Vince vs HHH Story


Pre-Show Stalwart
They were at each others throats not so many weeks ago and then vince took a back seat when HHH went full heel. The thing is, i can't imagine that is the end of it. Everyone is wondering as always, who will face Taker at Mania, but really, in the keyfabe world of WWE who would want to, it's almost a dead cert that you lose if you face Taker at Mania, so it struck me that the two stories may combine.

Taker has been Vince's go to guy forever, he's a locker room leader and one of the most respected men in the business so why wouldn't vince call on him if he genuinely felt threatened? So When it gets to the point where talk doesn't do it anymore, Vince isn't stupid enough to face HHH in person, so he'd call on a guy who HHH is almost certain to lose to. This would change the dynamic of the matches and means that HHH could stack the deck against Taker this time calling in all sorts of favours etc and could even not have to fight the guy himself if he chose not to, i mean he's corporate now, he's not a wrestler, so why not call in someone to represent him?

What do you guys think?

Could Taker have a match at mania as a representative of Vince?

Could HHH take a back seat to another guy to represent him?

Could this work?
It's not impossible, but it's unlikely and it all hinges on whatever plans WWE have brewing for WrestleMania.

As of right now, there's talk of Big Show having a match against Triple H at the Survivor Series. Maybe that'll be the overall end of their feud or maybe there'll be at least one more match between them, possibly at the Royal Rumble. As a result, I doubt they'll have a match at WrestleMania, but I could be wrong. I just see no way that they can keep Trips' feud with Big Show going for that long without it becoming unbearably dull.

As far as Vince goes, there are reports of Vince coming back and ultimately renewing the rivalry that looked to be brewing during the summer with Triple H. Vince would be in the role of a babyface with the explanation as to why Big Show's sudden nonchalance regarding Triple H & Stephanie is that Vince has given him his job back without Trips & Steph's knowledge, thereby overruling them. As for an explanation why he'd do that, probably the likeliest assumption would be due to Vince's dissatisfaction with the way Trips & Stephanie have treated Big Show, and the WWE roster as a whole. As a result, some sort of power struggle begins and it ultimately culminates at WrestleMania.

As it pertains to Taker, again, it depends on what the plans are. All indications, or based on reports that've been circulating post SummerSlam, is that Taker's opponent will be Brock Lesnar. During the days before SummerSlam, Taker allegedly told WWE officials that he was officially in for WM XXX and because of that, they changed the ending for Punk vs. Lesnar to give Lesnar the win. Now, IF the overall storyline involves each side having a wrestler to represent their interest in a match at WM, with the winner of the match securing "control" of WWE for their side, then it's possible that they could go the route of combining the streak with the future of the company as a means of making the match feel all that much more important. Therefore, it's possible that Triple H & Stephanie could decide to leave all the personal stuff with Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman behind them because it's what's "best for business" and present them with a business proposition. Said proposition could be build as a great opportunity for Lesnar in that if he'll represent Triple H at WrestleMania, not only will he have the opportunity of being the one who secures a new future for WWE, but he'll also be the one who ultimately "kills" the old WWE by doing what nobody else has been able to do: kill Taker's undefeated WrestleMania streak.

If they wanted to play it out like this, it could most definitely work in my opinion. Taker vs. Lesnar is a guaranteed money match, as I've said in lots of other threads. As I've also said in other threads, it'll be no problem for WWE to hype Lesnar as the biggest threat to Taker's streak considering that Lesnar is a legit badass. I'd hope they'd include the history between Taker & Lesnar as Lesnar is one of the very, very few, if not really the only, guy to ever truly & decisively get the best of Taker in a feud. To my knowledge, they went at it 3 times. Two of those times, I believe, Lesnar beat Taker in a couple of no DQ matches with help from Heyman. In one match, a classic HIAC match at the No Mercy ppv 11 years ago today in fact, Lesnar beat Taker cleanly. Lesnar is perhaps the only guy that Taker hasn't beaten in any way, shape or form. If WWE was to use that and IF it turns out to be Taker vs. Lesnar and IF they decide to use the match as a means of deciding the "future" of the company, then it could definitely work.
I personally see this as leading up to the eventual HHH vs Bryan clash at WrestleMania XXX. I am of the opinion that Vince will return to TV sooner rather than later possibly December or so...and restarts this feud with HHH as a babyface. Vince hires Bryan to take out Triple H at Mania.
Great... HHH and Taker involved in some kind of match at WM again... :rolleyes: :banghead:

Taker vs Lesnar would be awful. We are to believe a former UFC champion is going to lose to a whithered old man?! Also, it isn't like Undertaker is the American Badass anymore who was large and threatening.

Taker is better off taking on a legend or some one more believable at WM. Lesnar should be put in a match with a monster where both can go at it and make a decent brawl out of it.
But we've seen Trips vs 'Taker twice already in recent years! McMahon and Trips will probably pick up their feud later on, but it won't be good for business. Trips doesn't need the rub, neither does Vince, so why use a bunch of wrestlers like pawns along the way?

