Which McMahon is going to join Legacy?

Which McMahon will join Legacy?

  • Neither of them

  • Shane McMahon

  • Stephanie McMahon

  • Both of them

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Yes, you read that correctly. Call it a storyline prediction. It's not a spoiler, since the only place I've heard this rumor is in my own mind.

Orton took out the venerable Vince McMahon last night when McMahon showed up to back Stephanie, claiming that the two of them would run Raw "together." This comes a couple months after Steph and Shane had a bit of a public "falling out."

On the other end, Orton has his core team set up of 2nd generation superstars. But let me ask you this - has anyone else realized that Stephanie and Shane are ALSO 2nd - nay - 3rd generation superstars themselves, just on the business side? (Slyfox note: They are fourth generation, as Vince McMahon Sr.'s father, Jess McMahon, also promoted wrestling. Come on, IC25 ;))

Wouldn't it make sense for either Shane or Stephanie to align with Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase on RAW? And wouldn't the "old guard" Vincent Kennedy McMahon be a perfect target for Orton, who struck a deal with Steph or Shane? "You take out our dad, we will promise you, Rhodes, and DiBiase entries 28, 29, and 30 in the Rumble?

So I ask you - Which McMahon, of any, will join Orton's team in the coming months, leading to a surefire war at Wrestlemania?
Shane O Mac, I said that a few months back when they were teasing a Steph/Shane feud.

Vince came out and said that Stephanie & himself would rule Raw together, not mentioning Shane one bit.

Take into consideration the fact that Shane really fits the bill for Legacy, he has the looks and can actually perform in the ring to quite a decent standard. Add to that Shanes titantron/entrance music and compare it to Priceless/Legacy they're actually quite similar.

Then there's my personal hope that Shane goes in the group, as I'm a huge fan of Shanes and really liking the legacy storyline, so if any McMahon joins legacy it should be Shane.
Interesting notion you bring up IC. I expected this to happen much sooner, of course, I imagine we all thought the formation of Legacy would've happened long before now, so this is merely just WWE's new thing of holding everything out till the last moment to keep the fans second guessing till the end.

I agree with FLUK that Shane should be the one to join Legacy. He has the look and can actually wrestle. A trade, as IC pointed out, were Orton takes out Vince in exchange for good rumble spots makes perfect sense, unfortunately that's not WWE's forte anymore. To me this all depends on where Legacy is going. If Shane joins Legacy, I don't see what's stopping them from turning face. The crowd would be totally behind them if they went toe to toe with Stephanie. I would prefer Legacy stay as full blown heels, so the scenario that may have to happen...

Steph joins Legacy after a few weeks, showing that she really will do do anything to wipe out her father for control. This would definitely keep Legacy the bad guys. Then we can finally get those stable battles that we've been drooling about since the first indication that Legacy would be formed out happened. Shane could come back defending his fathers rep and gather his own group sometime leading up to or after Wrestlemania. Then we can see them battle this thing out for control of RAW till say Summerslam.

...or option B, Vince is the one who joins Legacy, ala being this higher power again like during the corporate ministry era. remember the chain of command in Legacy. Ted and Cody are both second generation superstars, while Orton, leader, is a third. Would Orton really want Shane or Steph, both fourth generations actually as Shane pointed out, to out rank Orton. No of course not, so it will all really be Vince, the third generation like Orton, who sides with Legacy, while Steph, and hopefully Shane, bitter and battle with each other, while Legacy slowly gains control and waits for till the time when Vince will return to show he was behind it the whole time.

One of these two would work for me.
Wouldn't it make sense for either Shane or Stephanie to align with Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase on RAW? And wouldn't the "old guard" Vincent Kennedy McMahon be a perfect target for Orton, who struck a deal with Steph or Shane? "You take out our dad, we will promise you, Rhodes, and DiBiase entries 28, 29, and 30 in the Rumble?

