When has John Cena had a good promo?


Championship Contender
when ever i hear john cena is boring on the stick, i hear a person say that he used to be good, but he can't do the things he used because now its pg. WELL first I want to call bullshit on him not being good because of the pg era because plenty of guys can and have cut some great promos in the pg era. AND also I want to call bullshit on the fact that he ever has Been good on the mic. Many think that he was very talented with the rapper stick, but any joe shmoe can right a battle rap set of lyrics and talk like they are eminem. But has he ever cut a single promo that wasn't a pre written rap, that was any good. No.
Now i want opinions.
And sorry if it seemed like I mumbled, but i'm dead tired.
I enjoyed the promo between him and Edge before on one of the episodes of Raw before their Last Man Standing Match at Backlash. I enjoyed Edge more, but I believe Cena held his own in that one. One of my favorites to go back in watch, but maybe I'm just easily entertained.
I don't really like any of his promo's, but anyone he cuts tends to stand out to me much more than anyone else on the roster (sans Jericho or Miz). I think he's terrific, I just don't care for the subject matter he touches on.
When? When he has all, not some but all of the crowd invested in what he says. Yes he is corny, yes he is repetitive. Why fix what is not broken. Cena has the charisma to read a phone book and invest a crowd. I do not particularity care for Cena, but your in denial if you say other wise.
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yeah, people are stupid. HE is of course very over but he never has had a good promo. IF fans are into him talking about ham would it be a good promo. CHRIST by your logic since the ultimate warrior got a crowd reation during his promos then he was the king of promos.
John Cena can cut a good, not great promo, BUT the issue with his promos now are, they are heard from him in the past or they are directed for his fans (the kids and women who think he's good looking). I for one liked his heel promos and liked him before he became WWE champion the first time because his promos were more himself, BUT his promos now like never quit, never give up is like a speech that kids should hear to of course, never quit or give up, however, to other people, we think, come on, we've heard that. Anyway, he can speak on the mic, he has shown that at times, he's just not great like CM Punk, the Miz and Jericho are.
yeah, people are stupid. HE is of course very over but he never has had a good promo. IF fans are into him talking about ham would it be a good promo. CHRIST by your logic since the ultimate warrior got a crowd reaction during his promos then he was the king of promos.
I did not say he is good on the mic because he is over. I said the fact is when he speaks...or you know...cuts a promo...people are invested. That said when people are invested in what you say it builds towards any feud, match, etc. Therefore like them or not, Cena can cut a promo.
I do not like Cena. But blind Cena hate is just dumb.
John Cena can cut a good, not great promo, BUT the issue with his promos now are, they are heard from him in the past or they are directed for his fans (the kids and women who think he's good looking). I for one liked his heel promos and liked him before he became WWE champion the first time because his promos were more himself, BUT his promos now like never quit, never give up is like a speech that kids should hear to of course, never quit or give up, however, to other people, we think, come on, we've heard that. Anyway, he can speak on the mic, he has shown that at times, he's just not great like CM Punk, the Miz and Jericho are.

everything this dude said.

Remember Hulk promos? THe phythons this, say your prayers that, inject your Flintstones cherry flavored steroids there....is Cena doing anyless? I don't think so gents. He's talking to HIS audience. Little boys eat that shit up, and then go back for sloppy seconds. Cena is giving great promos in the context that they're meant to be heard.
john cena is one of the best on the mic...not THE best, but one of them
and this is coming from somebody who hates john cena's current gimmick

his best work was obviously from 2002-2004 especially during his feud with lesnar
and as much as i hate to admit it i loved his segment at the beginning of wrestlemania 19
I really was a big fan of Cena during his rapping days and his face days on SD, but ever since he came to RAW he has gotten so boring and I continue to dislike his work. What gets me is that he always tries to be funny, but can't be funny at all. The last time Cena cut a good promo was whenever the last time he did a rap. That was when he was funny and even serious at the same time. Cena needs to be repackaged.
This is a ridiculous thread. It's a complete waste of space and of everybody's time who decided to read it - the only reason I did was because I thought the subject was sarcasm. Why hasn't this been locked/deleted? Seriously. If I started a thread that said "When has Chris Jericho had a good promo?" or "When has Kurt Angle had a good match?" or "When has Stacy Keibler had a good picture?" I would think it would be deleted immediately. This is the same thing.

