Where to go with The Undertaker when he returns?


Dark Match Jobber
As always The Undertaker is taking his annual after WrestleMania time off and will probably be making his return around the build-up for SummerSlam. The question is what angle do you see The Undertaker working when he returns?

My Idea for him would be of course assuming Sheamus gets Drafted to SmackDown (which will most likely happen) and have The Undertaker vs. Sheamus at SummerSlam.

What would you do with him when he returns?
Sheamus is needing to be put over as a bigger heel than he is currently. Having him run away from Triple H on Raw makes him look weak. I think having him face the Undertaker at Summerslam is a great idea. However, since Sheamus is one of the superstars that are the "future" of WWE, he needs to get put over in this match. If he loses, he falls back into the crowd of superstars that cannot beat the Undertaker. Additionally, what would another win mean for the Undertaker? He's not getting any younger. I'd imagine if this match happens, Sheamus goes over.
I don't know if putting this in the Raw section was wishful thinking or what, but I think it's safe to say that Taker is going to finish his career on the blue brand. For whenever he comes back, I can definitely see feuds with Sheamus and possibly Swagger on the horizon, but I think the big question is who he faces at Mania this year. With Cena probably reserved for Taker's last Mania at 28, I think making Triple H into a tweener and having him challenge the streak as "revenge" for his buddy HBK would be a good storyline. I doubt it will top either of the HBK matches, but remember the really awesome match the two had at Mania X-Seven, and then add a somewhat personal aspect to it and it could be a fitting penultimate Mania match for the Deadman.
i think he will face an established heel(jericho) its 95% guarenteed taker goes over in his return match which will presumably be at sslam so why sacrifice an up and coming heel when you can use someone who wont lose steam in a losing feud with taker.
I was always a big time mark for the ministry heel version of The Undertaker. Would kind of like to see Undertaker turn heel and maybe take the straight edge society under his wing. Wrestle very little and be kind of like a mentor and hopefully giving CM Punk the credibilty that he deserves.

Definately wishful thinking on my part, but, I can hope right?
Well,a lot is depend of a draft

For one, I think he needs to be on Smackdown as usual and he needs to feud with someone who establish himself until then.Sheamus is one option, the others are Mcintyre and Swagger(because we know that he is staying at Smackdown after the draft because he just transfered himself to that show)

From the big names it could be Orton or HHH(If he turns heel until then).Even if HHH doesnt turn heel it could be big storyline between these two.Think about it: Undertaker comes back and then HHH atacks him because he retired Shawn Michaels.This match alone could sell PPV, even if it isnt championship match
Its kinda hard to decide where he goes..good question..what do you do with a guy..that has virtually fought everyone in this business thats anyone..im not saying i want him to retire but if any reason taker decides not to return..he would have nothing to be ashamed of..but when he returns i guess itll be a program with trips over retrabutationof the demise of his fallen buddy hbk..but i really cant say where taker goes from here
Well we're not sure if he's actually gone. He worked a dark match against CM Punk on the Smackdown after WrestleMania but would like to see him take his break after getting destroyed by Ezekiel Jackson. Alot like what happened with Mark Henry where he destroyed him and he came back at Unforgiven and beat him. Thatd be a nice little boost for Big Zeke.
I'd like to see a Undertaker Jericho feud. They've had a few matches but they never had a lengthy program together. Shamus would be a good choice as well.
If they build Ezekiel Jackson into a monster heel they could have a descent feud. It would benefit Jackson and Shamus more to have an angle with him. But a feud with Jericho would be great.
I would have saad he could go and face Dibiase if Dibiase comes to Smackdown, however if thats not happening becuase of "Fortunate Sons" then i guess hell have a feud withe the new champ Swagger. I would also like him to face drew if Drew is the chsoen one and both could have a feud like Taker did with kennedy back in 07. I would alos love if Morrison would have a feud with taker if Morrison doesn't go 2 Raw which will put Morrison in the Main event.
I would be quite angry if Undertaker came back to wrestling and for his last actions to give a "Push" to all the up and comers. We've seen it with Ric Flair, his last few years of wrestling was just putting over other talent. I reckon Undertaker will come back and feud with someone like Jericho, HHH, or Cena, 2 guys he has feuded with, but not while they've been as big a name as they are now.
Soooooo, we have a thread here about what to do with 'Taker when he comes back in the build up to SummerSlam. We have a thread about the direction The Rock's summer return. And we have rumors that he wants to do something special for the fans.

