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What's The Deal with Goldust?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey guys, it's been a long time.

But there is one thing I want to know. What's the deal with Goldust. Last night on smackdown it was announced Big Show will go one on one with Cody Rhodes for the IC title. But my thing is, Goldust been pushing for months now for a match with Cody at WM 28. And at one time, I think they might of started the feud after that low blow and beautiful disaster. But when or why did they decided not to go on with the Cody and Goldust Feud? Quite frankly if you ask me, I think it would be a whole lot interesting than this Cody and Big Show Match. So what's your input?
Not too sure bro, I would have also been alot more interested in seeing Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes for the IC belt. Maybe a lil interference from Dusty Rhodes on Cody's behalf would really make for an exciting match. The match had alot more potential and unpredictability than Big Show vs. Cody. WWE drop the ball again?:banghead:
I couldn't agree more dude Cody/Goldust would have been personal, have had plenty of history and would have produced some great promo segments. I have on idea why WWE decided to drop this for a Big Show fued.

I get that Show is one of the most over superstars on SD and a victory over him would gain Rhodes a lot more credibility in the eyes of a casual fan than a victory over Goldust. I also actually like the angle where Cody is highlighting Shows awful mania record and embarassing him with video footage of his worst moments but even still Cody/Goldust was the obvious and best choice.
I agree that the Goldust v Cody match would have been far more interesting, and probably better.

Still, I think they feel that Big Show has been paying his dues, this year, and deserves a pat on the back with a single's match. They probably wanted Show to have a match with Shaq that fell through, and so this is his payment for being loyal. Also, I think a match with Big Show sets Cody up better for a main event run than a match with Goldust would. Basically, what's better for Cody probably isn't what we want.

I never really thought of Goldust as someone who had pull. Dusty was never really respected in the WWE, and Goldust bopped around too much at the turn of the century to build his backstage cred. I know that Dustin Rhodes is a respected member of the backstage crew, but I'm pretty sure he never got respect on camera.

There was a time where no one got more heat than Goldust, between '96-'97. For Southern wrestling fans, he was a human heat machine; I saw that first hand. However, he got about as far as he ever could have with that gimmick. The catch-22 with the Goldust character was that you could never turn someone like that into a main event stay character.

Right now, I think they're comfortable with where Dustin Rhodes is. I don't think they ever gave Goldust his due respect, as a performer, but I do think that they just want Big Show to get the match because he's a full-time performer, despite his age and health, and he's been working hard on Smackdown to get younger guys like DBD over. Honestly, I kind of like this match, anyway. I would have rather seen Goldust v Cody, just for the story, but this will be a good win, for Cody. I sincerely doubt that Big Show will win, and he shouldn't, and clean win over Big Show will prep Cody for a main event heel run. I could see him winning at Mania and then going on to feud with a probably world champion Sheamus right after WrestleMania.

I think either way, Cody wins and that's all that's really important for that guy, right now.
I think that it is mainly a matter of, outside of us hardcore fans that harts us some internet...no one cares about Golddust wrestling at Wrestlemania. Big Show is a much bigger star than Golddust ever was, and Cody getting a win over Big Show is much more meaningful than getting a win over his old has-been brother.
The deal with Goldust is he has not been relevant in WWE in years. Of course he wanted a match at mania. Who wouldn't want to have one more moment in the sun and cash in on a big pay day? The the IWC got wind of Goldust's wish and just assumed it was going to happen. What if out of the blue the Headshrinkers said they want a match with the Uso's at mania? Should that happen? WWE never indicated that they were going with Goldust vs. Cody at mania. If I was way down the pecking order at my job and decided I wanted a promotion out of the blue no one would be surprised that I didn't get it because there are several people in front of me more deserving. Of course I want the promotion but just because I say I want it one day doesn't mean I should get it.
like it or not big show is one of the biggest stars in wwe not just literally he has a track record that runs from wcw nwo and he is still very relevant...cody needs to be in there woith a star that has history and IS relevant...its all for the betterment of Cody and im sure even Cody probably requested this match.
They are making a big deal about Big Show's "reverse streak", so I wouldn't be surprised if they make Show win.

