When did you last feel "magic" in WWE?

Cena vs owens last night and everytime Ambrose and rollins are in the same match there's your magic.
A couple of years from now you may look back and say those were some pretty awesome moments but i was too busy looking back for nostalgia.
I never thought i'd enjoy this particular PPV but it turned out pretty awesome. Not the same level as mania 30 but then again those are supposed to be once in a lifetime moments.
I think the last "moment" I felt was magical was the D-Generation X vs nWo face off at WrestleMania 31. While nothing really "happened" due to the age and physical condition of Hall, Hogan etc, just to see these 2 legendary factions in the same ring at the same time....wow! I got goosebumps!

I watched the show in a bar and remember marking out when DX interfered, but I DID NOT expect to see the nWo come down to the ring to face off against DX- especially as Nash/HBK/HHH/X-Pac and Hall had been embracing on the Hall of Fame stage the night before. I was wearing my nWo t-shirt at the time and went absolutely crazy when that music hit. It was a special moment.

However, the last ANGLE that really felt magical was Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania 30. The way the show was booked was perfect, there was genuine emotion from fans over how Bryan had been held down by the company (for real), anger at why WWE weren't pushing the wrestlers the fans wanted, and also annoyance at how Bryan was being "screwed" again and again in the storyline. To see him overcome all this, beat Triple H, Batista and Orton in one night to win the big one...was very special. I got my phone out and recorded the reaction from the people in the bar as Batista taps out...they went CRAZY! There was genuine REAL emotion in that room, and I've watched that clip so many times and I'm still amazed by how much it meant to people. When I show it to non-fans, they are amazed at the scenes.
WM31 had some magic moments. I thought Brock/Reigns was superb. I was particularly hyped for this match right from Reigns' entrance to Rollins celebrating; it was phenomenal. It felt special. I'd add the Triple H/Sting match. Shawn Michaels hit sweet chin music on Sting; amazing.

I suppose the streak ending. Bryan winning the belt. Rock/Austin/Hogan. Sting's debut at Survivor Series. There have actually been quite a few.

Another one that sticks out is The Shield v Evolution. It was a very deliberate set up of the past v the future and in the present you could feel the magic. That felt like the feud where the Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins truly arrived.
Number 1, the feeling you're looking for is called "nostalgia."

I agree with the OP; it isn't 'nostalgia'.... which implies the feeling you get when looking back on something and remembering it fondly. The 'magic' referred to is felt at the time of the event.....and hopefully the time leading up to it.

WWE still creates those moments....and probably as often as they ever did. Many of the examples mentioned occurred over a period of many years, so while they may seem to point to an 'era of magic,' they were actually still few and far between in real time.

As to today's magic, the two Brock Lesnar-John Cena matches brought me the magic feeling, due to the quality of the combatants and the circumstances under which they fought......and both matches contained different meanings: in the first, would the 'guy who runs the place' be defeated by a mercenary?......and in the second, it seemed impossible Cena wouldn't gain revenge against the part-timer. Those matches were magic.

I'd also point to the Daniel Bryan saga; those events leading up to his winning the world title. I'm not as big a Daniel fan as many of you, yet how could one not feel the excitement of what the guy was doing?

The magic is still there.
The last time I saw anything magic on WWE TV can be viewed in different ways. The first; if it was for a promo - Still has to be CM Punk's pipe bomb 4 years ago. But in terms of a match - probably watching the Streak End; which was so shocking that it made Brock Lesnar an even bigger star in WWE than he was before; and to see him go on to have world class performances against Cena at SummerSlam 2014 and then against Reigns at WM 31; I think that is why I consider it to be so great.

The only way I can see a special moment now is if either Austin comes back for one more match or Cena turns heel. I am not saying there won't be a magic or special moment again in WWE; but it takes a star to do something big to give us that moment.
Dolph Ziggler winning the World Heavyweight Championship on the RAW after WrestleMania 29 in the IZOD Center. Absolutely ELECTRIC crowd for the biggest pop in wrestling history. Being there live was incredible, and I've never hear a crowd react like that in my entire life. In my book that was the single biggest moment in wrestling since the title change at the end of WrestleMania 14.
Without submitting to childhood-teen nostalgia, I had to ask myself "what recent events have had that magic feeling?"

Wrestlemania 30. The tension of Brock vs Undertaker. The destruction brought by Brock and the sheer surprise with the ending of Undertaker's streak. Daniel Bryan's climb up the ladder to the top of the roster. Triple H's entrance, him sitting on his throne with "The Game" playing. All moments where magic was made and suspense was everywhere.
That easy. It was Wrestlemania 31. Brock vs Reigns for the title was easily one of the greatest WM main events of all time. Rollins cashing in at the end was the capper.

DX vs the NWO was another holy s*** moment

Reigns Lesnar was so special - Rollins cashing in was a highlight but I wanted and still want a definitive winner between Lesnar and Reigns. Hope to see it again someday when the time is right.

That match, the crowd, the intensity. I loved that match, I've only watched it twice to protect it.

A big fight feel - they captured lightening in a bottle with Reigns and Lesnar.

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