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What's your opinion about Mark Henry?

Okay.. this is my first thread.. so take it easy :)

Since his move to SmackDown, Henry has become one of the most dominant forces in the WWE. It seems that the WWE creative want to give him a final opportunity to win a World Tittle before the end of his career.

But it doesn't really seem that the crowd care about him or his push and neither do the people who watch from home. He took out Kane and The Big Show and still nothing.

What's your opinion about Mark Henry?

Why do you think that the crowd can't get behind him?

How can you correct this situation?

Sorry for some grammar or spelling mistakes, I'm not from the U.S or the UK.

EDIT: Sorry for not putting this on Smackdown section..
my opinions on Mark Henry at the moment are really good i'm happy that there improving his in-ring and mic time, he doesn't exactly have the best micphone skills and i don't really enjoy watching him in-ring but he probably deserved it after being so loyal to the WWE and sticking around but this is just my opinion.

I don't think the crowd is behind him because he pretty much has no gimmick, theres nothing that he shows that will actually want the crowd to actually think that he needs a push or that his a huge threat because everyones used to the Mark Henry being a joke.
That' very true Genesis, but you can tell he's getting a little more heat each week. People are so used to the WWE giving Mark a small push and then having him job for extended periods of time.
I think they should have given him this type of push long ago. I do like his interaction with the crowd, and his smack talking during the match. I think the WWE should make him even more unpredictable, why slow down on his attacks. Have him keep destroying people much like Joe. I think he'll be ok once he gets a legitimate win the audience really cares about, such as Sheamus or Orton.
I like what's going on with him right now. I think he's showing more personality now than he ever has. I don't think he's getting huge heat right now because it seems these days you have to do or say something dastardly. Right now, he's just beating people up right and left. He looks to be in great shape from previous years and he's pretty convincing. Hopefully, this will continue for awhile.
I am a Huge Mark Henry fan.
His song by 3 6 mafia is perfect for him.
It does seem that as the weeks go on he is garnering more heat.
I for one hope he gets a run with the WHC. And that it's for a decent amount of time.
If the mistake u see as him not getting enough heat. Have him cause more Havoc.
I like the way he won the #1 contender by staying out of the ring most of the match.
That was a great way to get extra heat.
Im a big henry fan. Sure he aint great in the ring but the guy is a natural threat to anyone. He really does look and sound like he could tear any man limb from limb and he is extremely believeable in the role he is in. He has been booked perfectly over the last few months in my opinion and i think he and the wwe deserve a ton of credit for what they have done. Over the past few months WWE have turned so many stale characters around such as henry, truth, christian and even cena to a certain extent and for that they deserve praise as much as the talent themselves
i really like Mark Henry a lot, i do hope he gets his run with the WHC, at least a month or 2....I'm pretty sure if he beats Orton for the belt, it will give him more heat...i also wouldn't mind seeing him win, then during his reign he keeps up his destructive streak and ends up going to far and getting the belt stripped from him. i think that would be kind of a neat way for things to go..but whatever happens i hope he goes into HITC with his mean streak and hurts the shit out of someone
To b honest I believe 1 he is not that good on the mic, 2 his turn was out of nowhere & made no sence, 3 they tried this monster angle with him in the past & it didnt work.

