What's next for Shelton Benjamin?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Ok, so Shelton Benjamin has been the United States Champion for 5 months. Most people who have had the title for that long has had even time to prove that they are a legit champ. WWE did not pull the trigger on his title reign and made him seem like a weak champion. Over the past 5 months, he has only defended the title about 4 times. Tonight he will defend his gold against Hurricane Helms, which I hope he will retain. It is pretty obvious that Benjamin will not be champ for too much longer (2 months tops), but where does he go from there? Will he go back to being a jobber? Will he find a new tag partner and have a new version of World's Greatest Tag Team? Will he just wrestle occasionally and get a few wins here and there? Will WWE build him up as a main eventer? Will he turn face again? Will he soon win back the United States Championship?

I would like to know what you think about Benjamin's title reign and what you think will be next when he loses it? Also I want to know what you would do to Benjamin after he loses the title.
Here's my Shelton plan.

Get him in a good feud with Helms. That way Shelton can get some time on the mic, and get some more exposure. This would get him more familiar with the casual fan who might not know the potential of him. By the time NWO comes along, let Helms win the title from Benjamin. This opens the door for him to be in the MITB at WM. Obviously, Shelton in that match is good by itself. But it would be a perfect opportunity for Shelton to get catapulted into the World Title picture. And with him being on SD! it could lead to a feud with Hardy. And even though those two aren't the typical main eventers, they have a history and they can put on a damn entertaining match. Not to mention WWE could ****e the hell out of gimmick matches with those two.
I'm not too sure what's next for Shelton Benjamin but it is definately not the main event scene (yet). Shelton needs to have some high profile feuds. He should eventually drop the belt, I'm saying sometime before Wrestlemania...let's say to Helms. After dealing with Helms he needs to have a non-title feud with a veteran or someone who is already over.

Undertaker always does this for the young guys so he is a good candidate. Kennedy, Matt Hardy, Finlay, or HHH (Hunter doesn't like doing things like this though so I don't think Trips is likely...ugh...this is why so many people hate this guy)

The WWE has a sleeping giant in Benjamin in my opinion. They have the 2nd coming of Kurt Angle from a wrestling standpoint, but he just doesn't have the mic skills. He needs some polishing, but he should move into the upper mid card permenantly within the next year or two.

Right now he should focus on the US Title because he has had a very strong reign. He may lose a non-title match or get pinned in a tag match, but when it comes down to it, he wins those matches where his strap is on the line, which is good. He needs a feud though. If he doesn't start having feuds that require the two in the program to actually cut promos then he will be in the same position for the forseeable future.
At least I know I'm not alone in the Helms feud idea for Shelton. And you are right about not being ready for main events. That's why I suggested having him win the MITB. Then he can feud with some main eventers, but won't have to cash in until he's at that level. All he really needs to do is improve on cutting promos, because just about everyone on here knows about his physical abilities
MITB is most definately a good idea. Do you think that from now until lets say Summerslam 2009 he will have developed his character enough to carry the strap? I would hope so. Hell, if they gave the strap to CM Punk they can give it Benjamin, but will it work? The reaction he has been getting from the crowd has been weaker and weaker every week on SD! because he isn't cutting any promos. Creative has to get the casual fan to like Benjamin. Most of us online are gurus so we have a little more insight than others. How can the casual fan buy into Shelton's character? He needs something that makes him stand out above the others.

Should he have a big feud before winning MITB? After winning MITB how many feuds should he have before cashing in the breifcase?

If Vince plays his cards right this guy is a part of the future along with Jeff, Kennedy, Orton, and many others.
The way I think it should go, like I said, have him feud Helms until NWO. Helms gets the US title then. That puts Shelton in MITB. After he wins, if Hardy is still Champ(Yeah right), or at least still main eventing, he can feud him since they have a history. But like we both said, the only way it will work is if Shelton can cut a promo.

