Cena/Sheamus was the best "Contract signing" they've done


Dark Match Winner
Seeing as how this past RAW's was great.The host was great,the pushes were great,the matches for the most part were great.but what stood out to me was the contract signing.

Jesse V's performance mixed with the utter destruction of john cena's feelings during the segment made it sooooo great in my eyes.to me it had to be one of the best contract signing segments of all times IMO.

now i could be wrong and i might be.but that segment had everything that you would want to see in that situation.you got a swerve,a beatdown that was at least believable,some great interactions between all 3 parties involved (with the exception of sheamus who shrunk and could barely speak).best of all cena got destroyed by jesse in a moment that i will never forget and will go down as one of THE most awesomist disses EVER!!!!!!

so i want to know if anyone can recall their favorite contract signing moments/segments.who did it and involve and what made it special?
I agree about the fact this was a great contract signing. I sometimes find them boring and pointless but this one just really got me fixed on the screen. It could have been because i was still shocked Sheamus was the number 1 contender or the fact that for a slight second i thought jesse v was shooting on Cena ( what a promo by the way).
Seeing as how this past RAW's was great.The host was great,the pushes were great,the matches for the most part were great.but what stood out to me was the contract signing.

Jesse V's performance mixed with the utter destruction of john cena's feelings during the segment made it sooooo great in my eyes.to me it had to be one of the best contract signing segments of all times IMO.

now i could be wrong and i might be.but that segment had everything that you would want to see in that situation.you got a swerve,a beatdown that was at least believable,some great interactions between all 3 parties involved (with the exception of sheamus who shrunk and could barely speak).best of all cena got destroyed by jesse in a moment that i will never forget and will go down as one of THE most awesomist disses EVER!!!!!!

so i want to know if anyone can recall their favorite contract signing moments/segments.who did it and involve and what made it special?

We'll, I have to admit...for the exception of Sheamus...I think that the segment of the contract signing with CENA's speech was Emotionally and very Convicing. One, I don't believe Cena was acting at all...he was seriously about to cry, and you saw it after he put his hand up signaling, "give me 1 sec, I"m ok" and there was a close up with Real Tears in the corner of his eye's...that was NOT acting. And I think even Sheamus (himself) was probably thinking, "Wow"...lol, my respect for Cena just went through the Roof in a great way!...I am officially a huge fan! Sounds flabby maybe, but I am just because of the emotion and intensity that he shows...made it seem really personal. I would say, that particular segment was one of the best and with Jess Ventura there was even better, Sheamus? eh...was not bad, but definately, this was one of the best contract signing segments...But the Emotional Cena WAS THE BEST that I can remember so far...:):blush:
I think my favorite one has to be in 2001, the HHH vs SCSA contract sigining for their 2 out of 3 falls at No Way Out that year.
the stipulation being that if one attacks the other before the match they get suspended for 6 months.
HHH and Austin both sign and then Boom Pedigree, uh oh done for 6 months but no he only signed one letter of his name and it was very well done and acted out
best one for me I believe
This has to be the best contract signing for me. Here are some reasons why:

. IT had drama. You could tell that a new rivalry was about to form. i was glued to my tv because i was waiting for a spark to appear and take this new fued to the tlc ppv.

. Jesse Ventura. This guy made this signing seem extrmemely special and important. his promo on cena and a conspiracy was GOld. it made me relieved to know that we are being listened to and that jesse ventura ain't taking no shit.

. the scoop side slam to cena through the table made sense for a table match. it seems jesse does not want cena as champion, like many of us in the iwc. i just can't wait for the match at tlc, and hopefully there will be a new champion.
I think my favorite was when I think during the McMahon/Austin era, McMahon signed a contract with Austins own blood. I dont remember all the details but I just remember this one as being one of my favorites.
Yeah this past Raw's Cena/Shaemus/Ventura contract signing was cool, but I would have to say that the best Ive ever seen was the Batista world title contract signing in 2005. Batista had won the Royal Rumble, and was deciding whether or not to stay on Raw and face Evolution teammate Triple H, or go to SmackDown and face JBL at WrestleMania 21. Triple H had been getting under the skin of Batista for a few months and Batista catches Triple H talkin smack in the hallway. At the contract signing, Batista holds up the Smackdown contract and gives the thumbs down. Triple H rushes him and he knocks him down, disposes of Ric Flair, and POWERBOMBS TRIPLE H THRU THE TABLE! He grabs the Raw contract, signs it, stands over The Game and makes the statement,"At WrestleMania, im taking the title, FROM YOU!"

The best contract signing for me personally, was the Undertaker-Orton signing ahead of Mania 21.

What haven't we seen through the years. The likes of Kane and Mankind trying to destroy Taker in many brutal ways.

What does Orton do - just bitchslap the Deadman. Such a "no fucking way, did he just bitchslap the Deadman?"

