Where exactly is Legacy going?


Pre-Show Stalwart
After watching Raw last night I'm wondering what the WWE plans on doing with Legacy going forward. It doesn't help the group's image that Dibiase and Rhodes and Orton can't beat up a 60 something year old Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon who aren't WWE wrestlers.

I assume if not at Wrestlemania (please be Wrestlemania) then at Backlash Orton will be WWE Champion. What does everyone think they should do with Rhodes and Dibiase? Have them win the Tag Titles again? Add another member to the group and have one person take the IC or US Title (whatever belt is on Raw at the time) and the other two members win the tag titles? Do they need another member in the group like the Horsemen and Evolution?

The whole point of these stables are too push the other members in the group into main event status at one point like Evolution did Batista and Orton. I'm hoping the writers are doing the same with Dibiase and Rhodes. I'm thinking maybe they can use a veteran's presence like Ric Flair was with Evolution.

First things first though they can't have Vince and Shane beating up these guys and making them look bad. They had something going in January when Orton, Rhodes and Dibiase were 3 of the final 4 remaining in the Royal Rumble and now two of them aren't even on the card at Wrestlemania (ouch).

I just hope the WWE doesn't mess this up.
yeah i am not sure how this whole thing is going with legacy.. and i hope orton wins that title from triple h at mania. if he doesnt then im not even sure legacy could beat the spirit squad. IMO i would take cody rhodes and step him up to the IC league and draft DH Smith to raw and then he join legacy. He and dibiase could run that already weak tag division if miz and morrison are broken up in the draft. so theres my two cent. anyone feel the same?
Are you kidding me? Yes, they might not be a big deal on their own, but the legacy is putting dibiase and rhodes on the map, im telling you, if orton turned even at wrestlemania on both of them, they could still be someone right now simply because we've seen them on main event roles recently. But i think its going to be something like Orton winning the wwe title, then dibiase and rhodes will play the role they've been playing just as orton enforcers untill one day they'll want "something for them" and they'll turn on orton, or maybe dibiase will win one title and orton will turn on him. Who cares what happens, legacy is doing great.. And i don't think dibiase/rhodes getting beated down by mcmahons is a bad thing.. Remember wrestlemania 22/backlash? Even shawn michaels got beated down by the mcmahons.. And it didn't end his career did it?
Orton is on fire right now, but I agree Rhodes & DiBiase haven't been pushed correctly, simply being associated with a bigger name isn't enough to get someone over, the proof of this is the lack of reaction they get when they come out without Orton, they need to start putting them in actual matches on a weekly basis instead of simply walking Orton to the ring.

So far Legacy is coming off as another JBL's Cabinet rather than Evolution, if they want Rhodes & DiBiase to emulate Orton & Batista and actually break out on their own then they have to act quick and give them their own identity, I mean, have these guys done anything memorable in their time with the company so far?
If you guys pay attention you'll c that the wwe is slowly building The Legacy..Evolution took months to pick up steam with Orton and Batista taking a lot of Triple H's beatings b4 they became household names..I know this sounds crazy but think about this, they just got their own T-Shirt last night after being "the Legacy" for months, now that shows u that the plan 4 the legacy all along was 4 a slow build b4 the domination begins...I think with the official wwe year coming 2 an end this sunday look 4 the Legacy 2 truly take over in the "new" year..then we'll have threads about ppl being tired of the legacy...lol
Rhodes and DiBiase have been nothing more than henchmen for Orton thus far. They stand in the back while Orton cuts a promo and when they do speak it is either for Orton himself or a short generic heel promo. Some say they are trying to sound like Orton but I think they are just following their fathers' and mentors' advice which has lead to them acting almost too heelish to the point that it is stale. Their short promo last night is a good example. When Rhodes spoke it seemed like he was reading straight from Dusty's heel promos 101 textbook.