But if that doesn't work, I have another idea. Put Mark Henry and Tony Atlas on SD! and start a stable with the three of them. That would give Shelton a manager who could possibly cut promos for him, and it would also give him muscle in his corner. Henry could easily help him get to main events by interfering in matches and the such.
WWE always felt that Benjamin needed to work on his mic skills and I thought that they would allow Benjamin to have more TV time and work on his mic skills, but they are no longer doing that. During the first 2 or 3 months, before Benjamin matches, he would usually cut promos and try to get to the head of his opponents calling himself the ''Gold Standard''. Since then, WWE stopped giving Benjamin the time to improve his mic skills which is why it will take much longer for him to finally reach the main event scene.
My idea is to have Shelton drop the belt to Umaga when he returns. It would be a good match, and Umaga is the type of heel that can face anyone, so Shelton can stay as a heel.

By feuding with Umaga, he has the oppurtunity to put on some quality matches, and work on his mic skills, because it's obvious that Umaga wouldn't be the trash-talker in that angle. If Shelton succeeds, maybe he gets drafted over to ECW, and pushes for the ECW title. If he can have a good run with that belt, and prove that he can main event, then he can have a shot at chasing for the WHC or WWE Title.

I know he's had his shot at the ECW belt, but it was rushed, and he wasn't given a chance to prove a credible heel before they gave it to him.
Sorry to spoil it for you guys, but Benjamin is shit. How many chances does he need?

He's been part of 'the worlds greatest tag team' TWICE
He's feuded with Evolution, even pinning Triple H.
He's been IC champ, beating Jericho for the title.
He's had 'that' match with HBK
He's had his momma on screen the feuding with Flair and winning the IC belt again.
He was in MITB
He feuded with RVD for the case, after RVD won it.
He went to ECW and was pushed like fook there
He's been US champion for 5 months.

He's boring in the ring, dull on the mic. What is there left for him to do? Well it's nothing to do with chances as I have just shown you he has had plenty. I say with his track record of failing on us you need to keep him in the midcard, maybe have a feud for the US title or something, and keep him heel as he's shockingly bad as a face. Either that or 'wishing him well in future endeavours'
I say your wrong Kung Flu Naki. The only reason he's dull in the ring is because WWE has cut back drastically on letting superstars do all these crazy high risk moves, most of which would be part of Shelton's move-set. He is amazing in the ring when he can truly show his moves. His athleticism and mat prowess match that of Kurt Angle as I believe someone else already said here.

I say with his track record of failing on us you need to keep him in the midcard

Shelton hasn't failed us, they've just tried to push him too soon, ya know, there is such a thing as not being ready for the push. Not his fault. And I'm glad they keep trying to push him, because really, it tells him they think highly of him and it probably gives him a shitload of confidence when he goes out there.

He's been part of 'the worlds greatest tag team' TWICE

Yeah, tag team. We are talking singles competition here buddy, they won't stick him in another tag team. Although the WGTT was good at the time, the tag division is diminished, this would just be pointless to have them bring back. Shelton can shine as a singles competitor way more then he can as a tag competitor.

Either that or 'wishing him well in future endeavours'

That will never happen. If Shelton leaves WWE, it will be because he wants to, he will not be released. He is such a great wrestler, all he needs to do is be given the chance to improve on the mic, or as someone else said, give him a manager to do the talking for him.

He was in MITB

He's been in MITB because he actually could win that. He actually does deserve the main event scene, all he needs is the mic skills. Seriously, he would be an excellent WHC or WWE Champ. Not too mention, MITB is a huge spot fest, one of the only places where Shelton can really use all of his athletic and in ring ability.

I think that Benjamin has a lengthy career ahead of him and the potential to be a damn good WHC or WWE Champ so why not have him still be around. Why say he's failed us? He hasn't failed us. He hasn't truly shined yet because he isn't quite ready. Just like The Brian Kendrick, another amazing wrestler, he's not ready for the main event just yet. so take it easy on the guy. He'll be there soon, really soon.
I say your wrong Kung Flu Naki. The only reason he's dull in the ring is because WWE has cut back drastically on letting superstars do all these crazy high risk moves, most of which would be part of Shelton's move-set. He is amazing in the ring when he can truly show his moves. His athleticism and mat prowess match that of Kurt Angle as I believe someone else already said here.

