Where does this leave HHH?

Originally Posted by The Ace of Knaves
What has he done to wrestling? You mean marrying Steph? Abusing his power backstage? Wait, you mean he actually did something to wrestling? Care to name it?

I bet whatever it is probably small, seeing how the possibility of screw-job by HBK is more talked than his actual career on the line. If his career is actually important (which in reality it is meaningless), then people will be busy talking how good the match will be or who will win by now, not who will HBK screw.

Seeing how an appearance from HBK & Rock are getting all the attention instead of his career, which will be on the line, that only shows u how meaningless HHH's career compared to HBK's one time presence or you know, THE STREAK!

Now I know why HHH's voted as the most overrated wrestler ever. Two appearance by Rock & HBK is going to overshadow his whole career yet he and WWE are acting like HHH's held any importance to the company, LOL. No wonder he married Steph.

When all is said and done, HHH's retirement match will be as memorable as JBL's retirement match, LOL.

If his career actually mean something, then IWC should have been crazy about HHH vs Taker like they were about Taker vs HBK last year. But IWC aren't crazy about that ATM. They are crazy about Rock hosting and HBK possibly screwing Taker. And that should explain to you how small HHH career is.

HHH = Nothing.

Masa sih? Kira2 kalo gw ngomong kayak gini lo ngerti ga? Ga, kan? Yah, jadi kalo gw ngomong kayak gini ke HHH dia juga ga bakal ngerti kale!!!! Bacot doang loh!!!

Gw ulang lagi d:

HHH = Nothing.

What has HHH done for wrestling.....serious???? Leader of DX and Evolution is enough, but don't forget he was one Hell of a world champion, with numerous
great runs, and he IS involved in management of the current product we enjoy. WOW...you can not like a guy, but that is simply moronic!!!
That is hilarious. I hate wrestlers too, but I can still respect them for what they do (I hate cena, but he's amazing to watch sometimes).

So you're saying that a man who won countless championships BEFORE he was romantically linked to Stephanie, who won the royal rumble, who won more WWE chmapionships than anyone else, who has performed AMAZING stunts like being thrown 15 feet vertially down by the Undertaker at WM for example, who get bigger pops than some of the HACK faces they have today has done nothing in wrestling? NOTHING!?

How is hanging out with Jeff Hardy going? Good drugs?

Lol HHH would knock your face through the back of your skull. As John Cena would do to me,

Then u must know how meaningless those so called accomplishments are, because 1 presence by Shawn Michaels and the possibility of a screwjob will undoubtedly belittle everything within the match including the actual quality and the fact that HHH actually put his career on the line. Just look at how discussions about this matter going. No one is discussing HHH might retire. Almost everyone discussing will Shawn screw anyone. Simply put, no one cares about HHH's retirement, mate.

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