I think this is necessary for now however. The focus right now should be on Orton vs HHH and Rhodes and Dibiase, while being predictable, have been safe and efficient at getting the angles over

I imagine once Orton gets the title and the spotlight doesn't have to be constantly on him and his revenge trip then we will see Legacy grow as a stable and see R and D find their own characters rather than just doing the same old skool thing. I can see Rhodes being the 'Orton' of the group, if you get my meaning, and DiBiase has the look and potential of a heel who can run for years. I think a fourth member may be smart if done right. Perhaps a loose cannon type character or a bodyguard, however this would be emulating Evolution and the 4 Horsemen and Legacy need to be, or at least look, as original as possible.
There only getting placed in the biggest feud the company has right now, right before the biggest ppv of the year. They are getting more exposure then ever. Their Orton's lackeys you really expect Orton to get beat up and made to look weak right before Wrestlemania. Orton and Batista used to get thrashed all the time when they were in Evolution. Once, Wrestlemania ends they are gonna go on a tear ad everyone is gonna wonder when they are going to lose.

I agree with you that the stable needs a fourth member. But I disagree with you about Dh Smith being in it. I'd much rather see DH team up with Tyson Kidd and Natalya. Joe Henning is who i want to see be brought up. He'd be a perfect fit for them playing a cocky and arrogant character just like his father.
The best thing for Legacy is to get a McMahon to turn on Triple H at Mania and join up with them, joining them as the aforementioned veteran. Personally, I can't think of anything better than Vince, himself third generation wrestling stock, making the match No DQ, aesthetically so Triple H can beat the hell out of Orton with no rules, but then using it to interfere, beat Triple H up, screw him out of the title, a la Mania 17, and joining Legacy as the "veteran".

You could pretty much follow the Evolution format from there - push one guy (I'd choose DiBiase, myself) as the singles wrestler, while Vince and Rhodes make a tag team. Give them about two years to turn into major upper midcarders, then try what they did with Orton - pass off the world title in the summer, when it's far away enough from Mania that what happens there can easily fade away if it goes badly.

One problem I already see is that both Rhodes and DiBiase can't make it. It's going to be one or the other. There's just not enough difference in them as there was between Orton and Batista. I definitely think that with the proper build up, one can be world champion, but the other won't be able to follow. I could be wrong, of course, and maybe both will make it, but I figure one will hit the world title level, and the other will wind up as an upper midcarder on the other brand. In time, though, the other might make enough out of himself to make it to world champion level.

I still think DiBiase will make it above Rhodes, but time will tell. It's really early for both of them, and they show a lot of promise. Both need a lot of mic work, but they've got a solid foundation, and hell, look at Orton - his early promos were crap, and now, he's a master of the mic. Practice is all it comes down to. They've both got very solid ring skills and those will only get better in time, as they work on it. The most important thing they need is time, and if they have Vince and Orton carrying the group for a while, they'll have plenty of it, and they're sure to pick up a lot from the two of them.

So yeah, in summary, I think the place to start is get Vince in the group as the veteran, and just give the young guys a lot of time to grow into main eventers.
i was hopeing for a 3way tag match to unifi the tag tittles. hopefully legacy challenges the winners cause they need to put the tag belts back on them. they also need to add a 4th member as soon as wm is over. dh smith or joe henning
I disagree completely. The purpose of Legacy at the moment is simply to further the storyline between Orton and HHH leading into Wrestlemania. They want a hot story, where Hunter is seeking righteous retribution from the man that has attacked his family. Legacy is simply a method for giving Orton the numerical advantage. This is all done to increase Wrestlemania buys. That's it.

And what exactly is wrong with Vince and Shane taking it to Rhodes and DiBiase? It's not like they were exactly squashing legacy as they went off the air. Besides, to put it bluntly, Vince is built like a brick shithouse, and Shane has been involved in more and more entertaining matches than Ted and Cody combined. Vince and Shane have vengeance and anger on their side, they should be able to take the fight to Legacy.

