Greatest Pay Per View of All Time?

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WrestleMania 20, To see Benoit and Guerrero standing together as the world champs at the end was a memorable moment. Also No Way Out 06, It produced what i beleive to be wwe's greatest main event, The Undertaker vs Kurt Angle for the Heavyweight Championship of the World.
WM X-7 is best one of all time followed by XIX

But not including WMs I liked Survivor series 98,02 KOTR 98 summerslam 99 I enjoyed Unforgiven 2000 as well alot.
Summerslam 2002.
Rock vs Brock
Triple H vs HBK
Edge vs Eddie G
Benoit vs RVD
Angle vs Rey Mysterio
Jericho vs Flair
This card was loaded with great wrestling. It was also in the beginning stages of the Eric Bischoff/Stephanie McMahon GM Days.
Markus D Tandy said:
i agree all the way invasion was the best ppv of all time austin turnin on wwe never would hace expected it lol

:dark2: :wwf: :raven: :robvandam:

I'm not being funny but are you serious that you did not see Austin turning during the Inagaral brawl? I thought it was very obvious considering the way RAWs and SDs before the event were all so focused on him and being the OLD STONE COLD lol.

The guitar stuff was absolute class though!
Well, WreslteMania 17 was the best wrestling show in north america of all time, but if we're excluding Mania. I'm going with SummerSlam 1998 and the IYH Canadian Stampead PPV in 1997. Both of those shows were just sooo good from top to bottom. SS'98 didn't really have any all time Classic matches but everything EVERYTHING was good.....except maybe the Lions Den Match, but meh, from the European title match, to the hair match, to the Ladder Match, to Foley getting pounded by the New Age Outlaws, even the Mixed tag and the Oddities .vs. Kia En Tia served their purpous. Right down to Stone Cold .vs. Undertaker in the main event, just an awesome show.
Canadian Stampead was only 2 hours, but every moment entertained me even still 9 years later. Those of you that haven't seen this show, don't walk, run to your local tape trader and find this show, some how some way get yourself a copy. with Triple H .vs. Mankind, Taka Michinoku .vs. The Great Sasukee, Vader .vs. Undertaker for the WWF Title and then of course the 10-Man main event. The Hart Foundation .vs. Stone Cold, Shamrock, Goldust and the LOD. That match is one of my all time favorites. SOOOO good. The 10-Man Tag is currently available on the new WWE Brian Pillman DVD, but the rest of the show is tremendous aswell.

But Thats Just My Opinion.....Hence The Right One!
My favorite was wrestlemania 14, just seeing tyson in a wwe ring was amazing, and i thought the whole card was pretty good, even the mixed tag was good at the time.
I would probably go with WM X7 too. It was an awesome event. The whole card from top to bottom was strong, even McMahon v. McMahon was amazingly fun to watch. And that mainevent told such a great story, and I always loved how it ended, Rock just kept kicking out even after a million chair shots, a couple million more and he was done. It was shocking to see it unfold. Too bad Austin sucked as a heel once he actually turned.
Royal Rumble 2003, That i think has been the best PPV of all the ones i have seen, and the matches before it where also awsome, and thw winner of the rumble, brock lesnar that was so cool. And i also think it is the best because i was there in front row.
Some that come to mind are Mania 19 and Survivor Series 2002 (my personl fav) i jumped out of my seat when michaels won.
My favorite is Heat Wave 1998.

It's got:-

The Dudley Boyz vs. Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman and Spike Dudley in an awesome street fight.

Taz vs. Bam Bam Bigelow in a great match that shows how underrated Bigalow is.

Sabu and Rob Van Dam vs. Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki in my personal favorite tag team match

And a classic between Lance Storm and Chris Candido.
dude i just watched Heatwave like a week and a half ago, i love that show...i have a small collection of ECW ppvs, and that by far is the best...those were the's sad how much the Dudleys have lost their edge since then...and the tag match is my personal favorite, too...Shinzaki can throw a mean Dragon screw leg whip...and even though the Taz/ Bigelow match was a tad predictable, it was still an awesome match and an awesome fued
I havn't seen it in a long time and therefore don't even recall many of the matches but I do remember really really enjoying Anarchy Rulez 2000. The event where Jerry Lynn finally became world champion when he defeated Justin Credible after interference from New Jack. The FBI tag title match was also really good. Like I said I dont remember the card very well, but I remember liking what I saw.
I have a lot of WWE favorites that people have already mentioned so i'm going to say that one of my top 5 favorites is Bound for Glory 2005 that card was amazing. X-division four way to start it off with Roderick StrongvsAustin AriesvsAlex ShelleyvsSonjay Dutt! great match. Also Ironman 2 with AJ vs Daniels and the craziest Monster's Ball yet with Jeff HardyvsRhinovsAbyssvsSabu.
Aeksis8745 said:
I have a lot of WWE favorites that people have already mentioned so i'm going to say that one of my top 5 favorites is Bound for Glory 2005 that card was amazing. X-division four way to start it off with Roderick StrongvsAustin AriesvsAlex ShelleyvsSonjay Dutt! great match. Also Ironman 2 with AJ vs Daniels and the craziest Monster's Ball yet with Jeff HardyvsRhinovsAbyssvsSabu.

