When has John Cena had a good promo?

Well, that superhero one comes to mind.. That was painful to listen to.

Yeah and it is, but mind you so are a lot of things. I find Orton's promos to be painful, after about the 5th time Jericho called the crowd hypocrites and sycophants i found it painful, the Miz getting cheap heel heat by insulting a hometown is quite painful, but it depends on your personal choice, and tolerance for these things, Cena's superhero one didn't bother me so much, cause like anything Cena does, he's aware of both his haters and supporters, so will put out a promo that's fitting for both.

well, look at any of the greats. even when they were the same, they changed it up. Whatever Miz is doing now is what Cena should be.

Cena changes it up, its just not as obvious, but like all the greats, Cena will end a promo the same way every time, he just doesn't have a catch phrase that he use's in every promo, maybe he should say "and that's why you can't see me.." at the end, cause then he'll be the same as any of the greats who finished every promo with the same catch phrase.

As for the Miz, he's improved leaps and bounds over the years, but he's not on Cena's level for anything. Your arguement is being presented on fact but on opinion, and i have a fact, and that is that Cena has been main eventing and leading this company as the face of it for years, so he must be doing something right. When the Miz does this, which i believe he will in the future then you can easily compare them. The Miz still relies on being a cocky heel and getting cheap heat by insulting the hometown crowd and the fans, but the difference is he speaks well and in a way that people seem to relate to, where there's always this stigma on everything Cena does as if its never going to be good enough.
okay, well then, how about say.. Mr.Mcmahon himself. Some say the greatest Heel ever. Can cut one hell of a promo. would you say that Cena is better at it then him? Or the Rock? or Stone Cold? getting a posative reaction from the fans is not the only important thing. It's can you get ANY reaction. Heat is just as good as the loudest Pop of the night.
Why? because it's drawing an emotional reaction from the crowd. and Cena has plenty he uses all the time, but thats WHY he stays on top. Every face of the company has had those same lines used over and over, it's on his T-shirt. As it was all of theirs too.
okay, well then, how about say.. Mr.Mcmahon himself. Some say the greatest Heel ever. Can cut one hell of a promo. would you say that Cena is better at it then him? Or the Rock? or Stone Cold? getting a posative reaction from the fans is not the only important thing. It's can you get ANY reaction. Heat is just as good as the loudest Pop of the night.
Why? because it's drawing an emotional reaction from the crowd. and Cena has plenty he uses all the time, but thats WHY he stays on top. Every face of the company has had those same lines used over and over, it's on his T-shirt. As it was all of theirs too.

Thank you for informing me of what i already knew, that its not about the reaction you get but the fact you get a reaction, and that's why i've been saying Cena is great, never the best, so no i'm not gonna say he's better than Mcmahon, because Mcmahon got the reaction because of who his character was, the demeaning overbearing and evil boss, that was actively trying to keep down Stone Cold or DX or whoever he was feuding with, and while he spoke well, his promos where a representation of what his character meant and that's why he got the reaction.

The Rock and Stone Cold both had the reactions to their promos because of the connection they had already made with the crowd, and they could relate to the promos that they cut, because the Rock had endeavoured to make himself the "People's" Champion, so when he spoke he was speaking from the people, and that worked the same way when he turned heel because he had turned his back on those same people he had once stood for. Stone Cold was the same, as a redneck that was being held down by his boss and was a rebel, a bad ass and an anti hero, people related to it by making him the embodiment of their secret desires.

Cena on the other hand, has a different relationship, because he has a section of the audience that no matter what he does, think that its cool to boo and hate and shit on him, and even more online, but thankfully at least on this forum there are many who appreciate his talent and work. But when Cena has gone out and cut a promo from his throwback jersey wearing days to his new purple and yellow shirt, he has evoked a reaction, and a strong one from the entire audience, which in my opinion constitues a great promo.

