Where do Taker & HBK Fit In ??


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
With NOC over and Summerslam just 27 days away, there has been a lot of talk about Taker and HBK (one, maybe both) coming back for the "summer's biggest spectacle".

Given what we know now... that Jeff Hardy is champ on Smackdown and Orton is champ on RAW... do Taker or HBK fit in to the title pictures when or if they make a return ??

The Undertaker is on the Summerslam PPV poster, so I'm guessing he'll definitely make his return (although posters don't mean much). HBK is still up in the air IMO.

Either way, if and when they make their return, they have to make a big splash, so I think they'll enter the heavyweight title chase.

Tell us how you think it will happen or how you'd like to see it happen.
I'd like to see Michaels come back and maybe have a feud for the title against Orton. I'd say that would be a welcome change for the Triple H-Orton rivalry that's being going for ummm...a little while now haha. Only thing though is that would happen with Triple H and Cena then...but neway I'd like to Michaels come back and fued with Orton. More than likely though I could see Michaels potentially facing someone like the Miz or Swagger, who both have good Mic skills.
As for the Undertaker I was thinking before I read the Night of Champions results that he could fued with Punk for the title but obviously that can't happen unless Punk uses a rematch clause and gets the title back before then. Anyone got ideas for who else taker could feud with???
Being an HBK fan makes me sort of bias, but I would LOVE to see 1 last title run for him. Idc if as soon as he wins the title HHH comes beats the shit out of him laughs and says "Shawn we were just kidding you know me and Orton have to keep feuding forever" and pins him meaning he has a 10 second title run. Just to say he held the title again seeing as the last time he held the WHC was in 02'.

However him being the type of person he is he doesn't care about championships. He would rather put new talent over. I think a feud with him and Swagger would be HUGE for Swagger's push. This is another reason why I wanted Morrison and not Miz to be drafted to Raw, because when Shawn came back they could have a feud and sky rocket Morrison's career.

I'm not sure who else that is ready and deserving for Shawn to push right now. But whoever it is it should be exciting. I mean Shawn made a match with KOZLOV a half watchable match.
exactly! where do they go?
I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't be back for one of the BIG 4 PPVs....

last night when Legacy came down and jumped HHH and Cena I was calling for HBK to come and save....but no....
that would have been a great way to bring him back....and boom right in the mix for the title
last night when Legacy came down and jumped HHH and Cena I was calling for HBK to come and save....but no....
that would have been a great way to bring him back....and boom right in the mix for the title

It wouldn't surprise me if they did this on Raw where you have another Legacy/HHH 3on1 beatdown and then you have HBK run in for the save. But then what? HHH is still right there in the title hunt. What now? Orton/HHH/HBK triple threat at Summerslam? Then what about Cena? A fatal four now? Or *GASP*(Hold your breath) A 3on3 tag team match at Summerslam with Legacy Vs HHH/HBK/Cena where who ever pins any member of Legacy becomes champion.

Someone has to step out of the title hunt and let someone else step in it.
I can't see Taker coming back to a title picture with Jeff as the face. Those two are both over and wouldn't make for great match unless one was a heel. Kane and Khali and both tied up with eachother and dolph ziggler already lost to Rey and CM punk is going to chase hardy. So unless he returns at the Summerslam to turn lights off after heavyweight title match then I can't see him wrestling on the card itself.
Seeins as the Dx-Invasion Tour starts soon, could HBK and HHH miby start to fued with Legacy at some point for this tour, perhaps having a Legacy Vs Dx main event at Summerslam with Whoever scoring the pinfall for DX winning the title, and Legacy means Orton retains ?

