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What's The Biggest Problem You Have With WWE Right Now?


Brilliant Idiot
Obviously, this is a very vague thread. However, if you listen to the IWC, you'd think that WWE has a million problems. While it has it's share, clearly it has it's positives -- considering we're all here. Nonetheless, there has to be one or two things that stick out to you.

So, obviously, what is the biggest problem you have with WWE at this moment?

I'll start out.

The misuse of its smaller talent. If the smaller wrestler isn't having some underdog story going or getting squashed, you rarely see the talent. Maybe in a tag team. With Daniel Bryan, Kaval, Tyson Kidd, Yoshi, Justin Gabriel, and a few others.. how could you not want a Lighterweight/Cruiserweight division. I just don't get it.

Nonetheless, what about you guys?
That ALL of the titles mean nothing. So when someone they want to get over gets given the IC or U.S title I think to myself "Yeah so, Am I ment to take this guy serious now??"

And I think they need to give some of the people they are giving pushes to A CHANCE to get over, Rather then "It's been 3 months he isn't where we think he should be by now lets, Bury him" It's AMAZING to me that they pull the plug on some people's pushes but they let Kozlov's go on FOREVER even though from DAY 1 he was getting over like a fart in church :banghead:
The misuse of its smaller talent. If the smaller wrestler isn't having some underdog story going or getting squashed, you rarely see the talent. Maybe in a tag team. With Daniel Bryan, Kaval, Tyson Kidd, Yoshi, Justin Gabriel, and a few others.. how could you not want a Lighterweight/Cruiserweight division. I just don't get it.

Nonetheless, what about you guys?

At various times in it's history, the WWE has tried to have a Light Heavyweight/Cruiserweight/Junior Heavyweight division but it's just never really panned out. Many American fans have been conditioned to sort of look at guys under 200 pounds as being inferior to the other performers. For instance, the NWA has had a World Junior Heavyweight Champion for about as long as its had a World Heavyweight Champion, but when is the last time announcers raved and went on about the Junior Heavyweight Champ here in the states? Of course there have been tons of great wrestlers to hold the strap, but they're not really common knowledge generally speaking. Any title/division that's designed to regulate and cater to much smaller wrestlers has always had something of a stain attached to it right from the get go. In TNA, they have the X-Division. It's not much now, but that's a different story. Technically, any wrestler can vie for the X-Division title but it's primarily designed for smaller guys. Perception counts as a lot in wrestling and since TNA doesn't refer to the X-Division as light weights or cruiserweights or any of that, a lot of people don't see it as a second rate holding pen for little guys that can't stand up to "real competition". The WWE roster right now is packed with wrestlers that legitimately weigh well under 230 pounds, most of them are billed as being heavier than they actually are. For instance, CM Punk is billed at about 225 pounds but he's probably somewhere closer to about 210. Why? Because a lot of American fans still have trouble taking "smaller" guys seriously. Granted that 225 isn't exactly hulking, but it's a good solid weight.

I will say, however, that perceptions are starting to change as more and more of the more talented wrestlers that are coming in are on the smaller side either in height, weight or both in some cases and they're getting over in TNA & WWE.

But, as for my biggest complaint in the WWE, I wish they'd give up on the lame and corny comedy skits they try to pull off sometimes. They've improved on that a helluva lot this year and have done a good job of keeping things like that off the air. Last year, they had that stuff shown on Raw all the time with a lot of it revolving around Hornswoggle or "Santina Marella" and things of that nature. Last week's Raw was probably one of the generally silliest this year and while it wasn't a huge train wreck, it just didn't work for me. I'm not a huge fan of comedy in wrestling but if you're gonna have comedy, lay off the cornball stuff.
I agree that WWE's version of the Cruiserweight division has always failed. And it's because they never understood it's spot on the card.

Fans don't really care if the guys in the ring have the best storyline. They don't really care for that angle, no pun intended. They just want the action part of it. WCW had it perfect. Send two capable wrestlers out there for 10 to 15 minutes and let them go crazy. Perfect.

