Where exactly is Legacy going?

Legacy will grow soon and be a badass stable after Wrestlemania as for rgith now, they are just working a storyline for Orton and Triple H. Remember Evolution didn’t hit the ground running, as everything can’t go like the Horseman and the NOW, now you have to take time to develop stables to makes sure they last for a long time, instead of being hot in month and not hot the next month. I think once Orton is Champion, then Rhodes and Dibiese will begin to get into their own storylines to further the group along. Hell I can see backlash’s Main Event:

WWE Championship
Triple H, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon vS Legacy
I've been wondering the same thing as well. Where is Legacy going? Orton never needed a stable, and this proves it. Nothing can really be said of this stable other than the solid feud with Trips/Orton. The other two are just there for the show. I have nothing against either Teddy or Cody, but just feel they were given very little other than being in Randy's "corner". This isn't like Revolution, there is no Flair or HHH. Orton is fine at what he does, but he is hardly on Flair or even Hunter's level just yet. So, in other words the "rub" off of Orton can't be that great.

Honestly, I felt as though if the talent initiative was going to take place creatively anyhow in ECW, why not have had it with the others members of Legacy, Teddy/Cody? Look at what the WWE had right in front of them. the WWE could have had Priceless grow in to a stable on ECW as part of a talent initiative that ECW would have anyhow. There could have been more of these two as opposed to Ortiz, and Braddock etc...

Teddy, and Cody could have came out with a 3rd member. Possibly Joe Hennig, or even both Hennig, and Brett Dibiase. This stable could have been something big for ECW. As already stated it seems as though Teddy JR has something special about him, and he could have easily been making a name for himself in ECW by now. "Priceless" could have evolved in to something like " The Sons of Legends". Hell, the WWE has so many next gen stars it is hard to say what could have happened.
I kinda like the 3-man dynamic. The three of them look good together, it's different than the generic 4-man faction. Triple H and Ric Flair were leaders of their respective groups in a giving orders sort of fashion, sure eventually they got challenged, but for the most part they were just the unquestioned leaders.

Orton beat the piss out of both of them before letting them join. He put DiBiase out of action for 3 months for christ sakes. He smacks them around. They are his bitches because he and they know he's better than them. I like that dynamic.

They don't seem to actually like him, they just recognize that he can boost their careers so I'd imagine they'll keep taking his shit for a long time to come, running interference, taking dives for him, aiding him, perhaps work on their tag team chemistry, heaven forbid have a tag-team finisher, put the belts back on them.

Then have them kill off some legends like he did, emulate his rise, then eventually I see DiBiase standing up for himself and feuding with Orton and using that to become a main eventer himself.
I've been thinking the EXACT same thing, where the hell is this going? Randy says they will be bigger than DX, bigger than evolution, but the guys get their ass kicked EVERY week. They look like complete jobbers. Their biggest win IMO is getting there tag titles back from Batista and Cena. I don't remember Orton and Batista losing this much...
imo for this to work while yes legacy seem to be like a pack of dogs in the way they attack people, 3 on 1 assaults out of nowhere, when it comes to vince and shane they should be almost bullying them by beating on them.

yes have vince and shane come out to attack them but you've gotta make cody and ted look good and dispose of them relatively easily. hell i havent even seen them having matches on raw where their beating other wrestlers? how do they expect to get them over as a bad ass heel group if everyones looking at rhodes n dibiase and thinking nothing of them?
adding to that, il tell you the road their going in....edge and the edge heads hawkins and ryder (not sure if i got the names right) but yeah thats about as much effectiveness rhodes and dibiase are having right now

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