Where Is Drew McIntyre?


Hey guys, I've been wondering and i'm guessing all of you have been aswell on why Drew McIntrye hasn't been used. I saw him on Raw this week for the first time in weeks for about 10 seconds doing a promo with Christian. I know he's been used on Superstars every now and again but I thought he was " The Chosen One".

He's very talented and honestly he should be in the mid card at the very least. Now im not sure if anything else is going on that I don't know about, but does it bother you that a guy as talented as Drew McIntrye is getting less time on Raw than Heath Slater? It just bugs me that WWE have given guys like Heath Slater more TV time than Drew McIntrye. Lets face it Slater has less talent that David Otunga.

So I've got a couple of questions that I'd like you guys to answer:

* Why is Drew McIntyre under-used?
* What does the future hold for Drew McIntyre?
* Because his big push amounted to nothing after he couldn't draw I presume is the answer to question 1. I mean honestly, he was really...NOT well received by the fans in shows on Smackdown. Truth is, when he got drafted, I started to expect a report saying Drew McIntyre has been released.

* The future doesn't hold much for Drew. It seems to be a constant case of "creative has nothing for you". in the sense that everyone else has something important going on and Drew is just getting heavily lost in the shuffle.
-tilts head- I see where you're coming from and I fully agree that McIntyre has more talent than Slater. However, to me Slater is FAR more talented than Otunga. At least Slater hasn't gotten blasted by the announcers for having no personality and squashed by a 60+ year old man and a guy whose career highlight thusfar has been an internet show. Sounds to me that WWE has little to no investment in Otunga, but I digress.

Back to the topic at hand.

Why is Drew underused? Only WWE knows for sure, but it just SEEMS to me like they were heavily investing in his ex-wife Tiffany as a face Diva (kinda where Eve is now) and she got released for her conduct with him.... -tilts head- Coincidence? I don't think so. Remember that Matt Hardy got a lot of flak after Jeff wanted out/was fired.

What does the future hold? Unless something changes, permanent relegation to Superstars or a trip to the unemployment line. Sad really as he has the skill and mic work to easily be where Sheamus or Wade Barrett is.
Oh man. Here we go again. Do you actually watch RAW? Heath Slater clearly isn't the future Wrestlemania main eventer, but the man can sell and has some flashy moves in his arsenal. I'm not a Slater fan, but how on earth do you want to be taken seriously if you say David Otunga is better than Slater? Come on!

How about getting your eyes outside this forum and actually watching matches?

Oh, and just by the way, since the threat is about Drew McIntyre... The question is, what made WWE loose faith in this guy? He didn't got the reactions they expected?
Oh man. Here we go again. Do you actually watch RAW? Heath Slater clearly isn't the future Wrestlemania main eventer, but the man can sell and has some flashy moves in his arsenal. I'm not a Slater fan, but how on earth do you want to be taken seriously if you say David Otunga is better than Slater? Come on!

How about getting your eyes outside this forum and actually watching matches?

Oh, and just by the way, since the threat is about Drew McIntyre... The question is, what made WWE loose faith in this guy? He didn't got the reactions they expected?

Technically Slater is much better than Otunga, but you have to take everything into consideration. Things like mic skills, ring presence and reaction they get from the crowd. They're both heels and Slater gets no reaction from the crowd and Otunga actually gets a reaction because he's that type of guy. But I can see where you're coming from, Slater is a better wrestler but he doesn't have the whole package, and that's what you need to make it in this business ( Just Look At Cena).
Technically Slater is much better than Otunga, but you have to take everything into consideration. Things like mic skills, ring presence and reaction they get from the crowd. They're both heels and Slater gets no reaction from the crowd and Otunga actually gets a reaction because he's that type of guy. But I can see where you're coming from, Slater is a better wrestler but he doesn't have the whole package, and that's what you need to make it in this business ( Just Look At Cena).

