What's with the hate on Ryback for this week's segment with Foley?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I thought it was really fucking good actually. I didn't have high hopes for it when Foley was talking to Cena, but once it was Foley/Ryback, I thought it was damn near great. I thought the promo he (Ryback) had last week was very impressive too.

Foley sold it all perfectly and it was the best segment I've seen from him in recent memory, he even got pretty into it, I almost thought he was going to start hitting him self at one point.

I liked how aggressive sounding Ryback was, I loved how he mentioned Foley being there just to sell a DVD, I loved how he's calling Cena "Super Cena". He's taking from the IWC and integrating it with out basing everything on it, or breaking kayfabe. For a segment that didn't have anything to do with much of anything originally I thought it started to feel nice and personal really quickly. I thought Ryback made it everything it needed to be: Personal, aggressive, uncomfortable, and surprisingly educated for a "meat head". Ryback did a great job not letting the crowd get into it which really helped sell the uncomfortable situation.

The overall Ryback segments and how their booking them, love it or hate it, is another story entirely, but I feel like the work Ryback has been doing has been great since his heel turn. I'm a little surprised people aren't giving him a lot of credit and even more surprised people seem to be knocking him :confused:

I thought between Ryback/The Crowd/Shield VS Taker it made this one of the best Raw's in recent memory. The Shield match was awesome, I enjoyed it more than any Wrestlemania match the finish a little weak but I'm -hoping- they're going to have an even longer rematch at Extreme Rules or whenever.

Seth Rollins selling in that much was AMAZING. I'm actually looking forward to tuning in next week!
Because there was no believability factor. He just snarles and stumbles through his lines. And from what I gather, most people here dug it. I'm completely on the other side of the fence. I don't get it. But since I'm outnumbered here, I'm wrong. I don't see your gripe.
I'm gna have to agree with KNRSYM for a change of pace. Though not with what he said here, something from the other spam thread that became this debate. It'll be fun if nothing else.

I like Ryback. I took the Ryback avatar as soon as it was available. But there were some fundemental flaws with the segment on Monday.

Foley did a great job, no surprise. He was never going to be the problem. And Ryback did good too. I've always thought he had a great grasp of his character (by now, he fookin should too). He uses the right words, he acts decent and he gets to the point (fuck LaBar) but there were some rookie mistakes, namely the guys inexperience with an actual microphone. Note in his earlier talking, he was not in control of the mic. In this case he just was not keeping it as close to his face at all times to allow for the sound to pick up. I'm sure we've all seen the problems at local rock shows. I've done sound at a few and its the number one thing you have to beat into a singer. Its a rookie mistake, and I'll bet dollars to dimes (like I have a clue what that means) that he won't be making that mistake twice.

Other than that I found no major problems with the guy. His voice is a little crusty, but having seen a recent interview with him, thats the price you pay for yelling FEED ME MORE five nights a week. While I'm on the topic, that catchphrase canot simply be abandoned. It's Ryback's call to arms, and he should keep it whether he's heel or face.

Anyway, why did people not like it? Its the main programme. This is our main event. For the last two years its been John Cena, The Rock and CM Punk we've been listening to. Through voodoo or osmosis or whatever, the assumed standard is very high. Rookie mistakes like the one above will shine like the light of 10000 suns through contrast. And thats a legit reason to bash a segment if I ever heard one. People (especially us critical 'fans') expect the very best for a guy to prove he's worth his position. Ryback has rocketed beyond his expected place in a stupidly fast time frame. He has some catching up to do. But he's no slouch, just watch next mondays Raw for proof.

But what the fuck do I know, I was marking out through the entire last half hour.
Because there was no believability factor. He just snarles and stumbles through his lines. And from what I gather, most people here dug it. I'm completely on the other side of the fence. I don't get it. But since I'm outnumbered here, I'm wrong. I don't see your gripe.

You're usually wrong, but I don't recall you being this aggressive with it. I know you hate him because he's good and he's not shit like Ziggler or someone similar, but come on, the promo was fantastic. Redeem yourself and admit you're lying. If you're not lying, you'd be admitting your idiocy.... don't do that to yourself. It's not worth it.

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