So he's not better than the Rock, or Stone Cold, or Mr. Mcmahon, but he is just as good, albeit in a different way from any of those other people, so there is no point in comparing them, but to say Cena doesn't cut good promos is as KB i believe said, just wrong, and in my opinion, a little ignorant too
oh no, dont get me wrong, as i said in my first post, Cena CAN cut a good promo, but i wont go as far as to say EVERY one is great. Because even the top guys have had their bad ones. Im sure if i looked on youtube i could find a bad Cena one, hell i got a bad Undertaker one off the top of my head, and it happened in 1999. But i was just saying in my first post, that what that one person said about Cena being the best promo man ever is over doing it a bit, because there were so many greats that came before, that unless you were around to see them, you can not make a statement like that and not expect a bunch of people to come and say "wait a minute there..."
I agree.. Kind of. It started out really good, i actually found myself crack a smile for the first time in a while when he's talking, but near the end it got kind of really.. Childish. The Skip one really threw it off, that was a little too much pandering to the kids. Loved him calling Gabriel a *** though, that was pretty funny the way he tip-toed around it.
I have to admit I chuckled a bit when he said he was a mind reader and starting doing the meow mix song. Other than that he was pretty boring. And the wendys thing was just lame in my opinion.
Do you guys remember when cena first came over to raw at that point wwe was much more edgy they still pushed it i still think of the one when he came out and all the top raw guys were in the ring and he did what he did to nexus tonight went through each one of them but it was the rated R verison back then. He was still rhying at that point and he pulled out a pin wheel and told some one to blow him then he called lita a **** and said something about std's pulls out a bag of nuts and said somthing crazy. The real problem is the rating (PG) we just have to live with a toned down cena im still going to enjoy watching him do his thing even though hes not rated M anymore.
Most of Cena's promos are corny. He had a couple of funny lines tonight but most of it was stupid. He comes off trying too hard to be funny. Jericho and Miz are really good at that they can use humor and have it come off more naturally and not forced.
dman22395u23905u0923u50whatever, you are truly a fool.

If there is one thing that cannot be denied, it is that John Cena is good on the mic. He always gets the crowd going, he shows emotion and personality, he can be serious or funny or excited, and he never stumbles or stutters. He sounds natural and he can cut a damn good promo.

To say he has never done so is just ludicrous and shows just how far some people will go to hate John Cena. Don't get me wrong; there are many of reasons to dislike Cena. Some may not enjoy his in-ring work and limited signature moveset. Some may find his character stale and bland. But to say he isn't good on the mic is just idiotic.
So this must be the terrible thread Doc spoke of.

I'm not exactly the biggest Cena fan, but the man has cut some damn fine promos before. He put so much passion and energy into what he says, whether it's a serious promo or comedic. He could make a speech about the importance of flossing and I'd be pumped up.

My biggest criticism is that he tends to give the same good promo several times, which can get repetitive. The best example of this are his "I Quit match" promos, which usually involve him screaming "I WILL NOT QUIT!" several times. A bit more variety in content would be welcomed.

Overall though, Cena does indeed give good promos. He occasionally gives great promos, and to suggest that he has never done either is a bit dumb on your part.
The real question is when has Cena cut a bad promo?

All jokes aside, Cena has cut more good promos than you can shake a stick at. My personal favorite is when he raps to the number one contenders before New Year's Revolution 2006. I think I have a clip around here somewhere...


Also, if you watched RAW tonight, you would have seen him do practically the same thing, except without rhymes, but equally awesome.

Long story short, you don't have to like John Cena's promos, but you have to respect how effective they are.
The real question is when has Cena cut a bad promo?

Plenty, as i said before, not even the greats ALWAYS cut good ones, even they had their bad ones. Take the Undertaker for example, if you have watched WWE for years and years, you may remember the Promo about him and big Show riding the desert, and talking about how the Big Show said he would kill him, skin him, and wear his skin to keep warm. Was just disturbing..

But Cena HAS cut bad ones, so you cant ask "when has Cena cut a bad promo?" because i could give you many examples. But the same can be said for everyone. My only issue is he needs to be more PG in them, and less Rated-G.
Whenever you hear a Cena promo, you get a reaction. No matter what. If it's his "vintage" Cena promo, you get a reaction. If it's a stupid funny promo (which can actually be funny at times) you hear kids laughing and adults booing. Reaction. It doesn't matter what kind of promo he cuts, he get's a reaction. Personally, I think John cuts good promos. If a promo can get a reaction out of me, it's good.

Wanna know the last time he cut a good promo? This past Monday. I chuckled a bit, mostly cause I laugh easily. You said he needs to be less Rated-G, well last night he was. Calling Tarver a male stripper? Totally Rated-G right? :suspic: And he swears on a regular basis, he days hell in like, every promo. That's not a big deal for the IWC, but it sure isn't rated-G.

Give me an example of a bad promo he cut.

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