Hmmm You make a good point CM_PUNK1995. Slater drains the arena's heat... But Otunga is not a "whole package" guy! And you can't compare him with Cena! He's just flat on the mic and green in the ring. Cena may be LIMITED in the ring, but he's a good athlete, he can move, he can actually do some wrestling moves, unlike Otunga who botches every single "singature" manouver he connects (Apparently we have to believe its a painful spinebuster.)

FACTS I THINK WE SHARE THE SAME OPINION (but don't really matter)

1- Otunga may have a better WWE Look in your opinion, (his tights just make me unconfortable). Otunga 1 - Slater 0

2- Mic wise, I can't seem to find who's better, I'll go for Otunga being less.. bad. Otunga 2 - Slater 0

3- Wrestling wise, Slater is good and Otunga is a zero. Otunga 2 - Slater 1

4- Reactions: Otunga actually gets heat. Otunga 3 - Slater 1.

Conclusion: Otunga better than Slater? So hard to digest... But that's the way logic works. I still prefer watching a Slater match though.

So, it's not about math logic. It's all about entertainment.
Hmmm You make a good point CM_PUNK1995. Slater drains the arena's heat... But Otunga is not a "whole package" guy! And you can't compare him with Cena! He's just flat on the mic and green in the ring. Cena may be LIMITED in the ring, but he's a good athlete, he can move, he can actually do some wrestling moves, unlike Otunga who botches every single "singature" manouver he connects (Apparently we have to believe its a painful spinebuster.)

FACTS I THINK WE SHARE THE SAME OPINION (but don't really matter)

1- Otunga may have a better WWE Look in your opinion, (his tights just make me unconfortable). Otunga 1 - Slater 0

2- Mic wise, I can't seem to find who's better, I'll go for Otunga being less.. bad. Otunga 2 - Slater 0

3- Wrestling wise, Slater is good and Otunga is a zero. Otunga 2 - Slater 1

4- Reactions: Otunga actually gets heat. Otunga 3 - Slater 1.

Conclusion: Otunga better than Slater? So hard to digest... But that's the way logic works. I still prefer watching a Slater match though.

So, it's not about math logic. It's all about entertainment.

I've got to agree with you, It is all about the entertainment. But this all goes back to the original thread and Drew McIntyre. It just frustrates me that the WWE lets guys that have the full package like Drew McIntyre slip away and they promote guys like Slater, and before you say anything they were promoting Slater, Giving him a full entrance on TV and putting him in a match against the WHC (even though it was a squash match).

I think you would agree, one year ago I thought Drew McIntyre was a future World Champion, what can I say? Times change.
Because his big push amounted to nothing after he couldn't draw ....

The theory that a wrestler "doesn't draw" is something I've always wondered about. What exactly does it mean? Does WWE have some kind of formula that tells them how many fans an individual performer brings to the arena on a given night? Or how many fans bought a PPV because of that guy? It seems to me that only the very top of a card can truly be said to affect numbers of viewers at a PPV, yet everyone else has to be judged, too.

At WM27, were there fans who said: "The hell with Triple H vs Undertaker. The hell with Punk vs Cena. I'm buying this PPV to see Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio!".............and even if fans were doing that, how would WWE know it? I don't recall ever reading that the company polls it's fans to find this stuff out.

I mean honestly, he was really...NOT well received by the fans in shows on Smackdown.

Similarly, I've wondered about this. I can't hear crowd noise but I can see fans at ringside reacting (or not) to what's going on in the ring. The next day, I check in with this forum and read entries like: "The crowd was reacting like crazy" and "The crowd wasn't reacting at all".......and both comments are referring to the same match. Okay, I can accept that wrestling fans see things differently, but how does WWE see them? Is there a quantifiable method they use to evaluate? ...... or is it one person's opinion?

