match was good but mainly due to all the distractions, kick outs and Cena adding even more moves to his arsenal.

The Miz should try and expand his in-ring work cause to be perfectly honest, save for the regular kick and punch attacks, all he knows is the corner clothesline, skullcrushing finale, that knee lift inverted to reversed neckbreaker slam move and the "low" DDT.

I am hoping for a face turn maybe. He could start up a feud with Michael Cole, anyone who attacks him would be marked out for, people hat him so much. He could say he did not help him in the match at extreme rules because he has been hanging with swagger the whole time. Enter swagger and BOOM you have a feud that ends up with the miz turning face.

This sounds like a pretty good solution.

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