So I ask you - Which McMahon, of any, will join Orton's team in the coming months, leading to a surefire war at Wrestlemania?

See the big problem with this is Ortons reaction after he punted the chairman in the head, he had an istant look of regret on his face, and if he had struck a deal with one of the younger McMahons and knew he was going to end up benefiting from this then why would he have that mordified look of regret on his face, after Orton is suppose to be a cold heart merciless son of a bitch, you'd think he'd have an evil sadistic grin on his face or something if that deal were offered to him

So I'm going with neither on this one
I'm going to go with Steph on this one. Purely because I feel it could make for more interesting storylines involving Steph, rather than Shane. With Steph, you could see last night that she was really worried about Vince, so why not turn her heel and have her happy that her father is out of the picture. Now she gets to run RAW by herself, or perhaps she starts a love affair with Randy Orton. Anything could happen. I can see Shane siding with Vince on this one, because over the past year or so he's always backed his father, and I don't see that changing. Either way, it was a bloody good end to RAW.
I'd say Shane. It's the only angle that works. what I would like to see is a Jericho stable which aligns with The Legacy group. An interesting addition to the Legacy would be Kane which has been teased before.
THe problem with an one of the mcmahon joining legacy again vince would prolly make legacy a face group and not a heel group. people will love to witness orton kick the crap out of vince. Personally I would rather see vince play no part in this angle and have it a battle between the kids. I believe steph plays the better heel then shane and should join legacy. As seen recently shane can play a lovable face that could represent the wwe in this battle. I loved to see shane pick someone like cm punk to battle against his sister and the legacy.
Ironically, I think it would've been fitting to see Vince McMahon end up siding with Orton. Especially on his rise back to WrestleMania, to take on the 'Super-Power' in John Cena.

Mr. McMahon is 2nd Generation, or 3rd according to Slyfox, and is the most powerful McMahon left within the company. It would've made perfect sense to have Vince McMahon side with Randy Orton, as a kind of new Corp. type of faction.

However, with Orton punting the shit outta Vince's head on Raw, and with Stephanie seemingly siding with her Daddy (like always) that really only leaves Shane McMahon to side with Orton and keep him from now definately being fired. Either that, or Linda, which I doubt she'd ever re-join the ranks of coming back into storylines until she needs to jump in and seperate her Family.. again.

This is definately going to end up with yet another Vince v. Shane type match, and it's about damn time too. This is what the W.W.E. needs in my opinion. The McMahon's are ratings, and everytime one of them if not more of them, are anywhere near a television show, that show seemingly always gets a boost.

I just hope when all of this is said and done, Randy Orton has gained even more from it. Along with Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes for that matter.
I have an idea for a Wrestlemania 25 match:

John Cena (w/ Stephanie McMahon) vs Randy Orton (w/ Shane McMahon) with Vince as special guest referee. Vince plays it fairly during the majority of the match but at the end, Vince turns on Cena and Steph and joins with The Legacy and Shane.
I can see it being Vince actually. Sure, Orton may have kicked his head off... but it's not as if WWE hasn't used Vince being the victim in a feud before, only to find he 'masterminded' the whole thing just to get back at someone (Ministry storyline).

The best way to take the suspicion of you is to have the leading figure personally attack you or your family, and that is what Orton did to Vince this week on Raw. For me, Orton and co would rather be the men who go at it in the ring, rather than risk luring Shane into their team to personally get involved. Face it... Vince is less likely to steal attention by jumping off something.
I think it'll be Steph. There's been a lot of promos cut saying that "people are laughing at her" and that she "doesnt have any respect" and it just seems like maybe she will take it to heart, turn heel, and earn respect the hard way. I think Orton will show upat the Rumble, and it will turn out thst she is involved in that somehow.

Ultimately, there will be some sort of match at Wrestlemania with McMahons being in the corner of Orton and his opponent who could either be Cena in a title match, or Austin. If it is Austin, then I might revise my prediction as to which McMahon is in cahoots with Orton, for the time being I'm saying Steph though.

