If Ryback ended the streak

These same reports and threads happen every year, why does this still matter?
I've seen people say they'd top themselves if Taker were to lose at WrestleMania.

Sure, suicidal fans has the potential to affect viewership. But I still want to see someone put their money where their mouth is!
Its simply the way of the world. You leave someone with that rub. It just is what it is.

Perhaps, Taker should be allowed to hand-pick to whom it goes?

Also, if they are gonna end it, then it was fucking moronic to not give it to Punk last year.

The one notion that made sense, was if Taker's character was passed on, as in another Undertaker took his place when he retired. I still think if they get the right guy they should do it. But its a very uphill task.

And Bray is the logical choice if we are even mildly entertaining the thought of the streak ending. Cena, naaaa.
I'd stop watching WWE honestly. I love Ryback and think he deserves better but not Taker. I'll be honest I only started really watching wrestling in 06 albeit I've watched a lot if old stuff since then and have read almost every KB review so I know a fair bit about it but, it was the Undertaker who got me into wrestling and Undertaker who made me a fan and to me the undertaker's streak is something that just can't be messed with. Cena is the only one I'd accept apart from that I couldn't do it. Ryback wins I'm done.

You would honestly stop watching? Undertaker wrestles once a year. You watch WWE at least once a week. Is the only reason you watch WWE every week because Taker is undefeated at mania which is mentioned for about a month out of the year?

I would be pretty upset if Ryback broke the streak but I certainly wouldn't stop watching. The only reason I'd be upset about it is because WWE continues to pass up the huge Cena vs. Taker main event and when that match finally does happen the streak needs to be in tact to make it as big as it could be. I don't really care who breaks the streak as long as Taker wrestles Cena at mania before it is broken. Actually I think I'd prefer Cena be the one to end it.
You would honestly stop watching?

As extreme as it sounds I think I'd totally stop watching wrestling for at least a good time. I don't know why and I'm just being honest here but I have an emotional attachment to the streak. Honestly if it weren't got watching briefly a Smackdown and thinking "wow this guy is pretty cool." I'd never be a WWE fan. Call me crazy but the streak actually means that much to me as a wrestling fan.
I first started wanting Cena to end the streak back in 2006. After talking about it and fantasizing about it for so long, I'm pretty much over it. I'd take Ryback over Cena any day of the week at this point.
As extreme as it sounds I think I'd totally stop watching wrestling for at least a good time. I don't know why and I'm just being honest here but I have an emotional attachment to the streak. Honestly if it weren't got watching briefly a Smackdown and thinking "wow this guy is pretty cool." I'd never be a WWE fan. Call me crazy but the streak actually means that much to me as a wrestling fan.

If that's the way you feel so be it. I think it's strange to give up something you love because of one outcome you don't like. You are a very active member of this forum that begged to be let out of prison for months so you could discuss wrestling with strangers. You're clearly more than a casual fan that tunes in during mania season just to watch Taker. You would really quit cold turkey just because Taker lost a match? I don't mean to call you out but I think you'd be upset at first and then quickly get over it. The streak is eventually going to end, don't you think?
Uhh no. Unless you mean the Undertaker will retire soon so there will be no streak to look forward to, no.
I first started wanting Cena to end the streak back in 2006. After talking about it and fantasizing about it for so long, I'm pretty much over it. I'd take Ryback over Cena any day of the week at this point.

Even if he doesn't beat Taker and end the streak I still want Cena vs. Taker while Taker is still undefeated.
How so? The passing of the torch to the new "supernatural" character.

Let him do something, besides having an awful pay per view match, before we talk about him ending the streak. If the we are giving it to someone based on being scary, we should send out a call to Mordecai or Gangrel.
I'm not feeling it, but I won't dismiss it out of hand. I thought that Punk should have went over at WM XXIX, and although The Undertaker is one of my all-time favorites, The Streak staying or going doesn't really matter to me. I know I'd be crestfallen to see it go, but that ability to evoke real emotions is one of the most beautiful things about wrestling.
Punk didn't deserve to go over Cena with the longest reign and he damn sure doesn't deserve the Streak over HBK and Trips.
Some of my picks to end the streak: Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan (a more serious version), Alberto Del Rio, Ryback or Sheamus (heel). I would like to see the Randy Orton vs. Undertaker II, that would be worth the money no doubt, however I would like to have Daniel Bryan as Shawn Michael's student and protege going against the guy that retired him - that would be also very sweet. The thing for me is - the streak was meant to be broken, it makes sense because someone will get a WrestleMania Moment and probably get a Hall of Fame induction from that - so breaking it doesn't only make sense but it would be good for business (damn you HHH).
Punk didn't deserve to go over Cena with the longest reign and he damn sure doesn't deserve the Streak over HBK and Trips.

