Where does CM Punk go from here?


Team Finnley Baylor
Simple question. Punk finally got to Paul Heyman, which in wrestling speak is the payoff for their feud. So one is to assume Punk now moves on to something else.

What is the 'something else' Punk moves on to? Getting involved in the Bryan/Orton/HHH/HBK angle? Going after John Cena's WHC? Maybe Heyman's not done with him yet?

I don't think he is done with Heyman. He probably should be but I still think there is potential for a traditional tag-team match at Survivor Series with a decent stipulation. I would be interested to see Punk, Big E vs Ryback, Axel and 6 others. There is plenty of talent on the roster with guys like Ziggler, Kofi, PTP's, Los Matedores The Real Americans, Fandango, Sandow all possibilities.

If the feud with Heyman ended (at least temporarily) then the only place for Punk is going after a World Title. The problem there is that the Orton/Bryan feud is still ongoing and a match with Cena should definitely be saved for a Mania. The other option is him facing Triple H. It would be a way to get Punk into this wider storyline and should be a decent match. Along those lines, Punk could be a in a team at Survivor Series against The Shield.

My preference would be for Punk to feud with Orton for the WWE title but I think they will have him form a team to face Team Heyman. Not the best option but something I can live with.
I think they're going to start phasing Daniel Bryan out of the WWE title picture and start phasing CM Punk into it. That seems like the only logical thing to do if him and Heyman is over as it should be. If it's not then I guess there will be more of that but it's kind of like beating a dead horse at this point and it's time to move on.
As repetitive as it seems, I think Daniel Bryan will remain in the title picture again. After the shock of HBK kicking Bryan, there's a new can of worms opened. Maybe a teacher vs student match?

Either way, I think they need to prepare for a survivor series match, don't they? That'll use up a few guys.
Probably being prominently involved in the main story but because he wants the WWE Championship. I can see him supporting Daniel Bryan because of his dislike of all things McMahon-Levesque, but not derailing his goals and one of them being once again WWE Champion. I think him and Bryan will challenge Orton at Survivor Series for the WWE Championship.

Heyman will lose faith in his guys. Axel will lose his Intercontinental Championship and Ryback will fail him at some point as well. I don't expect to see Heyman after Survivor Series. However, I don't think Heyman and Punk are done with each other. Lesnar and Punk will meet again.
This is the perfect way to end heyman/punk. there should be a new feud for pun k, i think daniel bryan is out of the wwe championship picture now, and we're have a new no.1 contender which may be cm punk. and then team bryan vs team hhh will happen at surviour series. cm punk is a good guy to let face randy plus a cena vs alberto. if they go with this then the ppv is already set! Book it!
Unless Brock is going to work Survivor Series I think Punk moves on tonight. I mean he's beaten both of Heyman's guys more than once and beaten up Heyman twice, the only guy to stop Punk really getting to the Paulrus is Brock and it's the only match up that could stretch this feud out to one more PPV.

As far as what he moves on to, well there's been quite a few reports that he's pretty banged up so maybe he will be written off TV tonight, perhaps he sticks his nose into the Authority angle and The Shield take him out on Triple H's orders.
I think that cm punk should have 1 ppv and should take some rest after that till Royal Rumble. And then winning the Royal Rumble match would be awesome.
Im thinking he challenges for the WWE Championship at Survivor Series.

A) It looks like a HHH Vs Daniel Bryan match is imminent, so that would leave the #1 contender spot open for Punk.

B) If HHH/Bryan doesn't happen, triple threat match for the title. Orton Vs Bryan Vs. Punk.
Want something huge for Survivor Series? Have Orton face Punk and Lesnar in a Triple Threat. Hear me out on this.

Brock Lesnar still has some motive to face Punk after the Heyman assault at Hell In A Cell. He has only a few matches left in his contract and at least personally I feel Survivor Series is a major pay per view. Heyman and his small stable do not see eye-to-eye with Triple H right now so it's not like Lesnar would help Orton.

Have Punk do his anti-authority angle and want to face Orton. Somewhere in the midst Brock Lesnar screws him out of a match. Triple H sees potential in Lesnar as a Face of WWE if Orton falls, but doesn't side with him due to his contract(and past history). So thinking it will draw in huge ratings (like I think it would), Triple H schedules a Triple Threat Match between the three.

That gives Daniel Bryan some time to cool off from his main event push and possibly give him the chance to get even with Shawn Michaels.
I would not be surprised if the WWE title was defended in a team vs team match at Survivor Series. We could also see Randy Orton (c) vs CM Punk for the WWE title which would be a breath of fresh air.
why not have cm punk vs daniel bryan? im sure big show is gonna show his slow ass up tonight at raw and the shovel will send his hand picked puppet after him. let punk vs bryan go at it for the number one contendership at an event before rumble, doesnt need to be rushed, as bryan has showed some anger lately, have the shovel screw him, and let them set up a match at wm between the coo(ck). we all know the sHHHovel wouldnt miss out on the lime light. then give punk possibly the title at rumble and co main event it.

thing that makes me wonder though, cm punks contract expires next year and he has said hes not gonna wrestle much longer.

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