You want to know when he's had a good promo? EVERY TIME HE'S PICKED UP A MICROPHONE. That's when. The only way you can ARGUE that his promos aren't "good" is if you're saying they're GREAT - which they are. Any attempt to debate that does nothing but show a complete lack of knowledge. Not wrestling knowledge, knowledge period.

The only thing worse than the original post was the OP's response to the fact that Cena gets the crowd into his promos like very few in the history of the business have. Umm, last I check crowd involvement is a huge part of a promo. Along with charisma, another thing Cena has loads of. That's what makes all of his promos so great.
John Cena can cut a promo. He does his job right. He hypes the upcoming match he's gonna be in, he puts both himself and his opponent over, and says he's gonna win. That's the point of a promo right? The only issue is that he doesn't really have that many memorable ones. Most of them are pretty cut and paste with the same "never give up and never quit" type of message. With most of the promos being the same there's nothing that really sticks out in my mind.

Now let's compare that with another wrestler known for good promos: The Rock. I can quote numerous Rock promos and if I search one line from one of the promos (for example: Thomas Jefferson Sucka) I'm bound to find a few videos of it. Cena's promos don't exactly have memorable lines where when the show is over, you'll start saying it again and remembering it. Whereas The Rock had a bunch of promos that always had something you took away from them.
The better question is when hasn't Cena given a great promo? Everyone time Cena speaks or presents a promo, I'm completely captivated! Cena is so good looking, has a great physique, and say anything and make you believe it and want to be apart of it. John Cena has really helped me become who I am today and helped me overcome obstacles. His words are sheer power and his personality is sheer acceptance and compassion. Cena's promos are the funniest and best the WWE have ever seen and this is why he's WWE champion and the greatest too ever live. He is beloved by children and supporters of civil rights alike! He has done so much for everyone as well has Orton and his sexy ass. I hope John knows how much we all appreciate him!
I find cena very entertaining when he gives promos. he has so much passion in what he says but the IWC always has to bitch about something. Cena can give great promos and will go down as one of the best on the mic currently on the roster aside from jericho and possibly punk he gives some of the besi promos in the businessthis thread should be closed on account of this being a simple case of a cena hater. I swear if vince were to actually read this stuff and listen to it the E would go out of business because the IWC comes up with the worst forums.
I won't say the man can't cut a promo, he can, he says the things he does with completely believable conviction, and the crowd evidently gets behind it. But at the same time, he says the same thing, week in and week out, like an earlier post on here pointed out about Hogan. In the past year his promos have become something like:

"Yeah, (insert name here) is tough. Maybe the toughest I've ever faced. People are talking, and they're saying it looks like my days (as champion, if applicable) are numbered. Hell, I've come close to believing it. But I can't believe that. This is my biggest challenge yet, and I won't back down, I'll NEVER back down, NEVER give up, and (insert name here), you better be ready come (insert PPV here), because you're in for the BIGGEST fight of your life!"

And so it goes. Yes, his vocal inflection and the conviction with which he says his lines is all natural and believable. But it gets old after a while too.
besides that pussy "Yraab" pissing me off with his quote (sure, I know orton said that but why the fuck would you enjoy that fake bullshit enough to quote it? kayfabe or not, you're a fucking douche bag) I must say cena is golden dumbass! His work on the mic. is one of the most passionate out there! do you know who john cena is? I kinda think he just might be on top because his mic. skills are golden. during his emcee days he elevated his character by his promos. Even though he evolved (which most greats do) he still kills the mic. despite a stupid fucking pg rating! why do you think dude has had three movies already? sure he ain't no fucking Rock but he is one of the top dudes to cut promos currently. YODEL
I did not say he is good on the mic because he is over. I said the fact is when he speaks...or you know...cuts a promo...people are invested. That said when people are invested in what you say it builds towards any feud, match, etc. Therefore like them or not, Cena can cut a promo.
I do not like Cena. But blind Cena hate is just dumb.
And like I said, the fans aren't necessarily INVESTED in what he says because he is good on the mic but because he is over. Like the ultimate warrior. The ultimate warrior cut terrible promos [i'm not equating them to cenas]. But most fans were intised with it. Not because he cut great promos, but because everyone loved the character. And buddy, don't call me a blind cena hater because even though i don't hate him, i have more than enough reasons not to like his promos.
John Cena's promo's remind me of the voice-over guy. The way he talks normally is something that can be easily inserted into any video package and it runs quite smoothly. He goes out there, gets the crowd invested into him and says whats needed to be said. The guy who is at the top of the company doesn't need to have a gimmick or a stance on his promo's... he has already proven that he has excellent charisma in the past. He might not have a stand-out promo that comes to my mind, but every single one of his promo's are good... he is a consistent promo cutter.

