Where does John Cena rank among all-time greats?

Where does John Cena rank among all-time WWE greats?

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#1. Bruno Sammartino
#2. Ric Flair
#3. Andre the Giant
#4. Bob Backlund
#5. Hulk Hogan
#6. Randy Savage
#7. Bret Hart
#8. Shawn Michaels
#9. The Undertaker
#10. Sting
#11. Steve Austin
#12. The Rock
#13. John Cena

That's actually a pretty cool list, though personally, I would change a few things around.

I'd say my "overall" list would be - if it were to include Cena:

#1. Bruno Sammartino
#2. Hulk Hogan
#3. Ric Flair
#4. Andre The Giant
#5. Steve Austin
#6. The Rock
#7. Randy Savage
#8. Shawn Michaels
#9. The Undertaker
#10. Bob Backlund
#11. Bret Hart
#12. Sting
#13. Triple H
#14. John Cena
#15. Chris Jericho

Disclaimer: I'm saying that as a big Bret Hart fan, who definitely was a Hart mark back in the day as opposed to being an HBK guy; and I'm probably even a bigger fan of Taker. And I personally also always preferred Rock over Austin, but in terms of wrestling relevance, I'd still give the nod to SCSA.

But Cena, as important as he may be to THIS day and age of WWE - in terms of importance to the evolution of wrestling in and of itself, and also in terms of mainstream appeal, he just didn't manage the things that guys like Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rock, HBK or Taker did. Sure, he's THE star of this generation, and by default, he HAS to go down as one of the "all-time greats" and his name, if none other, will be synonymous with this "PG era" that we're in right now; but I'd say it's also to a large degree because his generation just isn't exactly one of the greatest. He's a "big fish in a small pond"... but what would he have been like in another era?

In a time such as the "Golden Age" or the "Attitude era", Cena could either have been lost in the shuffle among other greats - big fish bigger than him - or the bigger competition could've brought out the best in him; forced him to play different characters and actually become a bigger icon than he already is.

So all in all, for me, he's a surefire Top 10-20 guy, but somehow I never connected with him (maybe I'm a bit too old for his gimmick by now), so he's just not my cup of tea. Sure, he's a work horse, he's pushing a lot of merch, great work ethic, great company guy. But I can't shake the feeling his just "that good" right now, simply because "there's just no one better" around at this point in time.
I as well slid him into 1-5 all time and had zero hesitation in doing so.. The man has been the face for over a Decade.. He quite frankly is this generations Hulk Hogan,only with better overall skills. He is doing all of this,in a era where he gets hate wherever he goes.. Legit hate from the haters out there,puts a smile on his face and goes to work.. He feeds off his true fans and blocks out the rest..

That is hard to do,blocking out all the hate.. Plus he is an era where pro-wrestling is cool to bash among the people out there.. He has 14 title reigns,when its all said and done he will pass Naitch for most ever.. All the PR work he has done,400+make-A-wishes always does what is asked of him.. He has had great great matches in the ring five-star quality.

No Doubt Hulk is No1 and SCSA is No2! And Cena is No3! When its all said and done Cena could be the greatest ever!
Really? I recall The Rock taking Austin's spot from 2000 and became the face of the company until he passed the torch to Lesnar.

More than half your posts are against The Rock. I suggest going to a psychologist, you have some serious problems there buddy.

Austin dropped the strap to Jericho on December 9th 2001. Lesnar took the title at Summerslam 2002. A 9 month run hardly deserves recognition as an era my boy.
Austin dropped the strap to Jericho on December 9th 2001. Lesnar took the title at Summerslam 2002. A 9 month run hardly deserves recognition as an era my boy.

Rock was the face of the company just as long as Austin kiddo. When was Austin the face of the company? April 98 - September 99? That's an era? Hahaha ok.