As for Taker, i really dont see were he will fit in. Dolph will probs chase rey again, Punk chasing Hardy, Big Show and Jericho need a tag team to fued with so that could be Taker and Kane, but Kanes feuding with Khali. So i really dont see where Taker is going to fit in.
I honestly can't think of very many scenarios to place The Undertaker in. There really isn't any heel to put him up against. Maybe Ziggler, but he just lost to Rey Rey, hard to go from that to Taker.
HBK could come back and feud with Orton, Swagger, Miz, and several others. I think HBK coming to the Smackdown title picture would be ideal, but it's very doubtful. Ithink Punk will get the title back at Summerslam then Taker pops up afterwards, setting up a program with those 2. Michaels will come back battling Orton. Business as usual.
You can almost throw HBK into a feud with ANYONE and he'll make it into a great feud.

I would love to see him feud with Swagger to be honest. Swaggers has that "greater then thou" part of his character and putting him against HBK I think would be golden. It would do wonders for Swaggers career also...and you know HBK will make him look like gold.

As for Taker, I just dont know to be honest. I would love to see Kane go uber-heel, get the strap, and then Taker feud with Kane over the belt. I know the feuds been done quite a bit, but its been a long time since Kane/Taker crossed paths in a heel/face situation so I think it could work, at least for the short term until they build someone else up for Taker.
watched kane and taker face off too many times and each match is nothing special. The entrances and staredown is always more entertaining to watch then the match itself
i think even tho it wont happen bc of the schedule i think taker should come to raw and go after orton that would put a major twist on everything with hhh and cena....michaels should go to smackdown and help ut the younger gen...ziggler n morrison.... but a hardy michaels match would deff be one to watch! as for kane...wwe dont know what to do with him...heel one week face the next would surprise me if kane is face this week on smackdown going for the tag belts with taker returning as his partner....a dx reunion who knows it makes wwe money so they may go for it but i wouldnt mind seeing legacy vs dx with whoever pins for dx gets the belt and i would hope for shawn to do it, could be a good chance for ted to turn on legacy byt costing racndy the belt.
You kinda got it backwards, what ive heard is Undertaker told a WWE trainer that there is NO way he will be ready for a Summerslam return BUT Shawn Michaels apparantly will be in a match at Summerslam so take it for what its worth
If Undertaker were to come back to the title run,he would be heel.If he's heel,that would be kick ass but he doesn't have anything against Jeff.So no,Undertaker can't get a title run at the WHC.And I remember someone saying that on 8/24 or Scarface guy being the RAW guest host which will make a TV14 turn.Which is highly unlikely to happen since Cena is making alot of money by a face.If it does happen,HBK or Cena would turn heel and Cena could have the WWE championship by then.
I'd love to see Shawn Michaels return match be against Orton and HHH for the title at SS. The match would be a triple threat elimination match, not a standard triple threat. Michaels and HHH would basically just beat the shit out of Orton to start, having him brutally eliminated DX style. Finally that boring feud could end, and a new one could start immediately. The match starts off friendly between HHH and HBK with no real hatred behind it. Late in the match, Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere and is our new champ! Before Michaels can celebrate, HHH brings the hammer down on him and brutalizes him in the ring with the sledgehammer, causing a HHH heel turn finally. HHH can win the title from him at one of the next PPV events then.

Undertaker should return against....damn. This is not easy. ummmm....I'd get a boner over a CM Punk vs. Undertaker match, but there is no build. Maybe have Undertaker return on SD! sometime before the PPV to start a feud with Punk.

