Greatest Pay Per View of All Time?

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WrestleMania 17 is the best PPV of all time as far as I'm concerned, but the moment SCSA and Vince McMahon shook hands I somehow knew things would never be the same again.

The second best WWF PPV IMO is In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede. Bret Hart and the Hart Foundation, not to mention the Calgary crowd were truly awesome that night.

I totally agree wtih Canadian Stampede the main event match was amazing wtih Stone Cold Steve Austin drawing such crowd reactions it was an amazing atmosphere.
Well the royal rumbles always had me staying up until stupid o clock in the morning (being in the UK!) I can also rememer the PPV when DX screweed the Bulldog to win the European championship I must have been about 12 and was absolutely gutted, was in the UK but can't remeber the event I think it was one night only...

Actually I';ve just wikied the event it looked crap...
Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Dude Love(11:00)
Helmsley pinned Love.
Tiger Ali Singh defeated Leif Cassidy(6:00)
Singh pinned Cassidy, Sunny was guest ring announcer.
The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) defeated Savio Vega and Miguel Pérez, Jr. to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship(14:00)
Mosh pinned Pérez.
The Patriot defeated Flash Funk(8:00)
Patriot pinned Funk.
The Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal) defeated The Godwinns (Henry and Phineas)(11:00)
Hawk pinned Phineas.
Vader defeated Owen Hart
Vader pinned Owen.
Bret Hart defeated The Undertaker to retain the WWF Championship(28:00)
Undertaker was disqualified when he refused to allow the referee to untangle Hart's neck from in between the ropes.
Shawn Michaels defeated The British Bulldog to win the WWF European Championship(24:00)
The referee stopped the match when he determined Bulldog couldn't continue the match after he passed out in the Figure Four Leglock.
Vengence 2001
Royal Rumble 2000
Wrestlemania 17, 18, 19
Armageddon 2000, 2002
No Mercy 2000
No way out 2000, 2001
Don't forget Starcade 1997 with Sting vs hulk hogan and I also liked Sting vs Savage and the baseball bat match at wcw spring stampede 1998.
ECW Barely Legal 1997. It was my wakeup call as to what could and should be done in wrestling. Top to bottom their wasn't a poorly worked match on the card and it was chock full of talent that ended up getting raided by the big two in the succeeding years. Upon my first viewing the event scared the hell out of me as I'd never watched anything as brutal and as honest as this event was. They pulled no punches and made direct references to the competition, which was typically not done in such a ballsy fashion. For once, I as a fan, watched something where I wasn't treated like a clueless fool, but was instead treated as though I knew just what the hell was going on. It made things all the clearer when Russo, Ferarra, and McMahon began lifting the style of this company to rebuild Raw into the successful juggernaut it became.

* Pre-show match: Louie Spicolli defeated Balls Mahoney(5:00)
o Spicolli pinned Mahoney.
* Pre-show match: J.T. Smith and Chris Chetti defeated The FBI (Little Guido and Tommy Rich)
* The Eliminators (John Kronus and Perry Saturn) defeated The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray and D-Von) to win the ECW Tag Team Championship(6:11)
o Saturn pinned Buh Buh.
* Rob Van Dam defeated Lance Storm(10:10)
o Van Dam pinned Storm.
o Storm's original opponent was Chris Candido, but Candido was injured.
* The Great Sasuke, Gran Hamada, and Masato Yakushiji defeated bWo Japan (TAKA Michinoku, Terry Boy, and Dick Togo)(16:55)
o Sasuke pinned Michinoku.
o Yakushiji replaced an injured Gran Naniwa.
* Shane Douglas defeated Pitbull #2 to retain the ECW World Television Championship(20:43)
o Douglas pinned Pitbull #2 after a belly-to-belly suplex.
* Taz defeated Sabu(17:49)
o Taz forced Sabu to submit with the Tazmission.
* Terry Funk defeated The Sandman and Stevie Richards in a Three-Way Dance(19:10)
o Funk and Sandman simultaneously pinned Richards after a double powerbomb.(15:43)
o Funk pinned Sandman to earn a shot at the ECW World Heavyweight Championship(19:10)
* Terry Funk defeated Raven to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship(7:20)
o Funk pinned Raven with a roll-up after a DDT from Tommy Dreamer.
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