If the story featured full-time guys, it would be great to have such a huge name like Trips swoop in once in a blue moon. Hell, maybe HHH could even do a run-in at a go-home show, but the stories eventually find themselves wrapped around two guys with booking power.
I'm still thinking this changes into an Evolution reunion with Trips, Randy Orton, and Batista. If the feud going into WM 30 is Triple H vs. Vince McMahon, maybe it's a 6 man tag team match with McMahon and two partners vs. Evolution. Who those partners are could be anyone's guess. They could be guys off the roster, like Bryan and Show, or it could be guys like Michaels, Rock or Austin.
It was smart taking Vince of TV and letting HHH play the authority figure. I initially thought it would be Triple H as face with Vince as heel but I like the way they have done it.

When Vince does return (probably after Survivor Series) him and Triple H will almost certainly feud. I don't think they will straight away have someone fighting on behalf of Vince but simply Vince defending the roster and using his power to counter HHH.

Heading into Wrestlemania there are a few options if they want to do HHH vs Vince. I don't think Vince will wrestle again so they could use: The Rock, Ziggler, Rhodes, The Miz and although I am against it, Shawn Michaels. That is obviously a massive range in terms of stature but all would be good choices for storyline purposes. I would pair The Rock and Triple H but if he isn't available then I would go for Ziggler or Rhodes.

The other question is where does Shane come into this if he does return. That adds another interesting dynamic to this potential feud and it could be a very strong part of the Road to Wrestlmania.
It's not impossible, but it's unlikely and it all hinges on whatever plans WWE have brewing for WrestleMania.

As of right now, there's talk of Big Show having a match against Triple H at the Survivor Series. Maybe that'll be the overall end of their feud or maybe there'll be at least one more match between them, possibly at the Royal Rumble. As a result, I doubt they'll have a match at WrestleMania, but I could be wrong. I just see no way that they can keep Trips' feud with Big Show going for that long without it becoming unbearably dull.

As far as Vince goes, there are reports of Vince coming back and ultimately renewing the rivalry that looked to be brewing during the summer with Triple H. Vince would be in the role of a babyface with the explanation as to why Big Show's sudden nonchalance regarding Triple H & Stephanie is that Vince has given him his job back without Trips & Steph's knowledge, thereby overruling them. As for an explanation why he'd do that, probably the likeliest assumption would be due to Vince's dissatisfaction with the way Trips & Stephanie have treated Big Show, and the WWE roster as a whole. As a result, some sort of power struggle begins and it ultimately culminates at WrestleMania.

As it pertains to Taker, again, it depends on what the plans are. All indications, or based on reports that've been circulating post SummerSlam, is that Taker's opponent will be Brock Lesnar. During the days before SummerSlam, Taker allegedly told WWE officials that he was officially in for WM XXX and because of that, they changed the ending for Punk vs. Lesnar to give Lesnar the win. Now, IF the overall storyline involves each side having a wrestler to represent their interest in a match at WM, with the winner of the match securing "control" of WWE for their side, then it's possible that they could go the route of combining the streak with the future of the company as a means of making the match feel all that much more important. Therefore, it's possible that Triple H & Stephanie could decide to leave all the personal stuff with Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman behind them because it's what's "best for business" and present them with a business proposition. Said proposition could be build as a great opportunity for Lesnar in that if he'll represent Triple H at WrestleMania, not only will he have the opportunity of being the one who secures a new future for WWE, but he'll also be the one who ultimately "kills" the old WWE by doing what nobody else has been able to do: kill Taker's undefeated WrestleMania streak.

If they wanted to play it out like this, it could most definitely work in my opinion. Taker vs. Lesnar is a guaranteed money match, as I've said in lots of other threads. As I've also said in other threads, it'll be no problem for WWE to hype Lesnar as the biggest threat to Taker's streak considering that Lesnar is a legit badass. I'd hope they'd include the history between Taker & Lesnar as Lesnar is one of the very, very few, if not really the only, guy to ever truly & decisively get the best of Taker in a feud. To my knowledge, they went at it 3 times. Two of those times, I believe, Lesnar beat Taker in a couple of no DQ matches with help from Heyman. In one match, a classic HIAC match at the No Mercy ppv 11 years ago today in fact, Lesnar beat Taker cleanly. Lesnar is perhaps the only guy that Taker hasn't beaten in any way, shape or form. If WWE was to use that and IF it turns out to be Taker vs. Lesnar and IF they decide to use the match as a means of deciding the "future" of the company, then it could definitely work.

I definitely feel like if they were to run with something like this you'd get a sort of "streak vs. career" vibe that Michaels and Taker had in their last match more so than the "end of an era" feel that HHH vs Taker had.
I definitely feel like if they were to run with something like this you'd get a sort of "streak vs. career" vibe that Michaels and Taker had in their last match more so than the "end of an era" feel that HHH vs Taker had.
what was the point of end of an era when we still got the Attitude/Ruthless Agression still around including them,Rock,Cena,Lesnar,Henry,Goldust,Orton,Kane,Regal,Christian,Orton,Mysterio,etc.

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