When was Matt Hardy in His Prime?

When was Matt at his best?

  • The Edge Feud

  • The Hardy Boyz

  • In ECW

  • His run as US Champion

  • The Superior Hardy Feud

  • Version 1.0

  • His Current Run

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Layeth The Smackdown!
Now what I want to know is what is the time Matt had the best run of his career. Please answer the question and do not make this a Matt Hate Thread by saying he is fat or whatever you people say these days. And give an answer.

I would have to say Matt was in his prime during the feud with Edge. This was the first time the I have seen WWE use real life drama in their storylines. Matt and Edge were just both fantastic in this feud easily making the feud one of my favorites of all time. Matt was also in good shape, had great matches with Edge, and played a psycho character who was obsessed with Edge almost ruining his career. I think Matt should have been in the main event after this feud, but he was sent packing back to SD to become a mid-carder for life. I think good things would have happened for Matt on RAW, but it just never happened.
He's still what 34-35, In my opinion maybe he hasn't hit his peak yet. He is still young in wrestling. At the moment he mightn't be everyone cup of tea but that's because he is wrestling with an abdominal tear that really cuts his workouts down and can cause him to have questionable cardio during matches making him look sloppy and uncoordinated. But time heals all wounds and this is one of them cases, soon enough before too long here will be back full health and will show how dependable he really is.
That year he was holding the ECW title. I think it was 2008. Fairly forgettable reign, although his matches with Bourne, Henry & Swagger were all very good.

Two of his matches with Edge in 2005 were very good, but besides that he was his usual boring self. He was consistently very good in 2008.
Matt Hardy can have a good match at any given time, I mean he pushed Mark Henry to have good matches Mark Henry for Christ sake, Matt was also trusted to push a green Jack Swagger on ECW and done a pretty good job as well. This is more of an injury related matter that is pulling him down the ladder.
Matt Hardy was in his prime when he returned in 2005 after his firing. Since he returned... something about his completely changed and he was putting on some of the best matches of his single's career. He had some great matches with Edge... including Steel Cage, Ladder match, Street Fight. With Lita involved, Matt Hardy and Edge just had an overall great feud.

At WWE Homecoming, he is forced to go to Smackdown. He had a great Smackdown debut and then goes on to have a very successful career on Smackdown. Might I say, he had some of the best matches ever with Gregory Helms. He then starts to feud with M.V.P. over the United States Championship. The 2nd half of 2005 to the end of 2007 was definitely what I think was Matt Hardy in his prime.

Since his abdominal injury in November 2007... he hasn't quite been the same. He returned in March 2008, within a month, wins the U.S. Championship, loses it, and then gets drafted to ECW. His 8 month stint on ECW was quite productive with 6 of those as ECW Champion. His time on Raw was a complete disaster and now he's on Smackdown. He'll likely never reach the type of success he reached in 2006 and 2007.
I think that Hardy was in his prime in 2005, he had come back to get a piece of Edge and had some great fights on PPV and on Raw.He had something that he doesn't have today, he was in shape and had a type of rage.While the rage was about Edge it still looked cool, and his ring work was better.Coming second his best would have been V1, it was funny with the backstage segments and he played the character well.
2008 was his best year, the ECW title run was pretty good, he put on solid matches in ECW with the likes of Swagger, Henry, Finley etc. and he was really consistent, then he turned heel and fucked up majorly, but that was definitely his peak so far!!
I would have to say he was in his prime when he returned during the Edge/ Lita thing at summerslam that year when he was pissed off as fuck, i thought for sure he was going to get huge at that point, he just seemed so big at that time, but edge kicked his head in and that was that.
I hope hardy can get back to his 05 form and fitness. He is currently working injured, i beg to think how long he has been working hurt. If he gets over said injury i can see him peaking next year (not saying a world title) WWE should push him hard, sort of a “fuck you jeff, this would of been you”
I hope hardy can get back to his 05 form and fitness. He is currently working injured, i beg to think how long he has been working hurt. If he gets over said injury i can see him peaking next year (not saying a world title) WWE should push him hard, sort of a “fuck you jeff, this would of been you”

good point, actually never thought of that. vinnie mac likes to get back at guys like jeff for shit they do so im surprised they didnt do that, push matt to the moon, honestly i dont think hardy has it anymore though, i seen him at a house show not long ago, just absolutely brutal, even his acting at that time.. jeeze i think hes washed up for sure
I have to say from the start of his feud with Kane in 2004 till the end of his feud with Edge in 2005. He had some 5 star quality matches just look up his match with Kane at Summerslam 2004. He looked like he was a main event wrestler. Like many others have said he is still young so his prime maybe just around the corner.
Most Definatley his Feud with Edge. He was in Great Shape and put on some really Awesome matches against Edge like There Steel Cage match at Unforgiven. He was still great in 2006, But in 2007 and on he has somewhat Diminished. But it's not entirely his fault, Injuries do Shorten Careers.

But to be honest I think Matt is a little too young to call it quits, He can still hit his True Prime if he fully healed from his abdominal Injury and started Training like a Mother fucker, You never know, it could happen.

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