Now if they would of had start saying that some1 was in his ear then reveal some1 as his "manager" also change his finisher I have said for awhile that he should have the Power Bomb or Torchtor Rack.
I hate saying this but, I just can't take him seriously. He had this whole bubbly and over-excited gimmick last year and now has suddenly turned into this apparent monster heel? Ehh, its working for children in terms of being believable but the way he changed character for me hasn't worked. He should have changed when he was actually hot as a face. They could have had him feuding with say, a heel Sheamus on Raw for the US Title just after Mania and then bang. Change character and attack maybe the debuting Sin Cara or another contender. And I agree with: The Wolf. He NEEDS a manager, I think Matt Striker would fit the bill perfectly right now.
Mark Henry is one of the most deserving people in the WWE right now. His character is one of the best on WWE program right now as well. He has picked up his game and become one of the most feared people in wrestling. His promo work is incredible as of late and he shows such intensity and emotion when hes in the ring. He is one of my favorite superstars at the moment and it's because of what he has been doing lately. He has not only excelled on the mic as of late but like I said before he has picked up his in ring ability and ethic. In my opinion he deserves a main event slot and deserves a nice long World Heavyweight Title run. I would put him in a long lengthy run with Randall Keith Orton and make it a good one. Both are great workers and both can learn a bit working with each other. Orton is a top competitor in the WWE and he is the perfect guy to help elevate Mark Henry to new heights. In my opinion it's only a matter of time until Henry becomes champ and I'm counting down the days. Like his theme say's "Somebodies gonna get there ass kicked."
What's your opinion about Mark Henry?

I think Mark Henry is an awesome Superstar and if you call him anything, make sure you call him consistent. Everyone talks about the names of the "attitude era" but no one ever mentions Mark Henry, that's right, Mark Henry was around during those days as well. He's been nothing but loyal and has done everything the "E" has asked him to do. This current stint has been some of the best monster heel work I have seen out of Mark Henry since....EVER.

Why do you think that the crowd can't get behind him?

The crowd can't connect with him because there is no real flash to his game. He comes down to the ring, he beats people up, he leaves. The kids are afraid of him, but the adult fans that have been around wrestling for a while aren't really buying what M. Henry is selling.

How can you correct this situation?

If he somehow goes over R. Orton for the WHC, he will garner some massive heat because Orton is the top face on SD! Although I don't see it, I think that would be a great way for M. Henry to get over as a monster heel. Hell, even if he doesn't win, he can destroy Orton and lose via disqualification. That would also do the trick, but the key is, a program with Randy Orton.
This push is long long long overdue!! I dont think he needs a manager hes the WSM so let him act like it!! He is destroying people right now and if can defeat Orton at NOC then maybe we can all forget about the fact that he helped mae young give birth to a hand!! That angle for me sticks out forever and ever geez that was a terrible angle!! This is the mark henry i wish we could have seen along time ago not some happy go lucky with a carefree attitude!! It just wasnt believable that he jobbed to everyone on the planet but now with htis angle i am super stoked i just hope the WWE doesnt screw this up!! Give mark a title run let him have it until TLC at least he has given you guys 15 years of service let him have a title run!!

Everyone is making a big deal about his push. They act like they have only been watching wrestling a few months. They have tried to pull the gun on Henry multiple times. Does nobody remember 2006? In three months he was credited as the man who took out Batista, had a PPV World Title shot against Kurt Angle, and wrestled the Undertaker at Mania! How the hell does beating up Kane, Show, and Sheamus compare to that? He of course got hurt, and upon coming back in 2007 he cost the Undertaker the title. After that he took Kane out. He's done this all before!

Shortly thereafter the WWE realized that he's terrible in the ring, terrible on the mike, and no one cares about him. Naturally, he finished the year teaming with Big Daddy V. They pushed him again with the ECW title in 2008, and after a few months he was back to jobbing in tag teams. He spent the last year with his "buddy" Evan Borne doing what he does best, being in a terrible tag team. He got so fat that he looked like a cross between Fat Albert and the Kool Aid Man in his red tights.

If they give Henry the title I'll change my tune. Until then, he hasn't done one thing to make me think he's anywhere close to being a main event guy.
1. Mark Henry is very good. He has a tremendous knowledge of crowd psychology and works his character to a tee.

2. What the fuck are you talking about? He IS very over. I just got back from a house show and he was top 2 or 3 in heat for the night. Which is how it sounds on Smackdown.

3. There is no correcting the situation. He's over, and he works the crowd and plays his character well. Everything is fine, you're crazy.

It blows my mind how people can seriously say stuff like "Mark Henry gets no reaction" "Alberto Del Rio isn't over" "CM Punk gets the biggest ovations of the night".

