What's your favourite Contract Signing segment?

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I expect many people to go with Cena & Punk's before Summerslam last year, which is fine cause it was absolutely fantastic and I think it may possibly be the best contract signing ever, but I'm gonna leave that up to others to pick cause although it was great, it wasn't my favourite, and I will be picking based on favourite not what I think was the best, which is what I see most people do in "favourite" threads, so I hope you do the same too.

Anyway, my favourite contract signing would be Triple H & Austin's for No Way Out 2001. You could just feel the pure hatred between the two superstars coming into the contract signing, the two guys spent months playing mind games with each other, killing each other & on two occassions, literally trying to kill each other. They'd one up each other every week, and with the "no touch" clause being added into their contracts (if Austin touched HHH, he would lose his WM title shot & if HHH touched Austin, he'd be suspended for 6 months), it had me much more anticipated for No Way Out and much more excited for the RAW's & SD's leading into No Way Out, as it would keep me wondering every week how these two would get to each other without them being able to touch one another. My favourite bit in the contract signing, as I'm sure it was everybody elses, was the swerve by Triple H, where he pretends to sign the contract, tricking Vince & Austin into thinking he signed the contract so that the "no touch" clause would be in effect but then he attacks Austin to get the last laugh on him before he officially signs the contract & the clause is officially in effect, that was just great. I remember going into school that week, talking about the contract signing with my friends, and even some other students who weren't wrestling fans, caught the signing on TV and got in on the conversation cause it was just that damn awesome.
Can't remember which year it was, but the Contract Signing between Bret Hart and Vince Mcmahon was my favourite.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was on hand for the contract signing. Was pure genius by Bret when he faked his broken leg, then took the cast off and proceeded to beat the hell out of Vince with it. I liked the way that Austin spoke about the Hart family during the segment, much respect.
I'm gonna take it back a bit, but my favorite to this day is actually Ron Simmons and Lex Luger. They were all at a table kind of like a boxing press conference and Lex Luger made a derogatory comment towards Simmons that got him to leap out of his seat and try to attack luger. For some reason that one always stuck out to me and has been one I compare a lot of future K signings to.
What's your favorite Contract Signing Segment?

I expect many people to go with Cena & Punk's before Summerslam last year

You sure this is what you mean and not the Cena-Punk Contract Signing before Money-in-the-Bank 2011? It's because the latter actually stood out more to me than the former.

Anyway, this is a hard question for me and it got me thinking, especially since there are a lot of contract signings in WWE History. Therefore, I'm only basing my choices on recent segments.

So yeah, I'd definitely say that the Cena-Punk Contract Signing in Boston before Money-in-the-Bank 2011 was my favorite Contract Signing Segment, at least in recent memory. I know it's cliche, but with Punk promising to leave the WWE with the WWE Championship and all, Cena was outgunned with the possiblity of getting "fired" if Punk does win, in which he did.

The Punk-Miz-Del Rio Contract Signing before TLC 2011 was a close second though. I especially loved the part when Punk mentioned that, "We all know where this is gonna go. Let's just skip the Contract Signing and get to the a**-kicking." While most people don't explicitly say "let's brawl" during a contract signing, Punk did just that, which hasn't been done in a while. I also LMAO when Big Johnny initiated a Photo OP and I was like, "Really? Really?" And of course, the icing on the cake: Punk delivering the Bulldog on Del Rio through the table. Classic finish to a contract signing.

But for a more old school contract signing, I'd have to go with the HHH-HBK-Benoit Contract Signing for WrestleMania XX in 2004. What was the most memorable part of that segment was Benoit uttering the words, "it's gonna be me, not you", before tasting Shawn's Sweet Chin Music, leading to the latter signing the contract instead. Despite Benoit being my favorite Ruthless Aggression Era Wrestler, I found that moment necessary to set-up WrestleMania's First-Ever Triple Threat Main-Event Match.
There have been so many over the years that they kind of blend together. One that I liked was Batista’s contract signing for his title match at WrestleMania 21. Batista won the Royal Rumble so he had his choice of which champion he would challenge at mania. Early in 2005 Batista became the most popular wrestler in WWE despite still being a part of Evolution and still being the hated Triple H’s hired gun. As Batista became more and more popular we knew he would eventually break away from Evolution. When Batista won the rumble Triple H saw him as a threat to his title so he tried to manufacture a feud between Batista and JBL. For weeks Triple H told Batista how much of an honor it would be to face him at mania. He said it would be the greatest mania main event ever. All along though he was subtly trying to get Batista to go after JBL.

