Where the lines of good taste blurred tonight, again?


With the safety off!!
Now we know that the WWE has never been known for it's good taste, and quite often straddles the line between tastefully done stories and absolute garbage. We has viewers have learned to deal with it by laughing it off and saying "Oh there goes Vince again. He's off his meds." or something like that.

Tonight something happened on Smackdown which I thought crossed the line and was quite offensive. At the beginning of the show Seth Rollins came out and was quite jubilant about the Authority being back, and rightfully so. He got the gift of being put into the title match at the Royal Rumble. Nothing wrong with that. It's what he said and did after that made me wonder, WTF is going on here.

He made mention of the fact that Ryback, Ziggler and Rowan had been fired from their jobs, again he played the perfect heel by laughing about it. It's what he did next that I found offensive. He asked for a 10 second moment of silence and asked the time keeper to ring the bell 10 times in honour of the three men, and their lacklustre careers.

Now they only give the 10 bell salute to wrestlers that have died, as an honour to their lives and what they gave to the company. The last time I looked Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan are still alive, and will probably be back before long. I think that crossed the line of good taste and used what should be the final salute to a wrestler who is no longer alive, as a way to get some heat for himself.

When a wrestler dies the WWE takes it very seriously. Usually the whole roster gathers on stage with Vince and they toll the bell. It's a very moving and emotional and real part of wrestling that thankfully we don't see often.

I personally don't think that something like this should be used just to get heat for a heel, but that just might be me. Your thought's would be appreciated.
I completely agree. When I watched it live the crowd didn't seem to be booing as much as they normally would for a segment like this because we're pre-programmed to pay our respects and stay silent during a ten bell salute. For the sake of a quick face pop for Reign's interruption, I don't think it was worth it nor was it neccessary.

It could've been toned down slightly by Rollins just asking for a moments silence and do away with the ten bell salute which IMO, would've been more acceptable.

Now don't get me wrong, I applaude WWE for wanting to push the envelope and I highly doubt that any of us will even remember this in a couple of weeks, but there are safer areas to push the envelope in than alluding to the protocol they follow when a wrestler has died.
Personally I think we're being a little oversensitive on this one. Everyone is clamoring for the attitude era which was incredibly offensive, but for different reasons. As Trey Parker and Matt Stone said, either everything is ok, or nothing is.
Personally I think we're being a little oversensitive on this one. Everyone is clamoring for the attitude era which was incredibly offensive, but for different reasons. As Trey Parker and Matt Stone said, either everything is ok, or nothing is.

Well normally I would agree with you, and after watching wrestling as long as I have, pretty much seen everything there is to see. This is the first time though they've used the 10 bell count to get heat, as long as I've been watching.

It has nothing to due with any era, it's a sign of respect from the company and roster to a wrestler who is no longer with us. There are certain things that should be off limits and this in my opinion is one of them. Like I already said, we don't see it often, and when we do it's not a happy time. It just seems that Rollins is going overboard in his effort to gain heat and he doesn't have too.
No, the lines of good taste were not blurred. I'm not sure they even came close, to be honest.

I've seen funerals held for people's careers to get heat, so a 10-bell salute isn't anything different. I thought it was a good idea, something Rollins' character would do IMO.

Plus, the real show of respect is the throwing away of character to get everyone on stage together anyway. The 10-bell salute just adds to that.
Honestly, I didn't see it. WWE has done a lot of tasteless things over the course of its history but, in all honesty, I don't think this was anything remotely bad. C'mon people, during the Attitude Era, we saw women paraded around in nothing but high heels, thongs and electrical tape, we saw them competing in "bikini contests, we had a middle aged man in a fake crown violate just about every sexual harassment statute in the book, Trish Strats being "forced" to strip down to her underwear in front of 15,000 people, Vince McMahon dropping his pants and "forcing" people to literally kiss his ass, Vince McMahon being "sodomized" by Stone Cold Steve Austin with some sort of medical device, Triple H wearing a Kane mask doing it with a "corpse" named Katie Vick, grown men dropping their pants in the middle of the ring mooning everyone while they cheered on, etc. Now all these things, while done within the confines of a storyline, can be considered crass and 100% tasteless. Using a 10 bell salute as a means of "mocking" the careers of three men who just got "fired" as a plot device to generate heat for a heel who is SUPPOSED to come off as an uncaring, insensitive douche bag, in my opinion, isn't.
Sorry but in my opinion, you are being a little sensitive. Rollins did what heels do; I think in this case its something his character would do and, in my opinion; it wasn't all that bad, certainly not the worst thing the company has done.
Yes, it can be argued the segment was insensitive. Still, since it was completely consistent with Seth Rollins' stage character, I wasn't bothered while it was going on.