Huge laugh and great that Orton had the balls. Had he spit on Taker as well as he did back then as the Legend Killer, man.... that would have been such a huge moment.
the contract signing that just occurred with cena and sheamus was the best contract signing i've seen from the wwe in a long time. It was the beginning of a new rivalry witch we havn't seen in awhile from main eventers im really excited for this match at the ppv im not sure wat will happen
The contract signing was decent. It was a little bit predictable in my eyes but still decent. Cena played his part well. Ventura did a little shoot style promo that got the fans paying attention. And Sheamus did his job of being a monster heel.

As long as my favorite contract signing goes, it has to be the one at the beginning of 2001 in between Stone Cold and Triple H. Back when they had their rivalry with HHH orchestrating Stone Cold getting ran over. Then Stone Cold coming back and dumping HHH's car onto the pavement. They had a heated fight in a 6 man HIAC match at Armageddon of 2000. Austin cost HHH the belt against Kurt Angle at the RR of 2001. Then HHH came back and attacked Austin in the rumble match keeping him out of the ring for a majority of the match which led to Stone Cold winning. And then they were supposed to face off at No Way Out.

Vince had them sign a contract where they couldn't lay a finger on one another for 3 weeks or so until their match. If Austin would breach the contract he was gonna lose his title shot at WM. If HHH breached it he was to be suspended for a year. Austin signed. HHH signed and then hit Austin with the chair followed with a pedigree on that same chair. Then he revealed that he signed at the wrong page and signed again in Austin's blood. That was by far my favorite contract signing of all times.
I just enjoyed Cena being slammed into a Table. I haven't seen someone get crushed through a table in a while. What is the deal with everyone hating Cena I don't understand. People say he's the reason WWE went PG can someone please tell me why is he the reason?
I cant remember all the details but a contract signing that I always liked involved the rock shakeing his opponents hand before rockbottoming them threw the table, that was cool.

On this past contract signing it was cool, mainly because of Jesse I though, both wrestlers did there part but it was the body that really made this one cool. His promo on the cena conspiracy brought a huge smile to my face and im glad it has finally been pointed out.

And about the previous posters question about cena and the PG rateing, its been a while but there is an artical here on wrestlezone that reported that it was actually cenas idea he confronted vince and suggested going pg. I could list tons of possible cena conspirasies just from that for fun but ill save that for a conspiracy thread should one ever pop up.

This contract segment was cool, but the rock rockbotteming his opponent threw the table sticks in my mind for some reason.
Hmm, this past Monday's signing was okay, I just can't stand Cena's promo's, and this one got me so annoyed. Like to me they are so forced and corny, all that yelling seemed like it was designed to get the crowd into it, but it failed imo.

I've always hated contract signings in general though, can't think of my favorite though, I think I remember Vince stabbing someone and then signing the contract with it, but ehh, I really hate contract signings, waste of time in a fake sport I think. Hate weddings too, except for the one where Trish interrupted Kane and Lita's wedding, although that had nothing to do with the wedding.
Last weeks title signing was terrific. I was upset they had it at the end like that, knowing the traditional root of title match signings. Usually boring, with a table getting flipped, and the two talent being broken up by referees and security. But this was more than that. The men had promos on each other that were short, passionate and accurate. The turn by Jesse Venture was great. And Sheamus getting the advantage going into the match on Cena was terrific.
I don't know if it was the best but it was pretty good. Ventura did a real good job at putting Sheamus over and Cena did a good job at selling the offense even though that kick looked botched. That whole segment put Sheamus over and the WWE did a good job of booking it. From the Ventura distraction, to the kick, all the way up to Cena getting thrown through the table was done exceptionally well, and the icing on the cake was having Sheamus stand over Cena with a intimidating look on his face. I didn't really have any doubts leading up to that segment, and it didn't do anything to change my mind. Good Job WWE.
It was greatness. Jesse was absolutely gold the whole entire night. Sheamus was made to look like a badass, and to make him look actually credible. The emotion Cena had going with his promo was epic, Jesse's conspiracy speech was fucking awesome, and it all culminated with the WWE Champion getting decimated and slammed right into a table by the Celtic Warrior. What a great segment.
It was great because it had a certain edge to it! I really feel like The Body added SO much to the show, I wish they could bring him in full time!!!
In recent history, these contract signings have been bland and boring and routine. Good guy signs, bad guy signs, then they either brawl or stare down. Jesse did a great job bashing Cena, and the crowd bought into it. I watched and said OMG is he really saying this? I mean I just didn't see Vince going through with this, even with the youth movement and all.

I like how it played out, even though I don't agree with Sheamus being the challenger, but with the promo and angle going in a heel direction, he had to be the ideal choice.

In short, this had to be the best "contract signing" of the past 4 years or so. I still like the Batista/Triple H "signing" when Dave signed to face Triple H at Wrestle Mania 21. That was a pretty nice one as well, but that's for another day to debate. Good job Raw!

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