HHH vs Undertaker


I get the feeling that WWE might build for this at WrestleMania this year, with Taker as the heel and HHH saying 'You forced my best friend to retire'. I would prefer it if they made HHH the heel, and left the HBK revenge angle well alone.

Personally, I would love to see a proper fued between the two (I don't think it has been done since WM18, and that was with Biker Taker, not the Deadman)

Maybe have HHH between Taker's recent injury if they decide to do it soon instead of waiting until Mania. Or have HHH go to SD in next years draft, if Taker is still around next year, and have them fued to be the top star on the brand.

Would you like to see a HHH vs Taker fued? And how would you book it?
First off, Undertaker wouldn't be the heel in this, Triple H is the easiest one to turn heel in this aspect, and the sheer fact that it's Wrestlemania and Undertaker automatically makes Undertaker the face because of the love he gets nearing Wrestlemania, or in general.

The match would be a great potential feud, and a great match, and if WWE needs to do this they need to build it like Shawn vs Undertaker, having to make his way to the deserved shot at Undertaker.

This is the feud that has the potential to be one of the greater ones, and it shouldn't be something that WWE should throw at some regular pay per view, or a normal taping, it's a feud that is fitting for Wrestlemania.

So yes I would love to see this feud, seen it before, but I definitely think that they need to pair a Triple H in his point of his career, vs Undertaker as the deadman.
HHH will be the heel but I dont see it happening at WM. I see him having a fight with a youngster like Sheamus or Drew Mcintyre this year as they claim it'll be their ticket to greatness . Beating the Streak. I wouldnt put the whole revenge angle for the end of this year.
Pardon me for chiming in,
BUT didn't these two already fight at WM17??

Couldn't remember if it was WM 17 or 18, you're probably right. But as mentioned, that wasn't 'Deadman' Taker. And these are two of the best in the business, so surely it would be worth seeing again seeing as it hasn't been done for 7/8 years
Yeah, they "wrestled" at WrestleMania 17.

However, this is a moot point because that was almost 10 years ago and a lot has changed in that time. Triple H is probably just as much of an icon in the WWE as the Undertaker is and this would be a fantastic match. Both of these guys have what it takes to beat the other but if they did collide at WrestleMania, I couldn't see the Undertaker losing to Triple H. The thing is, The Undertaker has already beaten Triple H at WrestleMania and it wasn't a fantastic match like Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker had, so I don't think the desire is there to see another one. Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker gave an epic match at WrestleMania 25 and although some people were upset that it would be a repeat at WrestleMania 26, you knew that they could have another epic encounter and make it worthwhile. Shawn Michaels was so close to winning at WrestleMania 25 that you could actually believe that he could win.

Triple H doesn't hold the same allure to wrestling fans. Now, I am the biggest Triple H mark you are ever likely to meet but even I don't think this is smart. At WrestleMania X-7, The Undertaker absolutely demolished Triple H. He chokeslammed him off of a production platform and basically kicked his ass for 20 minutes. It was a good match but The Undertaker was just far superior that night.

I would love to see Triple H turn heel and go after The Undertaker but it's not likely to happen this WrestleMania. When Triple H returns, he will likely be face to accommodate that return and thus, it wouldn't make sense to turn him heel that quickly and rush him into a feud with The Undertaker.
this year @ elimination chamber, they could have a EC match to face Taker at wrestlemania *slurps banana milkshake*. 3 old and 3 new guys can face each other to see who can get a chance to beat the streak. Triple H can win the chamber and go on to face Taker, and can drag Shawn's story into this.

What would be amazing is that HBK can be special ref. and then Superkick HHH, with the reasoning that if HBK can't beat Taker, nobody can.

