When will Vince McMahon give Smackdown more credit???


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have to ask the almight question. When will WWE chairman Vince McMahon give the Smackdown brand more credit and stop diminishing the show??? Smackdown was better and more entertaining before the brand split!

In which the brand split began in April of 2002 on RAW. Where the RAW brand would be known for having the top stars guranteed (Triple H, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels). And the Smackdown brand would have stars like the Undertaker help and prep the mid-card talents and the newer wrestlers (Lesner, Orton, Cena, Batista) get over as top stars to eventully be drafted to RAW.

In the eyes of Vince he see's Smackdown as the "B" show. Going back to where the annual WWE draft takes place at, on RAW. And now the guest host concept. Yes Smackdown is taped, and Raw is the flagship show of the company. But now with Smackdown switching networks to SyFy this fall. Can McMahon build Smackdown to be eqaul to Raw in the near future? Like giving Smackdown a bigger top babyface then the big show?

Hell at this rate, why not give the bragging rights PPV to the RAW every year then when it comes around!
I don't think there's any need to give Smackdown more credit, because it will remain the second show, RAW has existed for many more years than Smackdown, and has been the focus point of WWE, it draws the bigger ratings, and it has at least as entertaining storylines going.

Smackdown is a good show yes, but it doesn't need to be more credited and acknowledged to become better, it won't become better if WWE starts calling it the A2 show or what you want to call it in order for it to be remotely acknowledged to the flagship, or the A show.

And because of the bigger ratings being drawn, I don't see why WWE shouldn't have the bigger talents on there, because we all know that even with Edge, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Smackdown wouldn't be drawing the ratings that RAW was drawing, because they didn't back before the draft.

So to answer the question posed in the thread title: Never, because he doesn't need to.
No. RAW is the longer running trademark show. Smackdown! was never designed to equal or outshine RAW. It's based more on wrestling, while RAW is built on segments and promos, so aot of the IWC prefer it, but it will never be in higher graces than RAW.

BTW, didn't team Smackdown win at Bragging Rights last year? And at the 2005 Survivor Series? It's not like McMahon completely buries the show.
Mostly because they keep throwing Smackdown on regular channels you can get on standard cable, while RAW dominates in big time networks like TNN, Spike, and USA. The big money is always in the most notable television broadcasting companies. Does this make Smackdown worse than Raw? Not in the slightest, but it will always get less credit mainly because it isn't genuinely "mainstream".

But now with a possible move to SyFy, it could get up there.

I love Smackdown. Grew up on regular cable watching it on UPN, then CW, until MyNetworkTV. It has featured the best wrestling in my opinion, and most of the time better character development. CM Punk shined with his Straight Edge Messiah there, John Cena became the popular icon there, and of course Rey Mysterio spent 80% of his WWE career on Smackdown.

But channels are channels. RAW is in the top spot mainly because it is the longest running television show. It's Vince's brainchild so it isn't going to become the B show anytime soon. All of the guest celebrities, main draws, and usually bigger storylines go there.
When will WWE chairman Vince McMahon give the Smackdown brand more credit and stop diminishing the show??? Smackdown was better and more entertaining before the brand split!

Oh my god.

How on Earth can you think that Mr. McMahon does not give Smackdown enough credit? Furthermore, WTF do you mean by credit? Credit for what?

He owns Smackdown. He created Smackdown. He gets revenue from Smackdown. He gets to feature more wrestlers on Smackdown. More storylines leading to feuds and filling up PPV cards.

In the eyes of Vince he see's Smackdown as the "B" show.

There is no need for this "B Show" talk. Really, there is not. There is no need to rank the shows because THEY ALL BELONG TO THE SAME COMPANY. Meaning that Mr. McMahon and the writers will use any show in any way they see fit to progress characters and stories. NXT? Different show. Same company. Invasion. People who don't normally watch NXT tune in to see NXT. More ratings.

Smackdown is fine and dandy. Smackdown is on television weekly for over 10 years. The move to SyFy will net them $30 million dollars as opposed to $20 million dollars from the CW. More money means they can retain more talent and draw top talent. They have an amazing young core of talent. Be patient and watch.
Every knows Smackdown is a great show...great wrestling show and yes it does develop new talent for raw to take...But it will also be the 2nd show..simply because Raw has been on for nearly 18 years..and is the main show...Smackdown was brought in as a second show..not to compete with Raw...Smackdown is doing good where it is now..and It will do much better when its on SyFy..

To answer your question..he doesn't bury Smackdown..Smackdown brand always beats Raw brand in rivalries...and Smackdown doesn't need to be given more credit..
BTW, didn't team Smackdown win at Bragging Rights last year? And at the 2005 Survivor Series? It's not like McMahon completely buries the show.

dont forget at wrestlemania 24 batista vs umaga for brand supremacy.. that was another win for smackdown, also smackdown is the home of the world heavyweight championship which to me is more illustrious then the wwe championship *which i cant take seriously because of the stupid spinner)
i dont see smackdown as a second rate show at all, i can definately see how they arent right up there with raw though, as raw clearly has the better roster plus all the members of next season 1 but who know maybe things will get better for them soon
I have to ponder that same question that the thread asks myself. If it wasn't for Smackdown, Raw would be a bunch of over muscled panzies with nothing to do but fight each other every week with no variety. That's where SmackDown comes in to add more variety as well as having the draft once a year to keep things interesting. Courtesy of the draft, you see new rivalries, new alliances, new tag teams that you never thought you'd see. It keeps variety in the WWE, but Vince seriously never give Smackdown much thought, his primary focus is his flagship of Raw and that's something of his mind that you won't change.
I have to ask the almight question. When will WWE chairman Vince McMahon give the Smackdown brand more credit and stop diminishing the show??? Smackdown was better and more entertaining before the brand split!