This will lead into Wrestlemania, but I think Steph will remain a heel afterwards, and this will facilitate Jericho's face turn, which he himself said he envisaged in the next 6 months. Jericho is at his best feuding with her, although perhaps it's happened a few to many times by this point.
Yeah, I was pissed with my self watching Raw and not noticing this obvious storyline from about 5 months ago. I'm getting slow in my old age apparantely.

I for one, hope this doesn't happen myself. While the prospect of a potential Shane McMahon vs. John Cena feud,t he passing of the torch to the McMahon children, and all of the fun stuff that comes with it is amusing, I would love to see Randy Orton and Legacy cut their teeth without McMahon interference.

So many great things the WWF has had over the last decade, have had the eventual ruination of a McMahon being associated with them. STeve Austin and his horrible heel turn at Wrestlemania 17. WCW being essentially a giant continuation of Shane vs. Vince throughout 2001. Degeneration X becoming the McMahon-Helmsley faction. It's tiresome,a nd it's been done before.

If anyone will join, I like the prospect of Shane. Personally, I think that Vince should have stayed away from TV, as the company simply needs to move on from him as the main character. A power struggle with Shane and Steph could be amusing. I really like the idea of Shane vs. John Cena as the Austin vs. McMahon of this era. Shane McMahon has proven himself decent in the ring, and crazy enough to do anything, including falling from stupid heights.

However, I still think all of this will devalue the strength of Randy Orton in the long run.
I think it's going to be hard to keep Legacy face, specifically because of Orton. Personally, I find it hard to cheer for someone who did that last night. The man is awesome. But I wholeheartedly agree with Shock, McMahons need to facking stay away from the big storylines. Damn.
I went with Stephanie McMahon. Think about all McMahon's are power hungry. Why would she wnat to share it wiht anyone...even her father, Vince. I think Stephanie will protect Orton and allow him to win the Rumble and not allow hiim to be fired. Vince will finally return and it will turn out that Stephanie has helped Orton and The Legacy.

In reality though i wish all the McMahon's stayed away from The Legacy and Randy Orton and let them grow on their own but if one member had to be the one i'de take Steph.
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In my opinion, it's going to be Stephanie.

Although I'd prefer to see a feud between Orton and Stephanie, mostly because of his (Orton's) seemingly blunt, merciless, and heartless remarks/demeanor, her (Stephanie) joining Legacy would make more sense to me.

For me, the WWE did two things in the final segment of Raw with Jericho and Orton.

1. They contrasted the characters of Jericho and Orton as heels in the company. Orton being the one who, so far, supposedly sees no authority. Jericho will get on his knees and apologize when his job is in jeopardy, whereas Randy smacks, kicks and punts his boss in the face under the same circumstance (albeit his reaction at the end).

2. With Jericho getting on his knees and apologizing to the fans (disregarding the facial gestures), they provided a stepping stone for a possible face turn. Basically cleaning the slate of his antics over the past year or so.

With that said, Jericho, throughout his career (from what I can remember) just despises Stephanie McMahon. My only memories of these two together involve Jericho mocking and humiliating her with jokes about ****ing and breast implants.

Then there's the fact that when Jericho first returned, he said that he was going to save us and take the championship from the Orton the first chance that he got. Not that the whole point of his coming back was to save us from Orton, I think at that point he was talking moreso about the overall weak product, but his saving us from Orton was a part of the message that we got from his introduction nonetheless.

There's another thread on these boards discussing "Who will be Orton's Austin". Like a few of the people who have commented in there, I think that title is backward. Seeing the role that Orton is playing, I've thought and expressed that I felt if there were any comparison, Orton is more Austin-esque than he is similar to the Rock. Which asks a different question. "Who will be Orton's Rock". As far as charisma is concerned, the only person that I think is capable of the comparison at this stage (on Raw) is Jericho. He actually has verbally sparred with the Rock before, and he was able to hold his own in the battle of wits. Austin, to me was just more raw, which Jericho can be also, but I'd prefer it if they allowed Orton to continue to use that and run with it. Basically, if you were to take John Cena and Jericho and put them together into one person, it'd be like a "mini-me" version of what the Rock was in my eyes. If this storyline builds Orton up into what I think it could, I wouldn't be surprised if those two took turns going at him actually.

