Reaper of Miracles
Where did you get this list of greatest draws from ? Rock is only relevant because of Hollywood success ? Come on !! Don't diss the guy just because you don't like him leaving for Hollywood. He gave as many if not more memorable moments in his much shorter time in the main event than most of the people on your list.
Do you even understand what drawing power is? It's not just about getting heat. Staying power makes up for the most of it. Rock didn't have that. When he took the reigns from Austin in 1999/2000 he did not take the industry to new heights. It stagnated. And then following 2001 WWE began losing steam thanks to the ridiculous Ruthless Aggression era.
In 1999 WWE was still a national name just like everyone other promotion. And there were people around who drew better than Rocky. There were people before who drew better than Rocky. They expanded their companies. Drew tens of thousands on a regular basis. And without the help of a billion dollar company backing them.