Smackdown The ''A'' Show

y2 jake agree with u brother man smackdown is always underated raw has all that entertaining crap when smackdown is sometimes just pure wrestling for example wrestlemania 23? people were saying taker vs batista stole the show which was smackdown's main event on the other hand michaels vs cena not so great cena didnt really do well in that match but thats a story for another time and same goes for wm 24 i think besides flair vs michaels taker and edge will steal the show on the other hand the triple threat match for the wwe title will be decent smackdown is not the A show but its unique which is what i like.....SUUUPPPPAAAAAFLYYYYYY
Smackdown was always better wrestling than raw.I would tune in every saturday morning because It was more entertaining than Raw,Better in every way.Angle,Benoit,Lesnar,Show and Mysterio were what made my saturday.But slowly the action slid away............Lesnar left(followed by Show and Angle sometime later),Mysterios knee has messed up.So now in 2008 we have wrestlers like Khali,Kane,Batista and Taker headlining SD!.What an Improvement.

I fear for SD! in the up-coming draft.They could lose there mid-card and some big players just like last year.Hopefully the action will come back.......hopefully.But I Have a feeling that SD! is not going to be the a show no more..........
I first must say that I have not seen Smackdown in a couple weeks, but I always liked it more. And I think the reason why they are doing so well is the fact that they are changing between ECW and Smackdown.

As for Main Event, I have no problem with that. Look at last years Wrestlemania. It was Cena vs HBK, and that was a bad match. And Smackdown's major event was Batista vs Undertaker, and that was a good match. We shall see what the future will hold for Smackdown
Smackdown, ultimately, lost a lot of what made it the A show at one point. A lot of the wrestlers on it; a lot of the gimmicks, and it's originality all eventually have gone missing, and you're left with very few main eventers on a show with not as many ideas.

I don't think Smackdon is a bad show, I still watch it. But I think people were used to seeing how good it was after the brand spit, and because it went downhill a little, it has come out of proportion when really, it isn't a bad show. It just isn't as good as it was.

Raw, at the moment, is the A show. It has most of the main eventers on it, as well as consistently has good matches on the card. Raw is also not only thinking about the present, which I've heard a few people say, but it's thinking about the future, and putting over stars which one day are the future.

However I think in a couple of years, Smackdown will be the A show again. Stars like MVP will have risen enough to hold gold and carry great matches, and have good feuds. Give it a couple of years, Raw will be back on top. It's just what happens.
Smackdown, right now, is definately not the 'A show'. That brand is dying, they barely have any stars left. It's the not the Smackdown of old. A few years back, there was Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Big Show, and alot more. Now the only wrestlers who can be classified as big stars would be The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Edge, and Batista. So the quality definately fell. But not only in the main event scene, but in the mid-card, and tag team division, too.

Smackdown could be considered the 'A show' for a few years, but at least they were still the 'wrestling show'. RAW used to have all the drama, and storylines, but Smackdown had the wrestling. They had Chris Benoit, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, and more. But that all fell apart at the draft. Smackdown lost alot of talent, and in exchange got nothing big. So, that's when Smackdown's 'A show' future was put on rest.

Smackdown is still the wrestling show, but not as much. Hopefully with the draft coming soon, Smackdown can rebuild on some new, or former stars.
Well i notice for some reason i can't bring myself to watch RAW too often... seems so much like a damn soap opera now its ridiculous. And even comparing the RAW 3 hour*special* monday to smackdown's regular friday night show in my opinion theres no comparison smackdown wins hands down! They put on some really good matches on smackdown this week, really kept me entertained. Although i do agree that the quality of smackdown has declined it used to be 100% wrestling with some of the best wrestlers in the whole business.

But now without Benoit, Kennedy and a few superstars lost to the draft lottery (gettin CRAP in return) pretty much destroyed smackdown... its sad really
I think Smackdown is the 'A' show, it has more wrestling, but if they made it live it would be better, or, like El Gato mentioned, send all of the Divas over there, I think thats what Smackdown was planned to be anyway, an all woman show. They should do that.
We all have our tastes and opinions, so each person’s definition of what makes RAW or Smackdown the"A” show is going to be different. Each show clearly has its own focus.