This brings me to Drew McIntyre, along with many other performers not at main event level. How does the company see Drew? Yes, the answer seems obvious in view of the fact he's currently in no-man's-land as far as TV presence goes, but what about his future? I keep hoping Creative is going to re-package him and shoot him to the stars, but time is going by and nothing is happening. I truly wonder how Drew himself feels, watching people like his buddy Sheamus pushed to the hilt, while he hangs around waiting. Is Drew hoping something big is coming for him? Or is he just hoping to draw a paycheck for as long as possible before having to find other work?

How does the company really regard him? Why is he just sitting around instead of working as he did in his Smackdown days? Do want him only for embarrassing 5-second spots like the one this past Monday? Do they plan to use him for anything significant in the future?......or are they just keeping him around "Primo-style" until we eventually read about his release? If they've decided he's never going to make it, why keep him around at all?

It would be easier to accept what they're doing (or not doing) with our favorite wrestlers if we just had some idea of how the company goes about analyzing talent.
The theory that a wrestler "doesn't draw" is something I've always wondered about. What exactly does it mean? Does WWE have some kind of formula that tells them how many fans an individual performer brings to the arena on a given night? Or how many fans bought a PPV because of that guy? It seems to me that only the very top of a card can truly be said to affect numbers of viewers at a PPV, yet everyone else has to be judged, too.

This this this. THANK YOU. How on earth do you know Drew McIntyre didn't "draw"? And how can a guy who is barely solidified in the IC title hunt be expected to be a major draw anyway?

His last high-profile match that I can remember was at Elimination Chamber, and he absolutely tore up that match. Everyone I have heard talk about the SD! EC match brought up Drew's intensity in that match. Was he the reason anyone bought the PPV? No, but did anyone buy EC specifically to see Wade Barrett, for instance? Does anyone buy or watch anything SPECIFICALLY for Wade Barrett? No, but he's good. And I enjoy him. But he doesn't "draw". It's not really the one metric to go by, especially since A) you don't know who draws and who doesn't because WWE doesn't release some spreadsheet of who bought what event because of who and B) Lower-card guys aren't really expected to "draw".

I can see the arguments about CM Punk and whether or not he can draw being valid, since he is positioned as one of THE guys in WWE now, but I feel like that terminology is being carried over into lower-midcarders in such a silly way.
The theory that a wrestler "doesn't draw" is something I've always wondered about. What exactly does it mean? Does WWE have some kind of formula that tells them how many fans an individual performer brings to the arena on a given night? Or how many fans bought a PPV because of that guy? It seems to me that only the very top of a card can truly be said to affect numbers of viewers at a PPV, yet everyone else has to be judged, too.

I think Sally, it's in reference to merchandise. IE, the bigger stars make more money on their merch. So a good measure of how someone is drawing is how many fans walk in with their shirts on, how many they sell across the wwe shops, etc etc. If no-one cares about Drew, no-one will be wearing his stuff, no-one will be buying it. Punk is getting uberpushed because his shirt sold out, Zack is getting pushed because his merch is selling. Cena is a constant push because of merch, as is Rey.

At WM27, were there fans who said: "The hell with Triple H vs Undertaker. The hell with Punk vs Cena. I'm buying this PPV to see Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio!".............and even if fans were doing that, how would WWE know it? I don't recall ever reading that the company polls it's fans to find this stuff out.

Again, merch. Who needs polls when you can SEE how many fans are wearing their shirts? They likely don't push off of online PPV sells, i'd imagine those are more to do with who is in main event - so if you're in the main event and it sells, you reap the rewards.

Similarly, I've wondered about this. I can't hear crowd noise but I can see fans at ringside reacting (or not) to what's going on in the ring.

Which is why RAW is the alpha show still. You CAN hear the reaction on RAW to the stars, SD is taped so they can phone in that noise.

The next day, I check in with this forum and read entries like: "The crowd was reacting like crazy" and "The crowd wasn't reacting at all".......and both comments are referring to the same match.

Personal thing that. Dependant on how many shows people actually actively have gone to see, and when they went to see them. But some shows are without a doubt obvious with reaction, take MITB this year. The reaction was clear cut. That's what they look for if they check reaction.