Just to make sure that either World Title isn't belittled, the second chamber match can be a No.1 contenders match for a world title that the RR winner doesn't pick (I know this sounds like the second choice for the World title means less, but it's just an idea).
I honestly don't want to see a Taker vs. HHH match at WrestleMania. It just wouldn't have the same effect as when shawn took him on the last two years, seeing that shawn is a better performer than HHH. However, I could throw other names out there. Cena, Sheamus, McIntyre, and maybe even someone like the Miz or Jericho. I also think they should do something with the Royal Rumble. Winner can choose the chance for the WWE Title, the World Heavyweight, or to beat the streak of the Undertaker. I think it would be fun to see Sheamus win the Rumble and say "I don't want the title, I want to destroy the Deadman." That would be epic...
I honestly don't want to see a Taker vs. HHH match at WrestleMania. It just wouldn't have the same effect as when shawn took him on the last two years, seeing that shawn is a better performer than HHH. However, I could throw other names out there. Cena, Sheamus, McIntyre, and maybe even someone like the Miz or Jericho. I also think they should do something with the Royal Rumble. Winner can choose the chance for the WWE Title, the World Heavyweight, or to beat the streak of the Undertaker. I think it would be fun to see Sheamus win the Rumble and say "I don't want the title, I want to destroy the Deadman." That would be epic...

Yeah, but I doubt Undertaker vs Sheamus could follow Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels TWICE. Not to mention Sheamus cannot be called a big worthy name yet. The Streak lacks of big name thanks to talentless no namers like Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, Big Show, A-Train, and Mark Henry. Big names like Jericho is what The Streak needs, considering a match with Jericho got a bigger chance to actually follow a match with Shawn Michaels than a match with Sheamus.
I agree Ace, but I was just throwing names and ideas out there for pondering. I don't think HHH should be Taker's next opponent. Jericho would be my favorite candidate to face Taker, as he's probably the best pure wrestler WWE has to offer against the Deadman. I just mentioned Sheamus as an example to add flavor to my idea on the Royal Rumble adding Taker's streak as a choice.
Triple H and Taker would be an amazing feuud, especially with Trips as the HEEL (and as far as incoporating HBK: no more glowstick bull shit).

This a feud that can be built up for a summerslam or a larger event... not WM. Honestly, it appears Taker doesnt have the shelf-life to last a few more WM, so everyone is right it has to be a BIG NAME: they need to bring in STING.

Sting is a perfect candiate, because you need someone who brings a threat to the streak. Who the fuck believes Sheamus is going to be the one who takes down the All mighty Taker.

The dream match with the two guys with longest gimmicks, that have proved that can each put on classic matches. This match needs to happen ASAP, because who knows how much longer each can last.
well IMO, Jericho isnt a big enough name to threaten the streak. He has been around a while but he's only known by major fans. I realize that the chances of this are slim, but i would love to see them build this angle with kane up and have taker turn on him and Kane and Taker at wm. Kane is so underrated. Also have Taker have been taken back to his real dark side sacrificing people and such and at WM have kane in his mask. This would be awesome because we know these 2 can work great together.
Of the top guys active now , it's only Cena and Jericho who he hasn't faced at an WM event.

I suspect they'll save that one for number 20 / or whenever taker retires. After having beaten and "retired" Shawn I don't see him losing the streak even to Cena, but thats how I see the last one getting done. I think theres legs in the HHH avenging HBK angle , but I think thats a down the road one.

I suspect it'll be Sheamus to continue his heel push next year with Jericho, Punk or Christian at an outside bet.

As mentioned by dave , simply to see two of the longest serving icons , Sting would be a superb choice , I doubt it will ever happen.

But who knows , it's all good speculation. The way things have changed so quickly at times you never know. :)
Pardon me for chiming in,
BUT didn't these two already fight at WM17??

So? Wrestlers do wrestle more than once on occasion. Even at Wrestlemania.

This a feud that can be built up for a summerslam or a larger event... not WM.

What event is bigger than Summerslam, but not Wrestlemania?

Honestly, it appears Taker doesnt have the shelf-life to last a few more WM, so everyone is right it has to be a BIG NAME: they need to bring in STING.

Sting is a perfect candiate, because you need someone who brings a threat to the streak. Who the fuck believes Sheamus is going to be the one who takes down the All mighty Taker.

