What's next for Shelton Benjamin?

I like what I'm seeing from Shelton lately. There are very few guys that don't benefit from being in the ring with Taker. If nothing else it sounds better than being in the ring with R-Truth or Helms. Both are ok, but nowhere near the level of Taker. It's good that with all of the big names that Taker has been facing lately he drops down a bit to have this minifeud with Shelton. It helps everyone a bit. Taker simply doesn't need to be in big feuds all the time as he's as over as anyone on SD. It'll give him some time away from the main event and let his body heal. Shelton gets a run against a legend and gets to showcase himself in a bigger match than he's used to. This could mean something big on the horizon for Shelton as he's had the title now going on 7 months. Good sign indeed.
Shelton should become a tag team contender with MVP. I already talked about this in the tag team thread. The two of them are both cocky heels who have good in ring ability and would definitely go together. If we're talking about singles, I don't think Shelton should get a main event push. Not quite yet. Maybe in a few years or something. He will be a good, solid mid-carder for a while and probably a staple in the US title hunt. I feel like he has really brought credibility to the title in his reign, and he has done some good work. I hope he has a bright future no matter what they try.

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