So he has amazing mat prowess yet it's WWE banning some high risk moves that make him crap?
Shelton hasn't failed us, they've just tried to push him too soon, ya know, there is such a thing as not being ready for the push. Not his fault. And I'm glad they keep trying to push him, because really, it tells him they think highly of him and it probably gives him a shitload of confidence when he goes out there.

How is Benjamin not being ready for a push anyone elses fault than Benjamins?

Yeah, tag team. We are talking singles competition here buddy, they won't stick him in another tag team. Although the WGTT was good at the time, the tag division is diminished, this would just be pointless to have them bring back. Shelton can shine as a singles competitor way more then he can as a tag competitor.
And he shines like a star in tag team, it was an example of the chances they've given him.

That will never happen. If Shelton leaves WWE, it will be because he wants to, he will not be released. He is such a great wrestler, all he needs to do is be given the chance to improve on the mic, or as someone else said, give him a manager to do the talking for him.

The same was said about Elijah Burke.

He's been in MITB because he actually could win that. He actually does deserve the main event scene, all he needs is the mic skills. Seriously, he would be an excellent WHC or WWE Champ. Not too mention, MITB is a huge spot fest, one of the only places where Shelton can really use all of his athletic and in ring ability.

Again Mat prowess and high flying are two different things.

Why say he's failed us? He hasn't failed us. He hasn't truly shined yet because he isn't quite ready. Just like The Brian Kendrick, another amazing wrestler, he's not ready for the main event just yet. so take it easy on the guy.

He's failed because of all the chances he's been given, what has Brian kendrick had compared to Benjamin...nothing,yet at the momentBenjamin is under Kendrick in the pecking order.

He'll be there soon, really soon.

It's amazing that people still say it's very soon, that's been said for years.
I do have to agree that it has probably taken way too long for Shelton to move up to main event status, but he defiantly can rise up to that level. I totally agree with the previous posts having him lose the U.S. title to Helms before Wrestlemania and winning Money in the Bank. If you watch the last couple MITB matches, he has been in it right until the end. There were many times in which I thought he was going to win. I don't think his promo skills are that bad. They could use some work, but 75% of the guys in WWE could improve their talking skills. I defiantly could see him as a world champ, on any of the brands.

Again Mat prowess and high flying are two different things.

I saw this quote and found it interesting. I apologize in advance if I took it wrong, but if I read it correctly I must disagree. The man was collegiate wrestling champion. There aren't many men in the WWE with as much mat wrestling talent as Shelton, but that is considered boring by most of the audience, so instead he uses his athletic ability to do high risk spots.

It will take some build-up, of course, but I could see Benjamin being the "main man" on one of the 3 brands.
I say your wrong Kung Flu Naki. The only reason he's dull in the ring is because WWE has cut back drastically on letting superstars do all these crazy high risk moves

So in order to be exciting in the ring is to do high risk moves?, so then explain why so many people find/found guys like Hogan, Cena, Flair, Taker, Trips, Sting, Angle, Stone Cold, Bret Hart, and Rock, among many many others to be very exciting in the ring, it certainly didn't have anything to do with their ability to do high risk moves, frankly if you have to rely on and endless stream of high risk moves to get you over with the crowd than you are not a very good professional wrestler

, most of which would be part of Shelton's move-set. He is amazing in the ring when he can truly show his moves. His athleticism and mat prowess match that of Kurt Angle as I believe someone else already said here.