Okay, I can accept that wrestling fans see things differently, but how does WWE see them? Is there a quantifiable method they use to evaluate? ...... or is it one person's opinion?

Merch sales.
Decibel volume with stars making entrances.
There is likely a quantifiable method as if there isn't, how do they work out who to push and who not to? Who turns and who doesn't? Gut reaction? Unlikely.
I've been saying the same thing. I dont get why both Drew and Ted Jr have been relegated to next to nothing. I hope its just a matter of WWE making them pay their due's like they did to HHH back in the day but idk
I was at the Raw in Columbus this Monday, and Drew wrestled Primo in the first Superstars taping....and at least here Drew got a very good reaction from the crowd, people seemed to be into his match and popped when he set up and hit his finisher. I think he is capable of doing very well, and would like to see him back on Raw or Smackdown. Mason Ryan was back that night too and squashed JTG...he looked huge and also got a good crowd reaction...would be too easy to make them a legit tag team, maybe with Regal as their manager and that would get them both back on tv and help that tag division. As far as merchandise sales...at this event in particular there were not many options for T-shirts...Cena, Punk, Orton, HHH, Rey , Miz ,Kofi were pretty much all they had available, so unless you went to the website it's not like you could support somebody who the WWE isn't already behind...just sayin
I was at the Raw in Columbus this Monday, and Drew wrestled Primo in the first Superstars taping....and at least here Drew got a very good reaction from the crowd, people seemed to be into his match and popped when he set up and hit his finisher. I think he is capable of doing very well, and would like to see him back on Raw or Smackdown. Mason Ryan was back that night too and squashed JTG...he looked huge and also got a good crowd reaction...would be too easy to make them a legit tag team, maybe with Regal as their manager and that would get them both back on tv and help that tag division. As far as merchandise sales...at this event in particular there were not many options for T-shirts...Cena, Punk, Orton, HHH, Rey , Miz ,Kofi were pretty much all they had available, so unless you went to the website it's not like you could support somebody who the WWE isn't already behind...just sayin

I have agree with you there. Teaming someone like Drew McIntyre who has the whole package, with a guy like Mason Ryan could really work. The question is would you prefer them to pass as a face or heel tag team. Personally, I'd like them to be heel, but that's not really an option because most of the tag teams in WWE at the moment are already heel.

But im not to sure that William Regal as a manager would be a great idea. He'd be more suited to a up and coming rookie on Smackdown, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

P.S. The show you went to, did McIntyre and Ryan pass as faces or heels?
Samuel Hessingstock mention about how merchandising is part of a contributor on how they gage whether that particular Superstar fills the seats. However, is it not the WWE who selectively creates and puts out the merchandise for the Superstars? If that's the case, how come not EVERY Superstar has a T-shirt to promote and sell in the arenas and on WWEshop.com? If this were the case, then yes, I would whole-heartedly agree with your theory. But this idea seems very far fetched.
Back to the matter at hand with Drew Mac, I was under the impression that he was not being used that much because of that nasty fall he took a few weeks back on RAW of the main stage when Mark Henry rammed HARD into the Big Show when Show had Drew in the air ready to choke slam him to the floor. Drew missed the air/cushion completely and looked to have falled into some equipment. Sad that the E and announce team never even mention Drew.
As for his future, sad to agree that he is a very talented (in and out ring) performer who is underutilized and not given the right program. I do enjoy watching him in the ring and present promos (his rivalry with MoJo and M Hardy was great). It's just a matter now of wait and see and hope he is not released.
I have agree with you there. Teaming someone like Drew McIntyre who has the whole package, with a guy like Mason Ryan could really work. The question is would you prefer them to pass as a face or heel tag team. Personally, I'd like them to be heel, but that's not really an option because most of the tag teams in WWE at the moment are already heel.

But im not to sure that William Regal as a manager would be a great idea. He'd be more suited to a up and coming rookie on Smackdown, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

P.S. The show you went to, did McIntyre and Ryan pass as faces or heels?