As time goes on, you can build a feud here or there, like WCW did with Guerrero and Mysterio. Or Dragon and Malenko. However, it's never the end all be all of the division.
I have many problems with the WWE, but one of my biggest one has got to be the storylines. For me they are way to obvious. Also another big one is language, it just made it more intense. Like they wanted to hurt each other. Also my last one is the build up for matches. These days it boring because all you see is like Wade Barrett and Otunga vs Orton and R-Truth and then your at the pay per view. They should have a good storyline behind it.
Oh yeah I forgot about how the Intercontinental and United States Championship are just given to anybody now. Back then it was huge to have the United States Championship or Intercontinental Championship. Also how they don't have a tag team division! :band:
The lazy booking that leads to poor-quality PPV matches. Why should I care about the matches on the PPV when there's no strong build-up prior? This is the case with a lot of 'elimination' matches and other 'filler' types that feel like they've been randomly assembled at the last minute. What I want to see are the lengthy feuds and matters that make sense. It's partially-forgivable if the wrestlers put on a good match, but the emotion won't be as enthralling or emanating.
IDK I am very lenient on things in wrestling. I don't care how cheesy things are and I don't care all that much about story lines. All I want to see is wrestlers being used to their full abilities and potential. Obviously story lines have a big part in that, but at the same time good in ring wrestling plays a big part also. Good wrestlers with a ton of potential or talent that get squashed every match. Bugs the hell out of me..:banghead:
At this point, my biggest problem with the WWE right now, would have to be the lack of main event talent. It seems like everyone of my favorite stars are either getting injured, or taking some time off. First Batista left, then Triple H, then Undertaker, then Chris Jericho, and now CM Punk. And Christian if you want to count him. The problem with the talent now, only a handful are recognizable. If you haven't watch WWE in three years you'd be totally lost with all these new stars. The WWE needs to keep their widely known guys closer. Now don't get me wrong, I love thee whole youth movement, but WWE seems to be really down in the slumps right now and to me it seems like every website I go, they claim the WWE are relying a little too much on thw return of Triple H to get things going again. Pretty much everything is going great in the WWE right now besides the lack of widely known talent.
Too many PPVs a year. I mean, there are probably more than 12 PPVs a year. It kills the storyline and we just have the same matches with somewhat different stipulations on 2 continous PPVs. Reduce the PPVs and everything will be fine.
A lot of the things I have a problem with in the WWE right now have been mentioned.

The belts don't mean anything anymore. The tag team titles are non-existent. You have guys being pushed down our throats that don't deserve a push. But more importantly, one thing I have a huge problem with on top of all of those is a certain Michael Cole. He is the most over-used thing on WWE TV right now. He's on every show and the only reason he is even on PPVs is because Jim Ross doesn't want to do it anymore. NOBODY tunes in to see or hear this idiot try to be nothing more than a hybrid JR/Jerry Lawler wannabe. He's boring when he just calls the match and he's annoying as hell as a "heel" announcer. He's pathetic and frankly the only thing I want to hear after his "And I quote" is hearing him admit to being an asshole. He's trying to hard and frankly, I don't think even Mike Adamle was this terrible. There was only one time I almost enjoyed NXT and that was the short time where he wasn't on it. Hearing him berate his own show is pathetic. How does the WWE expect anyone to actually take NXT serious when you have your own announce team bad mouthing it. Now, the only way I can even watch any WWE show is with the volume down because I just can't take listening to this ass-clown anymore. Not even Tenay and Tazz or hell even Don West were this terrible. Wanna know the difference between Lawler as a heel announcer and Jesse Ventura as an announcer? They were at least entertaining. Frankly, I don't care about having one heel and one face on the announce team anymore. I just want them to do their job and call the match. Frankly, if Cole is the "voice of the WWE" it's no wonder that nobody wants to hear it.
My biggest problem right now with WWE is the slow paced matches. Im more into the back and forth action not some one sided, slow paced match filled with a bunch of headlocks and other holds. That just takes away from the match and makes it very boring. That's why I don't enjoy Jack Swagger and Drew McIntyre matches, it seems like that's all they do. I wish they would go back to their old ring style. Oh and lay off the squash matches.;)
My biggest problem is that I don't care about wrestling, I mean Sports Entertainment, anymore. I used to be a huge wrestling mark and cared about all the wrestlers and worried when commentators like Vince got picked on. Realizing that Vince has been a pain in society and that the product is stale and seemingly unattractive. I just don't care...
I have two kind of intertwined problems. It comes from the over-saturation by WWE of the pay-per-view platform. Having 12 pay-per-views a year is kind of overkill, and having more than 12 is just unbelievably stupid. It is extremely taxing on the fans monetarily and it leads into my other issue.

WWE isn't booking in a way for there to be good, built-up feuds to fill those pay-per-view cards. The writers have to push to have feuds to fill a pay-per-view each month, sometimes 2 a month. This often leads to lazy booking, i.e. number 1 contender matches with little to no emotional build other than "I'm going to beat you!" and a stare-down or 2. Wrestling is built on emotion, and monthly pay-per-views that need to have some kind of reason for people to buy them leave the writers with too little time to create the emotional attachment feuds need to become great.

So many problems come from the rushing of feuds. Gimmick matches become overused, guys end up having multiple unique feuds with the same guys and become stale, and feuds just become less interesting in general.

