Where to go with The Undertaker when he returns?

When he returns It'll be good having him feud with one of the younger guys like Jack Swagger, Sheamus or Drew Mcintyre. And knowing Taker of course he would not mind putting any of them over sometime in their feud. Well if your in a feud with Taker you should be over nonetheless. Am I right?

However the guy I'd like to see him feud with when he returns is CM Punk. Yeah I know It's already happened and was not very good but now with CM Punks ses and his gimmick I can see much better things this time round.
he needs to put over mcintyre or especially swagger who could use the rub....taker doesnt need to stick around anymore especially seeing shawn retire whos also younger than taker...taker could linger in the upper card for the nex year....face sheamus or jericho at mania..become 19-0....then do the same stuff except less for his last year.....then face cena to become 20-0 and retire
Everyone's hoping that he remains on Smackdown. Why? I think, with his age and how much he has left in the tank, along with possible feuds, he'd be better off on Raw.

Think about it, Raw is a brand all about the flash, promos, and gimmicks. It's not as wrestling heavy as Smackdown. Taker is WWE's perfect gimmick, he's the deadman, and he'll always be over with the crowd. With his wear and tear he can't hang in the ring for extended matches from week to week like he used to. Keeping him out of the ring on Smackdown just emphasizes how old he's getting. With him being in the ring for short periods of time, and lots of tag matches on Raw, well, that's what Raw is all about, the pizazz!

Taker could have some great feuds before he went out the door as well. He could put over DiBiase. We could see Trips vs. Taker for one last time. Finally, looking for a way to turn the unstoppable force to a big heel? What better way than to put the unmoveable object in his path (Taker). In order to swing the biggest face in the company like Cena heel, you have to put him against a legend for when he turns, just to make it more concrete. That legend is Taker!

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