Drew and Mason actually both came off like faces at the event...played to the crowed and posed/bowed after their matches...I didn't mind that and it could work down the road, but to begin with them being heels seems more natural. That's the main reason I brought up Regal (besides the obvious UK connection) because I really think he could help get them over. Not that they couldn't do it on there own either, given the chance.
Samuel Hessingstock mention about how merchandising is part of a contributor on how they gage whether that particular Superstar fills the seats. However, is it not the WWE who selectively creates and puts out the merchandise for the Superstars? If that's the case, how come not EVERY Superstar has a T-shirt to promote and sell in the arenas and on WWEshop.com? If this were the case, then yes, I would whole-heartedly agree with your theory. But this idea seems very far fetched.
Back to the matter at hand with Drew Mac, I was under the impression that he was not being used that much because of that nasty fall he took a few weeks back on RAW of the main stage when Mark Henry rammed HARD into the Big Show when Show had Drew in the air ready to choke slam him to the floor. Drew missed the air/cushion completely and looked to have falled into some equipment. Sad that the E and announce team never even mention Drew.
As for his future, sad to agree that he is a very talented (in and out ring) performer who is underutilized and not given the right program. I do enjoy watching him in the ring and present promos (his rivalry with MoJo and M Hardy was great). It's just a matter now of wait and see and hope he is not released.

I thought that he was left out because of that incident aswell, but he's been wrestling dark matches and on superstars for a while now. I'm just praying that WWE gives him a another proper go. I hope they're trying to build him back up slowly that's why they showed him on RAW (even thought it was only 10 seconds), but who knows... we will just have to wait and see.
Hey guys, I've been wondering and i'm guessing all of you have been aswell on why Drew McIntrye hasn't been used. I saw him on Raw this week for the first time in weeks for about 10 seconds doing a promo with Christian. I know he's been used on Superstars every now and again but I thought he was " The Chosen One".

He's very talented and honestly he should be in the mid card at the very least. Now im not sure if anything else is going on that I don't know about, but does it bother you that a guy as talented as Drew McIntrye is getting less time on Raw than Heath Slater? It just bugs me that WWE have given guys like Heath Slater more TV time than Drew McIntrye. Lets face it Slater has less talent that David Otunga.

So I've got a couple of questions that I'd like you guys to answer:

* Why is Drew McIntyre under-used?
* What does the future hold for Drew McIntyre?

I totally agree. It's a shame that garbage like Johnny Curtis, Heath Slater and David Otunga get more air time while they release guys like Masters. And Drew McIntyre is the perfect example of a wrestler that isn;t used to his full potential. He may not be a great talker but he is way better than garbage like Slater. Slater is the perfect example of a wrestler that doesn't belong anywhere near a ring.
am i the only person who doesn't like drew? he has a stupid face and his hair is so thin it creeps me out. his moveset is also kinda bad. he just seems like a boring wade barrett. his job seems to be to turn guys into mid carders. if superstars had promos/storys then he could be better. i prefer slater. slater will never win a match but i dislike him because of his character. i dont find him boring, his job is to lose matches in a few minutes to a top guy who has no one else to face that show.
I'm with/not with Flawd on this one. Hear me out:

I dig Drew, but who on Raw/SD doesn't deserve their spot to give it to him? Heath Slater right? Well he gets squashed. I mean, the Incredible Hulk stepping on an ant type squashed. Is that what you prefer for Drew?

Whats his character? The cocky heel. Do we need anymore of those? He needs some character tweaking. The thing about Drew that caught my attention was how it seemed like he was always one move away from getting himself DQ'ed. Remember when he stepped on Matt Hardy's head while it was on the steps? That kind of stuff gets you TV time! His gimmick should be the guy who doesn't know when to stop. He got the pin? DDT the guy again anyway! he lost? Make his opponent regret beating him. All he does in his matches are kicks, stomps, & sell his opponent's offense well. Might as well take those traits and put them on the next level.

