Batista + Legacy = ?


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I was thinking when reading PlayTheGame's thread about the differences between Rhodes & DeBiase and Orton & Batista and started thinking about the stabe that is Legacy.

Now, to me the stable has alot of potential and i'm definatley drawn to it's storyline but it is missing something. At the moment all i see is Orton and his 2buddies backing him up rather than a legit stable like Evolution was.

I think that firstly Rhodes and DiBiase need to start developing and showing us their personalities so they can be viewed as singles competitors and not just a tag team that backs Orton up.

Now, the reason i started the thread was i was thinking how awesome would it be if when Batista comes back he could turn heel and join Legacy. It would be something different and would be awesome for Rhodes and DiBiase to be around Orton and Batista as they were to Trips and Flair.

I'd love to see Batista to come into the group coz he was getting stale before he got injured and i was getting pretty sick of him, but for him to come back as a heel and join the group that's led by the man he was fueding with before his injury would be a shock and pretty exciting i think.

What do you think....
I think Big Dave is missing the most important qualification to be in Legacy. He's not part of a Legacy.

I don't like Batista as a heel because he doesn't have the mic skills to back it up. I'm a HUGE Batista fan. But only as a face.

I like the fact that he's the guy who doesn't say much with words but beats up the bad guys. Its easy for him to get over that way.

Heels have to give us a reason to not like them by verbalizing. Sure just beating up good guys will make us boo them, but it gets old quick. Its why most monster heels never get over. A face though can get over by just beating up on the guys that have already made us hate them.

So anyways, I see no way The Animal fits in with legacy, because he has no legacy. And I don't think he can get himself over as a heel.
well you are missing the biggest part of why that will never happen. Legacy is about 2nd generation superstars. Batista isnt a 2nd generation so he wouldnt fit in really.
LOL I didnt really think about that....

Hmm that makes things a bit more difficult....

I dunno, i just got into the thought of it would be cool to have Batista and Orton leading younger guys like they were in evolution. Just a pipe dream though i guess.... Sorry for the crappy thread now that i realise he's not 2nd generation...... Damn!
Now I can see Batista being part of Legacy. He isn't truly a legacy wrestler, being a first generation talent himself, but that doesn't matter so much in reality. Legacy at this moment is weak, they get beat up by Shane McMahon. This is horrible in my view. What they do need however is the WWE to turn Batista tweener, have him attack someone popular, such as a legend (possibly Hacksaw) because Hacksaw did something that could have annoyed him.

Then have Legacy lose a match during the midpoint of Raw. Have them go back to the locker room all disappointed and upset and have Batista come up from the back. From here they can create a partnership, and have Batista as the bull of Legacy.
While this would be interesting despite the lack of being a Legacy, there is a problem beyond the Orton v. Batista feud. The WWE definitely wants to continue at some point the Cena v. Batista feud. I gotta ask. Assuming Cena is still the Champ, why would a member of Orton's group have a long feud with the Champ instead of Orton himself?
Obviously, that would ruin the purpose of the name Legacy as others have pointed out. But I do like the way you are thinking. Legacy needs some sort of Monster on their side, as they always seem to be, as you said, backing away from people.
Umaga would be perfect in this role, if you revamped his character a little bit, so he spoke some english, but still remained a crazy, overpowering monster.

As for Batista, he is stale as hell, and I think a return as a heel would be what he needs. Perhaps he could be somewhat of an ally to Legacy (as I do believe he was for a short period of time with Evolution [when he took out Goldberg for 10k or something like that]), but I wouldn't like it if he became a full fledged member of what would then be "The Legacy plus 1".
Yeah this wouldn't work. Why should he go into the unit? All three has the point of trying to establish a legacy that is greater than that of their fathers'. Batista's father isn't a wrestler as far as we know and would kind of defeat the purpose. He's a main eventer already and has a legacy to an extent. What logic would there behind him joining up with Legacy?
Yeah this wouldn't work. Why should he go into the unit? All three has the point of trying to establish a legacy that is greater than that of their fathers'. Batista's father isn't a wrestler as far as we know and would kind of defeat the purpose. He's a main eventer already and has a legacy to an extent. What logic would there behind him joining up with Legacy?

Yeah, i didnt think about that when i was thinking about him joining the team but if you take out the fact the group is only wanting 2nd, 3rd generation wrstlers i think Batista and Orton acting as leaders to some newer younger guys would be a cool stable. I know though, no point as Batista has no legacy.

