When did you last feel "magic" in WWE?

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
When I look back at matches like Bret vs. Shawn from Survivor Series 1997, or Austin vs. Rock at WM17, there's a magical feeling to them that I just don't get from WWE anymore. I guess by magic I mean that the matches felt important and historic, thanks largely to the build-up, and carried a tension that literally increased my heart rate. Matches like Brock/Undertaker at WM30 and Sting/Trips at WM31 should have been this way, but weren't. It's like WWE have just lost their knack for creating those special moments. We still get lots of great wrestling matches, sure, but I'm talking about something that transcends just a well-booked and executed match.

The last time I felt magic, personally, was Cena vs. Punk at Money in the Bank 2011. The build-up and match were just flawless, and it felt like such a big deal. It speaks volumes, however, that a guy had to threaten to walk out on the company to make this all possible. There was one other match that came close to conjuring up that same magic, and that was Cena vs. Rock I. Very enjoyable, but a near miss. Sting vs. Undertaker at WM32 could be otherworldly, but I have little faith in WWE handling it correctly.

Maybe I'm just jaded. Do you still experience magic from WWE to this day? If not, when did you last feel this way?
Number 1, the feeling you're looking for is called "nostalgia." You'll always feel it regarding your childhood, so trying to replace it with a modern event is just going to always fail. You have to adjust your expectations, because things like seeing Wrestlemania from your buddy's basement at age 15 is as completely different as possible from watching it as a 33 year old in your own home on your own big screen television.

It's for the same reason that I can't play video games anymore. I don't in any way imagine that Super Mario was better in any way than modern incredible games that are so beautiful and detailed and full of challenge. The difference is that I can "fondly remember" those days of blowing on the cartridge, tapping it up and down, punching in the Konami cheat code for TNMT 2, etc.

So here's the solution: stop trying to expect these modern matches to meet your internal hype meter. Truthfully? Modern wrestlers are better, stronger, smarter, and overall more entertaining than when we were kids. The difference is that we saw people like Bret and SCSA as superheroes cause we were kids. Now that we're adults, it's actually the kids that are wrestling. It's REALLY hard for me to look up to a 24 year old that does a lot of flips off of the top turn buckle.

There are other issues, like those of logic (in booking), logic (in wrestling), rehashed stories, etc. The point is that it can NEVER be what you have it built to be in your mind, so just enjoy what's out there now.
Number 1, the feeling you're looking for is called "nostalgia." You'll always feel it regarding your childhood, so trying to replace it with a modern event is just going to always fail. You have to adjust your expectations, because things like seeing Wrestlemania from your buddy's basement at age 15 is as completely different as possible from watching it as a 33 year old in your own home on your own big screen television.

It's for the same reason that I can't play video games anymore. I don't in any way imagine that Super Mario was better in any way than modern incredible games that are so beautiful and detailed and full of challenge. The difference is that I can "fondly remember" those days of blowing on the cartridge, tapping it up and down, punching in the Konami cheat code for TNMT 2, etc.

So here's the solution: stop trying to expect these modern matches to meet your internal hype meter. Truthfully? Modern wrestlers are better, stronger, smarter, and overall more entertaining than when we were kids. The difference is that we saw people like Bret and SCSA as superheroes cause we were kids. Now that we're adults, it's actually the kids that are wrestling. It's REALLY hard for me to look up to a 24 year old that does a lot of flips off of the top turn buckle.

There are other issues, like those of logic (in booking), logic (in wrestling), rehashed stories, etc. The point is that it can NEVER be what you have it built to be in your mind, so just enjoy what's out there now.

Thanks for the response, but it's nothing to do with nostalgia for my childhood. Two of the examples I gave - WM17 and MitB 2011 - occurred in adulthood. I just believe that WWE isn't as good at creating those hair-raising moments anymore.
Thanks for the response, but it's nothing to do with nostalgia for my childhood. Two of the examples I gave - WM17 and MitB 2011 - occurred in adulthood. I just believe that WWE isn't as good at creating those hair-raising moments anymore.

If you're being objective, Brock v. Reigns was infinitely more hair-raising than WM17. But you're not being objective, for some reason. That's perfectly normal, but Brock v.s Reigns was probably the best booked, best set up, and strongest match in the last 20 years.
Two times last year for me. Daniel Bryan winning a WM was a MAGICAL moment. Usually, I'm much more patient than most wrestling fans as an 'armchair booker.' I was legit pissed when he clean beat Cena at Summerslam only to lose it minutes later. I thought for sure he would've gotten revenge by the end of the year. But to drag it to WM where he beat HHH (arguably the best match and first match on the card) and to come back in the main event, man that moment was euphoric.