After Mania though, all bets are off. Rhodes and DiBiase have been used exclusively to further the current angle. Once we move past Mania, they can be involved in angles of their own. They need to establish their identity, and stop being so vanilla. Once they get that opportunity, we'll be able to see if they deserve the position they've been put in. But for now, they are doing exactly what they need to be doing, and hopefully learning from the experience.
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I don't think the McMahon's beating up Legacy makes them look weak. If you recall, Vince and Shane beat Austin in a Ladder match at King of The Ring (I believe that was the ppv). I think whats been happening, as lots of people have pointed out, is that a McMahon is set to turn on HHH. I think WWE is setting up an angle in which Orton knew he had the backing of at least one McMahon and it was all a plan to get the title on Orton. Somehow a McMahon will be involved. However WWE, especially Wrestlemania, is notorious for completely surprising the audience. Examples would be Cena winning the rumble when we all thought HHH was going to win. When Orton retained the title last year at Mania, and when we all thought Christian was going to be the one who screwed Jeff Hardy. That's just to name a few. For all we know this Sunday, HHH could have a clean win. Either way, something is going to happen to Legacy weather it's at Mania or not. No stable with a legit maineventer already in it has ever flopped. Don't expect Legacy to be the exception.
Okay, to start off, was it just me or did Legacy look ridiculous with the big L's (made me think of Loser) on the front of their shirts. It kind of made me laugh at first, I thought it was a joke, but seriously who thought of the big L's on there shirt. There are dozens of different designs they could have come up with for there new shirt. Is there anyone on this board that would were a shirt with a giant L on the front.

If you want Legacy to get over, for starters you have to have Orton win the title at Wrestlemania. This is a no brainer. The best story lines are always when the face chases the heel for the title and Orton is one of the best heels in this industry. Eventually making them face. Not to side track but I'm surprised there hasn't been a stipulation added to this match, (Hell In The Cell would be awesome!) With everything surrounding this match, a normal match would be crazy. You can't have more violence and action in the stuff leading up to the match then the actually match itself.

As far as Rhodes and DiBiase are concerned, they don't need the tag titles to get over. They're last names alone should do that. This is what needs to happen. Orton wins the title with the help of Rhodes and DiBiase. Shane and Vince interfere but Rhodes and DiBiase defend them off, and help Orton beat Triple H. McMahon returns in charge of Raw, and brings back some type of Corporation Faction with Vince, Shane, Steph, Triple H, and a few other wrestlers. Have the McMahon's probably Shane and Triple H and maybe Shawn Michaels or Batista when he returns feud with Legacy. Have them put so many road blocks in front of Legacy and they break through the road blocks and excel. All these leading up to possible dysfunction in Legacy. For example Rhodes and DiBiase are late at saving Orton or they keep losing stuff like that. Orton is disappointed and threatens to replace them. The McMahons play on this and try to do everything they can to split the group up. Maybe try to get Rhodes and DiBiase to turn on Orton. But Rhodes and DiBiase stay true to Orton. All of this leading up to a Triple Threat Match on Raw with Orton, Rhodes and DiBiase. With the McMahon's Playing mind games with Rhodes and DiBiase playing on their legendary fathers and there success they could have as WWE Champ etc.. Making us believe that Legacy is going to split. They have a killer Triple Threat Match, They actually wrestle no-one lays down for anyone, no finger pokes of doom (lol). But Orton still wins. And the next Raw they play it up making us think Orton is upset that Rhodes and DiBiase didn't lay down but in fact he's proud of Rhodes and Orton and their efforts in the match and this was the reason why he wanted them in his group (they're will to fight and he would have done the same thing in their situation) and he knew that the McMahon's were trying to split them up. Then have either Rhodes or DiBiase pin Triple H in a #1 Contenders match. and Rhodes or DiBiase and Orton have another killer match this time at the PPV but lose to Orton. Then eventually at some point Legacy will turn face and the McMahons turn heel.

Another thing they could do is incorporate other second or third generation wrestlers and have them fight Legacy with eventually leading up to a Survivor Series match with the Fathers and Sons of one team fighting the Fathers and Sons of the other team.

All of these stuff would get them over.
If any Machman turns and joins legacy it should be Shane, That way he can fued with HHH and Steph for control of the company. That would be so old and predictable if Vince turned for the millionth time.
push one guy (I'd choose DiBiase, myself) as the singles wrestler, while Vince and Rhodes make a tag team.

are you serious. That is crazy. In no way should Vince and Rhodes be a tag team. Or should Vince even be wrestling again. He is done with all that. The guy has hardly been on TV in the last few years.

Everyone thinks that a McMahon will turn on trips. I think a better Idea is Batista. Not to join Legacy , but just to screw Hunter and give his stale character some life.
I'm not 100% real sure where this storyline ever was meant to go, beyond Wrestlemania anyways. They created new shirts, which at least indicates they're planning on it lasting for another month or two.

