What's Next For Santino

Having Santino lose the title was a great move. Especially losing it to Umaga. It actually brings some value back to the title. I'd have Umaga keep it for a while and in a couple months have Umaga feud with someone like king booker or kennedy. Having some of the bigger names feud for the title would bring respect back to the title. I'd like to see Umaga, Kennedy, Booker, Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Hass, and Carlito all contending for the I.C title.
i'm guessing heat. I'm really not inmpressed with his wrestling skills, but then again it's hard to look good against umaga. if he stays on raw, i can definately see something with carlito... which still doesn't interest me. i just hope maria doesn't disappear with him
i think they should release him definately and as soon as possible he hoogs the ic title contension instead of better guys like shelton benjamin or jeff hardy or mr kennedy
Why release him? i dont think we really have seen what this guy has,as they keep burying every damn night to Umaga.I think the way he was brought in was stupid especially having him win the IC title as a fan...i know they were in Italy and all but they really didnt have to rush the title on the guy..I still think they should have him turn on Maria and the fans and go heel cause from what ive read he was a really good heel in OVW so why not give it a shot..i think starting this week we will really see where the are gonna go with him..more than likely he will start a fued with Regal over Maria i wouldnt mind it maybe Regal can put on a decent match with him...imo if hes stays on RAW then hes not gonna get anywhere but Heat or eventually sent back to ovw or whatever it is these days..but if he stays on Raw im guessing he goes nowhere
i have saved a very special place where santino can go is is they incredible Ohio Valley WRESTLING O.V.W i also belive john cena shouls go there with him, as well as kane
I'm not going to quote,but i will tell tdo2g something.Cena should not be in OVW,and neither should Kane,but you are entitled to your own opinion.Now Santino should go to OVW,either that or change his gimmick so he could actually show of his skills.Now,for everybody who wants to talk about Val Venis,i think he's a great wrestler and deserves a huge push.A absouloutly superb wrestler.But please start a forum on Venis and stop talking about here and i will to.
well Mr serdftey cena has no moves and is a wanabe and but you are entitled to your own opinion. I agree with you about kane i was joking in my last post, i think that cena and eugene would make a great tag team on smackdown but they will only be good at jobbing. I see no gold in thier futures and cena should just act like a ****** because it will do him alot more good than where he is now and it wouldnt hurt if he had more than 4 moves. Really santino should work on heat and change his gimmick untill he is called up for the big time. Speaking of cena i think a returning scott hall would not be good for him but good for fans because cena cant get carried by scott hall because he is too unfit. I will not be surprised if cena cries after scott hall throws a tooth pick at his face.
Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Apparently the push Santino Marella is over, and he is said to be on the endangered list.

Well from what i read here it looks like Santino will be heading back to OVW sooner rather than later. I cant blame them at all as his gimmick has not goten over and well his in ring stuff hasnt been that good. I know he has had to work with Masters and Umaga, but still they could have been better. Only reason people any care to see him is that will see Maria so heres to hoping he goes back OVW
I expect Santino Marella to be a consistent jobber to whomever he faces on Raw for the next period of time. Then he'll end up on Heat where he will continue in the same role, with a few occasional appearances on Raw to give Sandman some practice with his aim with the cane. Finally he'll either be released or sent back to OVW for an extended period of time so that he can actually learn how to wrestle in the WWE.

Terrible gimmick. Should never have been given the IC belt as a randomly chosen "fan." Average wrestling skills at best. Hopefully upon his return it will be a fresh start on Smackdown with a new gimmick, this Italian face thing is not cutting it at all.

His only other possible saving thing may be a heel turn immediately. Enter Maria. Have Maria be all over him, then he attacks her and achieves instant heel status (see Torrie Wilson and Carlito). As a sudden heel, his gimmick gradually changes, his wrestling style does too, and he may be able to survive.