Put Hardy in the main event with someone like...Mysterio/Jericho/Morrison
Everyone is placing both HBK and Taker back on Raw and Smackdown respectivley...... what about them both switching brands even for a short period of time. So we could have HBK vs Hardy and Orton/HHH/Cena/Taker. The short period would really shake things up in the main event picture and could give fans a preview of Cena vs Taker maybe even leading into WM26??
Unfortunately I don't see either of them fitting in with anything when they come back. If I had to say something, I would say HBK would come back and probably feud with Orton, hopefully stopping the boring saga of HHH and Orton. With taker, I bet they would bring him back to feud with someone who needs a push, but it not doing anything right now, someone like Mike Knox or something. I can't see him returning as a heel to battle Hardy. But we know someday soon, HBK and Taker will both be out of action for good. It'll be a gloomy day for the wwe.
I don't know that either really fits in anywhere right now seeing how quick they were off tv following their Mania match. Sure Taker had that quickie match on Superstars against Matt Hardy but that was it. Neither appeard on a Raw or Smackdown. They were just gone. There was no storyline behind it, no stating they were injured, nothing. Maybe they only fit in with each other right now. Yes this is assuming both return to their original show. Taker on Raw is a possibility, but HBK to Smackdown is not as Shawn goes to church on Wednesday and has stated he doesn't want to get back home late Tuesday nights following the tapings.
Right now Raw is filled with maineventers and doesn't exactly need Michaels or Undertaker other then the fact that they'd make the show more watchable, but I think a trade of Taker to Raw and MIchaels to Smackdown would be great because they would boh have a whole roster of people they could work with. Michaels could feud with the likes of Morrison, Punk, Jericho (already had amazing feud), ziggler, hardy or mysterio. the face vs. face feuds would be great for them and would provide freat matches, especially with morrison or mysterio. As for Undertaker, he could feud with the whole main event squad and have some amazing matches with orton, cena , HHH, or McMahon even. Also, he could help the mid card crew such as Swagger, Miz, or MVP and would be a great way to get them over more. I'm just sayin.
Id stick with HBK on raw, give them another dx reunion which the fued with legacy then have a handicap match at summe slam with whoever gets the pin for dx wins the title, have ted dibiase get pinned so orton can turn against him which would start a fued between the two then have HHH turn on HBK starting another great fued.
I feel HBK would be perfect for the Smackdown brand. I feel nothing bad would come from HBK on Smackdown but still does a perfect job on Raw. HBK is getting older but still offers the WWE and its fans so much.
i really believe that undertaker and hbk should team up and face big show and chris jericho if you recollect undertaker had a fierce fued with big show and hbk had an extreme fued with jericho so i could see this as an reunion fued between the four

imagine ...... before there tag team match at summerslam or breaking point as all four have good submission maneavers eg figure 4 hells gate walls of jercho collusus clutch so they could all face off on raw and sd big show vs hbk and undertaker vs jericho along the line jericho and show could beat the deadman and hbk which would add great credibility to the unified tahg championships or even beat jerishow but along the line again show could help jericho win the whc near wrestlemania time where edge returns leading 2 edge vs jericho at wrestlemania 4 whc :icon_neutral:
It makes total sense right now. Watching RAW tonight, I see that HHH has called Legacy/Priceless out, and has a 1 vs. 2 Handicap match next week. Could it be the main event? Could we see HBK before Summerslam? I think maybe so.
I think this coming week on RAW, HBK will return and help HHH in a 2 on 1 beat down from Ted and Cody. At Summerslam it will be DX vs Legacy, with DX winning. Then at Breaking Point they'll beat Big Show and Y2J.
After that Jericho will continue his usual whineing on Smackdown! then GONG! Taker returns setting up a programme with Jericho.
Cena going up against Orton could be a new long-lasting rivalry to replace HHH-Orton. I don't think its happened too many times for the title.

That will leave HHH available for the inevitable DX reunion that will be used in attempt to put Legacy over..Although I would like to see Shawn Michaels jump back in the title picture. The whole DX thing could end in HBK turning on HHH to go on his own journey for the title..That would be nice. Give it to him for a month, from one PPV to the next; he's been with his family for almost 4 months straight so a month on the road could be good for him. I could see him going up against Orton maybe once..Him and Cena has been done..Michaels is great at making the young guys look good, but he's better than just doing that all the time
I really dont care for whats going to be done with HBK because i havent watched RAW in months...as i am really pissed off by the main eventers....

As far as THE UNDERTAKER is concerned....i am almost sure that he will have a feud with Y2J whenever he returns...because in a recent interview...Y2J badmouthed him and thats enough to ignite the fire between the two...so whenever TAKER returns...we will hear the GONG!! after a Y2J match or promo....

thats my view...

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