I'd also say Brock completely dominating Cena at Summerslam. I've never seen the face of a company take a beating like that from beginning to end. And as one sided as it was, it didn't take away any of the excitement to me. I know it seems anticlimactic, but I've just never seen anything like that, and I've been watching for a long time
Mania 31. Some of the highlight moments during the Sting v Haitch match like the DX and nWo music hitting. Rollins cashing in.

Other than that I can't think of any recently that truly struck me as magical. Rock returning in 2011 was epic but it soon felt fickle. Maybe we try and find magic in as many moments as possible these days. Given that the product is mostly weak, we try and find promise wherever possible and the potential for magic moments at every opportunity, which ultimately exaggerates the slightest big moment and saturates the genuinely magic moments.
If you're being objective, Brock v. Reigns was infinitely more hair-raising than WM17. But you're not being objective, for some reason. That's perfectly normal, but Brock v.s Reigns was probably the best booked, best set up, and strongest match in the last 20 years.

I respectfully disagree with this so much. Brock Reigns had such a shitty build up.... starting with probably the worst booked RR in history. No one wanted Reigns as the winner and the crowd let him know. They had to involve Bryan to give legitimacy to Reigns and that helped but the face going into the match turned out to be Lesnar.
lesnar and reigns, neither famous for their mic work but for the physicality, didn't touch for all their build and it all ended with a tug of war??

Stone Cold vs The Rock started their build after they wrapped their feuds with HHH and Kurt Angle and in the 6 weeks they had to build their match they made it about the two biggest names in the sport fighting to be called the best. they traded finishers, took each other down and they brought the best in each other
WM 30..... Daniel Bryan`s journey to the WWE title. Although some people say they planned giving Bryan the title since Summerslam I believe thats a lie. the people changed Vince`s plans and after months and months of almost getting the belt but having it pulled away by the authority, Bryan defeated HHH and then went on to defeat Orton and Batista in the main event of the biggest Wrestlemania of all times giving it the ultimate feel good moment with an entire stadium chanting YES YES YES!!
That easy. It was Wrestlemania 31. Brock vs Reigns for the title was easily one of the greatest WM main events of all time. Rollins cashing in at the end was the capper.

DX vs the NWO was another holy s*** moment
Off the top of my head the last few that stick out…

Nexus debut

Punk/Cena at MITB in Chicago

Rock/Cena at WM28 (this might've just been because I was there)

Rollin's cash in at 31 was a pretty awesome moment (if I'm being honest, really the only one of the whole show for me)

I'm sure there have been a few others, but generally I would agree that things don't have the same luster they once did. I don't know if that's me being jaded, too much product from WWE, or that the quality really has slipped. Or a combination of all 3.
We're not talking about nostalgia here... But the last few times that two guys squared off and it felt like can't miss/anything can happen/big hyped up match would have been:

John Cena 'C' vs CM Punk - Money In The Bank 2011
John Cena 'C' vs CM Punk 'C' - SummerSlam 2011
Daniel Bryan vs Triple H - WrestleMania 30
Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose - Hell In A Cell 2014
Personally I couldn't count anything recent as "magic" moments due to being aware of the reality surrounding it and fans privy to insider stuff forcing the issue. Lesnar-Reigns with Rollins cashing in wasn't all that exciting when in the back of your head you know they basically did it because smarks were protesting Reigns winning the belt. Same with Bryan's title win the year before, and the whole CM Punk storyline before that. Rollins cashing in was basically a WCW-2000 move but people looked the other way because they were so fixated on Reigns not going over they threw logic out the window.

The last 3 magic moments in WWE for me was:

1. The night the Rock came back for the first time after years away.
2. CM Punk cashing on Edge for the WHC in 2008
3. RVD winning the WWE title at ONS
They've hit homeruns on the night it counts most two years in a row. I thought Mania 30 was quite possibly one of the greatest cards of all time and this year was really great too. A couple lackluster matches but the main event was a huge delivery and the DX/NWO run ins were fun as hell. Ladder match was entertaining.

But Daniel Bryan defeating all three active members of Evolution in one night to achieve the dream was as good as The Warrior winning at Mania 6 or Hart at X or Micheals at 12.
Just epic pro wrasslin.
lesnar vs punk summerslam was magic,go back and watch it,it wasnt a typical lesnar match

lesnar squashing cena,it doesnt get any better

i stopped watching wrestling about 14 years ago but came back when brock did so i dont have any matches during that time period but i go back to every flair,dusty, or road warriors matches when i was a kid,they were magic every time
When I look back at matches like Bret vs. Shawn from Survivor Series 1997, or Austin vs. Rock at WM17, there's a magical feeling to them that I just don't get from WWE anymore.

The last time I felt magic, personally, was Cena vs. Punk at Money in the Bank 2011.