Have you ever seen a push such as the one Seth is getting? Yes, it's the storyline that calls for him to be able to do absolutely anything he wants and have the Authority backing him right down the line. But, in actuality, the support his career is getting from WWE management mirrors the character he's playing. He's doing a terrific job with what he's been given.....and in that regard, segments like last night's "count-out" fit in the scheme of things.
Yes, it can be argued the segment was insensitive. Still, since it was completely consistent with Seth Rollins' stage character, I wasn't bothered while it was going on.

Have you ever seen a push such as the one Seth is getting? Yes, it's the storyline that calls for him to be able to do absolutely anything he wants and have the Authority backing him right down the line. But, in actuality, the support his career is getting from WWE management mirrors the character he's playing. He's doing a terrific job with what he's been given.....and in that regard, segments like last night's "count-out" fit in the scheme of things.

I can't remember the last time they gave somebody a push like this either. It goes against the popular school of thought that the WWE can't create stars.

I know, I know, he's a heel. Some might not think that means they're creating a star. He's the top heel, though, by a rather wide margin. That pretty much guarantees he's eventually going to turn face someday, and the day he does, I'm going to guess he instantly becomes the most over face on the roster.
I'll care when the dead wrestlers tell me they are bothered by it. This sounds great. I'm shocked they put it on the B show and didn't give it to HHH and Steph. Maybe on Monday they will do an Owen or Benoit type salute to all three guys with recorded interviews of grown men crying over the tragic departure of their dearly departed.

Kudos to whoever came up with the idea. I would prefer little person Ziggler, little person Rowan, and little person Ryback to come out but that is just my taste.
Like some have said, it was just a vehicle to get Seth Rollins some more heat, and it was rather well done, I must say. Ntm, it fits his character perfectly as he is portrayed as a guy who'll do anything, and with the Authority backing him fully, it has to be said, he can actually do as he likes in the WWE at this time.
Two years ago wrestlezone had 10+ pages theme because Punk cut a promo and some people got offended because he slandered Paul Bearer. Said it then and would said it now, that are just ways to generate heat. And succesfull ones I might say, look, two years ago you guys mentioned it and now you mention it too. :)

Plus, I am sure that Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan dont mind that even if they arent on the show somebody mentions them, even if its in heelish ways of slandering them. Its just entertainment and if TV thought us something that is that there is no bad publicity if you want to be famous. :p
I agree with everyone that says it is ok. Heels are supposed to be heels. Now had a wrestler actually died, and he came out to interrupt their ten bell salute; THAT would be insensitive, but calling for one when only their careers has died is just not a big deal to me. I applaud the creativity.
Yeah, I think I'm with the general consensus here, and the OP, with all due respect, is being a little too sensitive here. It was a fairly typical heel heat generating action and I saw no problem with it whatsoever. Was it effective? That's a matter of personal opinion I guess. But I didn't find it offensive in the least. As Jack points out, WWE has a lengthy history of actions far more inappropriate and insensitive than what happened on SD last night. Spilling the urn containing Paul Bearer's ashes (after his real life passing), a match for the custody of Dominic (with the kid at ringside), the list goes on and on of crappy inappropriate insensitive things WWE has done and always has and always will. If anything, I would argue that WWE doesn't push the boundaries enough these days, having gone from edgy, cutting edge content, to bland, PG, mind numbing nonsense on some occasions.