I'm not sure what constitutes a "good" promo in your eyes, but I suggest looking back before he became top dog when he used to walk like he just tore his Achilles tendon if you want some substance in his character. Otherwise, pick any promo near the end of any major feud he has had. He's done some gooden's for sure. Trust me, I'm not a John Cena mark or defender... but the guy can cut one any day of the week.
Well the simple answer is, before he was drafted to RAW.

John Cena at his beginnings with the cut great promos (close to legendary as the legendary promos where cut only by Austin, Rock, Jericho and Old DX). I thought he would develop into the next Rock! I mean when you get a someone continuing your sentence against the Undertaker in a Promo, well, you made it.
I mean I doubt if the Miz says "I'm Awesome" against undertaker and the fans say it with him.

John Cena Had great promos especially with Brock Lesnar. Those two for me where the future (very bright till john got stale).

Now John Cena is pretty boring that I enjoy Sheamus's and Eade Barret's promos much more. Even the wrestler I personally despise Drew McyIntire gets more interesting than him.
John Cena is fully capable of cutting a damn good promo, and he quite often does. Sometimes, like a lot of other people, I get turned off when Cena tries to inject some corny humor into his promos, but the man can talk overall. John Cena is extremely confident with himself and in his character. His promos, for the most part, feel genuinely authentic and not the least bit forced.

Sure, sometimes he comes across sometimes as a guy that's spent most of his life in the military and a 12 year old boy scout, but that's his character. Cena's extremely patriotic, loves kids, kind of gives a "wink wink" endorsement of Christian values, the whole never give up and never quit and always do your best mentality and lots of people from lots of different age groups like the guy. For all intents and purposes, John Cena is just like Hulk Hogan of the 1980s, just with a full head of hair and without the Fu Manchu. Hulk Hogan back in the day was the exact same way and almost every single one of us ate it up and many still do to this day.
John Cena drops some of the best promos in the business. The crowd hangs on every single word. It doesn't matter if he has his little 30 second bit of "Super Cena" at the end, they are always solid promos. John Cena is awesome on the mic. You must not watch a lot of wrestling if you think his promos suck. Maybe he's not trying to appeal to you but his promos are still really damn good.
Cena can cut a good promo when he wants to however lately I have not heard anything new from him other then him repeating himself "Never give up U cant C me" all that stuff and so I yawn and change the channel whenever he cuts a promo now
To the OP:

As both a fan of Rap, and a fan of Eminem, I take offence that you would say thats what John Cena's character was portraying. He was obviouly a Vanilla Ice knock off. Two different styles of rap there my friend.

To JJ15776:

Now I understand how you can say some of the things you did, but to anyone who has been watching WWE for the past 15-20 years, it's very easy to see why we do not agree with your assesment of Cena being the best ever. He is good for this day and age, but I can not, and will not ever say he is the best ever. When you put him up against people such as The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mr.Mcmahon, Chris Jericho, Roddy Piper. Cena does not quite cut it. Granted, for the most part those guys did not have to deal with a PG rating, but they still are considered the best of the best when it comes to a Promo. To say that Cena is better then Jericho is complete blind Cena love.
I have a better question for you, when has Cena not had a good promo. At the least his promos are above average, unlike the. boring. monotoned. put. you. to. sleep. Randy. Orton. promos.

His promos are good, he starts off light and humourous and then towards the end he gets intense and a bit angry, and yes it may come off as annoying, but it fits in with his character. Also he's done quite well to modify his promos with the times and the shift in the direction that the WWE is taking. When he had the throwback gimmick he freestyled, and then in the 2005-07 period he'd come out and cut a funny yet insulting promo towards his rivals, and now he comes out gets a bit light, jokes around still insulting his rivals, but a lot cleaner and more kid friendly, then when it gets down to business, he gets serious and intense.

So to the OP or whomever else feels the desire to answer it, who's promo style should he be imitating to make better promos?
I have a better question for you, when has Cena not had a good promo.

Well, that superhero one comes to mind.. That was painful to listen to.

So to the OP or whomever else feels the desire to answer it, who's promo style should he be imitating to make better promos?

well, look at any of the greats. even when they were the same, they changed it up. Whatever Miz is doing now is what Cena should be.

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