In which the brand split began in April of 2002 on RAW. Where the RAW brand would be known for having the top stars guranteed (Triple H, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels). And the Smackdown brand would have stars like the Undertaker help and prep the mid-card talents and the newer wrestlers (Lesner, Orton, Cena, Batista) get over as top stars to eventully be drafted to RAW.

In the eyes of Vince he see's Smackdown as the "B" show. Going back to where the annual WWE draft takes place at, on RAW. And now the guest host concept. Yes Smackdown is taped, and Raw is the flagship show of the company. But now with Smackdown switching networks to SyFy this fall. Can McMahon build Smackdown to be eqaul to Raw in the near future? Like giving Smackdown a bigger top babyface then the big show?

Hell at this rate, why not give the bragging rights PPV to the RAW every year then when it comes around!

It’s funny you should say that because I was just thinking the same thing. You know what I came up with? Nothing!

You see, Vince McMahon is no fool and his company has been running like clockwork over the last few years. Raw gets most of the main event talent and in return, Smackdown gets some promising mid-card talent that could use a run in the big leagues. I’ve always found that given enough time, Smackdown had always managed to survive on a level that would be expected of it, if not higher. You see, whilst Raw pulls in the big ratings, Smackdown gets it fair share of the viewership. Although it is taped and although it doesn’t have the star power that Raw does, I always find it interesting that the next Raw draft, Smackdown is screwed to the wall again.

To me, whilst that is harsh, it shows that Vince rates Smackdown. It shows that Vince is convinced that Smackdown is doing its job of elevating talent to the main event. Look at people like Edge and Batista for example. Even though they were on Smackdown, they managed to get their jobs done well to a level where it was hard to leave them on Smackdown. Thus, they were drafted over to Raw with Batista just trailing along for the ride.

However, Smackdown is still the second show of WWE. Without the same viewer ratings that Raw gets, Smackdown is never going to be able to compete with Raw in terms of talent. It just makes business sense. Now, if they moved Smackdown back to Thursday and stopped pre-recording it, then I would concur that Smackdown should be given more credit from the top brass. But until that day, it makes no sense to put your best guys on the second show. I assume that SyFy is a bigger channel than My Network TV and if this is true and Smackdown gets enough exposure, then there is no stopping what it can do. Time will tell…
Well the reason for all the top talent going to RAW in the draft is because Smackdown and MyNetwork TV aren't available in all areas, thus reducing viewership. Becuase of that, Vince feels that he puts a top star there right now, they will lose popularity, and fade out into obscurity if they ever come back to RAW. Once Smackdown switches networks later this year, you will see some more top talent head over to Smackdown, because everyone gets Smackdown's newest channel, SY-FY.

Vince does feel that Smackdown is the "B" show, but he has always thought that. I guess the reason is that since it isnt live, spoilers reduce viewership. As opposed to RAW where people tune in not knowing what is going to happen. Although, right now, if you were to ask me which show has better wrestling. I would absolutely say Smackdown.
What is really going to blow is when SmackDown moves to SyFy. I can't afford cable right now and certainly don't see any way to keep up with the action other than online access through WWE's official site or here on the WZ. But it seems like everytime you try to get into something, they move around on you. I know this post is off topic, but I just had to get out my disappointment that they are moving SD to Syfy and leaving regular broadcast tv.
While I prefer Smackdown's wrestling and alot of their wrestlers over Raw it will never be on par for a few reasons

1 Raw is on Mondays which starts off the wrestling week which automatically gives it an advantage. If something big happens on Raw, NXT, or Superstars its all in the fans minds still and is recapped on Smackdown

2 One thing that hurts Smackdown is that its taped and on Fridays and as much as I hate reading spoilers if I know i have something going on for the weekend i catch myself reading about it tuesday instead of trying to catch it fridays

3 Green wrestlers - With Smackdown being taped they use it to perfect wrestlers that seem good on the mic and in the ring but really rely on multiple takes on their promos and edits in their matches (Mr. Kennedy, MVP, CM Punk) If wrestlers get moved over to the Raw brand its because Vince feels they have proved themselves capable of performing for a live audience without messing up. If they lose that trust the make the transition back in the next draft (MVP, CM Punk, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio)

I dont take it as not getting credit more or less its just a step up from what ECW was and will hopefully help them build into major stars on Raw someday
I agree with you here 100%!!! I always thought that Smackdown was the more entertaining surperior show....and it is. But Raw has been on longer and it is live after all.

Now i understand what you mean when you say "will vince mcmahon give smackdown more credit???" Look at what happens every year....Smackdown gets screwed in the annual draft. I understand that they build up a superstar on Smackdown then take them to Raw....but why?? Look at what happend to Jericho....he was GREAT on smackdown and now look at him on Raw...hes feuding with Evan Bourne...if anything they should have drafted bourne TO smackown!! Same thing with Edge.....hes not making such an impact as of late.

It should also be noted that WWE is planning on building up smackown when they go to SyFy.

So for your thread i say that vince does need to give smackdown more credit......give them top stars cuz they got too many on Raw now!! For now just wait and see what they do once Smackdown heads over to SyFy :)


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