After the ending to Raw, barring none of the McMahon men turning on Triple H. (here's hoping for a Steph swerve) I can definitely see a 6-Man Tag Team war.. possibly for the title.. at Backlash. Vince, Shane & Triple H. against Legacy. And it'd match up pretty damn good from where I sit.

Neither Cody, nor Ted are currently worth anything more than jobbers after this storyline ends as far as it looks. But both have great potential to be future Main Eventers. They just need a starting point, and feuding with the McMahons, could be that jump-start they need.

In a weakened tag team division, they definitely aren't going to get any help from that. So a possible 6-man tag at Backlash, could help them.
right now with wrestlemania upon us legacy has reached the moment when they ll become either the cabinet or evolution.
the cabinet went on for months and all but JBL ended up getting realeased after a year of the dissolution of the faction while in evolution which started in january 03 ended up ctapulting both orton s and batista s career, but lets look at this objectively, orton was a lackey until bad blood 03 until he interfered in the HBK-Ric Flair and started feuding with HBK, and batista didnt became someone until november 03 when he attacked goldberg and started his feud with HBK more than 10 months after his introduction in evolution.
so the key element here is time, they only need time to get better and a fourth member in my opinion, and veteran second generation superstar that teaches them because in reality orton can help to a strecht as he will be in the middle of his own feuds so they need someone who teaches rhodes and dibiase
I don't see Vince turning. There was some groundwork laid a while back about Shane and Steph arguing who should run Raw.

Remember, Vickie is still interim GM of Raw. That can't go on forever. She'll go back to SD and the Cena/Edge/Show soap opera will go on for a while.

Steph or Shane (most likely) could align with Legacy to get control of Raw and one could stay with Triple H and someone else (Batista? He'll want revenge for the Punt that put him out for 6 months). And with the way WWE is recycling story lines, it's not improbable to see them together again. Or DX reunion #87 as someone put it on another thread.

It's obvious that Triple H is coming to Raw to set up the continuation of this.

If it goes down similar to this, and the expected break-up of Miz/Morrison happens, I could see DX+Morrison (face turn) v Legacy for a while. Everyone thinks Morrison is Shawn Michaels 2.0, so who better for him to learn from? And whichever of Cody/Ted shows the most potential gets pushed from that side.

Then when Morrison is ready to fly on his own next year, Shawn retires, the lesser of Ted/Rhodes is in IC/US feuds and Orton goes on to the next story arc. And Trips gets 1 more championship run.
I called this when this started. Steph is going to Legacy. Either at or right after WM. She will say that trips doesnt understand what its like being '3rd generation' and orton does. But here is the big problem. To have any legit stable, you need at least 4 members. Someone for the Heavyweight, IC and tag belts. They are one short. Another big issue is they are making this all about Orton. Its getting to the point where dibiase and rhodes are the new hawkins and whatever the hell the name is of the other guy because that whole alliance sucked. At least when evolution was around everyone had a role and everyone played those roles perfectly. This new group is worthless. Dibiase and rhodes need more time, they should have kept snuka and where the hell is the new hart foundation? Dont you think they would make great additions or at least make great enemies for this group using the hart name being the best of the new generation.
The best thing for Legacy is to get a McMahon to turn on Triple H at Mania and join up with them, joining them as the aforementioned veteran. Personally, I can't think of anything better than Vince, himself third generation wrestling stock, making the match No DQ, aesthetically so Triple H can beat the hell out of Orton with no rules, but then using it to interfere, beat Triple H up, screw him out of the title, a la Mania 17, and joining Legacy as the "veteran".

That is why I have been saying Stephanie will turn on Trips and cost him the title. Don't you think it was a little coincidental that he finally brough up his relationship with Stephanie just recently. The last thing they would expect is her to turn on her husband. She has been the main focus in the attacks. It's classic E...the abused ends up the key to the whole story.
I called this when this started. Steph is going to Legacy. Either at or right after WM. She will say that trips doesnt understand what its like being '3rd generation' and orton does. But here is the big problem. To have any legit stable, you need at least 4 members. Someone for the Heavyweight, IC and tag belts. They are one short. Another big issue is they are making this all about Orton. Its getting to the point where dibiase and rhodes are the new hawkins and whatever the hell the name is of the other guy because that whole alliance sucked. At least when evolution was around everyone had a role and everyone played those roles perfectly. This new group is worthless. Dibiase and rhodes need more time, they should have kept snuka and where the hell is the new hart foundation? Dont you think they would make great additions or at least make great enemies for this group using the hart name being the best of the new generation.