Well if he has the athleticism and mat prowess of Angle than he wouldn't need to rely on high risk moves so much, now I will agree the guy is very athletic, but to say he's anywhere near Angle's level is a bit of a stretch to say the least

Shelton hasn't failed us, they've just tried to push him too soon, ya know, there is such a thing as not being ready for the push. Not his fault. And I'm glad they keep trying to push him, because really, it tells him they think highly of him and it probably gives him a shitload of confidence when he goes out there.

they've given the guy how many chances to prove himself worthy of a push how many times in the past 6 yrs.?!?, the guy has had plenty of chances, and plenty of time to prepare himself for a push, some guys are just not ME level, Shelton is one of those guys

Yeah, tag team. We are talking singles competition here buddy, they won't stick him in another tag team. Although the WGTT was good at the time, the tag division is diminished, this would just be pointless to have them bring back. Shelton can shine as a singles competitor way more then he can as a tag competitor.

Yet you could argue his best days where the WGTT days, personally I'd like to see Shelton and MVP form some sort of alliance with each other, where the help each other out, and maybe as a result possibly have a tag title run together too

That will never happen. If Shelton leaves WWE, it will be because he wants to, he will not be released. He is such a great wrestler, all he needs to do is be given the chance to improve on the mic, or as someone else said, give him a manager to do the talking for him.

Oh please, unless you are a top draw for the company, you are always at risk of being wished best in you future endeavors, and Shelton is no where near being a top draw for the company, as far as the manger thing goes, pretty sure they tried that with the whole big momma Benjamin thing, it failed

He's been in MITB because he actually could win that.

You're kidding right?, the dude has been in 3 of 4 MITB matches and has NEVER ever eeeeeeeeeeeeeever been a favorite to win the match, pretty much the only reason the guy is put into the match is becasue he can do some cool shit with a ladder

He actually does deserve the main event scene, all he needs is the mic skills. Seriously, he would be an excellent WHC or WWE Champ. Not too mention, MITB is a huge spot fest, one of the only places where Shelton can really use all of his athletic and in ring ability.

Shelton does not deserve to be in the ME scene, guys that prove they can draw deserve to be in the ME scene, Shelton deserves to be right where he's at, the mid-card scene, he would make a terrible WHC or WWE champion, mainly do to his lack of mic skills and his inability to make people give a shit about him

I think that Benjamin has a lengthy career ahead of him

Not if he continues to rely on high risk moves, he does that and he's a got a lengthy stint in surgery and rehabbing injuries, he moves more toward a technical style and he may have a longer career

and the potential to be a damn good WHC or WWE Champ

Potential don't mean shit if you can't take advantage of it, I recall people saying Test & X-pac had potential too, yeah nuff said
so why not have him still be around. Why say he's failed us?

Well I wouldn't say he's faild US, more like he's failed himself, that is unless he's content with being in the mid-card

He hasn't failed us. He hasn't truly shined yet because he isn't quite ready.

He's had like 6 yrs. to get ready how much fucking time does he need?!

Just like The Brian Kendrick, another amazing wrestler

Kendrick is better than Shelton and has taken advantage of the pushes WWE gave him, he's also improved over time, Shelton isn't far from the same place he was when he came in, all about high risk offense and very little mic skills

he's not ready for the main event just yet. so take it easy on the guy. He'll be there soon, really soon.

He's not ready for the ME and he never will be, he's a mid-carder for life, and his fans just need to except that
So, with all the negative feedback, it reminds me of the excuses of why another person would never be main event material. Anyone hear of Jeff Hardy? People probably said the exact same things about him. "His best days were with Team Extreme", "He uses too many high risk moves", "He has no mic skills". Last time I checked once he got the proper push, he ended up WWE Champ. So, just give Shelton some time, and when THAT push comes, it will happen for him.
i believe he should have a few mid card feuds. end up being ecw champion next year around teh scamble ( if there is one) thne maybe in 2010 he can get some title shots. i believe this kid as potential. if he actually gets a shot on the mic he could be very good at it. He has amazing in ring skills, and has the right gimmick for him to be a champion in a couple of years. but right now he should feud with the likes of umaga, HBK and some on else athletic like TBK. not saying that HBK isn't athletic but some one than could go all day with shelton.
So, with all the negative feedback, it reminds me of the excuses of why another person would never be main event material. Anyone hear of Jeff Hardy? People probably said the exact same things about him. "His best days were with Team Extreme", "He uses too many high risk moves", "He has no mic skills". Last time I checked once he got the proper push, he ended up WWE Champ. So, just give Shelton some time, and when THAT push comes, it will happen for him.