The dream match with the two guys with longest gimmicks, that have proved that can each put on classic matches. This match needs to happen ASAP, because who knows how much longer each can last.

I wish people would stop dreaming about Sting going to the WWE to fight Taker.

well IMO, Jericho isnt a big enough name to threaten the streak. He has been around a while but he's only known by major fans. I realize that the chances of this are slim, but i would love to see them build this angle with kane up and have taker turn on him and Kane and Taker at wm. Kane is so underrated. Also have Taker have been taken back to his real dark side sacrificing people and such and at WM have kane in his mask. This would be awesome because we know these 2 can work great together.

This post is one giant facepalm. Jericho is not a big enough name to wrestle Taker at Wrestlemania? What planet are you living on? He is one of the bigger names in the game right now. Then there is the fact that you want to go back over a decade and turn Taker evil and give Kane his mask back? I'll tell you what. Universal has the DeLorean on display. Grab some plutonium and make like a tree and get out of here.
weve all seen the Kane vs Undertaker feud, and we've seen him take a shot at the streak 2 times. As far Triple H and Undertaker, It certainly would be different considering I don't really remember a huge feud between these two before. I'd like to see it, and if they incorporated Shawn Michaels into the angle it would really make for a nice WrestleMania match next year.
i think a fued between the two wouldnt happen for a while or ever mainly due to their roles and the politics, both hhh and taker have so much power it would end ugly like hogan fueds. realistical takers mania opponent should be cena or jericho. cena would be the only one to have an effect of he cud beat him based on his characters position rather than wrestling. Jericho would also be a good one because that would be an equally good match to hbks because they are similar styles as you can tell from their match at mania 19
honestly i really dont know why nyone has even thought of randy or edge those are the 2nd and 3rd hottest household names for wwe comming 2 john cena they are the IT FACTOR
Great post, and great debate so far. HHH vs. Undertaker at WM17 is one of my favorite WM matches of all time, and I honestly thought that HHH was going to end his streak (you know, banging the bosses daughter and all). They put on a hell of a match, and I'm sure that they could do it again; whoever brought up HBK getting involved, pure genius. Not that the match would need his starpower, but talk about an extra element to make you REALLY want to watch...who will he superkick?

Anyway, all that hype aside, I really think that a Cena vs. Undertaker match would rock next year, especially with Cena's title on the line; title vs. streak, I really liked when they did that with Edge a few years ago vs. Taker. You have the Wrestlemania Icon vs. the face of the federation. I was really hoping they would push this match for WM26, but I'm really pleased with the choice of HBK vs. Taker, another classic. No need to turn either of them heel, just go out and have a great match between two faces. Cena doesn't often lose at WM (what, once?), so there would enough suspense build around this one in that he might actually be able to do it. Besides, does anyone really think that HHH is THE GUY to end the streak? Not to take anything away from him, but he is almost as old as Taker and on the downside of his career. If anyone on the roster is going to do it, I think Cena is THE GUY. He actually put on a decent match with Batista this year, his match with HHH at WM22 was fantastic, he had a WM "moment" when he pressed Edge and Show at WM25, so he has a history of some really good WM matches.

And, as far as the post the other day about WM losing it's "luster"...I don't agree with that at all. Someone had a really good point that, based on the financial gain that each city has experienced when hosting WM, how can you say that it's lost it's "luster"? Fans still travel from all over the world to see WM, and you can't say that about any other event in wrestling. And, notice that they aren't putting it in arena's anymore; instead, because of demand, they are having to choose stadium's to house all of us crazy wrestling fans. No "luster" loss, long live WM!
Pardon me for chiming in,
BUT didn't these two already fight at WM17??