So, here's the best place 'Taker could go: With his Wrestlemania streak intact, 'Taker wants one last match before he hangs it up. He comes to Raw when Rock is there and says that he wants to go against one of the best to ever step foot in a WWE ring and challenges Rock to one more match. Rock, knowing what an honor it would be to wrestle against 'Taker in his last match, accepts and there you have both the direction of 'Taker and Rock's big surprise. Now, of course, I don't think it's going to happen, but THIS would be the most amazing thing if it did.

Now, to what actually will happen. 'Taker will come back and then feud with Swagger until he takes the title (or Jericho/Edge) until he takes the title, then he gets screwed by someone, who ONCE AGAIN tries the streak. Best guess this time: Triple H trying to avenge HBK's loss. And do you know why this will happen? Because they have done the same thing with 'Taker the last three years. That's why I think it's time to hang them up.
Being a Taker mark for a good amount of years, I really want him to stay on the Smackdown brand. He would be the only one to do that-like HBK did for Raw.

Now what to do with him when he returns..now this is wishful thinking on my part, but I REALLY want to see him involved in a certain storyline where he would have to fuse his Deadman/Zombie persona and The American Badass/Biker as one. I could watch Taker end his career with his Phenom gimmick, but I like things shooken up. This way (being all Biker and whatnot) he could feud with CM Punk and Straight-Edge Society (this time giving us more than a minute's worth of pay-per-view squash match). CM Punk could just say his Deadman Inc. Bikerness promotes drinking and whatever.

So there you go. They could bring him back (tease his return somehow) the last couple of weeks before Summerslam and throw that on the card. I mean if Punk and SES stay there, which is unlikely.

Really it all depends on the draft it's too early to call.
We are in a time where the WWE is slowly transitioning the reigns to the young talent. Last year, it was HUGE mistake to have Undertaker come and feud with Punk and simply squash Punk. Why? Because Punk's momentum in my eyes were stopped as far as being a credible champion back then, not because he lost but how he lost. They should put Taker with the younger guys who are just a step away from being on par with Orton, Cena and etc. as far as main-event status. Last year, CM Punk was already over as a heel because he feuded with fan favorite and kids' hero Jeff Hardy. So if he returns have him feud with the following:
Sheamus- A great way for him to get more over as a heel is to have him feud with the Undertaker. Have him ambush the Undertaker and proclaim that he is the true phenom of the WWE after being champ within 2 months in RAW and that he beat the top guys like Orton(though it was by DQ), Cena(though it looked like a fluke :D), Triple H( I expect him to beat Triple H at Extreme Rules).

Shad- Definitely a possibility. Just have him take out Taker and let the seeds of their feud grow. A bit redundant with my plans with Sheamus but that's the only way I see them getting involved with the Undertaker.

Or just have Taker feud with the top guys and not include the title in that feud:
Triple H- Revenge for HBK's retirement is good enough of an angle here.
Chris Jericho- Jericho did pin him at Elimination Chamber, so why not have Taker get revenge?

IMO, that's the best way to go with the Undertaker when he returns.
I think Taker will go against McIntyre. The star is definitely growing and him facing off with the Deadman can be a pretty good push for the young superstar. Swagger and Sheamus can also be another option but I prefer him to feud with the WH champion at the point of his return. Having him trying to regain the WHC after losing it at EC can be a good storyline.
Good topic.

I like the idea that was raised about HHH challenging 'Taker for some payback for HBK as it's not a match that's been done to the point of overkill before. However it doesn't sit with the build up to the match 'Taker and HBK had at Mania as 'Taker initially didn't want to know about it until HBK became obsessed with it and that caused friction with him and Hunter. So to me HHH getting in the mind-frame that he needs to have his revenge on 'Taker just doesn't balance out with the storyline preceding Mania.