Both Rock and Austin were face of the company for a relatively short time compared to Hogan and Cena.
Rock doesn't compare to Austin. If you think he does, you're kidding yourself. Rock was Robin, to Austin's Batman. And Austin had been the main man in the company from a fan standpoint a while before April 1998. Austin was a complete phenomenon.
Cena will forever be remembered as the guy who was in the right place at the right time, and it just shows that you can have near to zero wrestling ability, incredibly boring promo skills, zero charisma, zero edge, zero creativity and know only 5 moves but as long as you are booked as a US marine rip off/superhero gimmick for the kids you can get over, well he did get over for a few years with the rapper thuganomics gimmick but after that played out he never evolved his stale character and kept force feeding us the same stick over and over again. We went from Hogan’s, Austin’s and Rock’s level to Him, and I don’t agree with people saying “oh but he’s been the face for 10 years he has proved he is on there level” Not a chance in hell, whoever the marketing machine decide to choose and pick as there company man will strive to success and eventually the sheep will jump on board and ride him because WWE will continue to force it down your throats, Cena was chosen at a time where there was no one else to choose from, he was in the right place at the right time.

I blame Cena for the demise of wrestling, I blame Cena for the todays low ratings when comparing to the middle to late 90’s, I blame Cena for the minimal crowd noises and reactions, I blame Cena (because he was picked) for not excelling and taking the WWE product to even greater heights than it was in the 90’s. Cena’s influence on the company through the years is the reason WWE is now considered laughable when comparing it to the Attitude era.

This is why I dislike Cena and this is why even comparing him to one of the greatest of all time is nothing but humours.
Blaming Cena is ridiculous. As much as I dislike Cena, if it was you, you'd say no? WWE are to blame here pal. But we'll all tune in Monday......
Rock doesn't compare to Austin. If you think he does, you're kidding yourself. Rock was Robin, to Austin's Batman. And Austin had been the main man in the company from a fan standpoint a while before April 1998. Austin was a complete phenomenon.

Austin was the hottest star in 1997 but he became "the guy" at WM14.

If you like roid raging wifebeaters / one trick ponys like Austin, that's ok, I'm not blaming you. I prefer guys like Rock who aren't backstage politicians and aren't afraid of doing the job.

Rock was Robin? lol. Nope, don't think so.

He was actually in 99 and before, but after that he became the face of the company.
Blaming Cena is ridiculous. As much as I dislike Cena, if it was you, you'd say no? WWE are to blame here pal. But we'll all tune in Monday......

Cena is the face of the company, therefore the leader, the person who is pushing the organisation, he is the one to blame.
No one could ever match what they did with Hogan in the 80's but Cena's run on top has come closest,from a financial point of view.
He's done over 400 Make-a-Wish requests,his merchandise is everywhere.
Say what you will about his mat skills or lack thereof,he's been a cash cow for them.
And in the end that is ALWAYS the bottom line.
Being a great is massively subjective. For me it's the guys who were not only at the top but were captivating, terrific storytellers and memorable.

Austin, Rock, Flair, Angle, Undertaker, HHH, HBK and Hogan are all at a level way, way above Cena. In my opinion. They did more for the business and excited us more than Cena ever has.

Cena was a good character until mid 2005 where it all turned sour and never recovered for me, he got stale and could careless about it nor could WWE. They didn't need to.

In terms of being a 'top guy' then yes he is an all time great, if that's how you measure it.
Austin was the hottest star in 1997 but he became "the guy" at WM14.

If you like roid raging wifebeaters / one trick ponys like Austin, that's ok, I'm not blaming you. I prefer guys like Rock who aren't backstage politicians and aren't afraid of doing the job.

Rock was Robin? lol. Nope, don't think so.

He was actually in 99 and before, but after that he became the face of the company.

Mate, I don't care if Austin's hitting his wife, your wife, or both your parents, he was GOLD. Nothing near as good in the ring as HBK, but from a company perspective....on the mic, merchandise, exposure.......you can't knock ol' Stevie boy!
Mate, I don't care if Austin's hitting his wife, your wife, or both your parents, he was GOLD. Nothing near as good in the ring as HBK, but from a company perspective....on the mic, merchandise, exposure.......you can't knock ol' Stevie boy!

