whats the GREATEST HELL IN A CELL MATCH of all time?

Shawn vs Undertaker.... by far
Actually anyone with Taker, he is Hell in the Cell
justinsayne said:
wasn't there hellin the cell on raw back in '98? I never saw it but Ithink I remember hearing something about it, a tag match with taker & stone cold vs. mankind & kane or somthing like that

Icould be wrong

There was a HITC match between Kane and Mankind on raw back in 98. Foley took another bump off the cage, not from the top though, through the announcers table
actually there was a Hell in a Cell match on raw: it was taker and austin against mankind and Kane: wasnt much of a match though; the purpose was so Taker could pummel Paul Bearer inside the cage and Kane and mankind could not get to him to save him. Bearer locked himself inside the cage before match even started because he thought he would be safe from taker: taker came from under the ring and beat the snot outta bearer. Kane climbed his ******ed ass on top of the cage trying to find a way in but couldnt
The Mankind vs Undertaker will be remembered simply because of the awe inspiring bumps in the match and the first introduction of thumb tacks in the wwe. It was brutal vicious and u certainly did not expect much after foley fell through the cage: he could barely even stand let alone put on a 5 star classic so the match was great in most people eyes for that reason alone; Foley himself even stated he was so hurt and banged up after falling through the cage he could barely stand: the match set the standard for bumps and excitement : Also Taker and Orton was pretty damn good too
taker-mankind was really good but i like taker-hbk and hbk-hhh as the best hiac matches ive seen. hbk-hhh match lasting 47 minutes and put up a really good fight, i think its underrated. but hbk-taker will def be remembered as the first and one of the best.
so I was right about ther being a hell in the cell match on RAW
They need to put that match on DVD with the rest of the hell in the cell matches

an Undertaker vs. Triple H hell in the cell would be great, maybe have Mick Foley as the guest referee
I liked Armageddon 00 Hell In A Cell Never knew what was going to happen next and it had kurt in it
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels from Badd Blood 1997 was the best Hell In A Cell match, because it had the perfect mix of everything. Undertaker vs. Mankind from the 1998 King of the Ring is my second favourite and it was the best in the brutality stakes, but not as far as the overall match was concerned. Third best is Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker at No Mercy 2002 and fourth best is probably Triple H vs. Cactus Jack at No Way Out 2000.

Not many other Hell In A Cell matches have come close to these four.
Undertaker vrs Michaels was amazing - both at their best!
Undertaker vrs Foley was good for the insane bumps - the whole "lets start it on top of the cage" idea is brilliant!
hhh vrs Foley was good as was
HHH vrs Jericho

but th rest were rubbish - just Vince trying to give a match with no heat that should not have been a main event a bit of extra credibitlity....I mean who puts someone as bad as wrestling as BROCK LESNAR in a situation where jhe has to be really REALLY good?....And the bossman one is just a joke.
HHH def Mankind
the taker def mankind match was a good match
but it lasted about 10 minutes
Triple H and Foley was the best i've seen.....but can someone tell me how good the Triple H and Nash HIAC match was cuz i stopped watching wrestling at that point?
It was okay - HHH did his best and ended up a bloody mess but, Nash wasn't that good - took a few shots but he just put in a regular match - didn't add anything to the HIAC atmosphere....
apocalypse said:
It was okay - HHH did his best and ended up a bloody mess but, Nash wasn't that good - took a few shots but he just put in a regular match - didn't add anything to the HIAC atmosphere....
ok well good looks homie
Taker vs. Mankind without a dought. Mick Foley is a phycho (in a good way) and he will be in the WWE Hall of Fame. Also, the 6-man one at Armegedden was pretty good.
didn't care much for the 6-man HITC, just seem to frantic and hard to follow all the action, it is by far not the worst, just not the best

the worst would have to be HHH vs. Nash because HHH did most of the work Nash is just plain boring to watch anymore(like the big show)
There was a HIAC match on raw back in 98. It was actually used a week prior to the foley/Taker match to hype up the cell. I watched it with my own two eyes
gordonfly said:
There was a HIAC match on raw back in 98. It was actually used a week prior to the foley/Taker match to hype up the cell. I watched it with my own two eyes

That would be the Mankind vs Kane match woulden't it???

Quite good from what I saw.:wwf:
To be honest its so hard to look past the KOTR 98 Hell in a Cell. For those that are saying "It was just one spot" did you actually watch the match? It went on for a good 10-15 Minutes more after that. So with that, I think you need to look at the quality of the match, the fact that Undertaker was Wrestling with a broken foot, the fact that Foley was Wrestling with about god knows how many Injuries after being thrown off the Cell. They both managed to put on one of the most memorable matches in the history of the Business, I think its too hard not to say its my favorate. I would put Foley vs. HHH at No Way Out 2000 after that in a very close second. I knew there was a reason I loved Foley.
Aye its good 9as is HHH v Foley) but Undertaker Michaels was special - they invented a whole new match byy being so darn good in that cell - Michaels was all over the cell inside and out...ace match....

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