I see RAW is a lot of hype and little action (wrestling). Smackdown on the other hand consistently has lots of action. Not counting the divas match and the Khali-Holly squash, this week’s RAW produced only two "wrestling" matches in a two hour show. Same thing take away the divas and the Batista squash, this week’s Smackdown gave us four "wrestling" matches with both Punk v. Morrison and Jericho v. MVP being ‘match of the night’ caliber.

RAW supposedly has a stacked roster, yet it spends too much time on a select few guys week in and week out (Cena, HHH, Orton, HBK, Flair) and everybody else is relegated to Heat. Smackdown does a better job showcasing its roster. RAW seriously misuses its talent. Two recent examples are Holly being fed to Khali and breaking up London and Kendrick for no apparent reason.

When RAW tries something new, if it doesn’t immediately get over with fans they scrap the idea. For example, Carlito and Santino - neither had much going on so they were paired up and proclaimed the #1 contenders for the tag titles. The duo had maybe three tv matches; they haven’t been onscreen together in quite a while. Now Smackdown partnered Wang Yang and Moore who weren’t doing anything yet they gave us several weeks worth of good matches.

If you want repetitive, numerous video packages and a lot of promos, you like RAW.
If you want good solid wrestling matches, you like Smackdown.
i think smackdown is the best but im getting tired of the same stories every week, it seems like every week is about edge, undertaker, and batista. Now there might not be as much focus on edge and taker unless their is a rematch at backlash. I cant wait to see big show and khali wrestle its should be great. Overall smackdow is the best with better superstars than other shows
I have always preferred the wrestling on Smackdown (even before the brand split) and I still do. Don't get me wrong there are lots of great entertaining superstars on Raw who I enjoy watching just as much, it's just that I prefer to watch Smackdown as there is a better use of lesser known, newer superstars. Where as Raw has been using the same top wrestlers for the last ten years.
I was a pure 100% Raw Fan. However ever since Wrestlemania 24, Raw's enteraining vaule just went way down for me. It's the same wrestlers in the title hunt with the same 1-2-3-moves. -it just gets old after awhile-

That's why i just watch HBK and Y2J entertain on Raw then i turn the program off and wait for Friday Night Smackdown. HHH is a great champion but it's a been there done that kind of feeling. -who hasn't HHH worked with on raw?-

Smackdown is more eventful and carrys better wrestling matches and overall entertainment vaule than raw and ecw

Right Now Smackdown is the "A" show because it can produce new superstars for the the title hunt race and better match qualites. But, Raw is the "A" Brand because it has more money making producing wrestlers than Smackdown or ECW

But hopefully a great 2008 draft would come and save Raw so it can be enjoiceful watching it again.

Oh yeah.... a trade of champions whould be nice WWE champ HHH for World heavyweight Champ Undertaker
When the brand split occurred, Smackdown was definitely the better show. Raw seemed to b the brand for the muscular guys like Goldberg, Kane, Snitsky, HHH, Batista whereas Smackdown seemed to have more variety in their superstars, especially with the cruiserweight division.

Now though, i watch Smackdown for Taker and don't really care about any of the others with perhaps the exception of MVP but he hasn't had a decent fued since Benoit. Raw has more stars now (and yes the writing is slightly worse than Smackdown) but seeing HBK and Orton wrestle and Y2Js mic work wins out for me.

Raw wins IMO
I gotta say this is a no brainer, but look into it anyway.

Smackdown - SD!, has really become what people refer to as the 'wrestling show'. People constantly refer to this show as being more about action, while I agree that this is partly true, I don't find the 'names' of the stars to be as big, and that impacts on the matches severely.

Raw - The enertainment value of Raw, makes it the more interesting to watch. The 'drama' is good in the show. The 'names', the bigger names in matches make then more interesting alot of the time. The crowd affects it dramatically.

Raw wins hands down for me, I have always prefered it.

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