Finally when it came time for Batista to choose Triple H had to switch gears. He tried to convince Batista that it would be in his best interest to challenge JBL and go to Smackdown. The WWE would belong to Evolution with Triple H as world champion and Batista as WWE champion. Batista wasn’t buying it. For several weeks we knew Batista was going to challenge Triple H. The fans were already cheering for Batista and they were just waiting for the moment where he would leave Evolution. There was a buzz in the arena during the contract signing as everyone knew Batista was about to complete his face turn. As he held both contracts in his hands Batista threw down the Smackdown contract and gave Triple H the thumbs down just like Triple H did before kicking Randy Orton out of Evolution. Hunter charged Batista but ended up receiving a Batista Bomb through the table. Batista signed the contract to wrestler Triple H at WM21 as the fans went crazy.

What I liked about this was the Batista face turn was building up for about two months. We all knew it was coming but it didn’t happen right away. If this were to happen today people would complain because they saw it coming a mile away. In my opinion it’s good to see something like that coming because you end up appreciating the payoff a lot more than just being taken by surprise.
What's your favorite Contract Signing Segment?

You sure this is what you mean and not the Cena-Punk Contract Signing before Money-in-the-Bank 2011?

That wasn't a contract signing for the match at MiTB, that was supposed to be a contract signing between Vince & Punk for CM Punk's new WWE contract, but you can pick that if you like. Doesn't have to be a contract signing for a match.
Being the old timer that I am I have to throw one more out there.


I like this because it just seemed a little more official than the signings that take place in the ring. I find the different attitudes among the three participants interesting. Bobby Heenan is all business. He’s the manager and is making sure his client’s demands are met. Andre is calm and confident. He’s been undefeated for 15 years so why should he sweat Hogan? He just knows he’s going to win the title. Hogan is emotional and intense. He feels betrayed and maybe a little intimidated. I love his line where he says Andre was bigger than the world title to him. It justifies Hogan not offering Andre a title shot but he reinforces his position as the baby face by stating all Andre needed to do was ask for a title shot. This also shows how Hogan considered himself a protégé of Andre which maybe even left him doubting himself. Despite being an unstoppable champion for three years Hogan was an underdog here. I like that this didn’t get physical. It wasn’t necessary. When you’ve got the right guys telling the story verbal is better than physical.
That wasn't a contract signing for the match at MitB, that was supposed to be a contract signing between Vince & Punk for CM Punk's new WWE Contract, but you can pick that if you like. Doesn't have to be a contract signing for a match.

I remember now. Thanks for clarifying that up. Yeah, I'd still stick to that choice.

After reading The Brain's choice, the HHH-Batista Contract Signing for WrestleMania 21, I think it's also worth mentioning the Show-Angle/Show-Eddie Contract Signing Match in 2004 (or was it 2005?). That segment, while not a favorite of mine, was interesting to watch as Show was given the opportunity to choose whether he should face Angle or Eddie. Although we were expecting him to choose Angle, they teased the part where Show initially "chose" Eddie after Angle's conviction. Angle and Luther Reigns beating Eddie up after was pure gold coming from a heel, leading to Show changing his mind to choose Angle instead, giving the latter a Chokeslam for good measure.
I expect many people to go with Cena & Punk's before Summerslam last year, which is fine cause it was absolutely fantastic and I think it may possibly be the best contract signing ever, but I'm gonna leave that up to others to pick cause although it was great, it wasn't my favourite, and I will be picking based on favourite not what I think was the best, which is what I see most people do in "favourite" threads, so I hope you do the same too.

Anyway, my favourite contract signing would be Triple H & Austin's for No Way Out 2001. You could just feel the pure hatred between the two superstars coming into the contract signing, the two guys spent months playing mind games with each other, killing each other & on two occassions, literally trying to kill each other. They'd one up each other every week, and with the "no touch" clause being added into their contracts (if Austin touched HHH, he would lose his WM title shot & if HHH touched Austin, he'd be suspended for 6 months), it had me much more anticipated for No Way Out and much more excited for the RAW's & SD's leading into No Way Out, as it would keep me wondering every week how these two would get to each other without them being able to touch one another. My favourite bit in the contract signing, as I'm sure it was everybody elses, was the swerve by Triple H, where he pretends to sign the contract, tricking Vince & Austin into thinking he signed the contract so that the "no touch" clause would be in effect but then he attacks Austin to get the last laugh on him before he officially signs the contract & the clause is officially in effect, that was just great. I remember going into school that week, talking about the contract signing with my friends, and even some other students who weren't wrestling fans, caught the signing on TV and got in on the conversation cause it was just that damn awesome.