Austin probably had the best gimmick ever however ANYONE can be "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Shave your head bald, drink beer, flip the bird, attack your boss, etc.

Austin's gimmick was an easy one. Anyone could've been popular with that gimmick.

Austin is credited with the popularity of wrestling at that time but Rock deserves just as much credit. Numbers don't lie.

Looking back at it, Austin got the greatest prime a wrestler could ask for but he had Legion of Doom syndrome, his gimmick got too stale too fast and he sucked as a heel so there wasn't anything he could've done.
Austin probably had the best gimmick ever however ANYONE can be "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Shave your head bald, drink beer, flip the bird, attack your boss, etc.

Austin's gimmick was an easy one. Anyone could've been popular with that gimmick.

Austin is credited with the popularity of wrestling at that time but Rock deserves just as much credit. Numbers don't lie.

Looking back at it, Austin got the greatest prime a wrestler could ask for but he had Legion of Doom syndrome, his gimmick got too stale too fast and he sucked as a heel so there wasn't anything he could've done.

Anyone could've been Stone Cold? You need help son. You really do.

Anyone can be anyone. I could be you (just a much better looking, likeable, successful version), swap clothes and you can be your sister. It takes talent and charisma to get people to buy into a gimmick as huge as they did with Austin. Only Hogan and Cena have been at that level of popularity. Cena's the poorest of the 3 but has kept it going for TEN YEARS. Austin took WWE to places it hadn't been. It's simple as that
Cena is top 100 at best, he wrestled in a day with no competition and with vinces cock in his mouth soooooo top 100 it is
Only Hogan and Cena have been at that level of popularity. Cena's the poorest of the 3 but has kept it going for TEN YEARS. Austin took WWE to places it hadn't been. It's simple as that

Lmao. Are you kidding me?

The Rock was PWI's most popular wrestler of the year in 1999! In late 99, he surpassed Austin in popularity!! Admit it!!!

Also, the most succesful financial year ever was 2000!! Led by who? Oh That's right THE ROCK!!

Wrestling Observer Newsletter's biggest box office draws of 1999 and 2000 are THE ROCK!!!

Austin took WWF to the 4s and the 5s ratings but ROCK took them to the 6s and the 7s!! Admit It!!

Rocky was more mainstream than Austin!!
The problem with saying Cena is right up there with Hogan and Austin is that Cena pretty much is symbolic of what the WWE has become these past years. And no I am not talking about PG, I am talking complacency. Cena has been the #1 guy because there's hasn't been a need to change since WWE really has no competition right now. He's simply just good enough to keep the business profitable. Not saying Cena should never have been the #1 guy but to put it perspective would the WWE have kept Cena as the #1 face of the company for 9 years if there was still a WCW around? Many see Cena as being stable for years now, I would imagine if WCW or a promotion just as big was able to create a compelling alternative, many would probably have jumped shipped already.
It depends. Is this just WWE history, current wrestlers in 2014, or an all time list that includes everyone from everywhere?

John Cena is the best wrestler in the world today. Period. And has been for the past 8 years. Stone Cold and Rock may have had more star power with sheer quality, but no one has had Cena's level of star power in both quality and quantity since Hogan. For modern day wrestlers that are still active Cena is number one.

For WWE history I'd say he ranks about 6th...

1.) Hogan
2.) Stone Cold
3.) Sammartino
4.) Flair
5.) Rock
6.) Cena...

For all time history... lets see...

1.) Hogan
2.) Rikidozan
3.) Santo
4.) Ed Lewis
5.) Thesz
6.) Stone Cold
7.) Sammartino
8.) Antonio Inoki
9.) Antonino Rocca
10.) Rock
11.) Ric Flair
12.) Verne Gagne
13.) Frank Gotch
14.) Harley Race
15.) John Cena....