Jeff Hardy became WWE Champ because he's in a league of his own in terms of overnness in the company. Jeff started getting pushed to the moon, and people responded. When Shelton gets pushed, people are like...meh. They don't care. That's the difference between Shelton and Jeff.

And it's too bad, because Shelton definitely has the superstar look and is more than likely the most athletic guy in the business. Unfortunately for him, the wrestling business is not an athletic competition, and the ability to get a crowd to care about you is the equivalent to throwing touchdown passes. Unless Shelton does something that grabs people's attention and makes people want to watch...he's simply going to be a slightly more successful Billy Gunn.
I think Shelton should turn face.

I know, heels are cool. Everybody wants to be a heel. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.

I don't think Shelton makes a good heel.

I think it's even hindered his athleticism in the ring.

I say he should shave that gold shit out his hair, too.

I'd turn him face by maybe getting him involved with a woman.

Say you bring DJ Gabriel on SD for a few weeks. Show him mistreating Alicia. Then one week, Alicia accidently costs him a match. DJ snaps and corners her. Shelton comes out and makes the save. Instant face turn!!!

After that, you have Alicia constantly at his side. They'll both share promos, that way Shelton can improve his mic skills.

Then, I'd put him in a fued with Umaga. Involve Alicia, that way he can come to her rescue making him look like the superhero.

Then after a few months, split him up with the girl. Either by having her turn on him, or have Umaga crush her.

This leads the way for him to win Money in the Bank.
Ok i have a plan that could help shelton gain substantial popularity and become a main event level competitor. First of all he needs to defend that US title more, play to his strengths have him showcase his unbelievable in ring skills in title matches week after week. Have him walk into the MITB match at wrestlemania with the US title and a lot of momentum. He puts in another incredible showing in the MITB match and fianlly wins it.

He then starts defending his US title against some main event level guys and adds some more credibility to himself and the belt. Draft time rolss around and he is shifted to raw, the IC champ is moved to smackdown to shake things up a little. This is where Shelton really starts to pick things up.

As he continues to defend his US title against a fresh set of challengers from RAW he is being stalked by goldust. GOLDust wants some of the GOLD standard, and after a series of hilarious backstage segments involving goldust and the gold standard the RAW GM begins putting them in some tag team matches. Week after week we continue to see segemts with shelton and goldust that are reminiscent of the amazing Booker t and goldust segemnts. This should definately add some more interest into shelton benjamin and get him extremely over. Eventually of course he will cash in MITB and become world champion, the GOLD standard now has the most coveted gold of all. Goldust would act as his valet/manager to sustain his overness.

Make them like Bookerdust. Shelton would attempt to be serious with his promos but goldust would interrupt and say some fucked up stuff as goldust always does, the combination of the two is very formidible indeed. Take the mic skills and charisma of Goldust and use him as a manager and combine it with the athleticism of the Gold Standard Shelton benjamin.
I really want Shelton to hold on to the US championship for the whole 2009 year. Cuz he is one of the best wrestlers today in the business. What i really want is when he loses the title, to become WWE champ and have a nice long reign as champ as well. He deserves a huge push.
All the WWE needs to do is develop his character more, give the fans something to respond to, because as far as in-ring skills, he's there. It's just his character that's a little too bland if he really wants to move up to the main event. It's clear from his matches recently that fans don't respond that much to him as a heel, but as a face before he was getting good receptions. However, he now has that cockyness to him which could easily be used well as a heel; so why not have him as a tweener? Have him fued with someone like Edge in 2009, after WrestleMania, which could REALLY up Shelton's game as far as promos are concerned.

