The "Stand up for WWE" Promo

Is the WWE something worth standing up for?

  • The wwe is a good company

  • The wwe is a bad corrupt company

  • The good and bad they do is equal.

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honestly some of you in here should be ashamed as a life long fan of WWE i notice how people poke fun at wrestling because its not real like the ufc shit is but damn it i enjoy it i am a fan of the WWE and i will stand behind Vince and what he has to say because he is right the media and Linda's political opponent should not be attacking us or the WWE attack Linda try to point out her flaws but they do need to leave WWE out of the government politics and if you fuckers in here were real wrestling and real WWE fans you would realize that. instead of bitching and moaning bout what Vince does for HIS company outside the ropes note i said HIS company let him do wat he wants and either enjoy the product he puts out or dont its that simple

What a bizzare comment. Look:

- The fact Vince McMahon owns the company does not mean he shouldn't be criticised for callously exploiting his employees.
- To be a "real wrestling fan", all I have to do is enjoy wrestling. I don't need unquestioningly support Vince McMahon whenever he is criticised, be it by the media, politicians, or whoever else. I wont be told what to think by the WWE's advertising machine and their glib, meaningless catch-cries (in this case, "Stand Up for WWE"). If you want to be a sheep, go ahead, but don't tell me I should be "ashamed" for not being a sheep too.
- You said Linda's opponents are "attacking us", i.e. attacking WWE fans. They havn't. Vince said they have in the promo video for the "Stand Up for WWE" campaign, and you unquestioningly believed it.
- You say Linda's opponents are free to "point out her flaws", but they should leave WWE alone. But the only serious administrative work Linda has ever done has been with WWE, and so it is relavent to her campaign. A spokeswoman for the Connecticut Democrats said "McMahon is campaigning on her record as WWE CEO, which includes putting her profits first, compromising the health and safety of her workers and presiding over rampant steroid and illegal drug abuse". This is not a simple pot-shot at WWE; they are calling Linda's ethics into question, accusing her of overlooking an unsafe working environment. This is directly relavent to whether or not she is fit for the Senate, of course they should talk about it. If they can't scrutinize her conduct as a WWE executive, then what the hell can they scrutinize about her? It's all she has ever done, for heavens sake.
- Linda has regularly cited her experience as WWE CEO throughout the campaign, to demonstrate that she is well qualified for the Senate. So you're saying that Linda can talk about WWE, but her opponents cant?
- It is NOT as simple as "enjoy Vince's product or don't watch it and shut up". I enjoy his product, but find the whole "Stand Up for WWE" thing to be a patently ridiculous, manipulative crock of shit.
- I wonder if you call everyone who disagrees with you a "fucker".

Vince has made appropriate changes due to the consequences of the past... it’s up to everyone to learn from these past mistakes. Things may not be perfect, but I think Vince has adjusted accordingly.

Fair enough. I definitely agree that he is taking steps in the right direction. If there is one silver lining to the Benoit tragedy, it's that it forced the issue into the spotlight and really put the onus on Vince to address the problem. Prior to that, wrestlers were dying all the time, but because wrestlers generally arent big celebrities, their deaths werent reported in the media, so the public had no idea about the high mortality rate among wrestlers. Vince had no reason to reform the company, because he wasnt being held accountable. Sadly, it took something undescribably horrific and tragic to get the media to start reporting on the problem.

Having said that, he still has a long way to go before working conditions in WWE can be called "satisfactory". I really hope that the initiatives you mentioned are just the start of a compehensive reform. The fact that the wrestlers "choose to work there" is neither here nor there IMO; put simply, there is an incredibly high mortality rate among his employees (7 times higher than the national average), and from a moral strandpoint he should be doing all he can to try and fix this. Until he does, he should expect all the criticism that comes his way.
Look the WWE have done good, but this whole thing is because of one thing Linda McMahon's senate race. They did attack her and the WWE but every person running seems to do that. These are the good things they have done:

Doing shows for the Troops when they do not have too
Make A Wish most notably John Cena for helping children
The Reading thing The children need this.

But there are bad things about the WWE:

They show you that it is okay to betray your friends (whenever they turn heel)
If you dont get you want, it is okay to steal (like Golddust and his stealing the belt)
When a wrestler dies they never mention them on the show anymore because they are worried that if it was a murder/suicide or something with drugs

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