Just inside the top 15. Prime Sting and some old guy like Hackenschidt is probably just on par with Cena. They'd rank like right below that.
It depends. Is this just WWE history, current wrestlers in 2014, or an all time list that includes everyone from everywhere?

John Cena is the best wrestler in the world today. Period. And has been for the past 8 years. Stone Cold and Rock may have had more star power with sheer quality, but no one has had Cena's level of star power in both quality and quantity since Hogan. For modern day wrestlers that are still active Cena is number one.

For WWE history I'd say he ranks about 6th...

1.) Hogan
2.) Stone Cold
3.) Sammartino
4.) Flair
5.) Rock
6.) Cena...

For all time history... lets see...

1.) Hogan
2.) Rikidozan
3.) Santo
4.) Ed Lewis
5.) Thesz
6.) Stone Cold
7.) Sammartino
8.) Antonio Inoki
9.) Antonino Rocca
10.) Rock
11.) Ric Flair
12.) Verne Gagne
13.) Frank Gotch
14.) Harley Race
15.) John Cena....

Just inside the top 15. Prime Sting and some old guy like Hackenschidt is probably just on par with Cena. They'd rank like right below that.

Your list is ridiculous.

On WWE history, you put Flair ahead of Rock but on All-Time history, you put Rock ahead of Flair? WTF??? Makes no sense.

I'm not talking about BIGGEST stars, I'm talking about GREATEST stars which includes in ring skills, mic skills...

And if we're talking about the biggest stars, Cena number 15? Over Andre The Giant? ANDRE THE GIANT?

Andre is probably the biggest wrestling draw ever!!

No Gorgeous george? No Fred Blassie? No Buddy Rogers?

Also, Japanese wrestling NEVER had the success North American wrestling had in the world.

You're ranking a lot of those guys way higher than they should be.
It depends. Is this just WWE history, current wrestlers in 2014, or an all time list that includes everyone from everywhere?

John Cena is the best wrestler in the world today. Period. And has been for the past 8 years. Stone Cold and Rock may have had more star power with sheer quality, but no one has had Cena's level of star power in both quality and quantity since Hogan. For modern day wrestlers that are still active Cena is number one.

For WWE history I'd say he ranks about 6th...

1.) Hogan
2.) Stone Cold
3.) Sammartino
4.) Flair
5.) Rock
6.) Cena...

For all time history... lets see...

1.) Hogan
2.) Rikidozan
3.) Santo
4.) Ed Lewis
5.) Thesz
6.) Stone Cold
7.) Sammartino
8.) Antonio Inoki
9.) Antonino Rocca
10.) Rock
11.) Ric Flair
12.) Verne Gagne
13.) Frank Gotch
14.) Harley Race
15.) John Cena....

Just inside the top 15. Prime Sting and some old guy like Hackenschidt is probably just on par with Cena. They'd rank like right below that.

Whoa whoa whoa, you have Verne Gagne, Harley Race, and John Cena above Misawa? That's just not right.

That said, Cena is amazing as far as American wrestlers go he's going to be top ten at some point. He's just reaching the peak of his story telling in ring, and he's got quite a few years left in him. That said he's one of the best ever and just being on a list with these guys is amazing.
Cena will forever be remembered as the guy who was in the right place at the right time, and it just shows that you can have near to zero wrestling ability, incredibly boring promo skills, zero charisma, zero edge, zero creativity and know only 5 moves but as long as you are booked as a US marine rip off/superhero gimmick for the kids you can get over, well he did get over for a few years with the rapper thuganomics gimmick but after that played out he never evolved his stale character and kept force feeding us the same stick over and over again. We went from Hogan’s, Austin’s and Rock’s level to Him, and I don’t agree with people saying “oh but he’s been the face for 10 years he has proved he is on there level” Not a chance in hell, whoever the marketing machine decide to choose and pick as there company man will strive to success and eventually the sheep will jump on board and ride him because WWE will continue to force it down your throats, Cena was chosen at a time where there was no one else to choose from, he was in the right place at the right time.