I concur...a fourth is needed. I have been expecting DH Smith to be the fourth in the end.
Where is Legacy going? From the posts in this thread, I suppose you're hinting more towards Rhodes and DiBiase.

I've already hopped on the IWC bandwagon and have seen much more potential in Ted DiBiase Jr. Any time they let him cut a promo, it's calm, slick, and smooth. Cody's delivery always seems too forced, it doesn't put him over as someone who actually supports what Randy Orton is doing. I guess he's not evolving into his own character, and is instead trying to be too much like his father. Sure, Ted is similar to his father, but you can see he's trying to become his own man, as opposed to replicating all of his father's traits. I still say Ted will make a damn good singles career after Legacy concludes, whereas Rhodes won't be much of anything.

I don't think Rhodes/DiBiase should win the tag team gold. It's already been done twice and each run was fairly insignificant. The two are a very cohesive unit when they step into the ring, but it doesn't seem to get them over any more than they are. They especially don't stand a chance at another reign if Miz/Morrison prevail at Wrestlemania. That's a team destined for more tag team dominance, not two of Randy Orton's henchmen. Personally, I think their statuses have been degraded since they first bursted onto the scene as a team. Before Orton, they were carrying themselves nicely in the ring and putting on some great matches. It almost appeared they were going to have a long run with the belts, but then Manu came in, then came Snuka etc. It ruined the dynamic and that's why they're merely Orton's cronies today.

As of now, the main objective of Legacy is to get Orton over as this new, sadistic character. You don't want Orton always getting beat up on when you can have Rhodes and DiBiase readily take a beatdown any time creative needs them to. It puts whoever Orton is feuding with over, without taking momentum away from Orton himself. I'm not sure what the future holds for this stable, but they won't be Evolution v.2 any time soon. Give them time and some more experience, and let's see where Orton's next title reign goes. They may decide to strap on the IC belt to one of the young Legacy members after Orton wins the world gold, that'll elevate at least one of them from "henchmen" status.
if i could have legacy become dominant i would have shane mac join. hear me out. he is 2nd generation and could lead legacy sorta like bischoff did with nWo vs wcw. it could be legacy vs wwe and they could allow 2nd or later generation stars in. such as joe hennig. DH smith. ricky steamboat jr. and brett dibiase. that would be amazing and they could bring a cockiness and attitude back to the WWE
if i could have legacy become dominant i would have shane mac join. hear me out. he is 2nd generation and could lead legacy sorta like bischoff did with nWo vs wcw. it could be legacy vs wwe and they could allow 2nd or later generation stars in. such as joe hennig. DH smith. ricky steamboat jr. and brett dibiase. that would be amazing and they could bring a cockiness and attitude back to the WWE

Just wanted to point out that Shane is in fact 3rd generation.

The flaw with your idea ultimately stems from the same thing that happened during the Millionaires Club vs New Blood storyline from WCW. The Legacy members, outside of Orton, would all be unestablished stars going against the top names of the company. The audience has a tendency not to take "no names" very seriously, even if they are 2nd gen guys.

It would require absolutely massive buildup, which would not pay out at all in the short term. It would require all of these Legacy guys getting legitimate wins, consecutively, over established big name guys, which is not something I can see WWE doing.
I actualy dont want any Mcmahon to join Legacy. Mcmahon heel turns and power trips have been done too many times. Vince and Shane are both out of shape and Steph the heel v Trip would nit only be a repeat of 2002 but would be just like the 'Angle' feud in tna.
NO! please no! McMahon joing legacy that kills the group right there. The focus is already on Orton. Rhodes and DiBiase will never catch a break if that happens. Not to mention you ruin the entire storyline. Yeah I kick you in the head, and beat up your family, are you going to side with me. NO! The only way that would work is if they have Orton brainwash one of the McMahon's and that is just an even crazier idea. Although if they did that Steph would be the logical choice. And would only make the feud stronger.

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