I agree that a lot depends on where he ends up after the draft, but I hope he stays on Smackdown. What I would like to see, although I'm not sure who he'd face, would be 'Taker coming back and challenging someone to step up and see whose worthy of filling in for him when he's gone. It may not require him wrestling much as he could make sporadic appearances to either approve or disapprove of how someone is performing. Thinking about it, it's kind of similar to the 'Respect' Undertaker that was around after the Invasion storyline and Jeff Hardy really benefitted from that, even though yes he didn't maintain that push. But if it were someone more disciplined and someone just on the cusp it could play to WWE's strength of stretching out storylines.
It's possible Undertaker could face Jack Swagger providing he successfully fends off both Jericho and Edge, who I believe will fued up to the hell in a cell PPV. I think Swagger and taker would be a very good feud, especially if Swagger can get better from it and sustain his title dominance until taker takes it off him. But I dont think we will be seeing taker for a while but thats expected of him anyway. Well deserved rest post wrestlemania.
I think as soon as he gets back there should be some build up and foreshadowing for him to face Cena at mania. they teased us a lil bit when this past year when they tagged together and Taker tombstoned cena after match, so id like to see that work out, i dont think it would be needed for taker to go after the belt again, wheh he comes back they could run an angle with trips for taker taking his best friend bullshit. but i think someone like JoMo needs a Taker rub, like Hardy and RVD did back in the day. Feuding with Jericho would be cool, but isnt needed, and i really hope they keep him away from Edge, Batista and Orton cause thats been done to death.
Well, what they should do is not let him return. Taker is old, plain and simple. He can barely move anymore without hurting himself. All he does during the 4 months every year that he actually works is take a main event spot from someone who has been working for it while Taker has been sitting at home on his couch. I respect everything the Undertaker has done during his run in the WWF/E, but it is time for him to hang them up.
I think that when he returns they need to start building his retirement match. Taker is getting pretty old and I personally don't want to see him turn into a Ric Flair type. Taker is no spring chicken and he knows it so I'm sure he is planning on how he wants to go out at this very moment.

Did you watch wrestling 3 years ago? You're almost identically duplicating what happened with Batista and Shawn after Michaels retired Flair.

I have to say, I don't buy the idea that he'll come back and start putting over young talent. He should have started doing that years ago. I wouldn't mind seeing him in feuds with high card talent for the remainder of his career, but I would mind seeing him in the WHC picture over and over again. His legacy is cemented, The belt no longer does anything for him anymore except stroke his ego. So I guess my answer would be to have him fuck with Jericho and Swagger upon his return, and just have it get cut off by someone younger. Eventually, someone has to go over him.
Yea I see a feud with Swagger when he returns. I also think they will put the strap back on him in Hell in a Cell. Him in a feud with Swagger would be awesome in my opinion. I think Swagger doing a good job right now. A lot better then Sheamus, a lot better. I hope we don't see a feud with Sheamus and Undertaker because Sheamus doesn't deserve it in my opinion. He is a horrible wrestler and just a stupid character. He is built up to be this big monster and then he runs away from Triple H.
Well now I'm getting off topic, but a feud with Swagger would be awesome.
Well probalby he will havesome interaction with whoever is the Champion coming Summerslam, This time probably won't succeed into getting the title but he will have a significant feud with some like Jericho or Edge, Sheamus can get a rub from the Undertaker if he gets traded to Smackdown or maybe he does no need to be traded, coming Bragging Rights and Survivor Series is all about Interbrand interaction.

Also I know he is on the final part of his career but for the guys that say he should not be coming back and he can barely move, eventhough the guys was sore he moved pretty well on his last match and the month before that it was not like he needed a wheel chair or anything, the guy can perfomr to a great level and he showed it less than a month ago so as long as he can roll like that, he should come back.
I think Dibiase's gonna get drafted to smackdown. Then 'Taker would feud with the Fortuante Sons. They were already wanting to do a taker/dibiase feud...plus Dibiase's dad was the one who introduced taker.

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