The prospect of Orton being fired by Stephanie actually came out of left field to me. With Jericho taunting her about her father's return and how her words meant nothing in comparison, I wouldn't be surprised if she panicked and looked to Orton to do the dirty work, in return for a favor. She did get a little weird when Jericho brought Vince up in the first place.

Both Shane and Jericho made reference to Stephanie's tendency to align herself with WWE talent, sometimes romantically, to cement her role at the top also. She's married with child now, so I'm not sure if they'd actually take that route or how HHH would feel about it, but she is a McMahon afterall, and when it comes to the WWE they'll do anything. Randy, on the other hand, I'm not so sure either. Although I guess an Orton/Stephanie relationship could also tie in to the Kelly Kelly/Kane storyline and make a little more sense out of that. But is Kelly Kelly deserving of the storyline push? I haven't watched enough of her to really know.

One thing though, Orton will probably need to step his kissing game up a notch. I hear it sucks. Not that I really care, but if you're going to be romantically involved with her it better make for good tv. Aggressive, I don't mind since Raw is supposed to be raw, but please not that sloppy stuff Edge and Vickie had going on.


I'd really like to see where they can take this and yet I feel as though the whole rating ordeal may limit the possibilities of this potentially amazing storyline/era. Let Smackdown be PG. Come Monday night at 9, put the children to bed and let Raw be raw. They have school to go to on Tuesday. If they want to stay up and watch, it won't be because Rey Rey just pinned the last big man on the roster, it'll be because Rey Rey just got tossed out of the ring and into the second row and Orton is whooping the boss' ass and banging his married daughter. You know, the stuff the grown ups watch for. Hell, even Hannah Montana hangs out with the 20 year olds. Gear the program toward the 18-24 demographic and the 13-17 year olds will [continue to] come. Not the other way around, aside from the die-hards and the ones who are glued hoping to see the transition. They're already capitalizing on new age media. Use that together with the things that made your superstars household names and grabbed mainstream attention in the late 90's.


Anyway, we'll see how it goes.
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I don't think a McMahon should join Legacy. They don't fit. A few weeks ago I would have, but then Manu and Snuka were kicked out and I realised this was only the best of the best. I think DH Smith might be brought in, then they will be done with it. Shane looks like an old man now, and Steph, uhh, her and Orton could be a power couple, but it's been done, ahem, OVERdone on Smackdown alot the last little while. This group is for the best wrestlers who are ready to fight and defend Orton and destroy anyone who gets in their way.
Shane joins.

Second generation stars: tag titles, maybe I.C, upper middle card pic. (Priceless)

Third Generation star: WHC title, main event pic. (Orton)

Fourth Generation Star: GM of the show (Shane)

Shane screws steph, and steph tries to form his own stable. It will be a pathetic stable though.

the feud lasts about a couple of months. Legacy turns on shane and says they will not listen to her anymore. Steph comes out and turns out she was the mastermind of the whole father getting punted and gets rid of shane so she can ultimately control raw.

Shane forms his own stable, but this time it's a really good stable: The New Hart Foundation That's what I hope.
After what transpired Monday, it has to be Shane. I mean, just look at this picture:

http://i41.tinypic.com/63x8oj.jpg (this is actually a slow motion gif of Shane's punches, but we're not allowed to slow the forum with actually posting a gif, so just click the link if you want to see it)

Seriously, the only way they can save this now is if Shane joins the Legacy and then a week later during his "This is why I did it promo" they reshow these punches in slow mo and then they all brag about how they fooled everyone. Otherwise, nothing justifies this ridiculousness. And not even Vince is stupid enough to think differently.