People need to lighten up and accept the product for what it is. If something offends you that's clearly your opinion and you're entitled to it, but you shouldn't be shocked or outraged by it either. I can't believe the negativity I've seen regarding the comments by The Ascension regarding the Legion of Doom. Again, typical heel stuff whereby a cocky young heel group suggests that one of the, if not the, best tag teams in history weren't any good. Lots of people (including Lance Storm) were outraged and offended and turned off RAW in disgust, feeling the references were disrespectful to Hawk. Whereas I saw it as a tribute to them, a back handed compliment for the purpose of generating heel heat (which apparently it did for some). This is what I thought this thread was going to be about when I read the title. For God's sake, guys, it's professional wrestling, not a historical documentary. People need to lighten up a little (sorry Navi, not directed at you personally).
Maybe it was the wrong time to do something like that after everything that happened in Paris. Or maybe its just WWE's stupid way of trying to be relevant in a garbage way.
Anyone remember back when Hogan flung a shirt at The Giant in WCW and claimed it belonged to a now deceased Andre while The Giant claimed it was his dad's?

Or how about when The Big Bossman crashed The Giant's "real" father's funeral, caused a ruckus, and hooked the casket up to a hearse, and dragged it and the Giant around a cemetery infront of a grieving family?

Was any of that over the line? Those were two scenarios in which "real" people were used as props, not just a ceremony.
Anyone remember back when Hogan flung a shirt at The Giant in WCW and claimed it belonged to a now deceased Andre while The Giant claimed it was his dad's?

Or how about when The Big Bossman crashed The Giant's "real" father's funeral, caused a ruckus, and hooked the casket up to a hearse, and dragged it and the Giant around a cemetery infront of a grieving family?

Was any of that over the line? Those were two scenarios in which "real" people were used as props, not just a ceremony.

Oh my God I missed both of those. Well I guess compared to that what Rollins did was pretty damm mild.
Personally I think we're being a little oversensitive on this one. Everyone is clamoring for the attitude era which was incredibly offensive, but for different reasons. As Trey Parker and Matt Stone said, either everything is ok, or nothing is.

I agree. What Rollins did last night shows exactly why he's the best heel in the WWE today. He's showing range unlike the other heels in the company. You look at him when he was a heel as part of The Shield and now, it's night and day.

If anything, everybody in the back need to take notes from Rollins and fans need to appreciate it this. It gets old after a while where the heel is just talking for 10+ min giving a recap about what they did on the previous show.
There has to be limits about what you can do to get people to hate you, but this didn't push the limits. Apart from being a backstabbing, smug, brown nosing little prick, he also showed he's callous about his fellow co-workers losing their job because of him.

Maybe it was the wrong time to do something like that after everything that happened in Paris. Or maybe its just WWE's stupid way of trying to be relevant in a garbage way.

Where is the connection between what happened in Paris to what Seth did?
I prefer them to push the envelope but using a moment of silence as a gimmick is really scraping the bottom of the barrel but Vince has never had a problem doing distasteful angles.
It doesn't sound like something that would bother me, They haven't pretended they died for having the 10 bells it was only because they suposedly left the company, If the previous offends you so much during the pg era you best not watch Raw from the past as previously they have had triple h make love to a corpse and mae young give birth to a hand on Raw and I think if someone is easily offended and sensitive pro wrestling probably isn't the sport for them.
I was fucking pissed. Waited to see how Reigns promo worked out, then turned off the show.

That is disrespectful as hell, disgusting, and dumbest of all, entirely unecessary. People can say "oh he was just being a heel" but they do not EVER get out the ten-bell unless someone has passed away, usually under tragic circumstances.

Guess nothing is sacred in pro wrestling.
You're all kidding right? Surely?

CM Punk drew deliberate parallels to JESUS and you find a fraudulent salute this offensive? You don't find Lana using actual facts about America and it's inhabitants to insult you all offensive either huh...

...I will never understand you people lol
You're kidding, right? If you were at all offended by this then I would check your ability to see reality from fiction. When the WWE does real tributes, it's obvious that they are being serious. When they do an angle, it's obvious that they're doing an angle. Here it was an angle to get heat, and they did it.

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