It would also give him experience against strong main eventers; and while I know he's faced Triple H and HBK in the past, he needs more experience against top main eventers, especially if he wants to move onto a WWE Title fued. I could easily see him face Hardy for the title sometime after WrestleMania, at a PPV like No Mercy, not a big PPV but it will push Shelton and hopefully he'll up his game as a result. If he does try hard, it could be a very successful year for him.
Did anyone here his RR Speech about being the Gold Standard and how he will win the Royal Rumble. He had like 4 major slurs I've heard 3 year olds talk better than Shelton. I'm not slamming his ringwork though, I am a huge fan of his ringwork but only foriegn monster heels can have no mic skills and be Champ I predict SB becoming similair to "Kung" Funaki, good wrestler but no mic.
Why give him to improve on a major show like SD send to ECW where the people that need to improve go to get released or become champ.
Shelton Benjamin is a solid wrestler. He can get it done in the squared circle. Having him as US Champion elevated him greatly, because the guy simply succeeds in his title defenses. That makes him a good US Champion in my eyes. Now, if he were to drop the title, I don't think he should return to jobbing or become an occasional competitor like he did in the past. I think he should perhaps develop a feud with whoever takes the title from him. I think what needs to be shown more frequently is US title chasing and lengthy feuds over the title. It seems to me that so many wrestlers in the US title picture capture the gold once, lose it and never go back to reclaiming it again. I see nothing else for Shelton to do. He's not going to become WWE Champion soon or maybe ever, unless his mic skills get better.
The fact that they've recently placed Benjamin in a couple of matches with The Undertaker can only mean good things for Shelton. If you've noticed the way Taker's working with him it shows that WWE are pretty confident with Benjamin in the ring and with his loyalty to the company outside of the ring. They may even be priming the guy to end Takers undefeated Wrestlemania streak??
They may even be priming the guy to end Takers undefeated Wrestlemania streak??

Wow yeah, what a great idea. you can have Benjamin, who we all know is THE BESTEST WRESTLER EVA take the streak from the undertaker...it would push him so so much that he would be instantly put in the HOF AND would have a main title match that night. he would go down as the greatest ever ever ever.

Or we have some sort of sense and realise the guy has done nothing of worth for quite some time, wake up and realise the guy has wasted push opportunity after push opportunity after push opportunity. Wake up and realise he's pretty dull. wake up and realise that if it wasn't for his fake momma, he'd be no where near over. Wake up and realise he's fairly average AT BEST!
The fact that they've recently placed Benjamin in a couple of matches with The Undertaker can only mean good things for Shelton. If you've noticed the way Taker's working with him it shows that WWE are pretty confident with Benjamin in the ring and with his loyalty to the company outside of the ring. They may even be priming the guy to end Takers undefeated Wrestlemania streak??

I doubt they're trying to set Benjamin up to end the streak. However, the matches he's had with the Undertaker have consistently been back and forth, allowing Benjamin to actually look good. He lost both matches, but he came out looking very strong. That's a proper way of beating someone but still putting them over, similar to how the Undertaker allowed Jeff Hardy to come within inches of beating him back in that ladder match. Someone should watch that and learn (cough*HHH*cough) lol.

So if the WWE is keeping the US title on Benjamin and they've had two opportunities now to hotshot the belt onto a face just to get it off of him (R-Truth and Gregory Helms), but chose to stick with Shelton, and now they're putting him in matches with the Undertaker, maybe the improvements he's been showing is giving them the idea of actually pushing Shelton now towards the upper midcard. This year we're looking at most likely a heel winning the Money in the Bank, with Morrison being one of the top candidates, but Shelton is inching towards that spot as well. It seems like Shelton's had more confidence lately and if he continues to improve, he could be tapping into that potential that we all know he has. These matches he's had with Taker are an example of that, as both have been excellent and are helping him come off as a legitimate superstar.

We'll see, but this might be the testing grounds of him possibly breaking out into the main event scene by this time next year.

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