Or tag him with Barrett. I wouldnt mind those two brawlers against Air Boom. I already have a name for them, The Useless Europeans. Lol
He didnt get over well during his last few pushes. Honestly I wouldnt mind if they stuck him in some form of heel stable. I think that would work great and put him to use. I dont think hes as horrible as everyone says he is, or he simply wouldnt be around. Its just not time for him and hes still young so for right now I guess its just time to play the waiting game.
It seems that there are a lot of reasons for Drew McIntyre not to be used. A hard fall is fine but that only lasts for a little while and he was relegated to Superstars long before that. His persona could use a bit of tweaking. Yeah, okay, cocky heel with a lot of intensity and an anger management problem. Join the club, the WWE has plenty, although McIntyre might just have an opening what with Sheamus and Orton turning face. McIntyre could be the next great maniacal villain...if the WWE took a chance on him.

The major problem, I think, had to do with McIntyre and Tiffany. As I understand the situation (and you'll have to forgive me if I get this wrong as I don't know all of what goes on behind the closed doors of the WWE) the storyline McIntyre did with Kelly Kelly was one that he was really pushing to do with Tiffany (and rightly so given that, unless I'm mistaken, these two are married.) McIntyre was, I think, perhaps too outspoken about it. While that's good for personal integrity, it's bad for business, particularly if you've got really no locker room clout yet. The Undertaker can, if he wishes, influence the right people to put his wife Michelle McCool in the spotlight (again, only my suspicions here) but McIntyre is no Undertaker. If he wanted to advance in the spotlight, he ought to have simply known his role and played his part.
McIntyre is overrated. Poor mic skills, average in the ring and boring monotone voice. The only time in the last year he was relevant was when he was dragging Cody down and slowing his push. to be honest, who cares where he is. With the brand collapse, the scene is too crowded and he'll get lost in the shuffle. If he hadn't been deemed the 'chosen one' no one would even notice.
I remember reading an article where Drew got legit heat when he tried to stand up for Tiffany. This is why it's bad to get into relationships with coworkers. Drew was The Chosen One. Then he married Tiffany. She gets released. He tries to get her signed back but fails and got heat for it. The work issues lead to them divorcing. Now he is in danger of getting future endeavoured, all for a woman he is no longer with. I feel terrible for Drew. The man deserves to get his push back. He made a mistake by getting involved with Tiffany.... That shouldn't result in him losing his career but unfortunately it might. He is not being pushed due to that incident and his future seems to hold nothing. I wish his push had not ended. He would be where Del Rio now is.
I remember reading an article where Drew got legit heat when he tried to stand up for Tiffany. This is why it's bad to get into relationships with coworkers. Drew was The Chosen One. Then he married Tiffany. She gets released. He tries to get her signed back but fails and got heat for it. The work issues lead to them divorcing. Now he is in danger of getting future endeavoured, all for a woman he is no longer with. I feel terrible for Drew. The man deserves to get his push back. He made a mistake by getting involved with Tiffany.... That shouldn't result in him losing his career but unfortunately it might. He is not being pushed due to that incident and his future seems to hold nothing. I wish his push had not ended. He would be where Del Rio now is.

Nobody has said it better than Dagger, forget about Drew as a performer and look at what's going on behind the scenes. The only thing the guy did wrong is fall for a girl who was gonna break his heart, who hasn't done that. Relationships with co-workers never work well and then turns out after they get married she's a nut job that frickin hit him. In his time with Tiffany he definitely didn't make many friends backstage but I think right now he's recovering from all those bad choices and is hopefully slowly making his way back. Drew McIntyre-2012 Royal Rumble Winner
Future United States Champion in the making should he make his way back to the top, and then McIntyre by next year 2012 he can be a favorite to win the Money In The Bank Ladder Match to cash in on whoever's WWE Champion or World Heavyweight Champion

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