Who's to say who deserves what in a scripted show? James Evans from Good Times didn't deserve to die and leave Florida without a wife and J.J. without a father, but that's what the script called for.

Punk could have done something with the win. HBK was one foot out the door and Triple H is part-time, past his prime, would look stupid having done it on his second or third try, and would confirm that he's a douchebag by booking himself to go over The Undertaker. Wrestling needs a future. Its past is set. Punk could have used the win to elevate his status and take WWE forward. Same goes for Ryback or even Wyatt for that matter. There's no "deserve" involved, IMO.

A lot of people wouldn't like it and heads might just figuratively explode amongst the diehard set, but so what? They'd all tune in the following Monday because the Raw after Mania is the new Mania, and because no fan worth their keyboard would miss out on the fallout of The Streak falling.
Who's to say who deserves what in a scripted show? James Evans from Good Times didn't deserve to die and leave Florida without a husband and J.J. without a father, but that's what the script called for.

Punk could have done something with the win. HBK was one foot out the door and Triple H is part-time, past his prime, would look stupid having done it on his second or third try, and would confirm that he's a douchebag by booking himself to go over The Undertaker. Wrestling needs a future. Its past is set. Punk could have used the win to elevate his status and take WWE forward. Same goes for Ryback or even Wyatt for that matter. There's no "deserve" involved, IMO.

A lot of people wouldn't like it and heads might just figuratively explode amongst the diehard set, but so what? They'd all tune in the following Monday because the Raw after Mania is the new Mania, and because no fan worth their keyboard would miss out on the fallout of The Streak falling.

If that's the way you feel so be it. I think it's strange to give up something you love because of one outcome you don't like. You are a very active member of this forum that begged to be let out of prison for months so you could discuss wrestling with strangers. You're clearly more than a casual fan that tunes in during mania season just to watch Taker. You would really quit cold turkey just because Taker lost a match? I don't mean to call you out but I think you'd be upset at first and then quickly get over it. The streak is eventually going to end, don't you think?

I guess in essence I wouldn't know what I'd do till it happened and I'm currently speaking towards a future event that I have no idea how it will be booked or fought but I guess personally right now I feel that way. The potentiality that I'm simply speaking illogically right now probably is high but you're probably right in that I'm probably overestimating my disdain for the situation.

I'd agree that the streak most likely will end...I just really don't want to see it end.
Quick summary:

1. Brain talked Macios off the ledge.

2. "Deserve" is not a word that should be used in a professional wrestling context.

3. Coco gets it.

4. Did anyone want The League this week? Dirty Randy and Raffy should get their own show.
WWE does this shit every year, the leak rumors of who might face Taker, & then you always hear "WWE is thinking about using _________ to end the streak". It happens every year, & for some strange reason every year people actually think it might be true, & then of course Taker always wins, & everybody breaths a huge sigh of relief.
Taker is one of few left in the WWE who has enough pull to say who he faces on the roster. So much, in fact, that they would move heaven & earth if he decided he wanted someone who wasnt even on the active roster.

So why would he be ok with Ryback as one of his final opponents, let alone to have him be the one to end it all? What purpose does it serve? Hell, at least Cena ending it is completely logical and fitting from a 'pass the torch' standpoint. I am sure if asked to name 20 guys he would want to face- Ryback would not be on Taker's list.
I don't buy the idea that Taker sees nothing in Ryback. Mostly because Taker isn't a moron. Taker isn't a super smark who respects "pure wrestling" and "movez." He's all about the money. And you'd be a fool not to see money in The Big Guy.

Plus the fact that it would mean WWE logic states Ryback would be now considered in higher regard over some of the best names ever- who couldnt beat Taker at WM. Even WWE isnt so stupid as to try and have us thinking Ryback is better than HBK, Flair, HHH, Kane, Punk, etc...
Your WZ tournament logic has no basis in the real world. People don't think like this.
If Ryback wins every title in the WWE and holds it at the same time,ends the streak,defeats John Cena in 17 seconds at WM,beats the whole roster in a handicap match,still he won't be over.

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