What I think is happening is that some of you MARK OUT for Punk, so your senses are stimulated and it sounds louder to you. For Henry and ADR you don't like them, so you tune them out. It psychologically makes sense. Not your fault you can't seperate fanhood from reality.

Henry is very over. Go to a live show, pay more attention when he comes out. Just because the crowd doesn't boo in unison or chant things in unison doesn't mean he's not over. The crowd is ALWAYS talking shit to him and people are ALWAYS booing. They're always watching his matches and any babyface he's against gets sympathy.
Mark, I beleive is getting this push as a 'thank you' from WWE for 15 years of service to the company. That's it and for that reason I do think he should win the WHC from Orton and at least have a brief run with it, just because it's kind of sad that he has only had two championships (I think) in 15 years. His push has been built well, even if it is reminiscent to his 2006 push and he would look credible taking the belt from Orton which again, I believe he will do - just watch...
What's your opinion about Mark Henry?
I think he sucks. Big fat boring gorilla who lacks charisma.

Why do you think that the crowd can't get behind him?
In part because of my answer to the first question. The other reason is that for 15 years he has now been presented as a guy who simply doesn't have it in him to win the big time. That's some heavy conditioning. Why support a loser?

How can you correct this situation?
They're doing that, even though I don't think it's so much correcting the situation. He just never was main event material. But what they are doing is rewarding a loyal long term employee before his career is over. They're presenting him as an unstoppable monster and even the naysayers like myself must admit that this is the best way the WWE has ever pushed him. I expect he will have a short run as champion before the year is over.
But it doesn't really seem that the crowd care about him or his push and neither do the people who watch from home. He took out Kane and The Big Show and still nothing.

The crowd do care about him,as soon as his music plays they BOO him.Maybe not as much in Canada this week but normally he does get a reaction from the crowd.Obviously when you take out to giants in Kane&Big show your going to get a reaction?

Anyway I just aint digging this new monster heel in Mark Henry.Last year he was jobbing to mid carders and dancing,singing and all kind of shit then suddenly he is some big mean monster and takes out Big Show and Kane!!!In the ring he is decent compare to other big men and for his size he actually can do a few impressive moves.His mic skills aren't as bad as what some people might say,people just dont recongize him for mic skills but hopefully he will get more time on the mic in the next few weeks,I dont hate Mark Henry or have anything against him but it aint believeble enough like someone said above.
What's your opinion about Mark Henry?

Mark Henry is someone that's forced me to eat some crow the past several months. I'd long since written him off as irrelevant and just taking up space. Which, to be fair, was a pretty good way to describe him for most of his career. However, the WWE seems to have really tapped into a character that truly suits Mark Henry and Henry has done a great job in the role. Mark Henry is completely believable as this tough monster heel. His work on the mic has been convincing, nothing revolutionary or anything, but it works with his character. His facial expressions and his smack talk have also seemed dead on to me. Lastly, Henry has the legit physical presence and strength to pull this angle off. The way he's been booked also has much to do with it. He took out Big Show & Kane cleanly and that doesn't happen all that often. Not only that, he physically dominated both of them, which happens even less often. His feud with Sheamus has also been a lot of fun because both have been booked as these tough, stiff brawlers. He's held his own with Sheamus every step of the way, both of their matches have been quite good and Henry has left Sheamus laying after both matches. I'm not saying that Henry's going to go on to be one of the "all time greats", but it does make me wonder why WWE didn't go this route with him 10 years ago.

Why do you think that the crowd can't get behind him?