This one here. I was there live, and I just remember being excited that it was going to happen. Contract signing were never a big deal for me until this one. The HHH beatdown was cool after faking signing it. The Hogan Andre one that Brain mentioned is a good one to. He is right, it looked way more official then. Overall though had to pick Austin HHH because it was really cool being in attendance.

Far and away my favorite was Hulk and Andre, this was for the rematch and really helped make the original Royal Rumble as it was a big key segment to the show.
I'd have to say the Sting/Hulk Hogan contract signing for Starrcade 1997 was my favorite. The build for that match was perfect and the signing was the payoff for all of that. I also throughly enjoyed the Batista/HHH contract signing because it was great that Batista got to breakout as a singles guy.
You didn't say it had to be specifically for a match, so my fave is actually the Punk/Vince segment last year. The whole thing was perfectly done, even Cena interrupting worked.

Punk played cocky brilliantly and Vince the exasperated boss being held to ransom. When Punk mentioned the ice cream bars coming back and that he'd just made Vince a million dollars there was the mark of the segment. Everything Punk said was true, had they brought the bars back at shows only, they'd have made a million a year at least... and it made for great TV seeing Vince finally gotten by the balls, not only by a great talent but that even if in real life he wanted to tell Punk to go to hell, he couldn't cos he was so over.

Hogan Andre was the first one I remember although it was very early in my watching days. The match never had the allure though after Andre lost the first one, you just knew Andre was not going to job twice...even 4 months before the match.
There have been some signings that were a lot of fun and some that were corny. One of my favorites is a mix of fun and corny- Ultimate Warrior/Hogan contract signing- Warrior goes off on a usual Warrior type rant. I am not sure the Warrior would even be mentally competent to sign a legal document!

HHH-HBK-BENIOT was CRAZY! That moment was freakin great and it was even more great because HBK got to be back in the main event at WM. One of my favortie moments of all time lead to my favorite match of all time, even though HBK lost, unfortunately.
2004 Batista and Evolution contract signing for the main event @ wrestlemania 21.

For months Evolution had done these stupid thumbs up signs to each other. Ric Flair and HHH comes in looking goofy and all and egg on Batista to sign for the Smackdown championship match @ Mania.

When Batista loses his smile and turns him thumb down, throws HHH over the table and slap the contract in his face - To me that was just pure wrestling genius, how it was built up and put together. Who wrote RAW back then?

If this were to happen today people would complain because they saw it coming a mile away. In my opinion it’s good to see something like that coming because you end up appreciating the payoff a lot more than just being taken by surprise.

I don't remember people saying that specifically but we all saw it coming. At the time the IWC was so obsessed with HHH being married to Stephanie and how he was the dictator of the locker room. HHH has never been more hated than 03-05. I don't remember this notion that Taker is the king of locker room even being mentioned back then. When did people realize that?
2004 Batista and Evolution contract signing for the main event @ wrestlemania 21.

For months Evolution had done these stupid thumbs up signs to each other. Ric Flair and HHH comes in looking goofy and all and egg on Batista to sign for the Smackdown championship match @ Mania.

When Batista loses his smile and turns him thumb down, throws HHH over the table and slap the contract in his face - To me that was just pure wrestling genius, how it was built up and put together. Who wrote RAW back then?

One of my favorite contract singings and promo


Thumbs up, thumbs down :)

Great storyline and establishined Batista as maineventer.
Can't remember which year it was, but the Contract Signing between Bret Hart and Vince Mcmahon was my favourite.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was on hand for the contract signing. Was pure genius by Bret when he faked his broken leg, then took the cast off and proceeded to beat the hell out of Vince with it. I liked the way that Austin spoke about the Hart family during the segment, much respect.