There weren't any dirtsheets to spoil the shows back in the day. Austin aligning with McMahon would've been all over sites like WZ and everybody would've criticized it. "Austin would NEVER align with McMahon. More proof WWE doesn't have a clue how to book anymore" ect. Imagine if Sting's debut wasn't leaked. People would still be talking about it. They also wouldn't have turned on Batista when he returned last year (IMO), or reacted to Roman Reigns the way they did.

The CM Punk match is a perfect example of WWE satisfying fans on a level playing field. If the angle had been leaked, the match would be remembered much differently (again, IMO).

EDIT: As for the last time I 'marked out', Rock beating Cena in their first 'mania match, DX/nWo getting involved in the Sting/HHH match, and Rollins' cash in.
Recently? Hmm...

** Daniel Bryan's underdog angle culminates @WM30 has to be #1, though it's closely followed by...

** Summer of Punk / the Punk vs. Cena feud

** And though it wasn't as epic in terms of build-up and expectations, I thought the Lesnar/Cena/Rollins match at RR was fantastic -- watching it live we really thought Lesnar might be injured and they booked it so perfectly to make it seem as if Cena/Rollins were hesitantly going on for a few minutes trying to figure out how to end the match.

It's for the same reason that I can't play video games anymore. I don't in any way imagine that Super Mario was better in any way than modern incredible games that are so beautiful and detailed and full of challenge. The difference is that I can "fondly remember" those days of blowing on the cartridge, tapping it up and down, punching in the Konami cheat code for TNMT 2, etc.

Its hard to compare anything gameplay wise to the original super mario bros game, Newer games are probably better in every way now but nothing compares to the memories of being a child playing it with friends and family etc.

Magic in wrestling I think left when WCW and ECW ended sometime around early 2000's, After the initial excitement at the thought of a WCW and WWE feud which didn't go too well the realisation hit that WWE was all we had from now on, It still continues to have its moments from time to time which is why I never stopped watching but it hasn't been as magical as I remember it being before this time I still enjoy but kind of stopped caring so much about it, My theory is they need real competion and some other company to compete with to at least motivate them to put on the better show.
Benoit winning the title at WM and turning around to see EG and the hug. Pure magic.

Bischoff coming out on RAW and hugging VKM. A historic moment.

CM Punk's pipe bomb. Because it was exactly how I felt about the product. It was nice that it happened here in Vegas too.

Nothing recent for me. I would say Bryan's title win but it seemed forced since they never wanted to give him the title anyway.
How about Sunday, May 31, 2015. The event, the Elimination Chamber. The match, Kevin Owens vs. John Cena. So much excitement built in a short time with so many possibilities. The match became a candidate for Match of the Year and it would seem a new star was born in the Universe. It was very cool to see KO do what he does best on such a large stage.
Ending of the Post-Payback RAW 2014; The SHIELD were betrayed by Scumbag, Traitorface Seth Rollins, a night after dominating Evolution in a clean sweep.
It was a shocking moment and from it, we have got the EPIC Seth Rollins cash-in thus far and I am sure there is much more to come from all 3 guys going forward.
Brock Lesnar beating Undertaker, something I didnt think was ever going to happen. I still remember the moment.
laodaron, it is not nostalgia and I don't think you can fairly say that this generation of wrestlers is better than prior since they are not working the same style. You really think Cena is better than Bret Hart or HBK? Orton is better than Austin? You may have been a kid and didn't know better, I was 21 in 1996 when things got interesting - I knew better, the characters were more interesting.

As for the magic, it has been at least a decade now. There is just too much going on now that is just bad that ruins anything interesting. It is easy to book a one off event that gets people attention but think of this - how many people are still taking about Lesnar beating Taker last year? All the dumb stuff they have done since then takes away from that. Plus you question why so much more. HHH beating Sting is a great example - I am sure people felt the magic right up until that match when they saw him lose. Why did Sting lose? So HHH looks good for next years Mania. Not to say stuff like this didn't happen before but now it is so obvious when it does happen, it ruins any magic. Last thing I can say I watched that I thought was cool and a little magic was the CM Punk return a few years ago because they played it out so well but even that was ruined - he was gone for 2 weeks.
For me personally the last time I felt like something was done so great that it felt "magical" was Wrestlemania 25, Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels.
There's a reason why this match is easily in the top 3 greatest matches in Wrestlemania history. Its build up was amazing. Undertaker and Michaels wrestlemania entrances were awesome. And the match, the match is almost indescribable, as Taker and Michaels left it all in the ring creating pure magic that has yet to be matched. (W26 was good but no where near as good as 25)
Occupy RAW in early 2014. That was a massive moment in the history of professional wrestling. When Daniel Bryan won the title a few weeks later at WM30 it was all gravy by that point.

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