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When should Cena return?

I think Cena Will return after WM27, For the reason that he is going to be unexpected. Think about this in Vince's Shoes.
If everyone is expecting him back before WM27, and he don't show, Everyone will think he actually left for good. Then, At Extreme Rules or something, Boom! John cena is introuduced and comes back to destroy the competition once more.

After WM27? Seriously? Keeping the biggest draw in the company away from the biggest show of the year is probably not a good idea. Sorry, but that's a ridiculous idea.

I doubt Cena is going to be gone long, if at all. If they do decide to play this out I say bring him back right after Elimination Chamber. Wade Barrett and Nexus are going to have to answer to The Undertaker for what happened at Bragging Rights. I could see Barrett offering Cena his job back by doing his dirty work for him and have Cena wrestle Taker at Mania. The stipulation would be if Cena wins he gets his job back. That would present a greater threat to the streak than anything else ever could. I just don't know what Taker's status is and if he'll be able to compete at Mania.
Lets see here.

1. The ultimate idea is for the WWE to make money.
2. Cena pretty much is the face of their franchise right now.
3. He's not out because of injury.
4. After he "Supposably" said his last words on raw and walked out of the arena... he somehow found his way back in the arena, managed to jump the barrier in the crowd without security stopping him, came in and costed Barrett the WWE Title.

So its pretty obvious he's probably not going to be gone for long if at all. Because if Cena is truly fired or "absent" for a period of time... you are going to see a decline in revenue at the WWE Store, as well as at live WWE Events because people wont be able to come see their favorite wrestler.

Second of all Wade Barrett aint gonna let John Cena get away with this. You know that some how, some way he's gonna demand a match with John Cena either on Raw this coming week, or for TLC PPV so he can end this feud with Cena.

Also think about this. What usually happens in December.... Christmas in Iraq. Who is one of the WWE superstars who supports the Christmas in Iraq most. John Cena. I dont think he's missed one yet since he started in WWE.

Yeah WWE could fool us all and actually Fire Cena (which would be the dumbest idea from a financial investment stand point) or Cena could just be taking time off for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And while the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania are 2 predictable returns for Cena, I honestly think that unless the Barrett vs Cena feud ends next monday on raw (which i doubt) I dont see him being gone maybe more than a week, if that.

It just doesnt make sense.
I don't know. On one side, the WWE would want to keep it a surprise and make him return sometime after WM 27 but on the other side, there is no way Vince would want to keep his top dog from competing at WM. But, somewhere in the back of my mind, I think that he should return sometime after TLC and before the RR.
This storyline is very similar to when Stone Cold Steve Austin got fired and he kept showing up every week on RAW to make Vince's life a living hell even though he was fired. I see John Cena doing the same exact thing. Showing up out of no where and attacking Wade Barrett costing him matches and Cena getting thrown out of the building by security.
We need him back now! We do not need any attitude era type of shit! Cena is the beacon of class, dignity and excellence, and deserves more respect than the internet gives.

WWE cannot continue without this man, and Vince Mcmahon must restore common sense and decency to his show!
Cena has tweeted he has tickets for this Mondays Raw. Cena has being "fired" but he will keep making appearences in order to boost ratings. No Cena is bad for business.

Cena will be reinstated when we find out who the mystery GM is. I think that time is approaching. Cena will come back with his new music that was on WWE.com. And hopefully turn heel in the process.
give the Miz and Orton a PPV all to themselves. Bring Cena back at Royal Rumble in a if he wins he's reinstated and go from there.

Or maybe just maybe they could follow along the lines of when Randy Savage lost a loser must retire match at WrestleMania 7. he lost, Warrior got the sack for real, Savage had "contractual" obligations to face some people that was signed b4 WrestleMania (in story)

at SumerSlam he got married to Elizabeth (in story), Jake the Snake and Taker attacked him starting a fued and by Survivor Series he was officially reinstated.