I blame Cena for the demise of wrestling, I blame Cena for the todays low ratings when comparing to the middle to late 90’s, I blame Cena for the minimal crowd noises and reactions, I blame Cena (because he was picked) for not excelling and taking the WWE product to even greater heights than it was in the 90’s. Cena’s influence on the company through the years is the reason WWE is now considered laughable when comparing it to the Attitude era.

This is why I dislike Cena and this is why even comparing him to one of the greatest of all time is nothing but humours.

This thread honestly made me sick to my stomach. The fact that people are actually using drawing ability and popularity in the same category as wrestling skills, mic skills, and charisma to base someones greatness boggles me. People really need to stop rounding up talent and business like it is all one thing. Being marketable only means that you were chosen by the authority for fitting the perfect standards. Being talented means that you are actually good and have payed your dues for the wrestling business. Yeah, Cena does all this Make a Wish stuff(which is awesome) and works hard(I don't even know how but you guys should know since you know him personally. Right??) but what does any of this crap have to do with wrestling, the actual product, the product that's supposed to entertain us, that we are supposed to judge by entertainment value, not by how successful they are? I mean what the h3ll do you guys appreciate in wrestling, the ones who showcase their talent or the ones that are getting booked such a way just to get over with casuals? In terms of the business aspect, of course Cena has to be one of the greats since he's been the face of the company for 10 years. If he wasn't the face of the company or being booked like Superman, he would be nothing but an average wrestler. If only it was someone more talented than him with the right look to get that oppurtunity, i bet $1,000,000 this company would have been more successful. You know what? Since you guys get such a raging boner when we talk about the business aspect, let's see what Cena has really done. Even with all this marketing, the catering to the young audience, the booking, inflation, more tv access, the internet getting more popular, web shopping, huge tv deals, web shopping, WWE Network, and etc.., Cena has done nothing as the top guy for 10 years but keep it the same and benefit the wwe's fall to social irrelevancy. With all these benefits, the ratings and stock should be a lot higher to how it was by now but it isn't. Why??? Because it plain sucks. And don't give me that bs about you can't blame 1 person because i'm not. I'm just saying that as the top guy, he has paled in comparison to the predecessors and he is supposed to play his role better. If we are considering guys like Hogan, Rock, and Austin as the guys who impacted the business in their reigns as the face of the company, Cena should be too because he is getting the same kind of booking they were getting. Just look at how down the E has went. It used to be cool to be a fan, now it's a downright embarrasment. It has come to the point where fans who happen to appreciate talent more than casuals are just waiting for their once beloved product to be good again. In terms of entertainment value, ring skills, mic skills, and charisma, he's not even the best today IMO. As of entertainment value, we all know he's been extremely stale and boring. As of ring skills, in my opinion, he's average at best. The man can't take a normal bump, has a subpar moveset, still a bad seller, horrible storytelling, and botches a lot. As of Mic skills, I admit he is good but not "great" or "stellar" as others who like him say. As of charisma, oh please. What work has he put into his character? So, he puts his arm up and does a lame "You can't see me" chant. Don't even get me started on the acting *cough*His facial expression after winning Money in the Bank 2012*cough*. It's a real f#cking shame that people overlook charismatic wrestlers who put much work into their character like Ambrose with his psycho character or Bray with his gimmick just to praise this man who is nothing more than a product of the machine(if we're judging talent). It's even worse when they put this guy over HBK and Taker. Explain yourself if you actually think this, and judge their ability to entertain, not marketability. And to the people mentioning great matches, I know this sounds old but he gets carried or outperformed on 99% of them.
John Cena has been the face of the WWE for almost a decade.

Like him or not, he's an all-time great.

However the question is where does he rank among all-time greats?

I don't think he'll ever reach the level of guys like Rock, Hogan, Austin, Taker, Michaels, Hunter, etc.

I'd put him in my top 20, I think when his career ends he'll probably be in the top 10.


