Would You Care If Smackdown Was Cancelled?

Wouldn't care that much, it would make me concerned for WWE though, WWE has a lot of programming but It's not like them to cancel shows like that, especially their 2nd biggest show.
Too much money is made from advertisements, I'd imagine. There's just too much reason to keep the programming on television.
Does WWE react the same way that we do to Smackdown? Putting no effort into based on the fact that it's a prerecorded show that is inevitably spoiled online weekly?

WWE has much deeper and more pressing than the quality of its b-show. I would miss Smackdown, but purely from a nostalic standpoint.

That's where Eddie wrestled his last match, where Lesnar and Show went through the ring, and many other momemts.

This is just another example of how WWE needs to invest more into their creative department. You can have a b-show, you can have a program where the top stars don't always appear, where you generally deal with the fallout from the a-show, but write it in a way that makes the audience forget that fact.

If the spoiled nature of Smackdown is the reason they put mo effort into it, then change that fact. Make Smackdown live, move it to Tuesday if you have to.

Smackdown will continue to be irrelevant until WWE invests in their own creative structure.
The writers have two choices. They can spend a day figuring out how to further storylines, or they can just say "fuck it" and cram SmackDown full of RAW recaps and pointless matches. They've been going with the latter.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that SmackDown only happened as a middle finger to WCW as they had made that botched abortion called "Thunder" on Thursdays. SmackDown is, I believe, an outdated means of pulling ratings for a show that doesn't exist anymore.

I wouldn't care if they cancelled SmackDown, I'd only care if they cancelled RAW because then I wouldn't be able to get my New Day fix.
There's so much WWE content now days that I really don't have time to watch it anyway. Personally I wish RAW would go to two hours with maybe a "Talking Dead" style re-cap show to keep the advertising dollars for that third hour. Find some wrestling fan boy comedian like Seth Green to host it and invite celebs and wrestling dignitaries to share their thoughts. I'd watch that I guess. But 3 hours of RAW then 2 hours of smackdown plus all the WWE network stuff. No thanks.
The end of the Brand Extension was the end of SmackDown. Ending the Brand Extension was the worst thing WWE could have done and we're still feeling the effects years later. At this rate WWE will never recover from it.
When the brand split ended, Smackdown stopped being relevant. That's been for, what, four or five years now? WWE must still be getting some decent revenue for it, or else it wouldn't be worth producing with its minimal viewing audience.

Maybe I'm being optimistic, but I like to think that if WWE only had one main show, they'd be more focused on making Raw good.
I only watch it if I'm flicking through the channels and the main event happens to be on. There's nothing much ever interesting going on during a SmackDown episode that makes me want to tune into the show. IMO the show needs to be deleted and something put in its place.
I swear, if you didn't watch this week you missed out.

The only thing worth watching was of course, The New Day's thanksgiving party. The rest was...meh. Still, worth it.
Not really. What does it do that RAW doesn't these days? Back in the day it served as a non cable show which allowed fans who don't have cable TV to watch. When they had the brand split it meant you had to watch that show to see those wrestlers. Now though it just doesn't seem to serve any real purpose.
I wouldn't miss it. I hadn't watched it consistently in years. For some strange reason they won't let it air live.
Absolutely not. Wrestling isn't as compelling as it once was, and nothing of any real importance has happened on Smackdown in years. I can't remember the last time I sat through an entire episode. If it weren't profitable in some way, WWE would've already gotten rid of it, so obviously it serves some kind of purpose. What that could be, I don't know.
Not at all. Smackdown has been nothing but a Raw review show for years. I barely watch Raw, so why would Smackdown hold my interest? Its tedious seeing the same content overa and over with rematches and multiman tag matches.

Hopefully on USA network some much needed changes are made.
Nope. Not at all. And tonight's episode as a prime example. The main event, which (with introductions) lasted 20 minutes of the 2-hour show.... was the exact same 8-man tag match between Reigns/family and LON that basically opened RAW on Monday. This was after they opened the show for 16 minutes with a Reigns/Del Rio match and the 2 teams feuding around the ring. And the "go home" moment for TLC was Reigns pinning Rusev.

It's almost as though WWE is trying to see how awful the product can get before trying even a little bit to put something decent on TV.
I wouldn't like to see it cancelled, I'd definitely like to see it revamped though.

I remember when Heyman was writing it and it was a great show. I believe it was beating Raw consistently in the ratings.

If there was a focus on tag team wrestling, the mid card and NXT graduates, I would certainly tune in. Less highlights from Raw please!

I think guys like KO, ADR, Neville and Dolph would excel if the focus was around them with some decent storylines.

Get Mauro Ranallo on commentary and for me. It's a winner!

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