The crowd is behind him. Henry has generated some great heat for himself over the past several months. The crowd actually gives a crap about seeing Henry and watching his matches. That's something that really hasn't happened throughout the vast majority of his career. Henry's role is the type of heel that make's fans "afraid" that he's going to go out there and demolish their favorite babyface. He's not the cowardly sort of opportunistic heel and he doesn't need to be. The man's 400 pounds of mostly solid muscle and is legitimately one of the strongest human beings on the face of the earth. He doesn't need to be cowardly and opportunistic. When a heel like Henry winds up losing to a very over babyface, it makes the crowd extremely happy for a different reason than seeing the cowardly heels lose. Henry is more over now than he's ever been. That's not exactly saying much I grant you, but Henry really become, for the first time I think, a legit and relevant star in WWE.
It's been brought to my attention that my last comment on Henry could be considered racist. I admit that calling him a "big fat boring gorilla" was in poor taste. (Still, what does he expect when he calls himself the Silverback?) I'm sorry if I offended anyone. If I could still edit my last post, I would.
I simply don't have a high opinion of this performer and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

(Oh, and please don't respond to this. This thread is about opinions on Henry, not racism in the WWE - there are plenty of other threads devoted to that already.)
I like Mark Henry. I just don't see him as a potential world title holder. That right there is exactly the problem. Many people share my opinion. Henry is a guy who we enjoy watching, but not because we want to see him win, instead it is due to him being a joke and we laugh at how seriously WWE expects us to take him. Like how in Royal Rumble season he magically transforms into A THREAT TO WIN, yet is a jobber to the main eventers 11 months per year. Henry is in the biggest push of his career but it will end up being for nothing. Orton will squash him. There are better guys to push. The crowd will not fully get behind him, he is a joke. I say let this angle continue so Orton has someone to defend against, but then he needs to move on to Rhodes immediately and Henry can go back to being the World's Strongest Jobber. The situation cannot be fixed. They booked him to be a joke for over a decade, why should we suddenly support him as a world title threat now? Exactly.
What's your opinion about Mark Henry?
I think he sucks. He's not that entertaining on the mic and he's not that good in the ring. However, he's a big guy and being pushed as a monster. I guess he doesn't need to be either.

Why do you think that the crowd can't get behind him?
The crowd is behind him. I've heard tremendous amounts of boos for this guy. More than he ever had in his career. Henry is one of SmackDown's biggest heels and it shows when the fans hear his music.

How can you correct this situation?
I don't think there is any situation to correct. The WWE can't get somebody over with every wrestling fan there is. I'm sure there are people out there that cannot comprehend why Cena is an 11-time World Champion. The WWE is doing the best thing they can for Henry and we'll just have to see where it goes from there.
I can't see how people believe Henry doesn't get a reaction from the crowd. He gets one of the best reactions of the night for a heel. I mean haven't you been paying attention to Henry or something?

Anyway I've liked Henry since he came to Smackdown, I think he works much better as a heel than a face. He's played his current gimmick very well and suits the gimmick, he also has worked his ass off during his current push and you can really tell he has upped his game. He's also stayed loyal to the company even when they've gave him poor storylines and made him look like a joke. I for one could take him serious as a World Champion, he "injured" both Show and Kane which doesn't happen often and he's a big guy, so I can't see why people couldn't take him serious as a World Champion.
For as long as I've been watching wrestling, I've just never taken an interest in Mark Henry, at least an interest that's worth more than someone who's just a bodyguard. He's slow in the ring, he's borderline crap on the mic, but I can't deny his ring presence.

He's a scary looking dude.

He's been doing fairly well lately, but his efforts lately have been drowned out by bigger, better angles that have been going on around him, both on Raw, and on Smackdown.

Basically, I've always thought of him as painfully mediocre; an expendable talent whose best use is to make someone else look amazingly strong.
What's your opinion about Mark Henry?
I think he's being used as well as he ever has. He's been built near-flawlessly into a total monster heel, a guy that really can't be stopped, yet still being somewhat a coward by avoiding confrontation with someone who's his equal. He's destructive but still conniving, and he finds a way to strike that balance perfectly. If someone wants to see how to properly book a monster heel, then look at how Henry's been built.
Why do you think that the crowd can't get behind him?
I actually feel that the crowd is getting behind him (or against him, depending how you look at it), and putting him in a feud with Orton will solidify that. I don't expect him to win the title, but if he can be shown to be a real threat to the champ and Smackdown's biggest face, then the crowd should know to take him very seriously and respond in kind.

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