Cody/Dustin would have been better, but I am guessing the NBA would not allow Shaquille O'Neal take a brief hiatus from the NBA Tonight to wrestle Big Show at Mania. I don't think they would want to put Show in with Henry again, so that's what we got.
To me this actually makes sense. Dustin isn't a draw at mania on his own. Cody Rhodes is an up and coming main event star. In order to build him up you need to feed him top guys to get over on. While Dustin is more personal and may have a better back story without Dusty involved this match doesn't do anything for Cody.

I don't know if WWE will completely shut down the idea of Dustin/Cody...Maybe at Extreme Rules in a street fight? or at Over The Limit.
A Goldust/Cody Rhodes match would have meant giving alot of air time and a big match to a guy who really isn't over.

If done right, I think it could have been interesting, but the WWE probably though the spot was better used by someone else.
As much as I feel Goldust-Rhodes would of been far more interesting being that it is personal, could even get Dusty in on it. Big Show deserves better than to be knocked out by Floyd Mayweather or job to Shaq at WM.

But in the same breath, I feel Cody Rhodes deserves better than Goldust or Big Show IMO
Goldust vs Cody Rhodes would have had all the story behind it so they could have promoted it to the internet and long-time WWE fans the week before Mania and that's all it would have taken. You have "The Bizarre One", a freak taking on "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. Both wrestlers have had exceptional IC Title reigns to their names, and of course there'd be plenty of room for exploring the family history there. Goldust is a guy who can still get out there and keep pace with his younger brother, if only for one night at a time.

However, The Brain is right on the money with his opening sentence. Goldust hasn't even been wrestling for the longest time (out with an injury, wasn't it?) and the way this card is shaping up it looks as though WWE is booking only the guys who are as over as they can get. I haven't seen anything of Alberto Del Rio or Christian and Henry isn't on the card yet either, and all three of those guys could pose argument for garnering much more fan interest presently.

Up until last night, I wasn't really interested in Show vs Cody, but after watching the slobberknocker between Henry and the Big Show I'm pretty interested to see what this match turns out to be. Both of those giants put on one hell of a show last night; they had me drawn in from start to finish.

Hopefully, if we're lucky and when the stage "isn't so grand", the WWE will throw us a bone and book Cody vs Goldy. With a little build before a PPV, that could have all the makings of one helluva grudge match. Here's to hoping, anyway... best regards, wrestling fans.
It doesn't make sense to anyone. As I questioned on my radio show, what exactly does this do for Cody to go over on a guy who lets celebrities go over him at Mania? Cody and Goldie could have had one of the best feuds going into Mania IMO and the WWE dropped the ball here. Going over Big Show isn't that big of a deal anymore. No one looks at him like an unbeatable giant
While I agree Goldust is not even relevant at this point to make that match happen I don't believe Big Show is the right opponent.

The only way this plays out correct is if Cody gets a clean victory over Show as thats the only way it helps get Cody over or gain credibility at all. Like the poster above said Big Show isn't an unbeatable giant but more the giant everyone beats at this point.

If Cody steals one from Show that's really not impressive and something we could see in a match going into WM.

If Big Show beats Cody, then the guy who was the WHC not long ago is now Mid Card champion which, because he was just the WHC, does not help put Show over in any way and just ruins everything you we're building over these past months with Cody. This scares me because of how Cody's been having embarrasing Big Show moments for weeks now and I could abesolutely see WWE finally giving show his "big WM moment" in a terrible way.
In the grand scheme of things, there was a very small percentage of people who wanted to see brother vs. brother, me included.

Most fans don't really care much about Goldust or his relation to Cody. I bet many people outside of the very diehard fans even realize they are brothers to begin with.

Would it have been a good match? Maybe. Storyline wise I think it would have been awesome, but I don't blame the E for going with Big Show instead. He's a bigger draw, much more popular with the crowd and is a better business decision.

I'm not sure if they will have Show win. I would think having him put Cody over would give Rhodes a major push, which is what he needs to get to the next level. I know some think taking the belt away will allow him to enter main event status, but I don't see it.
Cody vs. Show is something we could see on an episode of SD, and now they have it booked as a match at Mania. That's just horrible booking, plain and simple.
I think the potential of this feud & match has been VASTLY overrated by the IWC, in my view anyhow.