Also could state the obvious choices.
1) He keeps interfering in Nexus business til it gets him reinstated by WrestleMania, thats the obvious

2) The board of directors overrules the GM's/Wade Barret's decision. Austin was fired on a RAW following a PPV and reinstated by the board of directors. Foley was fired and also lost a retirement style match and was reinstated both times.
The will keep him out of the ring but keep him on TV, because we all know his twitter is in kayfabe and he said he has bought tickets to next weeks show, so he will definitely interfere with a Barrett match somehow. Which i don't agree with, if he's gone he should be gone, at least wait more than one week before giving him an appearance because it defeats the illusion of him being fired. So really he will never be gone.
As has been posted: when did he leave?

Now I admit, by the end of the promo on raw, I was buying that cena would be on hiatus for a while, if only to avoid injury ahead of a WM which may not include either Taker or CJ (I'm still not convinced CJ is committed enough to be lacing up the boots anytime soon). However, given the attack at the end and the fact JC has apparently tweeted he's 'bought a ticket for next wks RAW', makes me think he won't miss any real time, aside from maybe a week or two for family biz before TLC.

If it was the case that the WWE had bankable talent to draw people to the ppv between now and a longer term JC return, I might buy it. But with Taker out, Michaels retired, CJ having career crisis and Trips also unsure when he wants to move out of creative (both stories and babies), the cupboard is bare. Besides, it seem Orton will be occupied with MIZ for the next few PPVs, so unless JC is around, Nexus dies on its ass as a story again. And even Christ only managed one resurection.

It's about Purple - which equals green. JC equals money. He might get a lighter schedule, but he won't 'go' anywhere, which is a shame if you're a real fan and not 9yrs old, but hey, it's WWE. PV
It's hard to say exactly when John should return. He could return by next RAW, he could return by the Royal Rumble as a surprise entrant, he could return building up to Wrestlemania, or he could return after Wrestlemania as someone mentioned. Hell he could even be gone until Survivor Series 2011.

All of these options are more than doable. The majority of them could be argued for, and could easily be booked into a proper storyline explanation. So I must admit that I don't really care for when John Cena returns. I enjoy watching him, but from a storyline perspective I couldn't care less of when John would return, because it would make sense no matter what.

However, I am pretty certain he won't officially return next week. Even if he supposedly bought tickets, I really doubt it. It would make zero sense for WWE to give John practically 15 minutes of a goodbye speech to reappear all good and dandy next week.
Judging by how well his goodbye speech was done at this week's Raw, I think that WWE is selling Cena's firing as legit for the moment. That being said I do not think that Wrestlemania 27 won't feature John Cena. In fact I'm pretty sure John Cena will be in a world title match at Wrestlemania and will walk out of WM 27 as champion.

As for an official return date, I would pick Elimination Chamber 2011. I think though that Cena will continue to antagonize Barrett during this time by interfering and screwing him out of his matches. And that will be a good thing as it will add the much needed edginess to Cena's character. I finally see Barrett getting frustrated and reinstating Cena in order to have a final match with him and ending their issues altogether.

I think the Cena vs Barrett feud will end at Elimination Chamber with Cena walking out victorious and also becoming the number one contender to the WWE Championship in the process. You could make it a number one contender match by having Cena screw Barrett out of the Rumble thereby setting up this match.

As I said earlier I cannot envision Wrestlemania 27 without John Cena being in a title match as it has been long overdue. Its been quite a while since Cena has competed for the title.
I expect Cena to fully return by the Royal Rumble to win it and challenege for the WWE Championship at Wrestle Mania...which I think will be held by Wade Barrert.
I'm not sure about the event, but I'll bet it will be the old, he'll keep messing with Barrett and Nexus until Barrett demands his reinstatement. Maybe have him cost Barrett the Royal Rumble. An interesting idea would be for Cena to have a mole (Otunga?) in Nexus.

i like the idea of having a mole inide of nexus but i dont think it should be otunga but gabriel. he is a big face when i see him. i think that cena is going to smackdown. and win the world title there for a bit and have wade when the wwe title on raw and then they can have the rumord world title unifacation match at wm. its a great end to the storyline and would have a better viewing or smackdown. vince did say that he wanted smackdown treated as the number one show. whats a better way than to have the top wwe superstar today on that brand.
@Oliver Montgomery Grey I LOOOOOOVE that picture! I nearly died laughing when I saw that kid.