Please WWE, cut down on the pay-per-views and give us excellent, emotional, passionate feuds. I truly believe the product will be improved with fewer, better built shows for us fans to buy.
the fact that michael cole is being portrayed as a heel. i remember a few weeks ago when the hart dynasty were doing broad cast with the king and cole and cole was ripping on them, and they just sat there. Are we really meant to believe that this little man would and could diss these large men and get away with it, really? If this was the attitude era cole would be driven through a table or given a chair shot to the head. Is this what WWE has come to, making the fans believe that a litte bitch like Cole, who probably is a nice guy in real life, but was portrayed as a bitch during his entire tenure, can go about making fun of other wrestlers and not have any consequences?
I will just go with some that have been said.

Slow paced matches are boring. Real wrestling is full of locks and I don't watch to see many headlocks and holds that just make the match slow. I watch for the action. I always hated Orton's matches before because all he did was headlocks, but now he just gets dominated and does his combo. Only watched Swagger wrestle like once against Undertaker and the match was boring to say the least. I think it was because the crowd was dead though.

Another thing is DB crapping on Dolph and possibly CM Punk if they ever let that feud happen. I don't hate him, but I never liked him.

The pay per views are too many and the gimmicks are killing them.

Last, don't bring back the Cruiserweight division. I always tuned in after the first 30 mins or so when it used to be on Smackdown. Funny how some of you complain that you hate spot monkeys, yet you want a cruiserweight division.
The lack of storyline build. That was the one good thing about the brand split PPVs. They allowed for people to actually invest in the storylines before. Not like now where they build them up for a week as jobber food to Orton and Cena
My biggest problem is WWE's shameless revising of history. The WWE magazine has countless examples of this every month. I remember this one article discussing how Edge has been in some way involved every time MITB has been cashed in. When they talked about his victory over Cena at New Year's Revolution, they noted how "The Champ" valiantly kicked out of the first Spear before being vanquished by that dastardly, merciless second Spear (it's all really worded like this. These aren't exact quotes, but all the writing basically sounds like Michael Cole talking). They mentioned Punk cashing in his briefcase against Edge after Batista attacked said Edge on Raw and that the entire arena erupted in celebration (at least that's true). Then they discussed Rob Dan Dam's win over Cena at One Night Stand 2006, and it was all very, very wrong. It said that Cena was well on his way to victory when Edge speared him, "giving RVD the opportunity to make the roll-up." RVD did not "make a roll-up" in that match. He Five Star Frog Splashed Cena's quasi- black self and pinned him gnarly.

I guess my point is that if you're not even going to try to relate history correctly, why try to relate it at all? If the opening to every WWE show ("Yes sir, we've promised you a great match-up here tonight..." "Andre THE GIANT!" "Wrestlemania..." etc.) is supposed to be a quick trip through the history of WWE, then why would they cut out Hogan and the long-standing voice of the WWE, JR? When it comes to Hogan, I understand that they don't want to advertise for those people in Florida who they will tell you repeatedly are NOT their competition, but why even pretend to show a history if you won't show it right? It infuriates me.

So, that's my biggest problem. Oh, along with how much Cena sucks. 'Cause boy, he sure sucks, am I right?
Lack of creativity. There is no build-up on a feud. If there is, there is only a few. And i don't know if you guys realized, but in most cases you can just watch the last episode of raw/smackdown and you can find out who is going to win at the PPV, and this has been going for so long. Whoever has the upperhand on the last episode loses at the PPV. Just think about it and you will see that this happens in most cases. I call it the predictability of being unpredictable. Bookers need to find a smarter way to suprise the viewers. I don't think it has anything to do with PG, i remember there were decent storylines going on smackdown a couple of years ago when PG first started. So EXCITEMENT CAN HAPPEN ON PG.
Of course i would prefer a TLC match with all the hardcore as well as HIAC matches. It came to a point where HIAC matches are standard matches just happened to be in a cell. Similar goes with TLC, as we will see next month as well. So i would love them to leave PG, but saying that the biggest problem is PG won't be fair.
They can do some changes on midcarders and tag teams as well. Its really boring right now. You feel like to pass the first 3-4 matches on each episode.
Too Many PPVs.I dont care if you split them back into brand specific PPVs or reduce the amount.Just make it so they have enough time to build up a decent feud.
My main beefs with the WWE are with the language they use, the lack of spots in the matches, the nonsense booking they do and the BS that they're not professional wrestling.

As far as language goes, I know they're PG rated, but when a grown man tells another grown man he's going to kick his "butt," I can't help but snicker. I mean, immediately right here, disbelief of reality goes out the door and I'm staring at poor acting. Perhaps they can instead of using this childish attempt to avoid using profanity, just go another route entirely with the dialogue. The other lexicon issues I have, is there are no females/women in the WWE, we have divas. But then there are no wrestlers either. They are superstars and in-ring performers. And they don't wrestle. No they compete and their matches are called in-ring perfornances. But this ties in to my final point.