I still think they need another guy in so it doesnt seen like Rhodes and DiBiase are Orton's little minions to do his bidding. It's hard to think of who could fit in there but i think it should be someone between Orton's 'rank' and Rhodes and DiBiase's.
Common sense says that Batista doesn't belong in Legacy. Legacy needs only one main event star, Orton and Batista would just clash and one of them would have to take charge over the other for it to work, and neither is in that position because they're both above it as stars go. Legacy needs to be about 2nd and 3rd generation wrestlers coming together to cement the legacy their families started before them, and even beyond that it should be about pushing the next generation of stars and developing young talent with potential. Orton, as one of (if not the) best heel in the WWE right now is all Legacy needs for proven star and leaders. The rest of the stable should be made up of unproven talent who get a chance to shine and become stars. Batista doesn't fit, and he'd be an enirely bad choice.
:lmao: You know, when Randy Orton made the statement that Legacy wasn't like any other group.. and you had to be of a selective generation to join.. that wasn't code for.. "sooner or later, I'll just let anyone fucking in."

Batista and Randy Orton would make a great pairing, but not in Legacy. Besides, someone would have to be the leader, and replacing Batista in a follower role would only hurt him more than help him. He's workable as a face, that doesn't have to carry a show. (ie. Raw works for him)

Having Batista join Legacy, even in an equal role to Orton, would still defeat the whole purpose of the entire group. He's not second or third generation anything. He's first. And from the looks of it, only.

Batista will return and definately feud with Orton, more than side with him. And that's a feud I will love watching, because out of everything Batista's done.. feuding with Orton has been the best so far.
Simple ; Batista = Shit so .... bastista + Legacy = Shitty Association
Legacy dont need a boring lowclass performer as Batista to get over...
They doin pretty as a group of 3 for now i would mind to see other wrestlers to join the group but it must be godd perfomers and second generation superstar for sure.
I know im off topic but i think its good for the wwe fans that Dave Batista is injured so we dont see his terrible performance
Sorry Dave
As for Batista, he is stale as hell, and I think a return as a heel would be what he needs. Perhaps he could be somewhat of an ally to Legacy (as I do believe he was for a short period of time with Evolution [when he took out Goldberg for 10k or something like that]), but I wouldn't like it if he became a full fledged member of what would then be "The Legacy plus 1".

Hey buddy, dont know how much u have paid any attention, but Batista was a big part of evolution, not just an ally, even leading into Wrestlemania 21 where HHH(the head of evolution) and Batista(the power of evolution) went at it. As far as the legacy thing, i think if u were to put batista heel, and having the genius that Vince does, be able to work Batista into the legacy somehow....
Great idea, but as it is, Batista will return to probably settle the score with Orton after giving him a "concussion" or what Michael Cole tried to explain happened to him. Personally, I dont see Legacy working well, or heck as close to the success of Evolution.
I can't see Batista being in the Legacy, but maybe brought in as part of the McMahon response to controlling the Legacy, if the fued goes on for long, especially as Stephanie is the only McMahon left to fend off Orton after NWO
On Raw 16/02 I was putting my money on Batista being the one to return and aid Shane, as prompted in the Steph on the phone promo prior to the beat down... but it was Trips instead. In any case, Batista in Legacy would work if Legacy wasn't called Legacy. If it were named as Greasy Speedo Wearers or something, then Dave would fit right in. But, for now, not a chance. :)
There are two major problems with your theory let me outline them for you.

A.) If Batista joined then there would be two legit World Heavyweight Championship contendors. Now I don't know about you but Batista nor Orton look like the kind of guy to say here you can hold the championship I'll sit idly by and protect you from losing it. They may have done this in Evolution but that was when they were trying to get noticed and once both men became legit contendors themselves they were ejected from the group in different ways. Also Flair doesn't count because he was way past being a legit WHC contendor aside from a one match payoff with HHH. he was more of a mentor figure.

B.) Batista is a first generation superstar. Not Second, not third, not fourth,fifth,sixth or even seventh. He isn't part of a legacy thus he can't be in a group for only second generation and on superstars.
Sigh, Legacy is a 2nd gen stable. Why on earth would Batista join the group, especially after getting punted? Is he going to come back brain damaged and wanting to be Randy's friend or some shit? Pah-leez!

Anyway, the next 2nd gen star to join Legacy should be the highly revered talent, that has yet to debut other than when he was shown with his mother and father back in 2000. That's right you guessed it.

The next 2nd gen wrestler to join Legacy will be...

Mark Henry's er... son, THE HAND!!!!!!!!
Batista + Legacy = shit idea. Sorry, I just can't see it happening...Batista is not a second generation superstar, nor is he a young up and comer,which sort of defeats the object. Batista just wouldn't go well in Legacy, he has the look but that is it, he's one of the bigger faces on Raw, and Raw needs all the faces they can get, not heels. It is for those reasons that I feel like Batista is a shocking choice for Legacy.
I can't see Batista joining Legacy, i think however when he comes back he needs a heel turn to freshen things up for him.

I can see DH Smith joining (if he ever gets the green light) and Legacy doing what Evolution did at Armageddon 2003, Orton wins the wwe title, smith the intercontinental title & priceless winning the tag straps.

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