When I look at Dustin Rhodes & Cody Rhodes, I see two men whose careers are going to be in two very different places when it's all said and done.

Dustin Rhodes, AKA Goldust, hasn't been a relevant factor in the WWE or the WWE roster since the mid 90s. He was a talented guy and did create a unique character for himself. But, the character was never really someone taken seriously and went from being pretty edgy, especially at that time, to being something more cartoonish than anything else. He started out hot but fizzled out after a few years.

Cody Rhodes started out in the WWE as this young, uncharismatic 2nd generation wrestler who spent a few years being little more than a flunky for Randy Orton as part of Legacy. When Legacy split, it was thought by many that Ted DiBiase would be the breakout star. However, over a period of roughly 2 years, Cody Rhodes has gone from an uncharismatic drone to being one of the hottest young heels in wrestling today. He's quite probably been the greatest IC champ of this past decade and if he gets by Big Show at WM, he'll only have to hold the title for 10 more days to have had the longest run with the title since The Rock back in 1997. He's improved dramatically on the mic, he's stepped his game up inside the ring and Rhodes is someone that will probably be a main eventer, maybe even a World Champion, in the not too distant future. To top that off, he's only 27 years of age. He's potentially got his entire career ahead of him, and possibly a brilliant one at that.

What exactly does a feud with Goldust do for Cody Rhodes? As has been said by some, including me, Goldust hasn't been relevant for a decade and a half. On April 1, Goldust will be 10 days shy of his 43rd birthday, the best days of his career are far behind him. If the match did go down and Cody wins, he gains nothing because all he's done is beaten his irrelevant, 15+ year older brother. If Cody lost...well he'd have been beaten by his irrelefant, 15+ year older brother and all that would do is make him look weak and bring his stock down.

Cody Rhodes went over Rey Mysterio at WM last year, a major star in wrestling & multiple time World Champion. The Big Show is also a major star and a multiple time World Champion. Cody's stock was elevated by beating Mysterio and, if he beats Big Show, it'll be elevated even more. Even if Cody does lose to Show at WM, it's not going to hurt him. As I said, when you look at it from all reasonable angles, Rhodes has probably be the best overall IC champion in well over a decade.
"Hey Cody, since you've gained a substantial amount of heat and progressed your character so much over the last year, we're going to let you defend against someone who hasn't been relevant since the 1990's, K? K." Yeah, no. Like Jack-Hammer pointed out, Cody Rhodes faced Rey Mysterio in a magnificent match last year. Mysterio is a hugely over babyface and a multi-time World Champion. Demoting Rhodes to someone a low as Goldust is like giving him a big "fuck you, you're not important". Big Show is a hugely over babyface and a multi-World Champion in his own right. Going against a big name like The Big Show is only going to help Cody gain even more heat and credibility in the long run. Facing Goldust is only going to add another notch in Rhodes’ belt but facing Big Show allows Cody to be one step closer to The World Heavyweight Championship… and with that said, Big Show > Goldust as Cody Rhodes' Wrestlemania XXVIII opponent.
Several good points are made in the previous posts, but it all makes me wonder why WWE started to promote this match in the first place. We saw Dustin Runnels standing there in a jacket and tie, somehow looking scarier than he did as Goldust, since the look was so out of character for him. We saw his little brother laying him out backstage.....and we figured, okay, we've heard they were going to do something with this mini-feud, and here it comes.

So what happened? What changed? It's not as if the character of Goldust/Dustin isn't well established; the company knows exactly what he's capable of and what to expect of him. As for Cody, he's surely the favorite son of WWE, having been given more of Creative's time and attention than anyone in the company. Here comes another plum for him.

Then, there are the family ties. So, go ahead and do it!

When the Cody/Goldy promos were abandoned, I figured the only reason for this could be that management had something bigger in mind for Cody at WM; perhaps a world title win or something of that magnitude. Instead, they're giving him a match against Big Show? That's the reason for abandoning a brother vs brother match.......especially one for which the company has already tipped it's hand and shown vignettes?

Yes, the sun will still be rising tomorrow even if we don't see Cody-Dustin, but as with many other things in WWE, I'd love to know the reasoning behind this one.

If they feel this match isn't worthy of Wrestlemania.....fine. But you started it.....now finish it.

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