Whats with the hate for Deej?


City Dweller, Successful Fella
I've just noticed this over the past few days. So I'm just asking the posters who seem to get a kick our of flaming or attacking him what has warranted this? He seems like good and nice guy and his posting from what I have seen is solid. So do explain why he is getting all this recent hate.
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He doesn't seem to understand that movies are supposed to look like this:

I don't hate the guy, think he's nice enough. I just kind of think it was strange that the guy has been gone for months, and then all of a sudden, decides he wants to be mod, and does so at a rate that is annoying. There's trying, and then there's Deej. Combined with the fact that he can't take a joke, and he just makes a good target for people. I'm also not exactly that much of a fan of the guy, as I don't see much personality in him, and think he just takes things far too seriously. And that's me that's saying he takes things too seriously. For those of you who don't know, see last year's EOY awards to see the irony. Though I argue that was all done to just get a rise out of people.

He's nice, and I actually do like him. Just wish he'd really cut down the self promotion, and could take a joke or ten thousand
I don't hate the guy, think he's nice enough. I just kind of think it was strange that the guy has been gone for months, and then all of a sudden, decides he wants to be mod, and does so at a rate that is annoying. There's trying, and then there's Deej. Combined with the fact that he can't take a joke, and he just makes a good target for people. I'm also not exactly that much of a fan of the guy, as I don't see much personality in him, and think he just takes things far too seriously. And that's me that's saying he takes things too seriously. For those of you who don't know, see last year's EOY awards to see the irony. Though I argue that was all done to just get a rise out of people.

He's nice, and I actually do like him. Just wish he'd really cut down the self promotion, and could take a joke or ten thousand

I don't hate him at all, haven't red repped him or anything silly like that. However, like Tenta, I find humor that he pops out of the blue and takes to this mod thing with disturbing aplomb, and he feels he can jump on posters about "proving themselves" on the field of non-spam content when his posts are badly formatted, poorly edited, and usually misinformed.

As for the NXT:NWS/Taxi Driver Thread OP nonsense, like I do from time to time when I read something by someone that feels out of place or "too good to be true" from somebody, I simply googled a few lines to see what came up. Usually, I just see people posting the same threads on other forums (or other users are copying our threads still), but this was the first time I'd seen someone use such a large chuck of work from elsewhere like that. I never said he should be DQ'd for it or anything, I just simply wanted to point that out, coming from someone who was days ago talking about "proving yourself" through the quality of your posts.
I don't mind Deexter, he seems like a nice guy and I've talked to him on a few occasions but he should relax the 'proving yourself' stuff. Again, he seems like a nice enough guy but just needs to tone it down a notch.

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