My wrestling-watching days goes back to the 80s, but I liked this one to. Loved it when he kept telling McMahon to sit the hell down lol

Another one that sticks out was Hulk Hogan and Andre before WM3. Not in front of a live crowd, which made it more realistic. Loved that one.
McMahon signing the contract with Austin's blood always stood out to me. It was over the top and truly depicted the amount of hatred demonstrated in the feud. It also really symbolizes the attitude era as a whole.
Totally agree with you on that one. You could of feel the tension in the air and Lex was pure gold in that segment. The way they rushed Luger to his limo after Ron tried to attack him was classic. I really believed wrestling was real back then lol.
I'm gonna take it back a bit, but my favorite to this day is actually Ron Simmons and Lex Luger. They were all at a table kind of like a boxing press conference and Lex Luger made a derogatory comment towards Simmons that got him to leap out of his seat and try to attack luger. For some reason that one always stuck out to me and has been one I compare a lot of future K signings to.
I totaly agree with Oozing Machismo, when i read the title of this thread, that's the one that popped into my head, the Triple H/Austin contract signing, it was before the 3 stages of hell match, that right there showed that Triple H is one of the greatest heels of all time, because it showed a ruthless, maniacle and smart evil genious, when Vince was telling them that after they sign the contract they weren't allowed to touch each other, Austin signed it first, and everyone thought that Triple H had signed too, then all of a sudden beat the hell out of Stone Cold, and when Vince was about to tell him he was suspended, Triple H showed him that the contract wasn't signed, and signed right there, that was awesome.

Another one i liked was one between Batista and JBL, when Batista let JBL choose the stipulation of the match, and that way, JBL would have no more excuses if he looses.......
Personally I never cared for the contract signing. It always seemed so pointless to me, especially since that is not a real contract and Vince & WWE/F could change the match at a moments notice if they felt like it.

I can't say I haven't enjoyed some signings but it is usually do to the promo work or brawling that occurs, which could just be done in a Press Conference Meeting, Promo/Brawl Backstage, etc. Which I quess they do those too but the contract signing just seems so over-used to me now.

When they used to use them more rarely (like in the video above w/ Warrior & Hogan, even though I didn't think that was a good one) to build to ONE big main event at a Mania or MAYBE a Summerslam like this year w/ the 25th Anniversary of Summerslam & Lesnar/HHH.

Also since it used to be a staple of a signing for a "rumble or donnie-brook" to break out, now it seems they all end with nothing or just walking away.
My choice is Hulk/Andre for WrestleMania 3. Hulk's intensity, Andre's silence, Heenan stirring the pot, Mean Gene hilariously sitting next to Hogan haha--ok maybe not that part. But, like some have said, the fact that it wasn't in the ring and that it didn't get physical gave it a sense of legitimacy. Andre's demeanor bothered me as a fan--as a kid--he seemed brainwashed. But, like Brain mentioned, it was confidence. He even had that bit where he was speaking French, Hogan told him to speak English, and he did but then ended it with "au revoir"--with a dismissive hand wave. Like, "I'll speak French when I want to, you insignificant...." Total confidence and that hand wave showed Andre "snapping out of it" was not going to happen. This friendship was over and it was time to square off. I loved it. A table set up in the ring now just makes me roll my eyes. Back then, it was signed and it was on! Like someone else said, today's contracts can be signed...and then changed, if the powers that be chose to. (Of course they could change it back then, but you know what I mean)
Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin right before No Way Out 2001. I thought this segment was amazing. The stipulations of the contract were as follows:

If Austin attacks Triple H before their match at NWO, Austin will lose his Championship match at Wrestlemania.

If Triple H attacks Stone Cold before their match at NWO, Triple H will be suspended for 6 Months.

With Vince McMahon in the middle of it all it made it that much better. Both men sign the contract, Austin first, and then Triple H. The Game closes it up, hands it to Vince and as Austin turns his back, Triple H takes him out (I believe that it was with a briefcase). Vince informs Triple H that he had just been suspended for 6 months. Triple H smirks and shows Vince the contract; he never signed.

That moment was priceless. Even as a kid who hated Triple H, I loved that moment. In my personal opinion, it was one of his greatest, and sneakiest, heel moments.
Gonna go with Randy Savage and Warrior. Then Undertaker come out. Jest trying so figure what was being said is a challenge in iteself. I also liked the HHH and Cene was ok. But there have been a few really food one. The older ones with Hogan and warrior and hogan and Andre was more straight to the point unlike later years.

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