I think he should return at the Royal Rumble. They did that once before and he got a good response. They've had a lot of one time appearances and random people (Draw Carey) enter the Rumble, why not bring him back than? Maybe eliminate a few Nexus members when he enters.

1st i agree that chick looks evil lol now on topic

i think there will be a rat type sitch in otunga i wouldn't be surprised if the opening of raw is otunga on the phone ala to cena but we dont know that yet lol then in walks barret he says who was that otunga being defiant says not your concern or w/e later in the night barret is fighting whoever and in comes cena and screws barret again

after the match barret will demand that cena face him at tlc and if cena wins he gets his job back if not gone for good so TLC and winner is cena ofc

with help from otunga idfk just a thought
Like a lot of people mentioned, I don't expect Cena to miss any time. Cena has already said he "bought a ticket" to next weeks raw, so you know he will be there and will help screw over nexus.

He may miss a week because they will have "security" keeping him out of the building, but the next week he will find some way in again, and I fully expect to see him reinstated for a match against Barrett @ the RR. Or Cena and Barett will have a "non-sanctioned" fight where if Cena wins he is officially reinstated (this match would also happen at the RR)
I think that John Cena will remain on TV regularly, just not actively wrestling. I'm not sure on what path the WWE will take this crazy Cena/Nexus feud, but with TLC coming up I thought of this wild scenario...

Randy Orton takes this month off to recoup from the Nexus attack, and Wade Barret ends up in a TLC match with Miz. For the finish, ref gets knocked out, Nexus run in, beat the crap out of Miz and handcuff him to the ropes. Out of nowhere Cena comes in and runs off Nexus, gives Barret an AA. Then, adding insult to injury, Cena climbs a ladder gets the belt and hands it to Miz. Ref wakes up sees Miz with the belt and calls for the bell.

I liked that storyline for the WWE in my head and just thought I would share. Not exactly this, but one like this that leaves Barret absolutely furious with Cena would make sense to allow him to come back and finish what they started.

In short, I think Cena will keep toying with Nexus and really drive the nail in at TLC, and Cena will be "hired back." They will see each other at the Rumble and again in the Chamber, but the ultimate showdown will happen at WM27.
He already has tickets to next monday's Raw as a " fan " , so It seems that if he is gonna keep appearing a week after being fired , then he is not gonna take any time off!

There's also a new guy called Juan Cena who's been advertised for live events , so Cena actually won't leave WWE.

I'm surprised by the amount of people who think he is really gonna leave to have some rest.The guy is a machine.He couldn't stand being out of WWE even when he was injured , so it's close to joke if we say he is gonna take some time off to rest.

Can't you remember Hogan and Austin getting fired?One returned as Mr.America and the other kept on kicking vince's butt until he got his job back , so the deal will be the same for Cena.
If i had to choice...i would wait a bit and keep him off TV and then down the road when he does come back, it will , at least to me, seem more special. But then again hes their biggest money maker so i dont see Vince doin this. Im afraid Vince will have hime doin silly little things every week to be on TV....ala The Brain tryin to get inside the first RAW. Definitely wouldnt bring him into the Rumble first his return.......
Id say right after, or at, the Royal Rumble. The way Id book things is having Cena buying tickets to Raw every week, and interfering in Barrett's business at every turn. Finally, he costs an exasperated Barrett another title match at TLC, and Barrett TRIES gets him hired back to fight in an unsanctioned match.

Id have Cena refuse, to start. Have him say that he's enjoying following Barrett around and beating the piss out of him, and if his only motivation to return is to face Barrett, he'ld rather keep messing with Barrett, legal consequences be damned. Have him say how much he enjoys dragging things out for Barrett and tormenting him, just the same as Barrett did to him.

The final straw for Barrett should be at the Royal Rumble. Barrett will be amongst the few remaining, before Cena jumps the barricade once more, fights through Nexus, and eliminates Barrett. Barrett finally relents: He hires Cena back in a match where Barrett puts his leadership of Nexus on the line, perhaps at EC. That's how Id book Cena's return.

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