I agree BFG 2005 was an awesome PPV. Like you mentioned above with the opening 4 way and the 30 minute iron-man match, as well as that amazing ending with Rhino. That was storytelling at its best, and all through the exhibition of great wrestling. The only problem I had with it, was that there was a lot of filler in between. There were a couple undercard matches that just didn't work out too great. But overall it was an awesome PPV.

Genesis the following month was also really good. The 6 man X-Division elimination match (where Samoa Joe turned heel by beating down Chris Daniels after the match) and that amazing 6 man brawl all over the arena in the main-event were beyond words. But again a lot of filler.

If I had to choose a TNA PPV where everything went right and every single match on the card was gold it would be Against All Odds 2006. This is where Christian won the title. But that IMO was the least important consideration of the event in retrospect. EVERY single match on that card was amazing. It blew me and a lot of other TNA fans away. It was TNA, PPV and wrestling at its best. IMO it would even rival some ROH shows.
You also can't forget Unbreakable 2005 with AJvsJoevsDaniels in the main event. The undercard had some fantastic matches as well with sabinvsPetey Williams and Austin AriesvsRoderick Strong.
all the PPVS from Invasion 2001-Survivor Series 2001(Invasion,Summerslam,Unforgiven, No Mercy, SS)...just because we all got to see some dreams matches we never thought we would see

Survivor Series 2002 because every title changed which was very nice to see and we saw the first Elimination chamber

SummerSlam and Unforgiven 2003 (between the 2 we saw Elimination Chamber(Cmon, when did you ever think you were gonna see K. Nash, Triple H, Goldberg, Jericho, HBK and Orton in a match together), No DQ Matches, Last Man Standing Match, and finally saw goldberg vs Triple H)
i was there for wm 8 lots of main events bret vs piper, hogan vs viscous, savage vs flair,
my vote is vengeance 2005. Triple main event that all delivered. The undercard wasn't anything to write home about, but the matches didn't suck.

World Heavyweight title: hhh/batista hell in a cell. it had a great build up and a brutal match. Batista's best match to date.
WWE Title: cena/christian/jericho. in a match that was being built up by christian since RR. It was another solid match. One of Cena's best performances
HBK/Angle 2. I believe this one as good as the original. Faster pace, excellent match.
my favorites:

Summerslam 1998 - Rock/Triple H ladder match was the best match of the show. Lion's Den match between Owen Hart and Ken Shamrock was great also. I liked the main event with Austin and Undertaker but would've liked to have seen taker win it

Survivor Series 2002 - Shawn Michaels wins the World Heavyweight Championship!! Enough said.

Wrestlemania XX - Undertaker returns, Benoit wins the World Heavyweight Championship, Benoit and Eddie's embrace to end the show!
My WWE Favorites:
No Mercy 2001: Stone Cold(c) vs. Kurt Angle vs. RVD for the WWE Championship.
The Rock(c) vs. Y2J for the WCW Championship (Y2J finally won the big one)

Fully Loaded 2000: Triple Main Event: WWE Championship Match The Rock(c) vs. Chris Beniot w/ Shane McMahon. Triple H vs. Chris Jericho Last Man Standing Match. and The UnderTaker vs. Kurt Angle (their first PPV match I believe)

WM 17: Of Course

SummerSlam 2002: Again of course

Armageddon 2000: Just b/c it was my first WWE PPV I went to and seeing the six man HIAC Match was off the chart awesome.

Vengeance 2003: Simply put the best Smackdown-only PPV ever. WWE Championship Triple Threat Match Brock Lesnar(c) vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show. The UnderTaker vs. John Cena. US Championship Eddie Guerrero(c) vs. Chris Beniot. Stephanie McMahon vs. Sable. Vince McMahon vs. Zach Gowen

One Night Stand I and II

Tna PPV's
Lockdown 2006
Slammiversy 2006
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