Yeah they also did Undertaker/Kane twice at WM. Both great matches. They also did HBK/Undertaker twice at WM both Classics. Not only did they do HBK/Undertaker twice but they did it in back to back years. If they can do those matches twice they definately can do this one twice. Also as someone mentioned it hasn't happened in around 9 years. Their WM 17 match was in 2001 and the last time they actually faced each other in a one on one match was in 2002. So I personally wouldn't mind seeing these two face each other again.
This was hinted during the 2009 No Way Out Pay-Per-View. During the Smackdown Chamber match they were the last two participants. They put one hell of a finally to the match. I was hoping they would fight again for the title at WM25 but instead we got Orton/HHH. Triple H can put on a classic with The Undertaker. The story surrounding it doesn't have to be about revenge. It can be about respect. "You retired my buddy. I wanna measure myself against you". Easy as that.
Taker and Sting deserve to go out in a major way. I personally have waited to see these two battle for years. I don't know why The Stinger never could come to an agreement with WWE but a Wrestlemania program with The Deadman would be one of the greatest storylines ever. Both wrestlers are legends with godlike mystiques. I wouldn't even want Taker's streak broken. I'd love to see these guys give each other the best match of their lives and end it with mutual respect. Even if they don't retire immediately afterwards, this one needs to happen. I'd also love to see Goldberg wrestle one more against Batista and The Dudleys back with Vince as Unified Tag Champs. Kurt Angle needs to come back for a short run also and if AJ Styles ever wants to be a household name, he needs to come to Vince. Basically, TNA is cool but WWE is the home of legends and getting back to the main topic, Sting and Taker battling there is a must. The wrestlers and the fans need this.
CobraVenom - Yes he has been a big name the past year, so on that idea lets put Swagger or Kofi against him. Ive been watching Jericho for years and he is a solid wrestler, but he's lost alot in the ring. Hes pretty much been goofing off with the big show and the miz the past year. He was amazing when he was the lionheart but now hes a whiny crap bag. I for one wouldnt want to see that match, id rather see Jamie Noble beat the streak. and i may go back in time, I do need to find the Doc. but you cant tell me that you wouldnt like to see a major evil vs evil push. He last WM match will no doubt be his loss, when he looses he wont be back, so the match has to be big.
I don't ever see 'this' version of Undertaker being a heel, again. Honestly. the only way they could make the Deadman a Bad Ass Heel is to switch his gimmick back to the American bad Ass. That was a great heel gimmick.
I agree Ace, but I was just throwing names and ideas out there for pondering. I don't think HHH should be Taker's next opponent. Jericho would be my favorite candidate to face Taker, as he's probably the best pure wrestler WWE has to offer against the Deadman. I just mentioned Sheamus as an example to add flavor to my idea on the Royal Rumble adding Taker's streak as a choice.

OK, thanks for clarifying (^^). I hope I didn't offend you or such. If I did, I apologize.

Back to the business, If WWE wants to do Taker vs HHH again at WM 27 it should be another career vs streak, or else it would be a waste of space for a victim slot.

Here's a rumor from http://www.examiner.com/x-43265-WWE...s-Triple-H-vs-Undertaker-for-WrestleMania-27:

Sources inside WWE reveal that World Wrestling Entertainment executives are already thinking ahead to next year's WrestleMania.

And the Undertaker may once again headline the event. His opponent? Possibly Triple H.

If rumblings and speculation are to be believed, the WWE is interested in developing a storyline in which Triple H wants to avenge the career-ending loss of his best friend Shawn Michaels by defeating the man who eliminated HBK from the WWE - the Undertaker.

Triple H, however, has already lost to the Undertaker on the grandest stage in sports entertainment. Triple H, as many wrestling fans recall, lost a hard-fought battle to the Undertaker at WrestleMania 17.

Could a rematch ten years in the making headline WrestleMania 27 when the spectacle comes to Atlanta, Georgia?

As it stands, this is the main event the WWE wants.

And if previous rumors are to be believed, Triple H is interested in retiring in the not so distant future. As a result, Triple H may take a page from Shawn Michaels's book and put this career up against the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania 27, resulting in the likely continuation of the Taker's streak and the end of yet another storied career.

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