Personally, if it were up to me, Steph would've low blowed Shane about ten seconds after his first shot on Randy, because let's face it... Steph sucks as a babyface. She just has this evil look about her that absolutely disgust you. I've never seen such an attractive woman look so naturally hateful like she does. And really, just because of that and the way she speaks to people on TV and the way her voice sounds, she doesn't come off well as a babyface. She hasn't since she first debuted.
Welp as things have went, im really thinking its going to be Steph. If you think of it, it makes the most sense from a heat aspect. WHO was it that got away with slapping Orton?? Steph. Maybe that big talk he gave her got her so upset about others not respecting her, that she alighned with him?? JUST LIKE the other two members.

WHO has been a damsel in distress, every time someone has got fucked up by Orton?? Steph, both times. Possibly she is merely standing by, watching anyone else who could run RAW instead of her, getting rocked. After she "allows" the street fight, Shane will be gone too. Steph and Orton KNOW both Daddy and brother will come to save her. And subsequently, get their asses kicked. So, it was a plot all along. Orton gets to win the title, Steph gets to run the show. I see Steph coming out to "save" Shane next weekend, only to hit him with a chair, and hold his limp body up to get his head punted off by orton.
If either of them join Legacy now, it will probably transpire like NorCal said. It would be a good heel turn now after Orton punted shane's side (when he was saving Steph).

It would be likely of Steph to join, considering she put Shane against Orton in a no holds barred match. I mean, seriously, even with weapons, if anyone thinks Shane could legitimately beat Orton, they're crazy.
Here's what i'm thinking...

Shane is a much bitter fit with the Legacy than Steph just because of his overall look and how over he is right now. Turning him heel would draw major heat. I can see Shane getting the crap kicked out of him at no way out and Vince getting back into the picture. At some point Shane turns on Vince and joins the Legacy.

Shane has gone through a lot recently after being slapped by Steph, losing control of Raw, getting jumped, taking a punt for steph etc.

Its only about time...
Welp as things have went, im really thinking its going to be Steph. If you think of it, it makes the most sense from a heat aspect. WHO was it that got away with slapping Orton?? Steph. Maybe that big talk he gave her got her so upset about others not respecting her, that she alighned with him?? JUST LIKE the other two members.

WHO has been a damsel in distress, every time someone has got fucked up by Orton?? Steph, both times. Possibly she is merely standing by, watching anyone else who could run RAW instead of her, getting rocked. After she "allows" the street fight, Shane will be gone too. Steph and Orton KNOW both Daddy and brother will come to save her. And subsequently, get their asses kicked. So, it was a plot all along. Orton gets to win the title, Steph gets to run the show. I see Steph coming out to "save" Shane next weekend, only to hit him with a chair, and hold his limp body up to get his head punted off by orton.

This would turn WWE very much like back in the attitude era when most of us loved to watch wrestling. Steph will make or such a great Legacey member and overseer, much like DX of the late 90's
I think Steph should join Legacy...only bc it would help other storylines. Steph could screw her brotha over in the upcoming street fight. with shane out of the way steph and orton could run raw (like everyone who has thought of this has already stated). now cena could get his ass whipped for a couple of weeks until he realises he needs help.

Meanwhile Priceless regains the tag titles with ortons help further showing the strength of Legacy. Have the new champs cut proms talkin about how they are the future and nobody can touch them. they can win matches "cheating" but not getting disqualified...ie clasic Heel tag team stuff...Cryme Time eventually steals a few wins and become the #1 contenders for the titles.

to make a long story short cenas backup could be Cryme Tyme and the wwe could form CTC again to feud wit Legacy for a while. you could use steph to "punish" CTC now that shes in charge and have them in all kind of stupid ass matches. it could work cause you have the new legacy fuccing wit CTC and cena and them have enough face power to push through it......its just a thought

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