The lack of spots in the matches is another thing. Remember a few years ago, when people were complaining about spot-fests? Usually with the cruiserweights, but it happens with the heavyweights as well. Well the opposite is true now. I can't keep my interest in a match that is just punch and kick up until they drop an RKO. I know they're mostly doing this to keep the injury rate down and keep their wrestlers off the Oxycontin, but this is killing their product.

And finally the nonsense booking that they do. For one, pushing a no-talent ass-clown down our throats and expecting him to one day get good (Batista). Or other things, like crushing the momentum a wrestler they're heavily pushing by having him job in a squash match to a main eventer (Danielson).

And my biggest bone to pick with the WWE is that they try to pretend that they're not a pro-wrestling company, but rather an entertainment company. Euphemisms aside, they're not fooling anybody. We all know they're selling pro-wrestling and that's why we watch. The WWE should embrace the fact that we want to watch pro-wrestling rather than their half-assed soap opera known as "sports entertainment."
What i really hate is how thet'll set someone up for a push, and never pull the pin.

Think Kofi Kingston's feud with Randy Orton last year. Kofi kicked off by vandalizing Orton's car, he then boom dropped him through a table and then they had a great PPV match at TLC. Then... nothing. he got traded to Smackdown and got put in the IC title race. Now he doesn't even seem to be going for that.

They really need to start pushing people into the main event now that Jericho's gone, CM Punk's injured, and Taker's retiring.

It's frustrating seeing them tease great young stars and then just shove them back down the card!
The major problem I had with WWE in the time period from 2007 to 2010 was the lack of storylines. There were no personal feuds except one or two like HHH vs Orton, Punk vs Hardy and HBK vs Jericho. The main event scene was dominated by one guy namely John Cena and every feud of his seemed to be regarding holding the title. I hated it that there was no other reason for Cena to feud other than the title. It was always Cena vs the challenger of the month.

Nowadays I can't say that I can complain much because WWE has given the fans one of the most nique storylines of all time in the Nexus. Barrett defeating Cena was a legit surprise and has only made the angle better. The rise of Daniel Bryan was also a pretty well handled story.

I do have minor problems with WWE like stopping matches when a guy is cut or some of the comedy skits. But like I said they are minor problems. Overall I am pretty happy with the direction WWE is going in
For me its the lack of time and energy spent on developing uncercard matches for a pay per view. We literally spend 10-15 minutes a week promoting the main event with attacks, interviews, and set-up matches and we do nothing for the undercard matches. They are thrown together like 1-2 weeks before a pay per view with no purpose or build up. Therefore losing the interest of the fans. To me use Superstars as an opportunity to build up a wrestler or for a wrestler in a feud who didn't wrestle on Raw or Smackdown a chance to build up their feud. We don't have to see John Cena, Randy Orton, and NExus be involvd in 70 percent of Raw every single week.
I'm having a hard time between 3 ideas. Pay-per-views, lack of prestige to a tite, and booking it so we see the big 3 over and over again.

The Pay-per-views really cost to much for what they are worth, and the fact that they are sold around gimmick matches that appear 3 or 4 times a PPV is insane. What needs to happen if they are going to improve these buyrates is quite simple. Build up a Storyline. That will also mean dropping some Pay-per-views, 6 is my magic number. If you have better booking and not charging people $650 to watch them per year to watch them.

Lack of Prestige to a title is another big problem for me. Right now I really don't care who has the tag titles. Taking a look at who has had it makes it obvious, Hart Dynasty (A legit team) losses them to Drew Mcintyre and Cody Rhodes (A team that was thrown together overnight) who will lose them to David Otunga and John Cena, (Another team just thrown out during a pay per view) who then do the worst possible thing to a title and just pass them to our current champs Slater and Gabriel. Amount of Teams that existed just to hold the titles and then drop them and break is really disgusting and leads to the downfall of the division, and the title meaning nothing at all.

Now I don't mind seeing Orton or Cena once or twice anight, I can live with it. But when they are on the open the show in the middle of the show and to close the show. Please get another idea going. You have other TALENT (Zach Ryder) that could be benefiting from a 3-4 minute match, and I'll be honest, while being a ryder fan, I'm sure i'm not the only one that would like to see him fight then hear Cena bitch about being in the Nexus again.

Since I'm on a rant I'll complain about one more thing. Things that make me unconfertable to watch on TV. Those things are "comedy" segements with Hornswoggle. They actually embarrass me to watch and the will almost always make me cringe.

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