Otherwise he's destined for an extended stay in OVW, or even worse, he'll end up in the WWE reject organization known as TNA.
Well, good riddance to bad rubbish. Honestly, he maybe one of the few people in the history of the WWE to be given the IC title, and gain zero credibility with the fans. Hot shot angles don't fucking work, they haven't worked and they won't work. Scratch this one up to creative laziness and move along.
I like Santino but he just isnt Ready for the Raw roster he should go back down to OVW and improve this ring skills then come back and have a big heel Gimmick, maybe have a couple of big Triple Threat matches against Regal and Super Crazy
I think I can see a heel turn in the very near future for Santino. If Raw was any indication that Santino will do w/e it takes for Maria to win then we may see a full blown heel turn in a last desperate attempt to keep him on the show. Otherwise We'll probably only see him for a short time longer.
It's about time. His theme music is the most anyoying thing I have ever heard. Hopefully he just continues to be Maria's valet until he goes back to OVW.
There's a few options for Santino, I think, that they'll be deciding over:

1. Unsuccessful run as a heel. They'll try to do the reverse, as they started by trying to make him the underdog that everyone should root for, but then they'll change him to the guy everyone should root against, but nobody will care enough cause the guy isn't threatening.

2. He goes back to OVW and either learns more or fades into nothingness.

3. He goes to ECW, which we all know is the training grounds out of the three. There, he's on the level of Nunzio basically. Fans see countless house shows where the two go against each other and we all argue whether or not either could be interesting enough not to be labeled "the bathroom break".

4. They keep trying to push him over and over and over and don't listen to the fans at all.
For the next few weeks he will probably help maria win some matchers, then he will get shipped back to OVW or wwe could put him on ECW where he could team with nunzio. FBI maybe? If not then he could work as a heel on ecw.
Well from the looks of things now. It looks like Santino is getting the boot back to OVW soon. Good idea hes not ready and it was bullshit for him to be brought up and given the IC title that fast. He will be sticking around for awhile right by Maria's side and jobbing weekly RAW for awhile. The fans don't give a damn about him anyway..His gimmick is lame and isn't getting over they only cheer for Maria and could give a damn about him

Only thing that would save him right now is a heel turn on Maria and the fans for not taking him seriously.He's always complaining about how fans see him as a nobody and not championship worthy. If he turned heel..He would get extreme heat as everyone pretty much hates him anyway and loves Maria... IMO it would be a great idea, but no heel turn equals no more Santino because he is nothing as a face and its noticeable

His wrestling I can't really comment on. We really haven't got to see what he can do in the ring because hes either being squashed by Umaga or winning with some sneak pin. I'm not really sure what the hell happened with Regal as it seemed they were teasing a feud between the two over Maria. Guess that's out the window. I was hoping Regal could pull a decent match out of Santino but I guess its not going to happen since he lost the IC title

Things aren't looking good right now but I still see him sticking around awhile before he either gets released or sent back to OVW but things aren't working out now and better change quickly..
Perhaps an OVW or ECW jump might be in order here, considering it is where wrestlers go to sort of 'build up to main event status'. From ECW, he can go to Smackdown and battle for the Cruiserweight Division, maybe get a tag title run with someone like Chavo, Rey, or perhaps even Hornswoggle! :-/
I don't see Raw as the place for Santino Marella at the moment, but he does have storyline potential with Maria.
According to Wrestlezones Raw updates it seems Santino has caused some major shit tonight and has been sent home along with Torrie Wilson?

Now i aint watching the show myself right now so im unsure if this has anything to do with a storyline or not but its certainly interesting.
Did anyone else feel like the whole reason for his "actions" on Raw tonight and the subsequent Umaga squash was punishment for how he's sucked lately? To me, it came across as that they wanted to humiliate him and embarrass him even more than he's done himself (which is amazing, haha) because of his failure to gain any respect from the fans.
Did anyone else feel like the whole reason for his "actions" on Raw tonight and the subsequent Umaga squash was punishment for how he's sucked lately? To me, it came across as that they wanted to humiliate him and embarrass him even more than he's done himself (which is amazing, haha) because of his failure to gain any respect from the fans.