You had me until you said Hunter, then I realized you're full of shit. Triple H was never, EVER, the man. He was simply a role player, the best imo, in a grand scheme of things. He was always the second fiddle. The fact that he wasn't seen as the face of the company in the time frame between the Attitude Era and the Ruthless Agression Era proves that he isn't a superstar. So yeah John Cena is above him.

Then I noticed you didn't mention Bret Hart. While he was never the mam, he was someone that influenced many wrestlers after him which is something that should be praised. He is not at Cena's level but he is definitely above Triple H and The Undertaker.

Yes, The Undertaker. He is not in the top ten of all time, arguably the top 20. The streak is amazing his career and influence doesn't stack up however.

John Cena has me at about 5 or 6 on that list. Hulk Hogan is unarguably number one. Despite the fact that I believe the Stone Cold character could have been done by a majority of the roster l, Steve Austin and Bruno Sammartino own the two and three spot. I personally dislike John Cena to a great length but I'd have him tied for fourth with The Rock and Andre The Giant. If I had to make a definite decision Cena would be slightly behind The Rock but no that much farther than Andre The Giant
At the end of the day wrestling is a business, not art. So you have to go by money, not by quality. Not that Cena is a bad wrestler at all, he's a very talented wrestler. Probably not in my top five as far as match quality, but like I said, that's besides the point. It's about money. So I'd probably put Cena in at the number 5 spot after Hogan, Austin, Flair and the Rock.

People will make arguments for André, Bret, Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H and so on. But the truth is that Cena is a draw at the time where it is becoming more and more difficult to be a draw thanks to piracy. Cena sells tickets, sells merch, and brings in the viewers. And he's one of the best ever to do so. So he sits in at number 5, and there should probably be a significant gap between 5 and 6, since only the five men that I mentioned above are genuine and consistent top-tier, carry a company on their shoulders type draws.

Also, the 3 people who voted for him being in the 50+ category; fucking wow. Just don't. Just don't, please.
If I rank the top 5 WWE wrestlers from 1985 onwards (cause that is when I started watching), I'd say..
1. Hulk Hogan
2. Steve Austin
3. The Undertaker
4. Shawn Michaels
5. John Cena

By the time John Cena's carrier ends he will no doubt be 3rd on the list, probably even 2nd. I am in no way or form a John Cena fan. But you have to give credit where credit is due. This guy has been the name and ace of the company for the better part 10 years now.

Say what you want, Vince and the WWE aren't stupid. They wouldn't have made and kept John Cena as their poster boy if he wasn't that damn good.

I see many people bashing Cena's in-ring talent. Well, he is no Shawn Michaels, he cant have a good match with anyone. But he can hang with the best of them. He cant carry his opponent, but he doesn't need to be carried either. Just look at his matches against Punk, Bryan or even Michaels.
If we're going with all-time (and based solely on popularity and drawing power), then my list would be:

1. Hogan
2. Stone Cold
3. The Rock
4. Bruno Sammartino
5. Andre the Giant
6. John Cena

My reason for putting Hogan on top is because he was the man (like it or not), selling out arenas from 1984 through 1997. Pretty hard to beat that run. Stone Cold was far more popular, but in a much shorter amount of time. Hulk was everywhere in the 80's, much like Austin when he was on top.

Bruno Sammartino was one of the biggest draws in company history, but his run was during the territory days and he only really owned the northeast (though he was still very popular other places). So that's why I have him fourth under Rock.

Andre the Giant was also THE biggest attraction in wrestling for a very long time. He traveled the world and was, at one time, the most popular wrestler on the planet. He was the very definition of a household name. He also helped make Hulk Hogan a household name by giving him the "rub" and doing the job for him at WM3. Yes, he was never champion, but he was still the man for a very long time.

Cena has done well with the time he's had. Part of the reason he's been on top for so long is because no one else was available to take the ball from him. He's been on the top of a down time in wrestling history, much like Bret Hart was. If guys like Stone Cold were around today, Cena wouldn't make it past the upper-mid card spots for more than a cup of coffee.

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