punishment is how you will kill him of and he will end of in a short stint with tna and then now and then be jobber for wwe and tna or I hope he goes to roh and and does a new jersey gimmick or i hope he turns heel bye turning on maria and start a relationship with melena or beth phenox (Jillian hall) or start a tag team with nuntho and restart they fbi and become the ecw tag champs or get a gimmick were he hates being italin and and start a heel tag team with all the heel usa wrestler or give him a shocking victory againts mvp and the lose then demand a rematch and fight mvp in a title vs. carrer match and lose then come back in a mask and get demolishes by kane and leave and start a short stint in ovw statin that the wwe hates itlains and gets all the italinn wrestlers and wwe fires him (Kayfabe) and he never comes back or they let him stay in the storyline his is in right now the fire him or go to roh and become their champion then lose it to somebody then start a independend tore and go undeafed for a wile and gain 200 pounds and come to tna and feud with samoa joe for the tna world title bot to every wons suprise let joe lose the title to angle and let santi win the x divion title and the tag team with joe and the jaoeanese title that tna is in relashionship with and let kurt win the roh title and tag team and bring back pure wrestling chbapionship and merge it with the ctusiewet champioship sorry for the spelling and let santino win a bunch of non exisents title just to bulid it up and let him even beat sting for some made up title and let him lose to kurt in a 80 minite heart breaker or get realesed go to mexico in a mask and lose to mistico r become a heat enouncer or become a extreme hardcore superstar theat dominates john morrison and wines the ecw world title and the lose to rvd in rvds last ecw match then lose in the first round for the title and go to that ivw in florida i think fcw and then get realesed and rival with rvd in roh and get his butt kicked then job arond the world but get somed upset victorys over rko carlito ken kennedy then become a active heat person and lose all the time or gust leave i hate him and i hope he gets realesad and go as for as possible hofilly anartica and he can beat the pangwins for the acw or the awf or aww or aew and die
i hope he turns heel bye turning on maria and start a relationship with melena or beth phenox (Jillian hall)

Not to step on your toes, but you do fully realize that Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall are two totally different females?? While they both may have the worst faces for divas to have.. they are still, not the same woman.

NOW THEN.. I personally loved Santino tonight. I think having him turn heel would be the best thing for him. (Although Umaga as a face is hard to see as well) To me, how you gage a decent wrestler is based on a few things. 1. Their overall wrestling skill, 2. Their overall look, (outfit-wise.. black trunks don't work for everyone) & 3. Their overall character.

Santino has NO finishing move, at least none that I've seen. Its about as horrible as WWE's first couple of monthes with Carlito using cheating moves, or sneaky roll-ups to get the win. Santino has only used "sudden pinning" moves.

His tights are also horrible. Give him some of his country colors, or something. I mean.. come on.. he's from Italy, right? I thought they were world renoun for clothing designs?! I'm begging for something other than plain & ugly. I think his character should turn stalker-ish.. with him ultimately putting Maria's face on his crotch.. now THAT would be awesome.. hahahaha Rick Rude would be rolling right about then.
Hahaha. As odd as that stalker angle sounds, I kind of have to agree with you on that. It would at least be interesting to see. He already acts like a fool with that fake accent and stuff. "With-a-my-a-Maria!"
Hey, NoFate, thanks for agreeing.. but I have to admit, the main reason I laughed so hard last night (besides knowing he was going to get destroyed by the now apparent FACE version of Umaga?!?!) was his accent.

My all-time favorite *new* line was him from last night, when Umaga's music hit. "What'a the hell is that'a?!"

Apparently he's been beaten so much by Umaga he's either forgotten the theme music, or he's tried hard to surpress it.. hahahaha
i see him turning on maria and the new babyface umaga lmao coming to her aid which will lead to a hanicap match at ss umaga and maria vs santino...lmfao umaga=babyface?
Its off topic, a little, but I can't believe Umaga is being considered a baby-face. Talk about character-killer. The samoan-bulldozer is now the samoan puppy dog.

And I wanted SO badly to like Santino when he was first brought in as a fan who realized his dream.. but WWE is getting stupid with bringing people up & turning them into huge stars, before they're ready.. Santino, CODY aka Lispy RHODES, the Major Brothers...

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